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Dutch man accused of killing Thai girlfriend with Samsung tablet


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Another farang murders a Thai woman. They are much more dangerous than the media reports. When farang men lose face they go crazy with jealousy and will attack.

How about drop the "farrang" are more dangerous, they are NOT but all nationalities have people with low self esteem, low self confidence, poor mental control and psychiatric problems.

Thais are no exception.

Please don't start a discussion on numbers how many in every country before you actually have the real figures and don't condemn a whole country's (actually the rest of the world except Thailand) male population for something that is not true with the absolute majority of us.

Personally, I have not even struck a female in my life, apart from my sisters when I was a kid, but then only by mistake.

So please don't insult me and billions of other males further.

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i dont believe u could kill someone with smashing thin tablet over someone head, it would rip to pices. u could hit few times and i doubt one would lost contious

i saw ppl being hit with beer bootles and they walked away bleeding.......

something not right here

Probably you don't own a tablet, but looking at my tablet (Samsung too, and I'm Dutch) it is heavy and strong enough, if you would hit in the right angle...

By the way, my girlfriend likes to use facebook for hours and it doesn't bother me.... we are happy together... I just wonder what's wrong with that psychopath!

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She went on Facebook despite him forbidding it? What is wrong with some of these blokes?

They think that marriage is the prerogative of every human on the planet. The fact is if you are of a controlling nature, or have a quick temper you really should be living on your own rather than becoming a risk to someone else and making their life miserable. If you are still single at 40 in your own country there is probably a very good reason why.

Could be choice??

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i dont believe u could kill someone with smashing thin tablet over someone head, it would rip to pices. u could. lit few times and i doubt one would lost contious

i saw ppl being hit with beer bootles and they walked away bleeding.......

something not right here

My tablet is thin and made of metal, it could kill if you were hit hard enough. As for bottles, you having witnessed merely cuts does nothing to prove that they could not be lethal and as we all know they sometimes are.

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Sad story. RIP

Made even more sad, that in relation to the OP description:

Pornpan was found dead by her father yesterday at the home she lived with Mannen in Nakhon Pathom province. Police estimated she had been dead more than three days.

Comes the Thai news that her corpse was already infested with maggots when it was discovered by her father after that relatively brief time frame.


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He was reported in the Thai press as saying he didn't hit her with the laptop as widely reported but pushed her and she fell over, hitting her head on a wardrobe and dying.

However police said they don't believe him since there were marks all over her body not just the head as though she was the victim of a violent assault.

With respect to the deceased, this just really blows my whistle. The coppers pull an about face when a non-Thai is involved, and suddenly become POLICE. When a foreigner is the suspect, they detain, and say things like, "they don't believe him" and they actually look at the clear and obvious circumstantial things at the crime scene and actually "sound" like detectives doing their job.

If this were a Thai who had done it and pulled a runner (e.g. CCTV footage of a Thai or group of Thais leaving the crime scene) the police would never see it or use it. The police would never detain anyone. The police would never say they "don't believe" because of this or that. And to top it all off the police would probably say that the victim had fallen or committed suicide.

It really seems that when I read things like this and I ask myself, "What's wrong with this picture? The police are actually doing their job and saying things that police are supposed to say... no Burmese... no guitar... no condoms".

I really have to struggle not to emphatically hate these guys, to be truthful.

Again, RIP to the lady, whatever happened to her.

When a woman is killed the bf / husband / lover have a high likely hood of being the murder. It is not surprised they got this guy quickly. The Koh Tao case is one where there was not an obvious killer.

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Womens faces and skulls are not anywhere as strong as a man, and can take significantly less of a beating so to speak. A good strike to the skull or too the face could easily kill if in the right place, even a severe concussion could easily result. So the leap from there to a fatal injury is not at all too far, men especially farang guys in general are much bigger than Thai ladies.

All that said, he must of hit her with some serious anger to kill her out cold that he did not even try to call for assistance, unless that was his intention. Over freaking facebook, weak.

I don't know where you got this information. But a quick bit of research led me to this article published in 2012:


Nonetheless, I believe it would most likely have been the force of the man's fist behind the blows with the tablet that killed that woman. The guy is clearly a nutjob and with any luck, will not enjoy his sojourn in Thai prison, which I hope lasts for many many years.

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Thai women who want a life with farang,want to better there situation in life,I say to thai ladies take you're time to get to know the real person first ,no matter how desperate one might feel,some times the grass is not greener on the other side,I hope he rots in jail, thai woman should be given the greatest respect from farang they are so gentle and kind humans ,rest in paradise my love

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i dont believe u could kill someone with smashing thin tablet over someone head, it would rip to pices. u could hit few times and i doubt one would lost contious

i saw ppl being hit with beer bootles and they walked away bleeding.......

something not right here

You would be surprised what you can kill people with, paper for example. Almost anything you can think of can be used as a deadly weapon in some way, even if the tablet broke apart during the attack, it would still have some weight behind it as well as jagged edges.

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Really sad to watch so many Thai girls lost in their phones. I use the net for reading mostly and watching some movies from time to time otherwise i am outside wandering chatting with the Thai and taking photos. Sadly 99.999 percent of the Thai women with foreign so called boyfriends are either found in a bar or massage shop. Less than a hand full i have seen over the years i would ever allow my daughter to get near. Nutjobs like this guy are far too common. My rule is if the woman speaks bar English i RUN in the other direction. Again the majority of guys i have seen here are total LOSERS !

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