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French national nabbed in under-age sex and drugs den

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Sounds like he was framed. Set up bye the girl and the police.

Or perhaps where the Frenchman was caught is a well known area where this sort of practice operates and had been under observation, or the 14 year old girl was already known to the police and followed.

Just means that Mr.Lertporn Noja-director of (ATCC) and the police done an excellent job in apprehending this child rapist and others involved with the abuse and should be congratulated for a job well done.

Strange actually, even when the Thai police do a fantastic job, there are still those who try to make this seem like a set up, as if the police had dubious reasons for nailing that filth. Whether they catch the culprits or don`t catch the culprits it seems they can never do right and still get criticised one way or another.

The only issue with that being that the crime was actually carried out....not merely solicited.

If a suspected murderer was under observation, you would hope that he wouldn't be allowed to actually kill someone before being arrested.

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// nobody cares that theres a 14 tear old prostitute out there, and dont count on the farang going to prison either, //

Are you serious? I don't see how he could not go to prison??

Whatever happen in Thailand, the French Police will wait for him at the airport... angry.png


This sounds like a setup, how did Mr.Lertporn Noja-director of (ATCC) know about it? If he was following/monitoring the girl why did he allow for the act to take place?! Why did they not stop him once he checked into Live In Mansion and wait for the police to get there to proceed with the arrest? And do not tell me that the act had to first take place before anything could be done cause that would be the stupidest thing I've heard today...


Well, it all hinges on the fact of whether he asked and knowingly procured a 14 year old.

No it doesn't. It all hinges on whether the girl was 14 years old and whether he had paid to have sex with her and was found naked in a room with her.

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I wonder if he can buy himself out of this ? Thais having sex with minors is probably happening on a daily basis in pattaya or anywhere else in Thailand. The best thing that could happen is that he is sent back to France and sentenced there , they have strict laws for this crime.


Sounds like a setup, the cops acted so quickly. They probably put in a girl that looks older, as a ringer. Plenty of them out there.

Even if your speculation is not baseless, it's a very good idea.


I can hear it now: "But she said she was 18!"

Enjoy your stay in jail. Thank God my personal proclivities tend to find me attracted to women over 35. Pretty much impossible to mistake a 14 year old for a 35 year old.


Sounds like he was framed. Set up bye the girl and the police.

Thats why you always check ID and in many cases leave at hotel desk so can be verifed. If police arrest you and say find out later that girl is underage the person MAY have some mittigating circumstance to the court if you can show you checked ID but did not know it wasn't real. If you don't check ID or knowingly go with the uderage person ------bye bye for many years

Basicly if the girl is "under" 18 years old stay away no excuse about well she told me she was 18 thats not going to fly in court or with the police, also the woman getting the girl for this farang will also face jail time. Thai law regulations below;


Plus the officials went to inspect another room and found Mr.Samreng Ayamueng aged 38 and Ms.Atchara Wichaiwong aged 23 who were having sex and they were also drug addicts.

Why precisely do we need to know which consenting adults copulate with each other?


He is French so lets look at his country France where it is Napoleonic law

and one is presumed guilty at the outset and must prove themselves innocent at their own expense.

You find this BS is funny? No.

You are talking about laws 2 centuries old who do not exists any more. rolleyes.gif

Since adoption of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" it's its Article #11 who makes law in France:

"Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial ..."


He is French so lets look at his country France where it is Napoleonic law

and one is presumed guilty at the outset and must prove themselves innocent at their own expense.

You find this BS is funny? No.

You are talking about laws 2 centuries old who do not exists any more. rolleyes.gif

Since adoption of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" it's its Article #11 who makes law in France:

"Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial ..."

Presumed innocent---that would be kinda hard to presume since he was found naked in bed with a naked 14 year old girl not waliking down the street , taking her to a movie or even watching tv at has hotel room. Tell me what jury anywhere is going to conclude? They are not going to think he was giving her a massage.


// nobody cares that theres a 14 tear old prostitute out there, and dont count on the farang going to prison either, //

Are you serious? I don't see how he could not go to prison??

Whatever happen in Thailand, the French Police will wait for him at the airport... angry.png

Factually incorrect,

Age of consent in France is 15, they would consider sex with a 14 year old girl a misdemeanor, if they were bothered at all.

If you want to google the French news for such prosecutions, you really won't find any, where it was consensual of course.

Interesting that the English speaking countries generally consider sex with post pubescent girls the same level of crime as sex with very young girls, compared to the non English speaking countries which mostly don't seem bothered by sex with post pubescent girls.

I make no comment on the morality of the act, merely it's legal considerations depending on country of the act.


Factually incorrect,

Age of consent in France is 15, they would consider sex with a 14 year old girl a misdemeanor, if they were bothered at all.

If you want to google the French news for such prosecutions, you really won't find any, where it was consensual of course.

Sorry but you are wrong. Law in France is very similar to the Thai one:

Yes age of consent is 15, but when in relation with prostitution/payment, the legal age is 18.

Prostitution in France is forbidden for people below 18.

PS: Here is an article (in French sorry) about a very similar case from 2009 :

2 French guys who had sex "with prostitutes below 15 yo in Asia" (Cambodia & Thailand)

French justice condemned them to 7 years jail.

An application of a recent law (1998) against "sexual tourism"


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A Pattaya46,
I find "bastard" men who enjoy teenagers, but "bastard" as the girls or boys who claim to be older. They are not so innocent as that.
There are two months in France, a girl of 12 and a half was arrested and sent back to her home. The next day, it reconstructed the sidewalk.
Do not confuse the two situations, at least for the arrests and imprisonment.
The two named individuals have been arrested in FRANCE on crimes they had committed in Thailand. So quite normal that the file is supported by FRANCE
. Although if there was an agreement between the two countries, Thailand could have requested the transfer.
In the case of the French, he was arrested in Thailand for acts committed in the kingdom, not in France, there has not been a leak or a search.
No matter the legal age in France, for this case, but for Thailand, the age of sexual consent is 15 years, and having sex, consensual or not one or a teenager under 18 years is punishable by law.
The French will be held in Thailand, and will not request a transfer to his country, that after 4 years in Thai prisons.
Now the question is the result of his conviction, and now it must be supported by his embassy.
Anyway, gentlemen, for most of you, especially old, you dégeulasses you buy or rent those who could be your granddaughter or rear granddaughters.
I call it, incest hijacked.
So much for those who are caught. clap2.gifclap2.gif

Sorry but you are wrong. Law in France is very similar to the Thai one:

Yes age of consent is 15, but when in relation with prostitution/payment, the legal age is 18.

Prostitution in France is forbidden for people below 18.

PS: Here is an article (in French sorry) about a very similar case from 2009 :

2 French guys who had sex "with prostitutes below 15 yo in Asia" (Cambodia & Thailand)

French justice condemned them to 7 years jail.

An application of a recent law (1998) against "sexual tourism"


Good post. It's astonishing how many people fail to understand that sex with a prostitute under the age 18 can never be consensual in any country signed up to the UN Rights of the Child. The "age of consent" is completely irrelevant.


The age of consent in many countries is 14. Both in Europe and the Middle East. All this fuss strikes me a hypocrisy. The main abuse of kids in SE Asia is in factories, rice paddies, sweatshops and construction sites. This real abuse is not covered because it is not salacious enough for the outraged moralist crowd who are quick to judge easy targets but never examine themselves. This is another non story that appeals to moral cowards. You want a child abuse story? Check out the second generation Pakistani community in North England where at least 1400 girls have been groomed and raped with the collusion of the police and social workers.

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I have seen Thai girls in their 20s who look very young. In the case of this person I wonder if he considered that the girl was under age. Also, what is the age of consent in Thailand? In all likelihood what will happen to this guy? Just wondering.

Well I reckon that means a 14-year old probably looked about 9 or 10.

Hang 'em high.

Here are some writing and liking who are not in Thailand, I believe. Not all young girls look same, but some 14 year old look same 18-20 young.

My Thai niece, 13, could be easy also be 16-18 from her appearance and size. Here a photo from the provided link in the first posting.



I don't know which one is worse. The Frenchie who wants to have sex with a 14-year old girl? Or a Thai woman willing take 700 baht to find a 14-year old Thai girl for him to have sex with?! Both should be locked up and the keys thrown away.

Agreed if all is as it seems

BUT.........some questions before we hang this guy...How well does he know Thai girls? how long has he been here? Was he looking for underage girls or was he conned into it by this Mrs.Prapaporn who told him she was e.g.19 years old?

If she can stoop low enough to peddle underage girls then imo she wouldn't hesitate to lie to an unsupecting Farang

Probably none of that matters to the police but he wouldn't be the first one to have taken a Thai at there word only to find out lying is the name of the game.

Some one mentioned it earlier,most of them look much younger here ... a girl who is 14, looks like 10-11. So he should be aware that this was a child

Regarding "most of them look much younger here ... a girl who is 14, looks like 10-11"

I live in Isaan and say NO to that statement. The young girls, often look same 16/18 when only 14.

About 10 % of Thai women age 20-24, had their first Baby at 18 young or more early.

Would not be like that, if these girls look so young in appearance! Sex and pregnancies in Isaan with 14-15 are not seldom.



I don't know which one is worse. The Frenchie who wants to have sex with a 14-year old girl? Or a Thai woman willing take 700 baht to find a 14-year old Thai girl for him to have sex with?! Both should be locked up and the keys thrown away.

Agreed if all is as it seems

BUT.........some questions before we hang this guy...How well does he know Thai girls? how long has he been here? Was he looking for underage girls or was he conned into it by this Mrs.Prapaporn who told him she was e.g.19 years old?

If she can stoop low enough to peddle underage girls then imo she wouldn't hesitate to lie to an unsupecting Farang

Probably none of that matters to the police but he wouldn't be the first one to have taken a Thai at there word only to find out lying is the name of the game.

Some one mentioned it earlier, most of them look much younger here ... a girl who is 14, looks like 10-11. So he should be aware that this was a child

My goodness, there is some nonsense being written here, I teach Thai 14 year old girls and they look 14. Most are slim which could make one or two appear 13. Some weigh 14 stone and look 20. I have never seen any that could pass for 10!

Thank you =Jeremy50= that is a wise posting. goodpost.gif

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