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Thaivisa brothers, help me...the inlaws are coming!


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Some ideas perhaps:

Intravenous Xanax for the duration of their visit, you not them.

Feign kidnap and escape to Pattaya until a ransom was paid.

Mention that the ghost of the previous and recently deceased owner is known to inhabit the home.

Cut the plug off the TV set.

Play Pink Floyd continuously.

Good luck in whatever you decide.

I would avoid using the ghost story - they will end up bringing a witchdoctor with them and invite more people round for a multiday party to exorcise it.

The tv plug cutting suggestion will be got round by just shoving the bare cables into a wall socket and possibly short the whole house/tv/passing small child.

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Simple solution.Leave and find a new girlfriend. I did and now have a more pretty and active wpoman in my bed.

Awesome job mate!

Can't wait for post 15.whistling.gif

You just beat me to it. Wonder how long the new "wpoman" will last before she gets the flick ?

I think she doesn't really stand a chance.

Any day now.

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I'd make sure they have everything or the means to get it, ie some of your money. I would then do a planned and regular retreat to your favourite bar or visit a few friends. Organise a shorttrip that you and your wife have to do, after whatever seems like a reasonable limit on their stay. A special temple visit to see a revered monk should do the trick. if all that fails, get drunk for a week, and hope they go away.

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Money money money money...."hide the things you don't want to loose"..."they might be staying for ever" etc etc etc

What kind of buffalo riding, sang som drinking, nasty thai people do farangs manage to find I wonder? I don't understand, seriously....

I'm not implying rural Thai people are like this in general, but it just seems like the thaivisa community only manage to intermingle with the worst kind.

Edited by Kaalle
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Me too. Do not know what is wrong with these people,they just presume farang is there for the taking.

Got three here now,they will be kicked out soon enough if they persist in overstaying,the long time g/f will be joining them as well.

have not one jot of compassion,do not know or want to know anything of their culture. Had one studying for the monkhood,thought he could unload himself with me while he studied away,he got the boot to the monkeyhouse PDQ

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Me too. Do not know what is wrong with these people,they just presume farang is there for the taking.

Got three here now,they will be kicked out soon enough if they persist in overstaying,the long time g/f will be joining them as well.

have not one jot of compassion,do not know or want to know anything of their culture. Had one studying for the monkhood,thought he could unload himself with me while he studied away,he got the boot to the monkeyhouse PDQ


not only bought a new pick up,got a car on payment plan that is not paid for,no jobs either just plain nuts,the country is full of them. I'm encouraged to look for bigger house,yes I know why ,but I will downsize to make it even more difficult for them,just the dogs will having a problem as well.

wish they would all end it all by jumping in the croc pit,humans that is,not the dogs

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Don't be cocky....its still early on Friday....maybe this is a plan to catch you off guard. Off you go, out for a lovely meal with the mrs to come back to a complete Morlum concert in your house!

Edited by draftvader
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It also means that we've actually got a babysitter for the first time in over two years, so my wife and I might even enjoy a night out this weekend.

Be careful, horizontal (or even vertical) dancing could lead to baby bro or sis for the little one :)

Enjoy yourselves :)

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Well, this isn't half bad. This isn't half bad at all.

I'll tell you now that the house has never been so clean. Not that it was messy before but no it is absolutely spotless, which isn't bad going with 3 kids and a dog.

Mother in law is up at 6am every morning sweeping and mopping the floor. All the ironing has been done. She even washed the car on Saturday, only for it to get filthy from the rain on Sunday :-(

I can't believe my luck.

Total cost so far is about 1200 THB. We took them all out for Sunday afternoon eats yesterday, lot's of seafood at Ao Manao, in Prachuap Khiri Khan. 1200THb for 5 of us to eat is not bad, right, and I easily ate most of that because it was so frickin tasty.

We also had our little night out last Saturday too, even it was only for a few hours, it was nice to just go out and share a bottle or wine, whilst I watched the football and Mrs PP watched some Thai singing Thai songs and murdering Hotel California.

So far, it's a big thumbs up. Let's hope this lasts for the rest of the week.

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Mother in law is up at 6am every morning sweeping and mopping the floor. All the ironing has been done. She even washed the car on Saturday, only for it to get filthy from the rain on Sunday :-(

It's far too late to realise you should have married the mother in law tongue.png

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