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Walking around with Viagra....ok or no?


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My apologies in advance if posting in the wrong area. My question comes about after reading about random searches near Sukhumvit 22 and other area's in BKK. If searched, and a police officer comes upon HALF a Viagra pill, wrapped in tissue paper, would they make an issue of this? Best nt to do this or ok? Serious question. Thank you very much

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Without a legal prescription are you sure its real viagra ? If not it could give you a bad case of the runs ,imagine having brown stuff running down youre pants when being stopped by the boys in brown.......biggrin.png

Been here 10 years and that's a new one on me. Fake Viagra gives you the runs? Why pray tell would the fakers go to the trouble to buy ingredients that causes diarrhea? Speaking of that how would you know that with a prescription the doc in a clinic was pushing real meds? Everything might be fake, even the bar girl might be a fake bar girl!

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Obviously the OP knows it's a grey area so just carry the "half pill" somewhere other than his pocket, fer crying out loud.

Stuff it in a sock, a shoe, waistband of underwear . . . hardly quantum physics, is it?

This is bad advice.

If the man is searched and a pill is found in his shoe, waistband or underwear, the police will immediately suspect that it is a drug substance.

He will be detained, till they find out what this pill is.

And that can take days.

Edited by Costas2008
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Having half a pill, whether that be Viagra, Cialis or whatever, can last you several days of fun.

Seeing the relationship of the components of Viagra, and Heart (Angina) medications, many dudes don't know that you can scrape off a (viagra/cialis) pill, and get up to 8 or so separate uses out of it.

The trick to this is that you don't actually swallow the Pill, or part thereof. You scrape it, and place the powder under your tongue, much the same way as an Angina tablet.

The wakey wakey effects come on fairly quickly, and maintain for as long as there are still traces of it under your tongue. The key factor to remember is to minimise the amount of saliva, hence swallowing - which is of course difficult to avoid. The underlying theory why it works, is that the powder scrapes are not having to be passed into stomach and be processed, but instead is barrelled straight into your system

So why would someone continue to carry half a Viagra in one's pocket? Someone who can get results from 'swallowing' (half) a tablet doesn't really need the tablet in the first place.

Hmmm, if I was in this situation, I'd have to fake an Angina attack, and pop the remainder of the pill under my tongue...

Edited by tifino
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Without a legal prescription are you sure its real viagra ? If not it could give you a bad case of the runs ,imagine having brown stuff running down youre pants when being stopped by the boys in brown.......biggrin.png

Been here 10 years and that's a new one on me. Fake Viagra gives you the runs? Why pray tell would the fakers go to the trouble to buy ingredients that causes diarrhea? Speaking of that how would you know that with a prescription the doc in a clinic was pushing real meds? Everything might be fake, even the bar girl might be a fake bar girl!

And why did the chicken cross the street with viagra in his pocket?I would keep such things in a cabinet in my hotelroom or condo etc.....

I still have to meet the first overaged teenager in my country carrying boner pills 24/7 in pocket with or without prescription.

Edited by Kudel
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Without a legal prescription are you sure its real viagra ? If not it could give you a bad case of the runs ,imagine having brown stuff running down youre pants when being stopped by the boys in brown.......biggrin.png

Been here 10 years and that's a new one on me. Fake Viagra gives you the runs? Why pray tell would the fakers go to the trouble to buy ingredients that causes diarrhea? Speaking of that how would you know that with a prescription the doc in a clinic was pushing real meds? Everything might be fake, even the bar girl might be a fake bar girl!

And why did the chicken cross the street with viagra in his pocket?I would keep such things in a cabinet in my hotelroom or condo etc.....

I still have to meet the first overaged teenager in my country carrying boner pills 24/7 in pocket with or without prescription.

You are kidding right? No one in Thailand takes a lady of the night back to a hotel or condo or home. Best stay in your own country and keep the Viagra diarrhea nonsense to yourself.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Everything might be fake, even the bar girl might be a fake bar girl!

Even though 99 % of the (non-single) TV members are married to rich, HiSo wives, why do I feel like half of them suddenly turned and looked at their spouses with question marks in their eyes ?

(Correction - 99.999999%)

Not that I would know what those little blue pill things are for (or why my friends keep asking me to pick some up for them) but should I happen to, for some strange reason, have a small blister pack with 1-4 tablets in it, it would reside securely in my wallet right next to the prescription that the doctors at the various clinics have never, ever given or even offered to give me.

I certainly wouldn't be carrying them, or parts of them, wrapped in little pieces of tissue paper, in my pockets where they could become damp, soggy, crushed and/or contaminated (not to mention, look very suspicious) !

"Hey senor - you want a piece of a crumbled and soggy little blue pill ? Special price for you my friend ! Guaranteed to give you a Tijuana Totem Pole or (good luck getting) your money back !"

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Probably ok to take the pill for a walk. But do not walk around when you have taken the pill, since there is a large risk to poke ot eyes of small children or very short adults. It is also NOT recomended to go in and walk around in a chrystal glass shop without being extremely careful when you need to turn around.

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Yes it would be a problem and they may plant further drugs on you. Perhaps more importantly if you had a stiffy caused by consuming the other half of the viagra you would not be able to give the urine sample and be in even more trouble. Just remember, wherever you are the war on drugs is a war on people, privacy and freedom. There are a lot of innocent victims as in all wars and there is a lot of money to be made by pursuing this war against anyone and everyone.

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