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Thai PM asserts British govt has no doubts regarding British tourists' murder case


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To be fair to the PM, he's not a despot, and he has apologised for other gaffes in the past (e.g. Bikini-gate).

I reckon that he will quickly realise that he has been caught lying and has been made to look like a prat, so he will issue a "clarification" to being misquoted by the Press.

So be patient and give him 24 hours to redeem himself.

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Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Bangkok was mistakenly quoted as saying he was happy with the RTP investigation, now this.

Thailand is taking a very aggressive attitude.

I hope Her Majesty's Government send a firm rebuke ASAP.

Is the Head man of a small Thai island really that influential??? I don’t think so, so what the hell is going on?

Edited by BoristheBlade
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Maybe this is just rumor....but I've heard from a no bullshit source that the PM's mom is a serious friend of Koh Tao mafia headman's grandmother, and that the grandmother has MUCHO influence and cred with Thai gov't. Just something I heard.

who is the no bullshit source, a friend of a friend of a friend ?

I smell bullshit.

Let's just say that I wholeheartedly trust this source not to feed me bullshit. Whether or not it is true, I obviously cannot confirm. I am just passing on something that I've heard from a Thai source that is working in Thai gov't. I don't like bullshit hearsay either, but I thought it was worth passing on. After all, we ALL know how the Thai crony system works. Do we not? If it is BS, well then.......???

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Maybe this is just rumor....but I've heard from a no bullshit source that the PM's mom is a serious friend of Koh Tao mafia headman's grandmother, and that the grandmother has MUCHO influence and cred with Thai gov't. Just something I heard.

who is the no bullshit source, a friend of a friend of a friend ?

I smell bullshit.

Let's just say that I wholeheartedly trust this source not to feed me bullshit. Whether or not it is true, I obviously cannot confirm. I am just passing on something that I've heard from a Thai source that is working in Thai gov't. I don't like bullshit hearsay either, but I thought it was worth passing on. After all, we ALL know how the Thai crony system works. Do we not? If it is BS, well then.......???

Either way, pass this onto old mate CSI LA for a full investigation, he'll get to the bottom of it.

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Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Bangkok was mistakenly quoted as saying he was happy with the RTP investigation, now this.

Thailand is taking a very aggressive attitude.

I hope Her Majesty's Government send a firm rebuke ASAP.

Is the Head man of a small Thai island really that influential??? I don’t think so, so what the hell is going on?

I think the small Thai island Headman is influential. Sometimes you have to just look at the nose on your face. Think about it, a situation occurs (double homicide that has the looks of an angry and aggressive assault....anyone heard of Thai face saving?)... that has HUGE implications right before Thai tourist season kicks in. You could probably connect the money ALL the way to top officials in the gov't. ANYONE shouting "CONSPIRACY THEORY", or saying "stop speculating", can KMA. The investigation has been pathetically amateurish by Thai officials.

Oh, one more thing....many have stated that the Thai police are so stupid to have let the crime scene be contaminated by the public (including the manager of AC Bar). Actually, maybe they wanted it to be contaminated to purposely hide incriminating evidence. I am just thinking of things that a normal detective might consider....but yet, the RTP will not cover ALL leads. Ask yourself....WHY NOT?

Edited by templedog
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Maybe this is just rumor....but I've heard from a no bullshit source that the PM's mom is a serious friend of Koh Tao mafia headman's grandmother, and that the grandmother has MUCHO influence and cred with Thai gov't. Just something I heard.

who is the no bullshit source, a friend of a friend of a friend ?

I smell bullshit.

Let's just say that I wholeheartedly trust this source not to feed me bullshit. Whether or not it is true, I obviously cannot confirm. I am just passing on something that I've heard from a Thai source that is working in Thai gov't. I don't like bullshit hearsay either, but I thought it was worth passing on. After all, we ALL know how the Thai crony system works. Do we not? If it is BS, well then.......???

Either way, pass this onto old mate CSI LA for a full investigation, he'll get to the bottom of it.

Good idea....I shall. Thanks for your courteous reply...I mean that....sometimes I get hateful replies for just being inquisitive, maybe too many trolls here.

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The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) said the summons of Nadhavathna Krishnamra on Monday followed a call made by Mr Swire to Thailand's deputy prime minister and foreign minister earlier this month.

In a statement, the FCO said: "Mr Swire stressed that there was a real concern in the UK about how the investigation has been handled by the Thai authorities."

The Burmese government and parliament have also issued statements of concern.

But, as the pre-trial hearing began on Tuesday, Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha dismissed growing concern and denied that the Thai charge d'affaires had been summoned.

He said: "They did not summon us. We went to provide clarification to them.

"We went to show them how we work. They might be surprised at how quickly we work but we explained the steps we have in place."


Edited by templedog
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To be fair to the PM, he's not a despot, and he has apologised for other gaffes in the past (e.g. Bikini-gate).

I reckon that he will quickly realise that he has been caught lying and has been made to look like a prat, so he will issue a "clarification" to being misquoted by the Press.

So be patient and give him 24 hours to redeem himself.

Why should we be apologetic to a guy who is a puppet and is obviously as corrupt as the whole lot of them? What's your stake in this?

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I cannot judge if the 2 Myanmar guys are scapegoats or the right ones and guilty, but the way the media has been reporting the case I have doubts. On the other hand, based on the PM’s statement, it seems like the 2 guys fate is settled, as it may be too much “loose face” should something else or new evidence turn up – i.e. stops any criticism and speculation…

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what can the uk government do anyway ? They cant control Thailand thats for sure.

You'd be surprised! The British government can make it very difficult for people to get in and out, if needs be.

Watch this space. If Prayuth and his team don't answer, you'll soon find it hard to get a visa for your wife/gf or whomever from Thailand to get into the UK.

That's exactly what the UK government can do. And it can also control imports, as it doesn't exactly export much to Thailand... if anything at all.

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Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Bangkok was mistakenly quoted as saying he was happy with the RTP investigation, now this.

Thailand is taking a very aggressive attitude.

I hope Her Majesty's Government send a firm rebuke ASAP.

Is the Head man of a small Thai island really that influential??? I don’t think so, so what the hell is going on?

I think the small Thai island Headman is influential. Sometimes you have to just look at the nose on your face. Think about it, a situation occurs (double homicide that has the looks of an angry and aggressive assault....anyone heard of Thai face saving?)... that has HUGE implications right before Thai tourist season kicks in. You could probably connect the money ALL the way to top officials in the gov't. ANYONE shouting "CONSPIRACY THEORY", or saying "stop speculating", can KMA. The investigation has been pathetically amateurish by Thai officials.

Oh, one more thing....many have stated that the Thai police are so stupid to have let the crime scene be contaminated by the public (including the manager of AC Bar). Actually, maybe they wanted it to be contaminated to purposely hide incriminating evidence. I am just thinking of things that a normal detective might consider....but yet, the RTP will not cover ALL leads. Ask yourself....WHY NOT?


IMO, the murderers MO was not the lame-assed story by the RTP...that these young Burmese guys wanted to take a peek (and deciding to bring a hoe with them, just in case, ya know) at two foreigners kissing. And then got all horny enough to bash their faces in and rape the girl. Are you kidding me? Follow the money, just like Walter Sobchak said in The Big Lebowski. Sorry for bringing up The Dude.

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Somebody needs to translate this for them.



Just spotted that it is in Thai too!


No excuses now.

Edited by draftvader
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This could be a reason why Thailand could give a shit what the UK and USA have to say about their domestic affairs.


Thailand has recently avoided the USA's invitation into the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership).

And has decided to side with China. Just food for thought.....after all, politics is more complex than most people consider.

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I tweeted the OP on this thread to Mark Kent asking if it was true or whether words were being put in his mouth again.

He replied with "I think the FCO statement yesterday was pretty clear".

I've commented on your tweet too.

These poor buggers are going down. Just can't see any other outcome

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Having read that a number of cases have been dismissed by the judge/courts, I'd like to hope the Judge may have sense to do the same here. He has already been bold enough to publicly return the court papers and accepted that the defendants could use an official translator in the courts, but we'll see. I'm an eternal optimist.

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