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Universal doubts cloud 'perfect' Koh Tao murder investigation


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Geez maybe if these two had a lawyer in the first place, like during the interrogation and confession, this might not be so dramatic.

Oh yeh thats right the Thai police say they didnt ask for one (in Thai)

Edited by dcutman
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UK Rules--you often suggest that the UK Government 'should' do XYZ--but, as we all know, this is very unlikely--Cameron has enough on his plate with ISIS, UKIP, and other anagrams and really--does he have the balls? The UK Police are about as likely to get involved as Deputy Dawg.

Perhaps England is involved but laying low until crunch time eh...thumbsup.gif

This is what Im thinking , surely Sean and friends of Hannah and David have spoke to UK police

and like a genuine police force there is no need to spout any details off to the general public

how it should be done

Edited by littlebw
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How come we only get articles like this from 'Coconuts BKK'--surely, if the Burmese have recanted their confessions then major news syndicates would be running the story?

And this one today--where are the big Media players?

They are running the story. Telegraph, Mirror, Independent, New York Daily News, Mail, Guardian etc etc etc.

Not sure what your point is- that the Coconuts Bkk article is inaccurate? Or that you'd rather read an article on it from a different source..?

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How come we only get articles like this from 'Coconuts BKK'--surely, if the Burmese have recanted their confessions then major news syndicates would be running the story?

And this one today--where are the big Media players?

They are running the story. Telegraph, Mirror, Independent, New York Daily News, Mail, Guardian etc etc etc.

Not sure what your point is- that the Coconuts Bkk article is inaccurate? Or that you'd rather read an article on it from a different source..?

I wasn't aware that the papers that you mention have printed that the boys have recanted their confessions-yes, those papers have more clout.
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I think it is only natural and right that this allegedly "perfect job" is being scrutinized and criticized by the public following all these inconsistencies and bizarre tales described in the OP. After all, no-one should be allowed to play with the lives of two people if there is even the slightest chance they may not be guilty of this horrendous crime.

I suppose that even the families and relatives of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge would not like to see a couple of scapegoats going to the gallows while the real culprits possibly still remain at large - or are perhaps even protected by some influential parties, as has been alleged more than once.

The RTP can at this point plead as much as they want how "perfect" this investigation has allegedly been, but a large proportion of the public both locally and abroad simply doesn't buy it. The RTP has nobody to blame but themselves for this situation, because in the past they have shown again and again what an incompetent, corrupt lot they are; nothing short of worthy of the Keystone Cops, actually.

That this latest case seemingly has been botched up once more only proves to the public that nothing has been learned from similarly botched-up cases in the past and that nothing has improved in terms of the RTP's investigative professionalism. THAT is why the public is suspicious. THAT is why the public demands transparency and honest answers. And THAT is why the public has the right to criticize and scrutinize.

And the RTPs stubborn refusal to permit an independent investigation and re-examination of evidence does not exactly help to remedy the current situation either, does it?

The police may have nailed down DNA evidence this time, even though they were unable to get a match the first time they checked samples from the suspects. But their case still depends on the suspects' confession, since the police will be unable to satisfactorily explain in court exactly what happened with all the discrepancies in their evidence.

It is very important that the suspects withdraw their confession and plead not guilty. The downside to them is no different is they lose. No deal from the police to spare them the death sentence can be honoured by the court. But they will not be executed for fear of bad relations with Burma. If they plead not guilty, decent lawyers would have a sporting chance of getting them off with only the illegal entry and work permit offences sticking. That's a fee trip to the Ranong crossing point. Change names, get new ID cards and passports and they could come back to Thailand as legal workers. The Thai authorities don't seem to know their real names anyway as they quote different names every time, all of which are different from the names quoted by the Burmese lawyer.

The police didn't take their DNA before they were detained, they lived outside the zone for testing in the first round.
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What as come out of this report that has not been said before (that I have seen ) is that the 2 "Suspects" do not speak Thai.

I suspected this all along and it begs the question : Did they really understand what was going on when they were arrested and taken to a safe house to be interrogated for however long it was ?

It is said that a Rohinga was used as a translator but I cant believe that one translator was with both of them, probably separated, throughout the whole interrogation.

I didn't see the reenactment but I read from those who did that the pair had to be coached as to where to point and what to do, no translator by the look of it, did they really know what was happening ?

Independent DNA tests are the only way to go and if the police really believe they have the right people why would they refuse ? For if those tests were positive then it would prove beyond doubt they have the right people and vindicate them.

There were two Rohingya interpretors - one for each - and they must both be illegal immigrants too, since the Rohingyas are stateless and a passport is needed to enter and work legally. So they have to do police dirty work, or get deported, and obviously have no qualifications as translators of legal language and could probably not read the confessions in Thai given to the suspects to sign either. In fact they are probably illiterate in Burmese. The Burmese lawyer said he was told by the suspects that at least one of the interpreters joined in the police beatings. One of the 'interpreters' sidelines as a banana pancake salesman as you can see here.


Thai taxpayers should be happy with the BiB for saving taxpayers' money by not flying professionally qualified interpreters down from Bkk. Great, if they could really take their turn at the beatings too and save the police' knuckles.

Edited by Dogmatix
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This is just one of many cases over the decades where the Police have flipped and flopped and rocked from one disaster to another,tainting and destroying the crime scene as they go , if they haven't a Police media unit they should get one , now if they go back to all the B/S spoken about this case and filtered the facts, they would look very ordinary outfit indeed, for instance, the spokesperson said , quote, The DNA indicates that it wasn't an Asian , what the F!!k are you doing releasing these important facts and then bouncing a backward flip and arresting two Burmese workers and shock horror gasp the Burmese officials are satisfied with the grand result, well I'll be F!!!ked.bah.gif

I am not saying it is the two Asians that were chosen, but the first DNA test I heard of was that the DNA was from two Asians.

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How come we only get articles like this from 'Coconuts BKK'--surely, if the Burmese have recanted their confessions then major news syndicates would be running the story?

And this one today--where are the big Media players?

They are running the story. Telegraph, Mirror, Independent, New York Daily News, Mail, Guardian etc etc etc.

Not sure what your point is- that the Coconuts Bkk article is inaccurate? Or that you'd rather read an article on it from a different source..?

It would be nice to read some of these other newspapers online but apparently Big Brother has decided that the little children old enough to read that kind of thing just yet (in Thailand). Get used to it. There will be more censorship here, no less!

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they're trying to tell everyone that these two Myanmar Midgets first overpowered a young, apparently fit European twice their size, killed him, then raped the girl and killed her, oh, after sharing a condom? Plus, they say they used the handle of the hoe on David, but the pictures of David clearly show that a KNIFE, or some type of SHARP BLADED weapon, was used by his attackers. They can not read, write or speak Thai, but they "confessed" to police after an "intensive interrogation" at a supposed "safe house". And by the video of their "reenactment" of the crime, they had to be "directed" by the Thai police as to what they did.

sorry, way too many "inconsistencies" for me.

And so many inconsistencies in your writing too.

- Midgets as you call them can easily kill a farang twice their size , Thais have done that before. especially when they are 3 against one.

. What they actually said does not always reflect what actually happened, they were drunk that night.

- They can not speak good Thai but a Burmese translator was present during the interrogation according to the official statement.

And you last comment about being "directed" by the police , well I've seen the picture and that ridiculous pointing in all directions , but do you really know what the police asked them to do ?

Edited by balo
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Now the burmese have their lawyers perhaps we could start a fund to match the $1 million baht that the head man said he would pay if anyone could prove anyone from his family was involved....

Let's rustle up a million baht and offer it to the heads mans family if they give DNA samples to the UK authorities..All the sons and cousins...not put the samples in a taxi fto Singapore and end up in bkk...Let the uk compare them with the samples they have

If they have nothing to hide they'd jump at it and all this inuendo would vanish...

Then their sweet little Island can return to business as normal, even regain their already lost face and income,

What's worse for a Thai, loss of face or money? Well you have all of the above now..

Would be the perfect call for his disgusting offer of a million to prove his family did it...

The familes DNA holds the key..

why did they not give their dna, it proves guilt or no guilt, unless they are scared the police will use their dna and fit them up, hhmmmmm

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Recent news indicates that, although we were told the British Embassy, or a senior diplomat would attend the meeting, they in fact stayed away and the Myanmar embassy contradicts claims it is "pleased" with the investigation...so, here we have out right lies. Let's see what the PM and police come up with next.

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One of the benefits of the junta (and believe me I`m more accustomed to pointing out the negatives) is that Prayuth can basically act as he wishes in terms of reshuffling police hierarchy and demanding a fair trial. Heads should have rolled and a big show put on to show the world Thai police can actually do a good job.

Instead he came out and said the girl basically deserved it as she was wearing a bikini, (she wasn`t actually but beside the point) whilst others have suggested electronic tagging and charging tourists to visit. Finally we shamefully have 2 innocent Burmese, the most vulnerable group, framed for it when everyone know who did it. The whole thing has been a farce.

In reality the junta is more concerned with whether the RTP hierarchy are loyal to them or Thaksin, and have little concern about their ability to do the job or corruption.

Do what I did ... Leave in protest. I've said this so many times... if significant numbers of expats hit the Had Yai border the world would take notice and maybe change can be effected. Whilst you still financially support such a regime it will continue to flourish.

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NongKhaiKid, on 08 Oct 2014 - 15:11, said:

A ' perfect job ', I wonder what he would call one that had really been botched ?

I think in this case "perfect" refers to the police and National police chief Somyot Poompanmoung believing it to be a "perfect" frame up.

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UK Rules--you often suggest that the UK Government 'should' do XYZ--but, as we all know, this is very unlikely--Cameron has enough on his plate with ISIS, UKIP, and other anagrams and really--does he have the balls? The UK Police are about as likely to get involved as Deputy Dawg.

This has nothing to do with Cameron and how busy he is. There's a full and dedicated system in place for creating DNA profiles of the whole population, in fact I believe this is their ultimate goal.

When a victim arrives back in the UK after a vicious murder it is investigated, inquests can be held regardless of where the person dies.

If thi shappens samples will have been collected and stored permanently. These samples would be sent to a well equiped DNA lab along with 1000's of other samples collected every week and a full DNA profile of the material will have been produced.

This will have been done already as it's a standard procedure.

Read this - Section 5.2 in particular :


If the families of the victims are fully satisfied that a full and honest investigation has taken place then I'm sure there will be no issue.

However if they aren't 100% satisfied then the following appears to apply :


Also this one from the above link :


So to sum it up, a murder investigation will be launched.

Do you think the families are full satisfied at this stage ?

Is it confirmed that the bodies of the deceased were sent for autopsy in the UK? I thought the Thais only send embalmed bodies abroad after removal of all internal organs in cases like this to avoid the embarrassment of conflicting autopsy reports.

Is is also confirmed that there will be inquests? Without reliable autopsies inquests would be a lot less effective.

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