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Stopped and searched on street and made take urine test

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Are they allowed? Yes, discussed several times already.

They look for derelecks and other low class people!! if you hadn't slept and not shaved or showered and had long hair then you deserved to be searched.

try looking civilized and maybe you won't have a problem. I have never been stopped by the police since 1970, when I first set foot in Thailand.

Thailand had a problem of hippies and low class people coming to Thailand with 1 way tickets before and maybe $50 to there name. Immigration got

smart and would not give you a visa if you looked like a hippie. Keep the low lifes out of Thailand!!!! They have enough of there own beggars!!! thumbsup.gif

Are you sure it wasn't 1870 when you first set foot in Thailand?

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Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

What is illegal in Thailand and they should put it in their thick heads, is that they shouldn't use any drugs or smokes while here.

Is this so hard to understand?

Why should people be dragged off the street for such tests? What if you are a tourist who smokes dope back in your own country and it is in your system? How can you be charged if you have no drug on your person? No wonder tourist numbers are declining. Might be legal but that doesn't make it a correct procedure.


Sorry but stopping people and carrying out body searches and piss tests is not acceptable (unless you are physically showing effects of drugs, even alcohol could be justification for a random stop)

This week there has been a lot of press about the drop in Thai tourism, and the steps that are being taken to try and make the country a safer place! Meanwhile in Bangkok CPL Sonboom and Whanchai are carrying out random body and urine tests on tourists.

Don't get me wrong I don't believe all BIB are corrupt and trying to rip off tourists and alike, Thailand is trying to clean out the bad eggs and corruption now that they have started this process they need to take a good look at themselves.

Suppose it does help if you have a hot line to one of your Thai friends who has influence (rank)

Is there some valid reason you post in miniscule font ? It's a pain in the bum !


Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

What is illegal in Thailand and they should put it in their thick heads, is that they shouldn't use any drugs or smokes while here.

Is this so hard to understand?

No it's not. It would not be permitted here in the UK and in the US the police would need "probable cause" for such a test. Also what if you have just flown in from one of the US states that permit marijuana ? In countries with any respect for human rights, demanding a pee test on the street would be regarded as assault.

Also despite what others have posted, marijuana is detectable in urine only for about 4 days. it would be detectable however in a hair sample for much longer.

I do wish some people would get their facts straight before they do their self righteous fulminating.

1. Costas did not say that the police have the right to carry out the tests on the street.

2. In the UK, the police have the right to carry out breathalyser and/or mouth swab tests on the street

3. In the UK, if police believe that you are under the influence of drugs they can arrest you and take you to the police station for the urine tests.

4. In Japan the police have been carrying out on the spot urine tests for drugs since at least 2009, Thai police are probably following the Japanese police protocol.

5. Since the coup, the 2007 Constitution was scrapped and we are now under Martial Law which covers narcotics, so normal human rights do not apply.

6. The police are profiling, so walking down the street with a "Legalise Marijuana" T-Shirt and generally looking the part is asking to be searched.

7. A Thonglor policeman was killed by a rich Thai, driving a Ferrari along Sukhumvit rd, who was high on drugs.


It is a disgrace carried out by bully boys and the people on this forum who write in support of random drug searches are no better than the thugs themselves. The vast majority of normal people use or have used so called illegal drugs. It is those prurient moralists who are non users who are in the minority. Even under the UK draconian anti freedom laws drugs found in the system in such a way cannot be counted as possession. Any cursory examination of any national currency can detect various drugs. These actions by the Thai police are barbaric corruption for which the weak and poor suffer. Shame on Thailand and their medieval laws. And even greater shame on some of the commentators on this forum who, quite frankly, seem hate filled, for Thailand, for foreigners and I suspect for them selves.

"The vast majority of normal people use or have used so called illegal drugs. It is those prurient moralists who are non users who are in the minority."

I'd love to see your evidence for that banal remark.

In the US most everyone I knew used weed and cocaine, and they were mostly lawyers, judges and other legal professionals.


Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

Er, back in the states we have something called the fourth amendment which protects you from illegal search and seizures. Policemen would need "probable cause" (facts or evidence that would lead a reasonable person to believe that a suspect has committed a crime) to stop and search you on the street. And as for urine drug testing you'd have to be placed under arrest first before the policeman could even make a request for such a thing.

The Fourth Amendment is no longer worth the paper it is written on. Under the Patriot Act and other post 9/11 legislation, any US citizen even suspected of having any links to alleged terrorists can be plucked off their own streets without being told why, be detained indefinitely without being charged, brought before a judge or having legal representation, and suffer so-called enhanced interrogation methods, which include water-boarding.

If you are a US citizen outside the country who is fingered for alleged links to terrorists, President Obama is able personally to order your execution by a drone strike, as has already happened - notably in the case of Anwar al Awlaki and his schoolboy son, who was just 16 when he was blown to pieces as a perceived threat to the world's most powerful nation.

Welcome to the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.


It is a disgrace carried out by bully boys and the people on this forum who write in support of random drug searches are no better than the thugs themselves. The vast majority of normal people use or have used so called illegal drugs. It is those prurient moralists who are non users who are in the minority. Even under the UK draconian anti freedom laws drugs found in the system in such a way cannot be counted as possession. Any cursory examination of any national currency can detect various drugs. These actions by the Thai police are barbaric corruption for which the weak and poor suffer. Shame on Thailand and their medieval laws. And even greater shame on some of the commentators on this forum who, quite frankly, seem hate filled, for Thailand, for foreigners and I suspect for them selves.

"The vast majority of normal people use or have used so called illegal drugs. It is those prurient moralists who are non users who are in the minority."

I'd love to see your evidence for that banal remark.

In the US most everyone I knew used weed and cocaine, and they were mostly lawyers, judges and other legal professionals.

I know. I will never forget this. I went out with a group of people I had just met one night. One of them in particular was particularly wasted on ecstacy and coke and pretty wild all night. I talked to her a bit and found out what she did for a living: kindergarden teacher. ha. I'll never forget that one, true story.


What if they find you or your room with Xanax (strangly available here with out a script) or Viagra both purchased from a Thai pharmacy without a prescription? This is what I have wondered.


This sounds awfully like a scam to me.

Been frequenting Soi 21,23 & walk around the station for 20years, never even looked like being stopped.

Are you sure they are for real? My advice would be that I will give you a sample, but at your station at Thong Lor?

I know off topic a bit but what do you think of this, Removed all the street vendors along Sukhumvit because blocks the

walkway. NOW we have the keystone 2,000 bht cigarettee butt cowboys parking their pickup, where? On the footpath!!!!!!

If it was not so funny it would be serious , oh sorry, wrong way around.


Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

Er, back in the states we have something called the fourth amendment which protects you from illegal search and seizures. Policemen would need "probable cause" (facts or evidence that would lead a reasonable person to believe that a suspect has committed a crime) to stop and search you on the street. And as for urine drug testing you'd have to be placed under arrest first before the policeman could even make a request for such a thing.

Right... and US cops are so honest? Ever been to anywhere in the South or in LA? "Probable Cause" is exactly that ... probable. The cops can say what they like as it refers the probability issue. It would be up to the court to ascertain if the cop was within his rights to stop and search you or have you take a test of any kind. This of course would be after you were "detained" and/or arrested and spent a number of hours in the local jail.

I am from LA County and have traveled throughout the US. I do not smoke anything and have a very clear memory of the '70's! But the police have a job to do and though in the US and in the EU things are done for the most part on the up and up, there are those times when the BIB and our 'men in blue' share some of the same characteristics, though not all with the more usual outcomes associated with the BIB.

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I used to live on soi 22 and the farang drug dealers were well known in the many Queens Park Plaza bars. I'm not surprised the sois around there are targeted.

I always seemed to get stopped when I'm on my way to meet you.

I don't think this is a coincidence. :)


Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

Er, back in the states we have something called the fourth amendment which protects you from illegal search and seizures. Policemen would need "probable cause" (facts or evidence that would lead a reasonable person to believe that a suspect has committed a crime) to stop and search you on the street. And as for urine drug testing you'd have to be placed under arrest first before the policeman could even make a request for such a thing.

Right... and US cops are so honest? Ever been to anywhere in the South or in LA? "Probable Cause" is exactly that ... probable. The cops can say what they like as it refers the probability issue. It would be up to the court to ascertain if the cop was within his rights to stop and search you or have you take a test of any kind. This of course would be after you were "detained" and/or arrested and spent a number of hours in the local jail.

I am from LA County and have traveled throughout the US. I do not smoke anything and have a very clear memory of the '70's! But the police have a job to do and though in the US and in the EU things are done for the most part on the up and up, there are those times when the BIB and our 'men in blue' share some of the same characteristics, though not all with the more usual outcomes associated with the BIB.

LA cops are the worst, but if you notice they don't push past their limits unless you let them. Being informed is your best weapon. They act like they can search your vehicle or your person, but they can't without permission. I remember watching the show cops and guys would get pulled over with drugs in the car, and they would ask if they could search the car and the guy would say yes!! They can't do a thing if you know your rights. They can stop you for anything, that's true, but to really nail you with something they do need probable cause, like you fit the description of a fleeing subject or something like that. So yes they are actually forced into being honest especially with all the pocket sized audio and video devices we have now.

Having said all that though, cops are very bad in that if you dont let them search they then make your life hell by giving you the ticket or whatever it was they pulled you over for.

I would much prefer all that to being forced to take a drug test for no reason though. That is a complete invasion, on the order of an official being able to walk into my house and search as he pleases in my opinion. It is a huge human rights violation. Thailand should be ashamed they even do this. Also, you know you can eat a hemp seed bar and test positive for this sort of test. Anyway, it's just another shame. Total shakedown + human rights violation, and again Thailand should be ashamed of this.


It is a disgrace carried out by bully boys and the people on this forum who write in support of random drug searches are no better than the thugs themselves. The vast majority of normal people use or have used so called illegal drugs. It is those prurient moralists who are non users who are in the minority. Even under the UK draconian anti freedom laws drugs found in the system in such a way cannot be counted as possession. Any cursory examination of any national currency can detect various drugs. These actions by the Thai police are barbaric corruption for which the weak and poor suffer. Shame on Thailand and their medieval laws. And even greater shame on some of the commentators on this forum who, quite frankly, seem hate filled, for Thailand, for foreigners and I suspect for them selves.

"The vast majority of normal people use or have used so called illegal drugs. It is those prurient moralists who are non users who are in the minority."

I'd love to see your evidence for that banal remark.

In the US most everyone I knew used weed and cocaine, and they were mostly lawyers, judges and other legal professionals.

I take it you didn't know any Presidents?


I used to live on soi 22 and the farang drug dealers were well known in the many Queens Park Plaza bars. I'm not surprised the sois around there are targeted.

I always seemed to get stopped when I'm on my way to meet you.

I don't think this is a coincidence. smile.png

Let's see if you get stopped tonight...

Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

What is illegal in Thailand and they should put it in their thick heads, is that they shouldn't use any drugs or smokes while here.

Is this so hard to understand?

No it's not. It would not be permitted here in the UK and in the US the police would need "probable cause" for such a test. Also what if you have just flown in from one of the US states that permit marijuana ? In countries with any respect for human rights, demanding a pee test on the street would be regarded as assault.

Also despite what others have posted, marijuana is detectable in urine only for about 4 days. it would be detectable however in a hair sample for much longer.

I do wish some people would get their facts straight before they do their self righteous fulminating.

1. Costas did not say that the police have the right to carry out the tests on the street.

2. In the UK, the police have the right to carry out breathalyser and/or mouth swab tests on the street

3. In the UK, if police believe that you are under the influence of drugs they can arrest you and take you to the police station for the urine tests.

4. In Japan the police have been carrying out on the spot urine tests for drugs since at least 2009, Thai police are probably following the Japanese police protocol.

5. Since the coup, the 2007 Constitution was scrapped and we are now under Martial Law which covers narcotics, so normal human rights do not apply.

6. The police are profiling, so walking down the street with a "Legalise Marijuana" T-Shirt and generally looking the part is asking to be searched.

7. A Thonglor policeman was killed by a rich Thai, driving a Ferrari along Sukhumvit rd, who was high on drugs.

As regards points 2 and 3 above, this is only true in certain very limited circumstances. 2 only applies in the event of a moving traffic offence or driving accident. As far as I know there is as yet no provision for random, 'on spec', breath or other roadside tests; though it is true the police will justify testing on the grounds of "driving erratically" which can cover almost anything.

I've never heard of the provisions you mention in point 3. As far as I know, while it is illegal to be in possession of recreational drugs this does not cover them being in your blood stream. The nearest I've heard to what you imply is the old offence of being drunk and disorderly.

As regards point 5 above, I totally agree. Human rights as we understand them have never applied in Thailand. I did not mean to suggest that they did; only that it might be a better place if they did.

As regards 6, so the police are profiling; do you thing that is acceptable? Should one's appearance lead to an assumption of criminal behaviour? Leaving aside provocative slogans on T-shirts, what do you regard as acceptable criteria for the assumption that someone is a criminal because you don't like how he looks. I don't recall that the OP suggested he looked like an anti-social deviant when he was stopped.


What if they find you or your room with Xanax (strangly available here with out a script) or Viagra both purchased from a Thai pharmacy without a prescription? This is what I have wondered.

Any one ?


What if they find you or your room with Xanax (strangly available here with out a script) or Viagra both purchased from a Thai pharmacy without a prescription? This is what I have wondered.

Any one ?

You would have commited an offence and it would be up to the police whether you are arrested, warned or able to pay them off.


I wonder what they would do in op's example if you asked for the identity of all the people that were going to handle your sample. Because, surely they must all be trained professionals, correct? Maybe not in Thailand, but technically these people who are administering tests like this should be trained.

I once listened to a fascinating argument for why these tests are not effective. If you do say 10,000 of these tests, and you have a 1% inaccuracy or false positive rate, then that is 100 people who are screwed for absolutely no wrongdoing whatsoever. What if Thailand does these tests over a 20 year period, and tests 500,000 people. That's 5000 innocent people being accused of having drugs in their systems no less! Imagine the possible lifelong implications of being essentially convicted of having drug in your system, when in fact you did not.


Is it even illegal to be under the influence of drugs in the US while not driving? (vs possesion)

I am pretty sure the way it works is the cops have authority over your behavior in public essentially. This makes sense and is not such a bad thing, as it is what makes up the job of an officer, controlling behavior. The officer will have to pose in court why your behavior seemed to be of danger. So they have to act on behavior, that is the leverage that they have. In essence if you are calm cool and controlled and on cocaine, you should have nothing to worry about. Once the drugs enter your system, you're home free unless you die from ingesting them or your behavior is out of line in public. Maybe this is why you see characters swallowing evidence of drugs in movies sometimes, haha.

So, as you mention, I don't think they can use the fact that you may or may not have drugs in your system, or even test you for that unless you are convicted of something then you lose those rights I believe.

I have definitely witnessed cases where officers have asked people if they smoke pot (not have pot), and they answered yes and there is nothing really the cop can do. In fact it tends to have the opposite effect in that they gain a little trust with the officer.

Anyway, your question is interesting, I hope other more informed members chime in smile.png

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I never thought about the BIB now every time I'm walking down the street I wonder if they will harass me. Nothing to hide except that I'm not usually carrying my passport.


I never thought about the BIB now every time I'm walking down the street I wonder if they will harass me. Nothing to hide except that I'm not usually carrying my passport.

Get laminated copies of the important pages.


I never thought about the BIB now every time I'm walking down the street I wonder if they will harass me. Nothing to hide except that I'm not usually carrying my passport.

Get laminated copies of the important pages.

Weirdly enough the last two times I was stopped they didn't even bother asking for ID. But, yeah, photocopies / laminated copies are a good idea.


I just walked past someone being searched by BIB between PP BTS and the Philippines embassy. I think it's the same area. It looked like the other guy wanted to bother me too but I kept walking before he could say anything. The guy being stopped didn't look too suspicious, but was smoking a cig.

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