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Rakhine group urges Thai PM to reopen probe into Koh Tao murders


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Seriously! You have to laugh at General Somyot for his comment about it not happening under his command when he doesn't know anything except what his underlings tell him. Prime example of this is YL amd her rice scheme. Spouting quotes and facts other people say without verifying them.

As other posters here continue to say. They need to reopen the case and get an independant outside source to verify the RTPs findings before anyone is going to believe the 2 Burmy men are really the killers and not some tortured and beaten scapegoats

I was listening to him earlier and he speaks like a lower class level person, or 'phut leng' as in he speaks harsh. He was 'wa wa waing' at everything and poiting his finger at people, he did not appear like a leader of country, or what one should look like for that matter.

General Somyot is not the leader of the country. What should the leader of a country look like? Suit and tie 24hr a day?

My bad, I was not fully awake and did not read the article properly. I always refer to Prayuth as General because that is in reality what he is, not a man of politics even if he put himself in that position. I was referring to him and thought that was what the article was about, again misunderstanding

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Perhaps by now some RTP officers are having difficulty to find sleep at night. S#!T is hitting the fan for them as it seems! Thanks to anyone here at TV who did not buckle under the RTP threats and kept posting photos and texts questioning the RTP's investigation and their official version. Power to the people!!! thumbsup.gif

As if the RTP will make us cower. Never. This what free press looks like!! Get a close look at it, RTP. And don't forget, we have a voice you cannot silence.

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We want the truth!

Until then... BOYCOT KOH TAO!

highly unlikely though

there will be stupid goons that think "oh, I cannot be that unlucky to be murdered" or

"I know what I am doing" or "I can fend for myself"

So, KT will still continue to see visitors unless the tourists really fear for the safety of their lives

Actually...the 'stupid goons' as you call them seem to have the odds on their side.....out of the hundreds of thousands (or maybe millions) visiting Koh Tao over the past decade, how many have been murdered? Your odds of being killed on the road in Thailand are far higher than the odds of being murdered on Koh Tao.

Agreed. nevertheless you can be killed on the road anywhere, whereas I hope in fewer place you can be murdered in such an horribe fashion, with the entire police and government system covering up and placing the blame equally on yourself (for being engaged to a jealous gay or wearing a bikini) and on a couple of innocent scapegoats.

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Has anyone else noticed the Thai media/RTP relative silence lately on this? Seems the strategy is same same, keep quiet until the next scandal can distract, then move slowly to finalize scandal. I must say, they are pathetically predictable. They a need a lesson from the masters of deception.....the US media and gov't. We all must keep the pressure on. Or, same same in the future.

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National Police chief General Somyot Poompanmoung reiterated that the investigation had been carried out in a transparent manner,

A lie is a lie is a lie

and remains a lie, no matter how often reiterated

Well, he's speaking to the bewildered herd that actually believe him. Many Thais simply follow out of respect and/or ignorance. Just like the Americans did in the USA under GWB, or any other country for that matter. There is an old saying that he seems to agree with, "I have said it twice: That alone should encourage the crew. Just the place for a Snark! I have said it thrice: What i tell you three times is true."

From Lewis Carroll's, The Hunting of the Snark.

Edited by templedog
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National Police chief General Somyot Poompanmoung reiterated that the investigation had been carried out in a transparent manner, saying that the scapegoat era that saw innocent people charged with crimes may have existed in the past but not under his command...

Come on.. let's not beat around the bush here... It 100% did exist

And I also call BS on his statement that it's not currently going on under his command.

The world is watching, and despite their best efforts to protect tourism / face, the RTP, PM & Government are losing incredible amounts of face internationally, due to the unprofessional investigation and incompetence shown by ALL involved.

Actions speak louder than words, and so far we've seen little action, and too many words.

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Guess he hasn't heard about the ' Sanctuary of Truth' disgrace about 1 month ago....

Links please. I have heard nothing about an incident there.


Thanks for the link. I don't remember seeing this anywhere else.

Another case of RTP corruption. Best advice from the article... 1) never ask the RTP for help, 2) never sign anything you do not understand.

That last bit about never signing anything you don't understand, must apply in spades to the two Burmese scapegoats. I feel they were railroaded into signing a 'confession' written in Thai by the RTP. They had no idea whatsoever what it was they were signing. Plus no lawyer to advise them. Railroaded for sure.

ALL these stories need to make the international press. It is only when the bad corrupt practices of the police and mafia gangs start to hit the Thai economy where it hurts, is anything likely to change.

The general and his coup will change nothing, as the Koh Tao case clearly shows.

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I think the RTP should all be sent on a nice little holiday to West Africa, so that they can brush up on there dna sample taking skills, Make sure they don't come back though.

But seriously though, well done to the members who got the media to listen to our " crazy conspiracy theories". Where are all the apologists now? Probably arguing with somebody about wheels not being round or something.

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The international spotlight falls on Thailand again and once more the country makes itself an embarrassing laughing stock. This mix of 'face', corruption, arrogance and incompetence from people who are seemingly oblivious to what they are has become a trademark to me for this country.

It reminds of Yingluck repeating 'I am from election' as the answer to every question the interviewer put to her.

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I just talked with friend in USA who happens to be travel agent. She says arranged to rent house boat in Koh Tao. I suggested she hire some body guards. When I mentioned Koh Tao, she said "Where those two Burmese killed those British?". I proceeded to give her thumbnail of this sham. It seems to confirm once more that Americans don't really care about international news unless it has direct impact on USA. I asked if she could cancel that reservation. I don't want one satang going to that place until they come clean about this whole mess.

Keep the pressure on, then double it.

Do you live in Thailand? If not then refraining from visiting and spending is the only way to effect change. If you are an expat you should leave in protest. I did.

So all expats with house, wife,kids or jobs should leave in protest. Yes sure....

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Maybe you should start reading as it was posted 6 hours ago.

Ooops, I didn't didn't see it on the thread as it was buried into...."See All News".

Maybe you should mind your manners and keep your petty sarcasm to your wife or gf.

Or would you like me to teach you some manners? Mr Crunchy.

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I just talked with friend in USA who happens to be travel agent. She says arranged to rent house boat in Koh Tao. I suggested she hire some body guards. When I mentioned Koh Tao, she said "Where those two Burmese killed those British?". I proceeded to give her thumbnail of this sham. It seems to confirm once more that Americans don't really care about international news unless it has direct impact on USA. I asked if she could cancel that reservation. I don't want one satang going to that place until they come clean about this whole mess.

Keep the pressure on, then double it.

Do you live in Thailand? If not then refraining from visiting and spending is the only way to effect change. If you are an expat you should leave in protest. I did.

So all expats with house, wife,kids or jobs should leave in protest. Yes sure....

I have enough disgust with the current situation to make me want to leave, but agree with Lars on this one. Besides, going back to USA would be worse, IMO.

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Maybe do a remake of All the President's Men, but this time a black comedy "All the General's Men". Begins as a tragedy and ends as a farce... Nixon might have made it through if he'd have come clean. Is general being set up by those who don't like his mild crackdown on certain corruption arrangements? Follow the money trail, general!

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Let's face it, the RTP have stated their case, and like a dog backed into a corner, they will do everything they can to "protect" their image. They don't care what the rest of the world thinks, or knows, as they, the RTP are "always right". Even though they know in their hearts they are wrong (or maybe they don't), they're not going to change their stance. The loss of face would be too massive for them to even consider that. This case was just "another minor murder" for them to cover up and sweep under the carpet, in their minds, and didn't count on, or expect the massive media attention that it drew to their little fiefdom. They were not even remotely prepared for that, and were then forced to "solve and resolve" it as quickly as possible, by whatever means necessary, expect for the correct ones.

Now the whole world can see the RTP for what they really are - Criminals in Brown Uniforms - and they (RTP) don't like that. Now they are even more determined to "make their case", and will do anything and everything they can to get the outcome they want, and to hell with the rest of the world. Justice has no place in a world of Self Preservation at All Costs!

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We want the truth!

Until then... BOYCOT KOH TAO!

highly unlikely though

there will be stupid goons that think "oh, I cannot be that unlucky to be murdered" or

"I know what I am doing" or "I can fend for myself"

So, KT will still continue to see visitors unless the tourists really fear for the safety of their lives

Actually...the 'stupid goons' as you call them seem to have the odds on their side.....out of the hundreds of thousands (or maybe millions) visiting Koh Tao over the past decade, how many have been murdered? Your odds of being killed on the road in Thailand are far higher than the odds of being murdered on Koh Tao.



People like you should read more often!!

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We want the truth!

Until then... BOYCOT KOH TAO!

highly unlikely though

there will be stupid goons that think "oh, I cannot be that unlucky to be murdered" or

"I know what I am doing" or "I can fend for myself"

So, KT will still continue to see visitors unless the tourists really fear for the safety of their lives

Actually...the 'stupid goons' as you call them seem to have the odds on their side.....out of the hundreds of thousands (or maybe millions) visiting Koh Tao over the past decade, how many have been murdered? Your odds of being killed on the road in Thailand are far higher than the odds of being murdered on Koh Tao.



People like you should read more often!!

After reading Robert Harris's recent book 'An Officer and a Spy' about the Dreyfuss affair in France late 18th century, it becomes easy to understand the lengths that officials will go to to protect themselves. And even with all the evidence it takes many years for the real culprits to be publicly exposed.

Worth reading!

Edited by rak sa_ngop
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Guess he hasn't heard about the ' Sanctuary of Truth' disgrace about 1 month ago....

Links please. I have heard nothing about an incident there.


Another sensationalist story by Drummond. Nothing at all related to the Sanctuary of Truth, and even a blind man can see the guy made false claims

Regardless of the validity of the man's claims, I think the story is that he was locked up with no legal recourse and then released with no explanation. The moral of the story is not to embarrass the police in public, but it is also another example of police having no accountability for their actions.

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However, National Police chief General Somyot Poompanmoung reiterated that the investigation had been carried out in a transparent manner, saying that the scapegoat era that saw innocent people charged with crimes may have existed in the past but not under his command.

Why not prove it then by calling for a new independent investigation with Khunying Pornthip in charge of the forensics and DNA tested in the UK. It's quite simple and a great chance to restore public trust in the police, if they have nothing to hide.

Otherwise the public will believe nothing has changed. Scapegoating and police gansterism continues to flourish unabated and senior police believe that people just have to believe anything they say without evidence.

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