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When it becomes Personal - Posting


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Awww diddums. TLT is taking his ball home and not playing anymore.

some times peoplel like to go home and play with heir own balls, nothing wrong with thattongue.png

Thats a good point, although a little to descriptive for a Sunday morning

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Awww diddums. TLT is taking his ball home and not playing anymore.

some times peoplel like to go home and play with heir own balls, nothing wrong with thattongue.png

And some people sook and moan and gather together, woo is me, and then rub their microscopic little gonads :P

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Must take those meds, there are people out to get you

Boo....Toadie look behind that potted plant, I think I see some one in a gas mask, nomex wife beater, and camo flip flops....

Think its a member of Walt 22 SAS mobility troop coming to get you.....watch out, watch out, Dave Walt's about

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I feel kind of sorry for David. This thread was supposed to be a defense of the clique and it's turned out to be an attack on the clique instead.

what clique?
Apparently there are people following us and so many voices 5555

I'm gonna see about setting my TV settings to email me everytime this clique says something mean so I can rush in and watch the fun.

Stirling idea. If I give you the keys to neverdie, would you adjust his settings too ? If you post while ur in there make sure it inline with Clique guidelines 55555

Some real Whiney little grots out in cyber world, hate to see them faced with a real life dilemma.

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ND please include females, stop being sexist

Females have gonads too.....but they are a bit harder to rub.

Harry, are you also in the clique?

Please identify yourself. Why hasn't anyone invited me? Hold on, I'm the ring leader or was it I'm the victim, no woman beater. Heck I'm confused. Maybe TLT cAn send one of his voices to guide me?

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Please gents, nobody else speak to patsy, I already have. We don't want j Bradley rushing her to a shelter for battered ladies.

Can't have that he may have a flash back and think he is at the Iranian embassy in London

Ohh hello. Fair enuf. Did you get the message I left on your shoe phone about the next clique meeting. Please remember the secret handshake and it's ur turn to bring a goat ;)

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Please gents, nobody else speak to patsy, I already have. We don't want j Bradley rushing her to a shelter for battered ladies.

Can't have that he may have a flash back and think he is at the Iranian embassy in London
Ohh hello. Fair enuf. Did you get the message I left on your shoe phone about the next clique meeting. Please remember the secret handshake and it's ur turn to bring a goat ;)

I have got a honey badger, is this good enough ?....this message will self destruct in 5 second's

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Please gents, nobody else speak to patsy, I already have. We don't want j Bradley rushing her to a shelter for battered ladies.

Can't have that he may have a flash back and think he is at the Iranian embassy in London
Ohh hello. Fair enuf. Did you get the message I left on your shoe phone about the next clique meeting. Please remember the secret handshake and it's ur turn to bring a goat wink.png

I have got a honey badger, is this good enough ?....this message will self destruct in 5 second's

Would treat that badger as if it had ebola after all you never know what Costas did to it.

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Please gents, nobody else speak to patsy, I already have. We don't want j Bradley rushing her to a shelter for battered ladies.

Can't have that he may have a flash back and think he is at the Iranian embassy in London
Ohh hello. Fair enuf. Did you get the message I left on your shoe phone about the next clique meeting. Please remember the secret handshake and it's ur turn to bring a goat wink.png

I have got a honey badger, is this good enough ?....this message will self destruct in 5 second's

Would treat that badger as if it had ebola after all you never know what Costas did to it.

is it a female badger? please have it declare it's vagina status before talking to it.

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Please gents, nobody else speak to patsy, I already have. We don't want j Bradley rushing her to a shelter for battered ladies.

Can't have that he may have a flash back and think he is at the Iranian embassy in London
Ohh hello. Fair enuf. Did you get the message I left on your shoe phone about the next clique meeting. Please remember the secret handshake and it's ur turn to bring a goat wink.png

I have got a honey badger, is this good enough ?....this message will self destruct in 5 second's

Would treat that badger as if it had ebola after all you never know what Costas did to it.

is it a female badger? please have it declare it's vagina status before talking to it.

Check its gonads too.

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Too funny, according to J Bradley, I need to check under every members avatar for a set of tits.

I post 1 or 2 times in response to something and suddenly I'm a woman beater. The only gal I've ever slapped was patsy and she begged me for it wink.png

You're saying then that it's okay for four brave men to gang up against a woman on a forum.

You're saying you don't consider such actions to be beneath contempt and indescribably weak.

If so, you are a very sorry excuse for a man.

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I was accused of running in a clique here but I don't run with people, nor do I think MrT does

You should relax a bit and stop imagining everyone is in a clique

See this thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/744282-question-about-deleted-posts-topics/

Posts 8 and 10 were written by a woman.

Posts 12, 13, 14 and 15 were written by four brave men. Each of the four brave men insulted the woman.

Do you think these four brave men arrived at the thread by chance? They didn't. One brave man found the thread and sent PMs to the others.

It's always the same four. Always.

J Bradley ... I don't know you choose to bring this up here and now ... blink.png

But, in fairness, I did take the time to read that thread that you mentioned. the fact that I can assertain for it that 'Posts 8 and 10 were written by a woman' ... a banned Member.

You only get banned on TV for something fairly serious ... so to leap to the defense of a banned member does raise questions of itself.

May I make a simple request? That you hold your fire for another thread that maybe you, yourself start and address these issues there, rather then dragging them into my OP.

Thanks if you can.

I have Faith ... wink.png

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I feel kind of sorry for David. This thread was supposed to be a defense of the clique and it's turned out to be an attack on the clique instead.

thailikektoo ... thanks Mate. But its OK.

We've had some sensible replies to date ... plus sometimes the Forum needs to let 'off a bit of steam' ... I just hope the Members keep it Civil.

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I was accused of running in a clique here but I don't run with people, nor do I think MrT does

You should relax a bit and stop imagining everyone is in a clique

See this thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/744282-question-about-deleted-posts-topics/

Posts 8 and 10 were written by a woman.

Posts 12, 13, 14 and 15 were written by four brave men. Each of the four brave men insulted the woman.

Do you think these four brave men arrived at the thread by chance? They didn't. One brave man found the thread and sent PMs to the others.

It's always the same four. Always.

But, in fairness, I did take the time to read that thread that you mentioned. the fact that I can assertain for it that 'Posts 8 and 10 were written by a woman' ... a banned Member.

The woman wasn't banned when the clique of four brave men ganged up against her.

I remember that thread because it's the weakest thing I've ever seen on this forum.

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Please gents, nobody else speak to patsy, I already have. We don't want j Bradley rushing her to a shelter for battered ladies.

I read that quickly as ... "We don't want j Bradley rushing her to a shelter for battered better ladies."

In my defense ... It was a long morning at the Temple this morning ... facepalm.gif

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J Bradley is just trolling. Apparently he was so outraged by the beating of a woman he took many months to react, fairly weak given he perceived it to be a bashing but did nothing. The rest of us saw it as forum communication and my point on that matter remains, there was something smelly in that thread, if you follow that banned members posts.

J Bradley is playing the man but so whimp like he disguising the attempt. Thankyou J Bradley, perhaps you are that forum member reincarnated?

My point to you, how do you really know the gender of the poster ?

Edited by neverdie
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in cyberspace how is a woman any less tough and able to take care of herself than a man? are you suggesting women are mentally, emotionally and intellectually weaker than men?

Bullying is bullying, and weak men deserve contempt.

David has asked me to drop the issue, so I will. Perhaps you could address your question to him. Try something along these lines:

"Hi David.

How would you feel if these four brave men took turns to attack Miss FarmGirl on Thaivisa? Would you applaud their courage? Would you admire the manner in which they "played the poster rather than the post"? Would you think little of their attacks since this is only cyberspace?"

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in cyberspace how is a woman any less tough and able to take care of herself than a man? are you suggesting women are mentally, emotionally and intellectually weaker than men?

Bullying is bullying, and weak men deserve contempt.

David has asked me to drop the issue, so I will. Perhaps you could address your question to him. Try something along these lines:

"Hi David.

How would you feel if these four brave men took turns to attack Miss FarmGirl on Thaivisa? Would you applaud their courage? Would you admire the manner in which they "played the poster rather than the post"? Would you think little of their attacks since this is only cyberspace?"

David merely asked you to take ur trolling to another thread, create ur own and hover In there instead of derailing this one. Can you take a hint, big man?

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