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Yingluck barred from attending Fireball Festival


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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

If she's there, it's a political occasion.

like in the produce section buying vegetables?


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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

If she's there, it's a political occasion.

like in the produce section buying vegetables?


Yeah, with a big billboard out front welcoming her.

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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

If she's there, it's a political occasion.

Was this a "political occasion"?


Looks rather good, for someone who we are told is hated by so many, doesn't she?

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There's still substantial support for YL? Hmm... odd. I thought I read somewhere 97% of Thais loved and are HAPPY with the current government? Hmm... coffee1.gif

Funny I was wandering about that. I assumed that I couldn't understand because I am one of those "moronic. Red Cheer leaders that spout twisted lies and smouldering propaganda" Fortunately I am about to be extinguished by the clean fresh wind which is blowing through this brave new world!

blowing through this brave new world!

I was wondering if we are allowed to read BNW on the BTS?

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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

Well said. Agree 100%.

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In the words of the late, great Jerry Lewis :

Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!

He's still alive and performing on a regular basis. Doubt that he's setting pianos on fire, though.

Goodness, gracious.....my bad!

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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

All it takes is a handful of people putting up posters sponsored by the Redshirt/Thaksin mafia leaders to spark distain and trouble

The reality of the matter is that Thailand needs to forget the abomination of the Yingluc PTP Thaksin government debacle and move on - they were on a path to destroy this country and anyone with a brain knows exactly that undisputed fact, having this woman at any high profile public event is just counter productive, the shins redshirt mafia propaganda machine is still smoldering in the background and needs to be exposed and extinguished once and for all, there's not much more to say

Yes well in the end a general election will be the true voice whether you like it or not.

Won't be allowed to happen while the result is so predictable.

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Personally I think the best thing the junta could do is let her speak, and have the newly elected, appointed (whatever) Prime Minister there to introduce her. If they keep trying to push her into the background its only going to stir up the opposition even more. I think they should keep everything visible and above board, and let both sides have their say.

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"If Ms. Yingluck traveled there to open the festival, many people would attend, and it would risk making the general populace to view [her appearance] in an inappropriate way," Col. Winthai said

Yeah right can't have many people attending a festival.

I think by his own admission he has just acknowledged that her and her family remain extremely popular and no matter how many free haircuts and health checks the junta give out as part of their reconciliation process the Shinawatra political monster will be back in the seat of power within the next few years. The political views that people held 2 years ago are still the views they hold today.

And i think that is what is meant by inappropriate - is that she would be welcomed, supported and encouraged by the people who attend - and that is a slap in the face to the junta. As it shows how far short their idea of reconciliation (and i have no idea what they mean by that if i am honest - seems to be a generic one term fits all situations word) has fallen from the mark.

If you had ANY basic reading skills, you would have noted he said the 'general population'...... Meaning that most Thais hate her guts and especially her brother, and will NOT be happy at her being proclaimed as 'her excellency' which is normally reserved for royalty.

But just like a typical Shin loving, red supporter, you completely twisted it to suit your agenda.,

The Shins are finished, get over it before you and your ilk get hunted down and deported. Which would be a blessing.

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The reality of the matter is that Thailand needs to forget the abomination of the Yingluc PTP Thaksin government debacle and move on - they were on a path to destroy this country and anyone with a brain knows exactly that undisputed fact, having this woman at any high profile public event is just counter productive, the shins redshirt mafia propaganda machine is still smoldering in the background and needs to be exposed and extinguished once and for all, there's not much more to say.

I agree and long for the day when a military junta in the USA arrests and court martials Obama and all his supporters.

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"If Ms. Yingluck traveled there to open the festival, many people would attend, and it would risk making the general populace to view [her appearance] in an inappropriate way," Col. Winthai said

Yeah right can't have many people attending a festival.

I think by his own admission he has just acknowledged that her and her family remain extremely popular and no matter how many free haircuts and health checks the junta give out as part of their reconciliation process the Shinawatra political monster will be back in the seat of power within the next few years. The political views that people held 2 years ago are still the views they hold today.

And i think that is what is meant by inappropriate - is that she would be welcomed, supported and encouraged by the people who attend - and that is a slap in the face to the junta. As it shows how far short their idea of reconciliation (and i have no idea what they mean by that if i am honest - seems to be a generic one term fits all situations word) has fallen from the mark.

If you had ANY basic reading skills, you would have noted he said the 'general population'...... Meaning that most Thais hate her guts and especially her brother, and will NOT be happy at her being proclaimed as 'her excellency' which is normally reserved for royalty.

But just like a typical Shin loving, red supporter, you completely twisted it to suit your agenda.,

The Shins are finished, get over it before you and your ilk get hunted down and deported. Which would be a blessing.

"Hunted down and deported". Gosh, you have bought into the cult of the dictatorship haven't you. You may care to know that there is a bootmaker at the entrance to Sukhumvit Soi 1 who will, for a reasonable price run you up a very presentable pair of jackboots. A bit of spit and polish with the old Kiwi Parade Gloss and you will look the part as well as talking the talk! Edited by JAG
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Bunch of scared children, just goes to show how headless some people in the higher echelons of society are.

Scared of a firework ceremony LOL Pathetic really.

The future of Thailand is looking very very bleak

I don't think they're scared. They know there is opposition, but they're not interested in dealing with it. They're doing other things.

Yes they are indeed doing other things.

Suppressing basic freedoms and handing out billions of baht (365 billion so far).


Because not only do they know there is an opposition, they know the opposition is numerically overwhelming and, with a little organisation and a bit courage will at some stage become an unstoppable force that sweeps away the remaining detritus on the authoritarian side of this nearly century long struggle.

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The propaganda machine with all it's polls on how popular the new government is way off the mark.

When it all boils down there is and always will be the great divide between the yellow elite and the reds all because the elites think they have been put on this earth to rule the less fortunate and if they can't get power through democracy which they can't then they will just take it by whatever means possible.

All these BS polls about popularity mean nothing as the true poll on Election Day will show who the people want if they are allowed free and fair elections and actually being allowed to vote.

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Its not about us its what we think we like in the country, and i prefer the Junta over the PTP. The Thais don't care much about us so what does not have anything to do with this topic.

If there are no free elections so be it.. that means no PTP so that is a good thing for most of the foreigners here.

I get my amusement watching the red cheerleaders get real red from excitement and pent up anger, the whole coup was worth it for sure. Its great to see this its like live amusement.

What a sad post!!bah.gif

So if the the army took over in Holland, you would be okay with that as well, if it prevented a political party, you didn't support, from winning an election??

Or is it only okay in Thailand, because the Thais are less "developed" than their superior Dutch brothers?

Please explain it to me very s l o w l y, because I am one of the stupid ones, who believe in one person=one vote!!

"who believe in one person=one vote!!"

It's not quite as simple as that,if you are rich enough you can buy as many votes as you like!

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There's still substantial support for YL? Hmm... odd. I thought I read somewhere 97% of Thais loved and are HAPPY with the current government? Hmm... coffee1.gif

Funny I was wandering about that. I assumed that I couldn't understand because I am one of those "moronic. Red Cheer leaders that spout twisted lies and smouldering propaganda" Fortunately I am about to be extinguished by the clean fresh wind which is blowing through this brave new world!

blowing through this brave new world!

I was wondering if we are allowed to read BNW on the BTS?

Yes you are. I'd recommend doing so. It's a good read.

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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

If she's there, it's a political occasion.

Was this a "political occasion"?


Looks rather good, for someone who we are told is hated by so many, doesn't she?

Well no, but, if you can't look your best in a staged photo op, when can you?

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The reality of the matter is that Thailand needs to forget the abomination of the Yingluc PTP Thaksin government debacle and move on - they were on a path to destroy this country and anyone with a brain knows exactly that undisputed fact, having this woman at any high profile public event is just counter productive, the shins redshirt mafia propaganda machine is still smoldering in the background and needs to be exposed and extinguished once and for all, there's not much more to say.

I agree and long for the day when a military junta in the USA arrests and court martials Obama and all his supporters.

If you are aware of Nong Kai's location then you know that she would have been warmly received. Exactly what the 'NCPO' doesn't want - even if it is just a festival.

Regarding your last statement, that would be treason as the military in the USA is under civilian control and we have elections to remove politicians instead of military juntas.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Ah ha. The little red puppets' heads are starting to (predictably) appear over the parapets.

Sounds like you are just as much of a puppet - just of a different color - but a color nevertheless. Keep polarizing the nation friend - it only leads to what you fear the most.

Edited by NeutralVoice
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Some people here like northern john and whybother seem to believe that dictatorship is good for the country. It goes along the lines with the poll when the locals were asked about corruption and sone of them answered "well if it works".

I have asked it before and I will ask it again. Would you support such actions if you didn't agree with the ruling party back home?

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Some people here like northern john and whybother seem to believe that dictatorship is good for the country. It goes along the lines with the poll when the locals were asked about corruption and sone of them answered "well if it works".

I have asked it before and I will ask it again. Would you support such actions if you didn't agree with the ruling party back home?

A dictatorship is better than civil war. If there were grenades going off and innocent people getting killed and the government wasn't doing anything about it, then maybe a coup would be a better solution. It would have nothing to do with whether I didn't agree with the ruling party or not.

I don't support the junta. I just comment on reality. The junta have banned political events. Yingluck going to this event would have made it political.

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I like the way posters edit other posters posts to try and make a point.

Anyway the early post by jayboy pretty much says it all with already 40 likes and pretty much reflects the veiws of the people who have been silenced.

If an election was held tomorrow yingluck would again win in a landslide and the elite and their supporters know it and that is why they are scared.

Bash the Thais all you want about being buffalo or vote buying when the time comes they will be heard and that's if their giving a level playing field which is in the process of being denied.

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Gee I like the way things are now. I hope military do not give up power prematurely. It may only lead to more political unrest. I am sure the majority of the people are enjoying the stability in the country as it exists now. If a few individuals have restrictions for the good of the many then so be it.

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Some people here like northern john and whybother seem to believe that dictatorship is good for the country. It goes along the lines with the poll when the locals were asked about corruption and sone of them answered "well if it works".

I have asked it before and I will ask it again. Would you support such actions if you didn't agree with the ruling party back home?

A dictatorship is better than civil war. If there were grenades going off and innocent people getting killed and the government wasn't doing anything about it, then maybe a coup would be a better solution. It would have nothing to do with whether I didn't agree with the ruling party or not.

I don't support the junta. I just comment on reality. The junta have banned political events. Yingluck going to this event would have made it political.

So if push comes to shove (in a political sense) and you vehemently disagrees with the actions of the ruling party back home, you would support a military coup in your own country?

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