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Finance minister admits corruption in tax collection departments

Lite Beer

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Finance minister admits corruption in tax collection departments

This statement constitutes in my mind a perfect, legitimate and valid legal argument to stop paying taxes to the government, until they have purged the system.

How many times have I heard this in western countries. You sit back in your chairs and make these wild statements but are you organizing the revolution? Oh, of course not, you are just an idea warrior who expects the masses to heed your advice and start the revolution.

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Eric Loh post # 17.

You mean corruption is still prevalent in this government and not exclusive to the Thaksin regime.

Corrupt practices are ingrained into the Thai character and according to recent popular surveys condoned and considered an acceptable and normal part of daily life by Thai's.

The removal or cure for this cancerous blight of corruption is going to be very slow and painful much as is the cure for cancer itself

Sad to say we also know there is at this moment in time little chance of defeating cancer 100%, much the same situation as curing the cancer of corruption that is endemic to the Thai people among many other peoples too.

Now Mr.Loh if you are so clever why don't you step up and announce your plans for dealing with the cancer of corruption?

Talk is cheap, now let us all see you put your ideas forward in a positive fashion as opposed to using chap worthless rhetoric.

I don't recall you being so active prior to the change of administrations regarding corrupt practices.

Surely you do not have an hidden agenda do you?


If I may take a little exception to this part


Corrupt practices are ingrained into the Thai character and according to recent popular surveys condoned and considered an acceptable and normal part of daily life by Thai's."

I believe that getting rid of it was a part of the reasons the many groups against Shinawatism started up before Suthep united them.

An "honest" man in government. Unlike the "not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS" obamy. Hi Barry, how's it going in the land of fools and how are the sheeple???

Why ask just look in the mirror.

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Finance minister admits corruption in tax collection departments

This statement constitutes in my mind a perfect, legitimate and valid legal argument to stop paying taxes to the government, until they have purged the system.

How many times have I heard this in western countries. You sit back in your chairs and make these wild statements but are you organizing the revolution? Oh, of course not, you are just an idea warrior who expects the masses to heed your advice and start the revolution.

As I said: this constitutes in my mind..., meaning: it is my opinion

and you better heed my advice and start the revolution, or I have to get out of my chair!

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Eric Loh post # 17.

You mean corruption is still prevalent in this government and not exclusive to the Thaksin regime.

Corrupt practices are ingrained into the Thai character and according to recent popular surveys condoned and considered an acceptable and normal part of daily life by Thai's.

The removal or cure for this cancerous blight of corruption is going to be very slow and painful much as is the cure for cancer itself

Sad to say we also know there is at this moment in time little chance of defeating cancer 100%, much the same situation as curing the cancer of corruption that is endemic to the Thai people among many other peoples too.

Now Mr.Loh if you are so clever why don't you step up and announce your plans for dealing with the cancer of corruption?

Talk is cheap, now let us all see you put your ideas forward in a positive fashion as opposed to using chap worthless rhetoric.

I don't recall you being so active prior to the change of administrations regarding corrupt practices.

Surely you do not have an hidden agenda do you?


I take comfort knowing that you agreed that corruption was prevalent and ingrained and Thaksin was no exception. Somehow the PDRC and recent coups were about bringing down Thaksin corruption which seem rather lame which was never the real reason, just a poor excuse.

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We understand there you say you want to stop corruption. Start saying how you will aggressively find and prosecute them and show results. Until then....coffee1.gif

Well there will be meetings maybe for the worst cases even warnings.

I doubt so hard actions like moving someone on an inactive post (at full salary) are necessary.

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You mean corruption is still prevalent in this government and not exclusive to the Thaksin regime.

I think he said that there are many corruption by Thaksin.

Since Prayuth took over, all civil servants received the order from Prayuth to stop the practice, and they did.

Remember this: No Shin, No Corruption.

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"Remember this: No Shin, No Corruption." What planet are you living on? Have you ever been to Thailand? This is most absurd conclusion I have read on TV in years, and that is saying something!

In a related story, government inspectors went to several gogo bars and were shocked and amazed that some of the employees were willing to have sex with customers for money....

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An 11% shortfall in expected Tax receipts has recently been published for the fiscal Y/E .

Now thats a lot of money.

I really dont know just how rotten Thailand has become with all the corruption and graft, but one thing is for sure, Its still there, and its huge, so the " Government " for all the hot air, really need to soon start making some high profile court cases to save the little remaining credibility that Thailand has.

This load of corruption has been inherited from previous governments so why aren't the whingers and moaners complaining about those governments too?

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"Representatives from the Association of Siamese Architects, Association of Thai Engineers and the National Anti-Corruption Commission will be invited to observe the procurement process."

But not representatives from the Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Association of Thailand, who happen to be experts, affiliated to international professional bodies, in procurement processes and ensuring corruption free tender and contract award processes.

We're going to buy some buses, let's invite the architects. facepalm.gif

Next time we commission some building works we can invite the police again, that'll work.whistling.gif

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We understand there you say you want to stop corruption. Start saying how you will aggressively find and prosecute them and show results. Until then....coffee1.gif

Good point. Where's the usual strong ' crackdown ' type language ?

That's not to say crackdowns ever achieve much if they actually happen but he hasn't even gone through the motions.

Exactly, next week you will see yet another "CRACKDOWN" which means absolutely nothing will change,,,

I believe Thailand has had a number of CORRUPTION HOT LINES proclaimed,

Try actually doing something instead of announcing crackdowns as someone is making waves so the need to show the public there is action, <deleted>!!!!!!!!

Here's an idea instead of some one announcing a crackdown how about they instead announce a successful prosecution and then throw themselves in gaol for the same crime...w00t.gif

Well it is like this. They have only been in office 5 months. Remember when you were all excited waiting for Yingluck to solve the worlds problems after 6 months were up. Also it takes time to prosecute. Should be a crackdown on goofy posting on Thai Visa. 5 months beaches cabs national forests people should open their eyes instead of their mouth. Just the beginning.

Or are you one of the horde who thinks the government should check with you every time they make a move?

Edited by northernjohn
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To begin with, he disclosed that within a month from now, a hotline will be opened at the Finance Ministry to enable members of the public to file reports or complaints of suspected corruption.

Would be interesting if they created a hotline for public servants to report or complain anonymously or with "whistle blower" protection.

Contrary to popular TV belief not all Thais condone corruption.

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"Remember this: No Shin, No Corruption." What planet are you living on? Have you ever been to Thailand? This is most absurd conclusion I have read on TV in years, and that is saying something!

In a related story, government inspectors went to several gogo bars and were shocked and amazed that some of the employees were willing to have sex with customers for money....

you have to excuse him suriya4 is Thai,he can't help it it's not his fault.

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"Remember this: No Shin, No Corruption." What planet are you living on? Have you ever been to Thailand? This is most absurd conclusion I have read on TV in years, and that is saying something!

In a related story, government inspectors went to several gogo bars and were shocked and amazed that some of the employees were willing to have sex with customers for money....

you have to excuse him suriya4 is Thai,he can't help it it's not his fault.

Everyone can have his/her own opinion especially the educated high heel Bangkokian just like Ms Chitpaz. Will be very hard for reconcilation for those stuck with disdain for the uneducated low heel peasants.

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