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Anyone suffer from restless leg syndrome (RLS)?

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I have had RLS for about 10 years now, but lately it seems to be getting worse. It normally would start as I was relaxing and preparing for sleep, but now I get it sometimes during the day. As far as I know there is no known medical cure or even an understanding of why it occurs, but I'm wondering if someone has tried any homoepathic cures that relieve the symptons. I have ordered some chelated magnesium that is supposed to help with the relaxing of muscles and nerves, so will give that a try, but would appreciate any other advice.


I've had it for weeks on end due to tapering off certain meds too fast. It is one of the worst things to go through, so I can sympathize. Mine died down eventually, but I used to get a load of that Chinese menthol/camphor rub (a bit like Tiger Balm) and smear it all over my thighs. The level of exercise had no bearing on it (as I was fit) and neither did stretching or giving myself dead-legs in the middle of the night. But dehydration would make it worse, along with low levels of electrolytes. If I get it again, I would get on the DeChamp sachets and definitively avoid caffeine and alcohol.


I've had it for weeks on end due to tapering off certain meds too fast. It is one of the worst things to go through, so I can sympathize. Mine died down eventually, but I used to get a load of that Chinese menthol/camphor rub (a bit like Tiger Balm) and smear it all over my thighs. The level of exercise had no bearing on it (as I was fit) and neither did stretching or giving myself dead-legs in the middle of the night. But dehydration would make it worse, along with low levels of electrolytes. If I get it again, I would get on the DeChamp sachets and definitively avoid caffeine and alcohol.

I rarely drink these days, a small glass of red maybe once a week, one cup of coffee a day and I drink plenty of water, so not sure of what else I can do. DeChamp sachets, have they got a high salt content?


Yep I suffer from it something wicked. I have been taking Sifrol under prescription to counter it for a few years now. The Sifrol works fine and is available in Thailand but is about 1000 bht for 30 x 0.25mg tabs and over time you need higher and higher doses as the Sifrol effectiveness reduces over time. There are other Sifrol side effects which can be detrimental such as causing addictive behaviour.

I did try the magnesium supplement but it wasn't effective, though maybe I didn't take it for long enough. I took it for a few weeks and stopped when it didn't work.

I have found Ultracet which is also available here is also effective for me. 2 of these and I don't need Sifrol but I'm not sure whether you could take Ultracet long term. I only use it on the odd night to cycle off the Sifrol.


Yep I suffer from it something wicked. I have been taking Sifrol under prescription to counter it for a few years now. The Sifrol works fine and is available in Thailand but is about 1000 bht for 30 x 0.25mg tabs and over time you need higher and higher doses as the Sifrol effectiveness reduces over time. There are other Sifrol side effects which can be detrimental such as causing addictive behaviour.

I did try the magnesium supplement but it wasn't effective, though maybe I didn't take it for long enough. I took it for a few weeks and stopped when it didn't work.

I have found Ultracet which is also available here is also effective for me. 2 of these and I don't need Sifrol but I'm not sure whether you could take Ultracet long term. I only use it on the odd night to cycle off the Sifrol.

I have just ordered a couple of boxes (120 tablet) of these as anything is worth a try. It has these ingredients. I prefer to try something natural first.

Arsenicum Album 12X desire to move feet constantly Chamomile 6X urge to get up and walk around Causticum 12X restless legs at night Lycopodium clavatum 6X weakness, numbness, leg cramps Palladium 12X heavy limbs, darting pains, restlessness Platina 12X restlessness, tingling legs Zincum Metalicum 12X



Excellent, anything that works and is natural would be a blessing. RSL has been a nightmare in my life and thus far I haven't found any natural remedy. I have found that wine makes it worse unless I get smashed...not a good outcome. I have even taken 3 sleeping tablets that sent me to sleep and the RLS was strong enough to overpower the sleeping tablets and wake me.

I do find getting up and showering helps but that's mainly because it takes my mind off of the issue.

But without medication I struggle to function at work without sleep night after night.

Good luck with it


OP ... Question: How does RLS show up in you in a daily or weekly routine... ? I guess I am asking - what are you experiencing at any given time or certain times of the day?


I will answer too JDGruen..

My RSL occurs predominantly at night but has occurred during the day. I find if I don't treat it and become fatigued over days the RLS gets worse and can then present during the day. So it's a self perpetuating thing, the less rest I get the worse the symptoms become.

Also stress seems to trigger it but it has been a night thing for me so sleep deprivation and leg exhaustion from moving them all night seem to be the worst effects.

I also exercise a lot..by that I mean on average abt 10 to 15 km/day walking on the treadmill and I still get the full symptoms at night. A few years ago I was running about 100 km/week and was still getting it as well.

All in all a horrible thing to suffer from and all of my movement means my wife spends half the night awake as well. Luckily for me my wife is patient and understanding.


I suffer from RLS from time to time, only when I try to go to sleep... Taking melatonin seems to make it worse... I have found that taking 500mg of acetaminophen and 800mg of ibuprofen right before bed relaxes me to the point where I can get to sleep... I've been prescribed these dosages for orthopedic issues and I've learned it will knock me out too, RLS or not...


OP ... Question: How does RLS show up in you in a daily or weekly routine... ? I guess I am asking - what are you experiencing at any given time or certain times of the day?

Aussieroaming has pretty well summed up my situation as well.


I'm glad I read this thread. I was wondering what that strange feeling was that I get now and then. It's very, very infrequent and usually only hits when sedentary for long periods. My symptoms are very mild and nothing more than a passing irritant once or twice a week. But I can imagine what serious bouts of it would be like. My sympathies, guys. So, maintain regular exercise, body salts, maybe chelated magnesium?


I realize you fellas have a serious problem and I sympathise with you, but on a lighter note.

I have extremely restless legs, they keep wanting to go places but my wallet wont let them.

Only cure it would seem is a large injection of cash and I cant see that happening.

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