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Thai PM faces protest on first outing on world stage


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He will run and hide from western media.

I agree mate. I'd love the British press pack to hound him

They would, but about the murders, not the coup or current government.

Nothing could be worse than the 310:0 vote for the amnesty bill. A country is as low as it can get when one man can force the whole government to vote for such a disgraceful law. Not one single Pheu-Thai MP had the integrity to vote 'No'. This is why I support the General 100% in his reforms and also why there is so little response from other countries apart from the stock lines they are obliged to give. You can be sure these protests are being encouraged behind the scenes.

Nothing could be worse? Try this:

1) The military coup was a criminal act against the Constitition which,by the way, was formulated by the LAST military coup. Even Gen. Prayut admits to the illegality of his coup.

2) The coup single-handedly ABOLISHED the 2007 Constitution guaranteeing human rights and freedom of speech

3) The coup handcrafted and unilaterally implemented without ANY PUBLIC VOTE or APPROVAL the Interim Charter that provides the Junta ABSOLUTE POWER over all elements of the government.

4) The Interim Charter GRANTS AMENSTY to the coup leaders and ALL associated with the coup without ANY PUBLIC VOTE or APPROVAL.

5) Martial law is the only law WITHOUT PUBLIC VOTE or APPROVAL

5) The coup organization NCPO ABOLISHED the Senate and House WITHOUT PUBLIC VOTE or APPROVAL.

5) The Junta created the NLA WITHOUT PUBLIC VOTE or APPROVAL.

6) The NLA includes 52% OF members who are either active or retired military.

7) The NLA passes laws WITHOUT A SINGLE VOTE AGAINST legislation.

8) Gen. Prayut appointed himself as PM WITHOUT PUBLIC VOTE or APPROVAL

9) The NCPO has absolute power over the Constitutional and justice courts.

Looks like the country can go lower than your expectations.

Unfortunately remedies against a criminal fugitive wannabee dictator and his gang sometimes need to be harsh, quick and effective, before they have taken control. However, sometimes what you are left with isn't quite what you expected.

A Thaksin dictatorship, built on corruption, nepotism, and with his family above and beyond the law controlling everything would have been much worse - along the line of Marcos, Mugabe or the tin pot dictators South America often sees.

The reform process has a long way to go - unless it was never intended to go anywhere. We shall see.

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Give the guy a chance!

I don't agree with everything he has done but overall, the country is in much better shape now, than it has been in a long time.

I doubt that a Gaggle of Geese, hissing and flapping around in Italy or anywhere else will rattle him. He has Thailand in his heart...NOT in his Personal Bank Account!

Edited by Torrens54
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He will be the pariah at this meeting, to be avoided at all costs. Welcome to the real world Prayut!

I understand your sentiment but the reality is likely to be more prosaic.

1.He will be received politely by the heads of delegations.Thailand is a friendly country and most will believe dialogue better than confrontation - even with the Junta.As long as the Junta doesn't start killing its own people, stability is valued more than human rights.

2.There will be private pleas for an early return to democracy, elections and freedom of expression.The Junta leadership will lie through its teeth saying these too are its objectives, but time is needed.

3.There will be small protests by activists well away from the ASEM participants.

4.Photographs will be taken of Prayuth together with Barroso and other key leaders.These will have much exposure in the Thai press.They mean nothing but great significance will be placed on them by the Junta - not to mention our in house cheerleaders.

5.The Junta's spokesman will say foreign leaders now have a much better understanding of why the coup was necessary.

6.In short, nothing too significant or surprising.

Meanwhile in Thailand itself the pressure grows day by day.

Agree that the new "pragmatic" diplomacy that pervades in the West will continue. Lots of initial hot air spouted by these so called Western champions of democracy, followed by business as usual.

Did you read the recent speech by the German Ambassador to Thailand about the increasing German / Thai collaborations? Making sure to point out how much Germany provides in "aid" to both Thailand and ASEAN in case anyone mistakenly thought it was from the EU. Closely working on vocational and professional education with the Thai MOE. Even the British Council are wakening up and starting to do things. Hardly sanctions and all while the politicians make token comments about democracy.

I suspect the protesters will be organized by the Shin PR lobbyist fraternity. (Wonder who organized the protests against Thaksin on his USA visit?) - quite frankly nobody else would give a fig.

Anyone who believes the EU are going to take any real action to help restore true democracy, and help create a fair and just society are dreaming. Many EU member states don't really enjoy that.

ps - in what capacity will Barroso be attending?

Your confusing economic ties with recognition.

You say no one gives a fig but thats not right.

The UK has explicit warning on their travel advisory.

As do other countries.

Many countries including the United States and Australia have made it very clear they "regret" this Coup seizing Power .

Australia bans from their soil the Thai PM and all the Governments members.

They are unelected and have no legitimate mandate and are therefore seen as unlawful.

However , you sometimes still acknowledge the hostages in a bank and their hunger and consent to sending in Pizza.

The same is true with doing business with the Junta -

Isolating them is at this point not in Thailand's best interest.

Trade is Trade.

Only deluded people underestimate the behind scenes seriousness of dealing with a leader who is proxy self appointed representative as opposed to legitimate .

No one internationally forgets he is holding people to ransom .

But still continue the essentials of trade so he doesn't radicalise further (greatest fear)

Few flowers or people would show if he suddenly passed on.

He is not a statesman .

If any of you wish to delude yourself's the man is somehow on the road to acceptance - stay tuned.

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one of which will be addressed by exiled Thai academic and activist Junya Yimprasert

Replace "exiled" with "fugitive" and "activist" with "red shirt" for Junya.


Wrong and wrong.

She went to live abroad, after which she was charged with lese majeste. She is a labour activist (and author), has been one for decades and only a tiny few ignorant people haven't heard of her.


. Well I am glad to say that I am one of the "tiny few".
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I have generally been a supporter of the PM up to now but I must admit I am seeing a few cracks forming in his almost stellar performance - talking the talk is not the same as the walk

His "quality Tourist" remarks were very confusing and mentioning the KT murders in the same context and statement disappointing and misplaced

The lawyers of the 2x accused murder suspects should obtain DNA samples from the accused and ask the murder victims families to allow samples to be taken from the victims and carry out independent tests in the UK - Thailand would have no say in this process or it's outcome - granted it could not be submitted in the court case in Thailand but would certainly put an end to the speculation. It would be better for Thailand if the PM ordered that these tests be carried out using existing evidence samples but it seems that is never going to happen and in my opinion is a grave error

Yellow regret.

I expect to start seeing a lot more of this in the coming months.

I take great insult in you reference, it's attitudes like yours that cause the defunct polarisation that divides this country and almost destroyed it

as usual you post utter nonsense - I have no colour as you suggest - just see things with an open mind for what they are

Just because you don't plug for one team does not mean you support the other - there are many teams in the game and some yet to emerge

now run along and preach your rhetoric someplace else

. You do seem very Hi

So,or is just the plum in your mouth.

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Give the guy a chance!

I don't agree with everything he has done but overall, the country is in much better shape now, than it has been in a long time.

I doubt that a Gaggle of Geese, hissing and flapping around in Italy or anywhere else will rattle him. He has Thailand in his heart...NOT in his Personal Bank Account!

Your in the "know" then......?

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It is good to see that so many of those who were ‘taken in’ by the anti-shin propaganda and cheered when democracy was overthrown are now ‘having the scales removed from their eyes' and are seeing the reality of what they wished for. There are a few, a very few, who persist, either because of being naïve or just ‘pig headed’ in their views. These people are, of course, entitled to their opinion, it is, after all, a free… oh…er…. country. I’m sure you know what I mean.

Edited by PREM-R
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How come coups are frowned upon by the countries of the civilized western world, deemed as illegal acts against democracy. Yet they seem to have no problem hosting new self proclaimed leaders?

Am I missing something here?

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I have lately taken a liking to prayut. Which is not to say i have any liking to the not Democratic democrats.

Prayut has certainly been working hard and seems to be achieving quite a lot.

He will need a shield of armour to put up with all the nasty people. Sadly i think he has a sensitive side and might blow is top .

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He will be the pariah at this meeting, to be avoided at all costs. Welcome to the real world Prayut!

I understand your sentiment but the reality is likely to be more prosaic.

1.He will be received politely by the heads of delegations.Thailand is a friendly country and most will believe dialogue better than confrontation - even with the Junta.As long as the Junta doesn't start killing its own people, stability is valued more than human rights.

2.There will be private pleas for an early return to democracy, elections and freedom of expression.The Junta leadership will lie through its teeth saying these too are its objectives, but time is needed.

3.There will be small protests by activists well away from the ASEM participants.

4.Photographs will be taken of Prayuth together with Barroso and other key leaders.These will have much exposure in the Thai press.They mean nothing but great significance will be placed on them by the Junta - not to mention our in house cheerleaders.

5.The Junta's spokesman will say foreign leaders now have a much better understanding of why the coup was necessary.

6.In short, nothing too significant or surprising.

Meanwhile in Thailand itself the pressure grows day by day.

Agree that the new "pragmatic" diplomacy that pervades in the West will continue. Lots of initial hot air spouted by these so called Western champions of democracy, followed by business as usual.

Did you read the recent speech by the German Ambassador to Thailand about the increasing German / Thai collaborations? Making sure to point out how much Germany provides in "aid" to both Thailand and ASEAN in case anyone mistakenly thought it was from the EU. Closely working on vocational and professional education with the Thai MOE. Even the British Council are wakening up and starting to do things. Hardly sanctions and all while the politicians make token comments about democracy.

I suspect the protesters will be organized by the Shin PR lobbyist fraternity. (Wonder who organized the protests against Thaksin on his USA visit?) - quite frankly nobody else would give a fig.

Anyone who believes the EU are going to take any real action to help restore true democracy, and help create a fair and just society are dreaming. Many EU member states don't really enjoy that.

ps - in what capacity will Barroso be attending?

Your confusing economic ties with recognition.

You say no one gives a fig but thats not right.

The UK has explicit warning on their travel advisory.

As do other countries.

Many countries including the United States and Australia have made it very clear they "regret" this Coup seizing Power .

Australia bans from their soil the Thai PM and all the Governments members.

They are unelected and have no legitimate mandate and are therefore seen as unlawful.

However , you sometimes still acknowledge the hostages in a bank and their hunger and consent to sending in Pizza.

The same is true with doing business with the Junta -

Isolating them is at this point not in Thailand's best interest.

Trade is Trade.

Only deluded people underestimate the behind scenes seriousness of dealing with a leader who is proxy self appointed representative as opposed to legitimate .

No one internationally forgets he is holding people to ransom .

But still continue the essentials of trade so he doesn't radicalise further (greatest fear)

Few flowers or people would show if he suddenly passed on.

He is not a statesman .

If any of you wish to delude yourself's the man is somehow on the road to acceptance - stay tuned.

Your confusing politics with reality. The reality is that governments today are driven by economic reality. They are businesses more accountable to bankers than their electorates.

The UK FCO travel advice contains some very good advice about visiting Thailand, what to check before and during. It doesn't say don't go. The Australian government are a joke. A small country with a leadership trying to get attention on the world stage. Do you think the Thai leaders affected by Australia's ban give a toss? Abbott says he will tackle Putin about MH17. Good luck with that - wonder what the Russian is for piss off.

Many countries did indeed condemn the coup. Many of these same countries actively supported the overthrow of a democratically elected government in the Ukraine. No hypocrisy there then.

Trade is trade and politics is politics - so you support governments saying one thing, following their own agendas, and acting differently to what they say. Sounds like the previous PTP administration!

The PM is an ex-senior military officer. He can't morph into a world statesman overnight by magic. Some of the recent gaffs have been appalling and he needs to look at those advising him. Do you think Yingluck, Abhisit, Thaksin etc were statesmen like then?

Governments in the West are continually lecturing others how to behave, hissing sanctions, yet behave contrary themselves when it suits.

They support which ever government supports their interests and agenda. All the rest is pure window dressing.

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I have generally been a supporter of the PM up to now but I must admit I am seeing a few cracks forming in his almost stellar performance - talking the talk is not the same as the walk

His "quality Tourist" remarks were very confusing and mentioning the KT murders in the same context and statement disappointing and misplaced

The lawyers of the 2x accused murder suspects should obtain DNA samples from the accused and ask the murder victims families to allow samples to be taken from the victims and carry out independent tests in the UK - Thailand would have no say in this process or it's outcome - granted it could not be submitted in the court case in Thailand but would certainly put an end to the speculation. It would be better for Thailand if the PM ordered that these tests be carried out using existing evidence samples but it seems that is never going to happen and in my opinion is a grave error

Yellow regret.

I expect to start seeing a lot more of this in the coming months.

I take great insult in you reference, it's attitudes like yours that cause the defunct polarisation that divides this country and almost destroyed it

as usual you post utter nonsense - I have no colour as you suggest - just see things with an open mind for what they are

Just because you don't plug for one team does not mean you support the other - there are many teams in the game and some yet to emerge

now run along and preach your rhetoric someplace else

Yellow regret in denial.

There'll be plenty of this too.

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It's probably only fair to point out that there were in Milan a number of Thais with banners welcoming military dictatorship.This isn't surprising since the urban middle class (the type of Thais who would be able to travel to/work in Milan) were strongly behind Suthep's street protests which had much of its focus on destabilising politics and thus prompting a military coup.It's not really logical to maintain that one supported PDRC but deplored a military coup:the two are inextricably linked.J have seen photos of both groups - pro and anti.The latter will have a lot of support from Italian democrats.The former won't have any - freaks that they are.In Italy fascism doesn't have much of a following these days, not since Mussolini was shot and his body hung upside on meathooks outside a gas station.

Edited by jayboy
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He will enjoy himself in Italy, lots of like minded people around, particularly in Sicily I hear. It would be poetic justice if the good general was made an offer that he couldn't refuse. He would then learn the soul destroying feeling of sheer impotence in the face of an undeserving superior power. Mind you, should that happen he would have to quickly fire his "no mafia on tao" police chief and get to work restoring Thailand's credibility.

I had to make a little correction in your statement hope you don't mind.

"no mafia on tao" police chief and get to work continuing to restoring Thailand's credibility."

Let's face it. Thailand didn't have much credibility to begin with. People would say it was good while they laughed behind Thailand's back. The coup gave them in their mind the ability to come out against Thailand.

Just at a guess some of them might want to see the reunification and corruption clean up fail. They don't want there own people to get ideas.

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It is good to see that so many of those who were ‘taken in’ by the anti-shin propaganda and cheered when democracy was overthrown are now ‘having the scales removed from their eyes' and are seeing the reality of what they wished for. There are a few, a very few, who persist, either because of being naïve or just ‘pig headed’ in their views. These people are, of course, entitled to their opinion, it is, after all, a free… oh…er…. country. I’m sure you know what I mean.

A little bit of sophistry never hurts.

Linking the anti-Shin propoganda and overthrow of democracy.

The Shins were elected with the largest minority. Fair enough. They then acted in a most undemocratic manner - refusing debate, accountability, telling lies and finally trying to sneak legislation through to pardon their criminal leader, whitewash his 15 outstanding charges, and absolve themselves of any criminal responsibility for their own actions since taking government. How long before they tried to abolish any other political parties and only allow candidates they approved?

Most, but not all, who posted against the Shins were against their lies and deceit, the growing corruption, their desire for unaccountable control of 2,2 trillion baht in loans, their attempt to whitewash Thaksin of everything and their inability or desire not to stop the daily attacks on and murder of any who opposed them.

Some posters on here were taken in by the Shin propaganda machine, Amsterdam and the often very obvious lies, many were not.

Many made the point at the time that being antI-Shin did not mean they supported Suthep or the factions that support him either. Many made it clear that should any replacement government administration behave in similar fashion they would start to comment about that too.

That is what you are seeing. Posters commenting about things they see wrong - which is fair enough. But that does not indicate opinions have changed about or support would be given to the Shin gang.

It wasn't common knowledge but there was a number of red shirts beginning to say Thaksin should be completely out of politics.

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TIME today 16th Oct

"Thai Dictator Faces Ire Over Bungled Investigation Into Murder of British Tourists"


Oh great - Time calling the General a Thai Dictator will only ensure that Time will be censored/banned in Thailand, just like the Daily Mail is to this day.

BTW This ASEM meeting will be the first time in years that the Burmese Leader will feel that he is not be at the bottom of the Democracy pecking order.

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TIME today 16th Oct

"Thai Dictator Faces Ire Over Bungled Investigation Into Murder of British Tourists"


Oh great - Time calling the General a Thai Dictator will only ensure that Time will be censored/banned in Thailand, just like the Daily Mail is to this day.

BTW This ASEM meeting will be the first time in years that the Burmese Leader will feel that he is not be at the bottom of the Democracy pecking order.

Guess they`ll have to ban the Malay Mail online too.

"Noisy Protest meets Thai Coup Leader`s Arrival at ASEM Summit"


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Maybe Q no 1 should be.

So if your not going to have a constitution until 2016 does that mean no elections in 2015 as originally stated .............. ?

We can only hope, who knows we are lucky enough to have years of junta leadership. No more Taksin, no more blackmailing farmers. Heaven on earth.

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I have generally been a supporter of the PM up to now but I must admit I am seeing a few cracks forming in his almost stellar performance - talking the talk is not the same as the walk

His "quality Tourist" remarks were very confusing and mentioning the KT murders in the same context and statement disappointing and misplaced

The lawyers of the 2x accused murder suspects should obtain DNA samples from the accused and ask the murder victims families to allow samples to be taken from the victims and carry out independent tests in the UK - Thailand would have no say in this process or it's outcome - granted it could not be submitted in the court case in Thailand but would certainly put an end to the speculation. It would be better for Thailand if the PM ordered that these tests be carried out using existing evidence samples but it seems that is never going to happen and in my opinion is a grave error

Thank you for your honesty. Actions speak louder than words, and we've heard a lot of words.

All these old generals show their incompetence when they try to meddle in politics.

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