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What Is Considered Flaming?


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Sometimes when I post and have to edit it before pressing post because im not sure if its a flame or not, having been given a few holidays for flaming I would like to know what you guys consider flaming.

Calling someone an idiot??

Saying there thread is a dumb thread??

calling someone a stupid c**t

Saying "thats the most idiotic thing ive ever read"

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Sometimes when I post and have to edit it before pressing post because im not sure if its a flame or not, having been given a few holidays for flaming I would like to know what you guys consider flaming.

Calling someone an idiot??

Saying there thread is a dumb thread??

calling someone a stupid c**t

Saying "thats the most idiotic thing ive ever read"

From Wikipedia:

"Flaming is the act of posting messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting, usually in the social context of a discussion board on the Internet. Such messages are called flames, and are sometimes posted in response to flamebait. Flaming is said by some to be one of a class of economic problems known as The Tragedy of the Commons, when a group holds a resource (in this case, communal attention), but each of the individual members has an incentive to overuse it. Flamers usually call their flames justified attacks."

Complete Wikipedia definition:

Wikipedia - Flaming


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Sometimes when I post and have to edit it before pressing post because im not sure if its a flame or not, having been given a few holidays for flaming I would like to know what you guys consider flaming.

Calling someone an idiot??

Saying there thread is a dumb thread??

calling someone a stupid c**t

Saying "thats the most idiotic thing ive ever read"

I wouldn't say any of your posts are flames.. but rather stupid, idiotic and downright annoying drivel written by someone who seems to have the mental age of 4.

totster :o

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All of the above. From forum rules:

'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, and/or for launching personal attacks, insulting, being hateful, useless criticism, name calling, swearing and other bad behavior or comments meant to incite anger.
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Sometimes when I post and have to edit it before pressing post because im not sure if its a flame or not, having been given a few holidays for flaming I would like to know what you guys consider flaming.

Calling someone an idiot??

Saying there thread is a dumb thread??

calling someone a stupid c**t

Saying "thats the most idiotic thing ive ever read"

I wouldn't say any of your posts are flames.. but rather stupid, idiotic and downright annoying drivel written by someone who seems to have the mental age of 4.

totster :D

Hmm, I've thought that since he joined. :o

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All of the above. From forum rules:
'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, and/or for launching personal attacks, insulting, being hateful, useless criticism, name calling, swearing and other bad behavior or comments meant to incite anger.

Sheesh, would have been easier to just highlight the whole paragraph ! :o

Is Bedlam exempt from the rules ? Because I think almost everything in the quote above has been done, just in The Last Word thread alone ! :D

Could be a whole bunch of people there that are in need of a good spanking ! :D

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I totally agree with Toaster, who's not normally well known for his wit, rather his round portly appearance and his complete lack of ability to stand up after 7 oclock in the evening. :D

It's always 7 o'clock in the evening, somewhere in the world (well OK, it's always within 60 minutes of 7 o'clock in the evening, somewhere in the world). :o

So are you trying to say that Tipster is vertically-challenged ? Or sobriety-challenged ? :D

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Its always gotta be a mod decision cos, I really couldn't give a toss what people say about me (yeah good job I know before Lamps, Kerry or DB butt in) but, others may take offence to what I see as fine. :D Someone doing a good job should know whos who and, be able to make that informed decision.

You set of butt f**in toss pot tw*ts....., is an example of too strong. :o:D:D


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anything totster redrus or thaibeop poast is almost considered flaming... Almost.. but then you consider them in light of the inane drivel posted by kerry d and then You get an idea....

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anything totster redrus or thaibeop poast is almost considered flaming... Almost.. but then you consider them in light of the inane drivel posted by kerry d and then You get an idea....

I think you just insulted me ! That was a flame ! It was also a "useless argument", "useless criticism", "bad behaviour" and it was a "comment meant to incite anger".

From forum rules:

'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, and/or for launching personal attacks, insulting, being hateful, useless criticism, name calling, swearing and other bad behavior or comments meant to incite anger[/color].

Just so you know,

Sticks and Stones may break my bones,

But Whips and Chains excite me !! :o:D

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I guess I´m only batting 5 for 10.

I´ll try to get the other five under my belt.

But the truth is, Sir Kerryd, that your posts only incite in me a wild, inventive creative streak, sparking revelations, and truths heretofore undiscovered.

My hat is removed to your humbling presence.

Ya Arse Muncher.

;D :o

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Sometimes when I post and have to edit it before pressing post because im not sure if its a flame or not, ...

A good rule of thumb for starters is that if you are considering editing a soon-to-be-post because you think you may be flaming, you are probably flaming. :o

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I wouldn't say any of your posts are flames.. but rather stupid, idiotic and downright annoying drivel written by someone who seems to have the mental age of 4.

totster :D

Hmm, I've thought that since he joined. :D

A number of folks seem to say this about you, udon-dude, and reading your last few comments, I'm not surprised! :o

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I wouldn't say any of your posts are flames.. but rather stupid, idiotic and downright annoying drivel written by someone who seems to have the mental age of 4.

totster :D

Hmm, I've thought that since he joined. :D

A number of folks seem to say this about you, udon-dude, and reading your last few comments, I'm not surprised! :o


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First time I heard that one.

Be careful, wouldn't want "The Dude" to think you're trying to steal his thunder, because you know he has a shovel ready for anyone that does.

The Kerryd can dig where that's coming from, because it's virtual crap and easy to shovel ! :o

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Guest endure

I guess I´m only batting for the other side

Well... thats one way to come out kayo... :D

totster :o

Gay icons everywhere you look! :D

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I guess I´m only batting 5 for 10.

Ya Arse Muncher.

;D :D

I guess I´m only batting for the other side

Well... thats one way to come out kayo... :D

totster :D

Anybody else see a distinct difference between my post and totster "quote".

:o Old McDonald had a farm..... :D

Well, it ain´t in Kansas, I can tell ya that!


Don Juan de "I like girls", KAYO!

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