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Thai Police: Flaws in Koh Tao murder case now fixed


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Police: Flaws In Koh Tao Murder Case Now Fixed
BY Khaosod English

Win Saw Htun and Saw Lin appear for a pre-trial witness hearing on 14 Oct 2014, Koh Samui, Surat Thani province.

BANGKOK — Thai police say they are confident that the case of two Burmese migrant workers accused of murdering British tourists in southern Thailand will now move forward to the court after it was initially rejected by prosecutors for being “incomplete.”

State attorneys refused to take up the case earlier this week, citing insufficient evidence and “flaws” in police’s investigation into the murder of British tourists David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, on Koh Tao island last month.

But today, Pol.Maj.Gen. Paween Pongsirin, deputy commander of Region 8 Police, said the case file is now "perfect."

"We have added information to the case," Pol.Maj.Gen. Paween explained. "The incomplete parts of the case that the prosecutor wanted the police to add more to are now perfect.” He added that the extra information requested did not concern any central details of the case.

According to Tawatchai Siangjaew, director of 8 Region Attorney Office, the prosecutor is expected to formally take up the case "by next week."

Thai police’s investigation into the murder of Miller and Witheridge has been mired in controversy from the start. After several weeks of blunders, confusion, and numerous false leads, police arrested two Burmese migrant workers on the island and accused them of murdering the backpackers.

Although police claim DNA tests and CCTV footage implicate the two men, named Win Saw Htun and Saw Lin, many remain unconvinced due to a series of inconsistent statements made by police and their long history of "scapegoat" arrests.

The controversy intensified even further when a number of human rights activists claimed that the two suspects were tortured by police into confessing during their interrogation. Thai authorities have firmly denied the allegation.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1413444909

-- Khaosod English 2014-10-16

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Where were the blood splatters on the clothes of the accused the morning after ?

Where were the wet clothes of the accused after they had dragged David into the sea ?

Where is the CCTV footage of them going back home via the bar where they left the guitar ?

Were their finger prints on the murder weapons ?

Why was their DNA not matched the first time they were tested ?

Who used the condom with Hannah's DNA on the outside and nothing on the inside ?

How did their semen get on the outside of the condom when there was no mention of it earlier ?

Have these and the many other questions been fixed ?

With money and intimidation, and the world knows it..thats why they're sweating bullets....

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It was "fixed" from the start.

"Pol.Maj.Gen. Paween Pongsirin, deputy commander of Region 8 Police, said the case file is now "perfect."

Wait a minute, you and the General said the same thing before the case was even presented to the prosecutors.

Perfect. Now more perfect... wai2.gifwai.gif


facepalm.gif facepalm.gif facepalm.gif

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A little off topic I know, but I just got to think about it.

Whatever happened to the size 40 footprint, that in the beginning of the "investigation" was considered an important clue?

None of the almost "petite" suspects seem to macth a 40 shoesize!whistling.gif

Size 40 is quite small for a man. Something like Size 6 UK.

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C'mon boys don't make yourselves look more ridiculous, try for once in your lives to pretend you are professional.

Enough is enough.

Tell us the truth.

Impossible. That would be the end of the world as they know. Face must be preserved at all costs.

What they need to do to get out of the corner they have backed themselves into, is engineer a climbdown... admit that the DNA samples got "mixed up", and scapegoat some lower level functionary for the error. Once they free the two Burmese guys, the furor will die down considerably, even if they leave the case "unsolved".

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