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Tony Blair: Fight war of ideas against extremism


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Tony Blair: Fight war of ideas against extremism
By Tony Blair

LONDON: -- The last few weeks have seen a significant shift in the global response to events in Iraq and Syria. Led by the US, more than 40 countries are now joined in fighting the scourge of Islamic State (Isis). This is a sensible decision, but it is not enough.

Because the issue is larger than terror groups like Isis, Boko Haram or Al-Shabab alone. There is a fundamental problem with radical Islamism. And it is imperative that we recognise the global nature of this problem, the scale of it, and from that analysis contrive the set of policies that will resolve it.

In an essay last month, I set out the seven principles of understanding that I believe should underpin this strategy. The reaction to this invariably boiled down to the question of intervention.

There is no doubt that force is needed to confront a group like Isis; it is a group of people who fight without hesitation, kill without mercy and die without regret. But left out of the analysis was one of the most important questions this generation of leaders faces: how we uproot the thinking of the extremists, not simply disrupt their actions.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-29553001

-- BBC 2014-10-15

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The problem with just shooting them is that there is a new crop every year.

You catch the god virus from your parents, and their is no vaccine because they have you when you are most vulnerable to authority figure credibility. Education is a cure only effective in around 50% of cases, but it does have a moderating effect on those not 'cured'. It is best applied at as early an age as is possible, and ensuring that booster shots of religion aren't given with it.

Edited by halloween
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It's an interesting idea but Islam is not a nation. The us and them is not so easy to determine.

I would like to put it to you, if I may, that this is neither about religion nor nation. If it were that simple then it would be even simpler to fix and finish.

What I can see here is a need to understand absolute base motivation and I don't believe it is a 1000 waiting houris. I think there is money behind this and for a motivation that is unknown to us. These jihadists, if we can call them that, are coming from everywhere so there is no national, cultural or religious uniformity. If you take those out of the mix then what is motivating these people to a fight that even they must know is untenable?

Disagree, there must certainly is "religious uniformity." This quite difficult to accept reality (because accepting it is near terrifying) is vital to making any progress in dealing with this issue. So, all these points are not "out of the mix." What is motivating them is the very impetus that has man marching to war, to god, for ages- this is the islamic divine mandate, no less.

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The only way to fix it is segregation. Us non muslims should stay out of radical muslim countries. And radical muslims should stay out of non muslim countries.

If after that, they attack us then time for them to pay the piper and get blown back to the stone ages like Japan did in 45.

I like it in principle, but in practice how do you tell the radicals from the rest and what do you do with them if they are already in the west?

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This article, and the essay it references, carefully says... really nothing at all. It makes the stunning observation that grannies in Des Moines could just as easily make- an avenue must be created to lessen radical islam. However, without addressing if/whether it is really radical at all no progress will ever be made, and the West will progressivley march dumbly forward into oblivion. Unless one painfully conceeds the threat is far darker than our deepest, wishful assertions reflect, Western Civilization will perish or at a minimum, after failed skirmishes and limited wars, a bi or tri polar world will follow with a nuclear caliphate still waiting on the return of the Mahdi.

Dark because this is a very big deal. A core component of one of the world's great religions has within it the workings of an ideology that last saw its fullest application in the distant past. This ideology is all but antithetical to the modern liberal world. IMO, it is anathema to any sense of a dignified, enlightened life.

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There are a lot of reasons for young men from all over answering the call to jihad. First, there is a certain uniformity to their religious belief. Second, they are largely disaffected youth, probably no job and not much prospect for a decent life style. They probably either are or feel alienated or rejected by the larger community.

The big thing is they are young and young people don't always think clearly. They are being called to war, they get to carry big guns, they have been told they can rape women and can have sex slaves. And when they are done, they do not have to live their. In theory, they can go back to their home country.

ISIS is a to Jihadi what Pattaya is to a sexpat.

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The only way to fix it is segregation. Us non muslims should stay out of radical muslim countries. And radical muslims should stay out of non muslim countries.

If after that, they attack us then time for them to pay the piper and get blown back to the stone ages like Japan did in 45.

what do you do with them if they are already in the west?

Round em' all up and drop them with the bomb ?

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Poor deluded Mr. Blair, he really can't accept that he got it all wrong by going into Iraq as the poodle on the lead behind G.W. Bush, now spends his life trying to justify that decision which has condemned him to an inglorious role in the history books

Consequences of the War in Iraq are very debatable. If at all, there are any positives ...

But, today we know that, at least, one of the main reason of invasion - weapons of mass destruction was/is partly true.


I don't think Blair and Bush were lying

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Blair, you got to give it to him , he fooled his followers, but to others he was just a lying fool, but He could lead the sheep at the time.

Tony Blair and his henchman despised the voters who gave them Global leadership.

And we despise Tony liar the only man I would not even urinate on even if he was on fire mind you I would happily do it any other time

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I liked Tony Blair. He was articulate and intelligent.

Then I found that he was praying to the imaginary man in the sky for guidance, especially when colluding with G W Bush about Islam. Then after his Prime Ministership ended he converted to Catholicism. That is like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.

How can he expect to maintain any creditability.

How can he expect to maintain any creditability.

Dont worry, he has Gawd on his side now, the only thing he has managed to achieve is uniting the Middle East so they all hate him.

Dont get me started on his gobshyte wife.

Will any of Tonys boys be putting on a uniform soon or are they too busy studying in the lofty halls of Oxford, working class my ass.

Poor old Kier Hardie must be spinning in his grave.

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Blair, you got to give it to him , he fooled his followers, but to others he was just a lying fool, but He could lead the sheep at the time.

Tony Blair and his henchman despised the voters who gave them Global leadership.

And we despise Tony liar the only man I would not even urinate on even if he was on fire mind you I would happily do it any other time

I'd pour some extra petrol on him. Vile, self interested, self righteous war criminal.

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