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Koh Tao murders: Police chief reconfirms Myanmar migrant workers are real suspects


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RTP Police confirms they are real scapegoat suspects.

Over 40,000 people already signed the petition to Independently investigate the horrific murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller


Target 50,000! Go go go

I hope the P.M is reading this petition and gets the army to investigate also of how this investigation has gone from the start with suspects and general practioners on the crime scene.

Please PM look into these families that control the island people are concerned and rightfully so 40000,00 signatures in a couple of days should be concerning to your government.

The PM has already publicly praised the RTP for a job well done.

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Just a minute.... Now her phone was found outside the window again? i thought her friend handed it to the police... theres a photo AND a video of her doing this!!!!!!!!!!

What about reading recent articles before getting back some ridiculous rumors ?

Look at the pictures and the videos from the police.

If you can't see the difference between a Pink phone and a Black phone...

It doesn't matter how ridiculous this conspiracy theories are, this is how they work ... Ignore and discount facts you don't like and then focus on tiny bits of partial or incorrect information and keep repeating it until other uninformed join and then stick and keep listening to the pack so you can ignore anyone pointing out the rational facts and how highly implausible the conspiracy theory is.

The vast majority of these claims have are less credible than Elvis being alive and living on the sound stage where they faked the moon landings.

Yes police do bad things and yes some Thai people have murdered and yes rich people can get away with things others cannot. None of these take away the fact this is a mountain of evidence against these guys and the DNA can be reconfirmed. There is no rational reason to believe a rich Thai was involved in this and while it possible and even likely the police acted improperly at times during this investigation it doesn't change the fact they have the right guys to file their case.

Some people finally seem to be indicating these are the right guys but are now saying others involved. At least this is a step in the right direction of letting logic instead of emotion guide you.

Jimmy Savil

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Sorry I was having a RTP moment.

"A team of lawyers has been sent to help the two migrant Myanmar workers being charged with murdering two British tourists and raping one of them on Koh Tao, a prominent activist for the rights of migrant workers said yesterday. - See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/asia/koh-tao-murders-rights-group-arranges-lawyers-myanmar-suspects#sthash.tMIBWvX4.dpuf"

So that would have been yesterday. And those two kids who the cops have said today, told the lawyers they did it. Those same lawyers 2 hours later have said the kids told them they didn't do it and were threatened with being electrocuted if they didn't admit it.

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If anyone is looking for smoking guns, then the best ones are the ridiculous statements officials are now pumping out by the hour PLUS the threats to sue anyone who implies foul play.

Apart from the fact that the statement "these are real suspects" does not mean anything (anyone can be a real suspect, but is he a real culprit?), some of the statements made in front of press contradict each other, putting all the lies out in the open for everyone to see, like "confessions were made in presence of their lawyer" while another statement was that they did not want a lawyer because they chose to confess... The phone story changes by the hour as well - it was Hannah's, no David's phone, no I think Hannah's no wait - it was David's, or Hannah's or Santa's? Hhhhmmm, whatever!

If they had nothing to hide and everything would be as transparent as they say, they would agree to a proper press conference with guaranteed immunity of the uncomfortable questions asking reporters as well as an invitation to British CSI experts to reevaluate the evidence. But instead there are threats being hissed at anyone who insists to use his right of free speech. Important questions that have nothing to do with conspiracy theories but are just common sense, such as "Where is Sean and why isn't he being detained and interrogated?", "Why the silence about the shallow stab wounds in David's head, most likely originating from a push dagger and the fact that the assailant must have been a taller than average left hander?" remain unanswered. Instead, we hear threats, senseless babble in front of cameras and shallow excuses...

The time to reestablish trust has run out. Officials can spit as many threats into the faces of the public, but one thing is sure - this one, single case and the f##kups made during the investigation have damaged Thailand's as well as the RTP's reputation amongst Thais AND foreigners to the core and forever! It's not the doubters and truth seekers who have damaged it, but the RTP itself! Why? Because trustworthy, honest enforcer of the law with heart and soul would not look the other way and blurt out threats at concerned citizens, because that is what bullies do!

Great post - sums up how many of us feel!! push dagger anyone? must have DNA on it - look at photos for who to check

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This is building momentum now, the telegraph has written an article now saying that the Burmese guys could ne scapegoats and that the RTP's conduct in the case has been questionable at best.

Keep it going people the petition was at 36000 last time I checked

I contacted Tom Phillips from the Telegraph on Sunday and exchanged a few emails with him. I'm so glad they've published an article, and a very well written one at that. This will put questions into a huge audience here in the UK who may not have been following events. Hopefully other news agencies will follow suit.

Well done,it's a shame more of us don't have such contacts

He isn't a contact, I just found his email address on his Twitter profile. I contacted a number of other journalists too and suggested on another thread that others might like to do the same.

Great idea,have never used twitter,every little helps.

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What about reading recent articles before getting back some ridiculous rumors ?

Look at the pictures and the videos from the police.

If you can't see the difference between a Pink phone and a Black phone...

RUBBISH!!!!!!!!!! youre visually impaired - the phone is pruple or pink in a brown leather case - use your eyes instead of your fingers!! If the police are saying hannahs phone found behind the buidlding in the bush is BLACK they are not telling the truth. Do some research before you answer other peoples post - look at the video of her phone in the bar early that night and the one her friend was handing over.

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The glaring elephant in the room is the 3rd DNA found on Hannas body confirmed by the pathologist, meaning at least 1 other is involved.

You are wrong. He never said or confirmed that.

See http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/766270-police-clarify-koh-tao-victims-cellphone-planting/?p=8498751

Actually im not, the Cigarette is separate, watch again, a total of 3 DNA were found on Hannahs body C found on an outside part of her body none of which are Davids.

Also the condom possibly did have something but was so badly contaminated nothing could be isolated.

Its NOT just 2 poor drunken hobbits.

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I apologise for throwing more wild speculation into the mix, but this 3rd burmese guy had me scratching my head last night. It doesn't sit right in the scheme of things, so I started thinking (which is often dangerous tongue.png)...

Could it be that suspects 1 & 2 are being led to believe that their friend will be killed if they don't cooperate?

That led to my next question...would 1 & 2 really accept a death sentence for a crime they didn't commit just to spare their friend? Hmmm, that would be very honourable, but probably unlikely.

So, could it be that they have been coerced into 'confessing' in a bargaining deal - they'll get jail time (not a death penalty) and their friend lives. The alternative is, they don't confess and their friend is cut up into little pieces and dumped at sea...

Just a theory of course.

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Just a minute.... Now her phone was found outside the window again? i thought her friend handed it to the police... theres a photo AND a video of her doing this!!!!!!!!!!

What about reading recent articles before getting back some ridiculous rumors ?

Look at the pictures and the videos from the police.

If you can't see the difference between a Pink phone and a Black phone...

It doesn't matter how ridiculous this conspiracy theories are, this is how they work ... Ignore and discount facts you don't like and then focus on tiny bits of partial or incorrect information and keep repeating it until other uninformed join and then stick and keep listening to the pack so you can ignore anyone pointing out the rational facts and how highly implausible the conspiracy theory is.

The vast majority of these claims have are less credible than Elvis being alive and living on the sound stage where they faked the moon landings.

Yes police do bad things and yes some Thai people have murdered and yes rich people can get away with things others cannot. None of these take away the fact this is a mountain of evidence against these guys and the DNA can be reconfirmed. There is no rational reason to believe a rich Thai was involved in this and while it possible and even likely the police acted improperly at times during this investigation it doesn't change the fact they have the right guys to file their case.

Some people finally seem to be indicating these are the right guys but are now saying others involved. At least this is a step in the right direction of letting logic instead of emotion guide you.

isnt that what YOU are doing to back up police mumbo jumbo - people dont want conspiracy theories - they want the Thai police to TELL THE TRUTH!!! You never answer ANY of people concerns JTJ you just intimidate people with genuine questions - what about the stab wounds what about the taxi driver who was threatened by police what about the two thugs that chased sean Mc Anna - you and the police will never intimidate people by calling them names untill the TRUTH is known - by the way that was TRUTH - a new word for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by love1012
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Just a minute.... Now her phone was found outside the window again? i thought her friend handed it to the police... theres a photo AND a video of her doing this!!!!!!!!!!

What about reading recent articles before getting back some ridiculous rumors ?

Look at the pictures and the videos from the police.

If you can't see the difference between a Pink phone and a Black phone...

It doesn't matter how ridiculous this conspiracy theories are, this is how they work ... Ignore and discount facts you don't like and then focus on tiny bits of partial or incorrect information and keep repeating it until other uninformed join and then stick and keep listening to the pack so you can ignore anyone pointing out the rational facts and how highly implausible the conspiracy theory is.

The vast majority of these claims have are less credible than Elvis being alive and living on the sound stage where they faked the moon landings.

Yes police do bad things and yes some Thai people have murdered and yes rich people can get away with things others cannot. None of these take away the fact this is a mountain of evidence against these guys and the DNA can be reconfirmed. There is no rational reason to believe a rich Thai was involved in this and while it possible and even likely the police acted improperly at times during this investigation it doesn't change the fact they have the right guys to file their case.

Some people finally seem to be indicating these are the right guys but are now saying others involved. At least this is a step in the right direction of letting logic instead of emotion guide you.

I still strongly maintain the DNA trail which appears to implicate the Burmese is faulty and purposefully skewed in order to frame. I will continue to call for independent verification. If you want to believe the cops are honest and above reproach, that's your choice. There are reams of inconsistencies, missed clues, fabrications, obfuscations, omissions, mistakes, and tampering in this case, all perpetrated either by the investigators and/or the Headman's strong influence (for obvious reasons). Just looking at on facet: the murder weapons - the mistakes by investigators are incredible.

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Prove it by sending the DNA outside of Thailand for independent testing. All other evidence can be planted or otherwise interfered with, while confessions can be easily extracted.

Regarding the DNA testing, it was done in Singapore.

Most if not all the DNA testing was confirmed done by RTP Forensics. Do we have any confirmation that the brief early idea of sharing some of it with an unnamed Singapore lab (after rejecting the FBI idea) was actually implemented?

On 20 Sep, police said they would seek FBI help with DNA in order to determine race. On the same day, they then said that "forensic doctors" had determined the DNA was Asian and the FBI was not needed. Singapore not mentioned. On 21 Sep, there was another news story that some DNA would be sent to Singapore to get at skin colour and hair colour. Did we hear back?

In any event, the DNA found in/on (sorry) the victim is only part A of a match. Part B is from the suspects. One or two of them were photographed in the very early DNA testing queue on the island. Naturally they were early DNA targets, because after moving on from Miller's mates the police were focused on Burmese and any that worked at the vital bar would have been top priority. Somehow their DNA, whether it was tested in Thailand or Singapore was not matched then. Now it has apparently been matched but do we know that the test or the match was done in Singapore?

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The glaring elephant in the room is the 3rd DNA found on Hannas body confirmed by the pathologist, meaning at least 1 other is involved.

You are wrong. He never said or confirmed that.

See http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/766270-police-clarify-koh-tao-victims-cellphone-planting/?p=8498751

Actually im not, the Cigarette is separate, watch again, a total of 3 DNA were found on Hannahs body C found on an outside part of her body none of which are Davids.

Also the condom possibly did have something but was so badly contaminated nothing could be isolated.

Its NOT just 2 poor drunken hobbits.

It appears the victims were drinking that night but missed reports that the two suspects were drunk. Do you have a link to this or just speculation again stated as fact by you?

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Prove it by sending the DNA outside of Thailand for independent testing. All other evidence can be planted or otherwise interfered with, while confessions can be easily extracted.

Regarding the DNA testing, it was done in Singapore.

The initial tests, yes, but the others were done by the police forensics unit in Thailand.

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This is building momentum now, the telegraph has written an article now saying that the Burmese guys could ne scapegoats and that the RTP's conduct in the case has been questionable at best.

Keep it going people the petition was at 36000 last time I checked

I contacted Tom Phillips from the Telegraph on Sunday and exchanged a few emails with him. I'm so glad they've published an article, and a very well written one at that. This will put questions into a huge audience here in the UK who may not have been following events. Hopefully other news agencies will follow suit.

Well done,it's a shame more of us don't have such contacts

He isn't a contact, I just found his email address on his Twitter profile. I contacted a number of other journalists too and suggested on another thread that others might like to do the same.


Great work. Keep it up please. This can not be allowed to go cold in the UK.

Are the government saying anything?



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That is good then....But what happened to this guy...why was he asked to hang himself by Mon and Mons Copper Friend ??? and why is Mon taken pic of hin in the Minimart ???

Where the hell did this come from?!

It was posted on the CSI LA page this morning - not sure where it ultimately came from.

I know it's just one photo, but that looks like a pretty concerned/scared face to me.

It looks like a desperate attention seeking drugged up guy.

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If anyone is looking for smoking guns, then the best ones are the ridiculous statements officials are now pumping out by the hour PLUS the threats to sue anyone who implies foul play.

Apart from the fact that the statement "these are real suspects" does not mean anything (anyone can be a real suspect, but is he a real culprit?), some of the statements made in front of press contradict each other, putting all the contradictions are out in the open for everyone to see, like "confessions were made in presence of their lawyer" while another statement was that they did not want a lawyer because they chose to confess... The phone story changes by the hour as well - it was Hannah's, no David's phone, no I think Hannah's no wait - it was David's, or Hannah's or Santa's? Hhhhmmm, whatever!

If they had nothing to hide and everything would be as transparent as they say, they would agree to a proper press conference with guaranteed immunity of the uncomfortable questions asking reporters as well as an invitation to British CSI experts to reevaluate the evidence. But instead there are threats being hissed at anyone who insists to use his right of free speech. Important questions that have nothing to do with conspiracy theories but are just common sense, such as "Where is Sean and why isn't he being detained and interrogated?", "Why the silence about the shallow stab wounds in David's head, most likely originating from a push dagger and the fact that the assailant must have been a taller than average left hander?" remain unanswered. Instead, threats, senseless babble in front of cameras and shallow excuses...

The time to reestablish trust has run out. Officials can spit as many threats into the faces of the public, but one thing is sure - this one, single case and the f##kups made during the investigation have damaged Thailand's as well as the RTP's reputation amongst Thais AND foreigners to the core and forever! It's not the doubters and truth seekers who have damaged it, but the RTP itself! Why? Because trustworthy, honest enforcer of the law with heart and soul would not look the other way and blurt out threats at concerned citizens, because that is what bullies do!

Here here!

Where? Where?

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Actually im not, the Cigarette is separate, watch again, a total of 3 DNA were found on Hannahs body C found on an outside part of her body none of which are Davids.

Also the condom possibly did have something but was so badly contaminated nothing could be isolated.

Its NOT just 2 poor drunken hobbits.

It appears the victims were drinking that night but missed reports that the two suspects were drunk. Do you have a link to this or just speculation again stated as fact by you?

“Lawyer Aung Myo Thant said the pair, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, from the Arakanese town of Kyaukphyu, told a Burmese embassy legal team they had murdered English tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller by bludgeoning them to death with a hoe on 15 September. However, he said, their stories were ‘somewhat inconsistent’ and ‘their faces portrayed fear’.(DVB)

“From what we have learned, there are inconsistencies with both the forensic report and evidence provided in the case,” Aung Myo Thant DVB is reporting. “The defendants kept repeating that they were very drunk that night. Based on what we have been told, it seems to us like this case is a set-up and not based on hard facts.

You can find links of the Lawyers statements everywhere wink.png

Would you like more ?

Aung Myo Thant, a Burmese lawyer who is part of a legal team sent by the Burmese Embassy in Bangkok to represent the accused, told The Irrawaddy that Win Zaw Htun was assaulted and threatened after refusing to confess to the murders during a police interrogation. “He didn’t confess when he was in the investigation center,” Aung Myo Thant said. “A police officer hit the side of his face and the interpreter also hit him four times. Then police threatened to electrocute them [the suspects] and said that no worse thing would happen to them if they confessed. So, they finally confessed as they saw no hope.”

The lawyer said Win Zaw Htun had asked him to “please protect us in accordance with the law.” Aung Myo Thant said the migrants signed a power of attorney document over to the embassy’s legal team, allowing it to represent the accused men in court.

Thai authorities denied a request by the Burmese legal team to meet with another Burmese migrant Maung Maung, who is being held by Thai police as a witness. “Police told us Maung Maung is not a criminal. They are keeping him to be a witness and provide testimony to the prosecutor. So, they can’t let us meet him. They told us they are keeping him at a hotel,” said Aung Myo Thant. There were unconfirmed reports stating that Maung Maung, who is a friend of the two suspects, was also badly beaten by Thai police.

The Thai National Human Rights Commission has reported on PBS that the two Burmese said they were 'tortuted' and lawyers for Myanmar Migrant Workers/ Cross Cultural Federation are reporting similar claims.

So hows the RTP halo looking now ? whistling.gif

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'and the confession of the suspects at the presence of their lawyers'.

Is this the same guy who said they didn't have a lawyer because they didnt ask for one ?

Just how many more times are they going to cock up.

Oh and since when does some bushes outside of some ones window count as their possession.

why can't they stay on script?

Didn't the end of last week an NGO confirm they sent /sending the suspects lawyers? Is it possible and likely the lawyers have since talked to the suspects and police?

"Aung Myo Thant, a Burmese lawyer who is part of a legal team sent by the Burmese Embassy in Bangkok to represent the accused, told The Irrawaddy that Win Zaw Htun was assaulted and threatened after refusing to confess to the murders during a police interrogation.

“He didn’t confess when he was in the investigation center,” Aung Myo Thant said. “A police officer hit the side of his face and the interpreter also hit him four times. Then police threatened to electrocute them [the suspects] and said that no worse thing would happen to them if they confessed. So, they finally confessed as they saw no hope.”

The lawyer said Win Zaw Htun had asked him to “please protect us in accordance with the law.” Aung Myo Thant said the migrants signed a power of attorney document over to the embassy’s legal team, allowing it to represent the accused men in court.

Thai authorities denied a request by the Burmese legal team to meet with another Burmese migrant Maung Maung, who is being held by Thai police as a witness.

“Police told us Maung Maung is not a criminal. They are keeping him to be a witness and provide testimony to the prosecutor. So, they can’t let us meet him. They told us they are keeping him at a hotel,” said Aung Myo Thant. There were unconfirmed reports stating that Maung Maung, who is a friend of the two suspects, was also badly beaten by Thai police."

From today's article on http://www.irrawaddy.org/burma/burmese-suspects-koh-tao-murders-tortured-interrogation-lawyer.html

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

And why should we not believe the words of a highranking, hardworking and non-corrupt Thai policeofficer??cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif> cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif>

They for sure are the real suspects. But did they actually did the crime. I hope they do not commit suicide in while in custody

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when they realised, this wasnt a westerner ("no thai could do this"), all tests were done inhouse.

they then started to test migrant workers like crazy.

strange, that they missed the 9 soccar players at all.

when storming the soccer field,

3 of the 9 escaped

from the remaining 6 players caught

3 were the exact DNA hits...


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It appears the victims were drinking that night but missed reports that the two suspects were drunk. Do you have a link to this or just speculation again stated as fact by you?

“Lawyer Aung Myo Thant said the pair, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, from the Arakanese town of Kyaukphyu, told a Burmese embassy legal team they had murdered English tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller by bludgeoning them to death with a hoe on 15 September. However, he said, their stories were ‘somewhat inconsistent’ and ‘their faces portrayed fear’.(DVB)

“From what we have learned, there are inconsistencies with both the forensic report and evidence provided in the case,” Aung Myo Thant DVB is reporting. “The defendants kept repeating that they were very drunk that night. Based on what we have been told, it seems to us like this case is a set-up and not based on hard facts.

You can find links of the Lawyers statements everywhere wink.png

So when the suspects say they were very drunk that night you believe them, but when they say in the very same interview that they killed the victims that same time you say they are liars ?

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After the confessions the police chief said that the suspects can have lawyers, if they want them, but didn't mention at that time they were provided with lawyers before and during their confessions, as is implied here. The police declined to show the lawyers with the Burmese embassy team that visited the suspects in Samui the evidence on the grounds that it was incomplete, even though they have announced they have already forwarded the file to the attorney general's office. I wonder what type of lawyer would advise his client to confess as soon as he is arrested and before the police have even finished collecting the evidence against him. Doesn't really soon much of winning strategy. The most effective approach would have been to take the fifth and hope the police case fails or at least wait till the police have finished collating the evidence.

If lawyers had travelled to Koh Tao to represent the suspects, you would have thought they would have stayed around for the re-enactment that took place the next day. More likely the only help they got during the confessions was from the Burmese banana/ nutella pancake man and his friend who apparently acted as interpretors and puppeteers during the re-enactment.


Since working as a pancake vendor in roadside stall is not one of the jobs that workers from neighbouring countries are permitted to perform, one can only assume that the pancake vendor (and his colleague), like the two suspects, is an illegal alien, which would give him limited bargaining power with police. One also wonders if he and his mate are university trained Burmese-Thai legal interpretors with university level written Thai who just prefer to make a living selling pancakes by the side of the road. Otherwise, it would be difficult to argue that the suspects understood what they were confessing.

Edited by Dogmatix
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