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Koh Tao murders: Father swears his son is innocent


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Has anyone seen any suggestion anywhere that either of the two accused is some kind of martial arts expert capable (as the RTP claims) of single handedly killing a much bigger and stronger opponent without suffering any injury himself?


Hit by a massive blow to the head In a blitz attack and there is no fighting back.

This post is a perfect example of why you lack credibility on this forum. If you had taken the time to inform yourself about this case, you would know, as almost everybody else on these threads does, that David was killed by multiple stab wounds to the head and neck most likely from a punch knife, not a massive blow to the head. There is no way he was killed by a hoe. At the start of this case the police even said that it wasn't a hoe that had killed him.

You have probably posted more than any other on this case yet you don't even know this? I find that hard to believe.

This is just one of the many glaring inconsistencies in the current police line. They have said so many different things and have been shown to be at best incompetent, yet you still apparently trust them. Would you trust them with your life? I certainly wouldn't. I wouldn't trust them with the lives of these two poor, defenceless Burmese guys I've never met either.

What reason do you have for continually parroting the current police line? Is there some benefit to you if the two Burmese are convicted?

You said in another thread that you live on Koh Tao. Could this be in any way related?

Do you know more about this than you are willing to admit?

If he does in fact live on Koh Tao then it is interesting. But I don't recall him saying that.

I really enjoy people that make things up. Including the "punch knife" theory. Not to mention me living on KOH TAO.

Evidence suggests that David died from drowning after being incapacitated by massive head wounds. I am not a forensic pathologist. I am certain that seahorse isn't either. I do know from experience that wounds are not always caused the way amateur sleuths think.

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Well there are hundreds of protesters marching to Downing Street today.

When people are protesting in the streets, then it shows the general feeling in the UK.

More fuel for the press.... I wonder how Prayuth would take it knowing that there are protests on the streets because of Thai police corruption, and probably military government corruption to boot.

How does he think that reflects on Thailand on the world stage??

Basically.... You have been found out. This time it is NOT going to go away.

Oh you poms are soooo important!!coffee1.gif

In your dreams!

An horrific murder, by any standards, of two seemingly nice young people. Many lives ruined and affected.

Social media causing a frenzy, questionable police behavior, graphic crime scene photographs on the internet, people stirred to action and little closure or comfort for the bereaved families.

And your intelligent comment - a cheap racial slur based on your and your countries feelings of inadequacy. (The laughable Abbott continues in his quest to make the backward Australia look important on the world stage with announcements that Sir Les Patterson would be proud of).

Nobody gives a toss what your opinions of Britain are but try to show some respect for all the victims affected by this appalling crime.

Go and have a vegemite sandwich there's a good Brucie.

Hey!!! you leave Vegemite alone, it's far superior than that crap you eat... giggle.gif

You think VM better than som tam poo phra raa, laab moo and khao? tongue.png

Bet you're just scoffing a "Ned Kelly" while your writing!! 555.

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One dirty, rich family protecting it's son's murderous acts & in effect teaching their son that murder is ok is destroying a perfectly good & morally intact family.

You obviously have solid grounds for making such a statement.
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From CSI LA , this guy should be tested along with the family .... DNA test please

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1413523808.639680.jpg

You are joking, right?

The RTP, as we who live here, all know, leave a lot to be desired and need a massive reform, as does the justice system.

But to suggest trial by social media, that anyone who some fb page owner decides should be a suspect must be tested is ludicrous.

Ever heard of the Salem Witch Trials? Read about the probable causes that really lay behind them. Now imagine if those doing the accusing (and lying), for their own agendas, had had access to social media.

There are many issues in this case and the way it's been conducted. Mandatory DNA testing for some sections of the community, but others apparently exempt, is one of them.

However, trial and accusation, based on remote social media comments, without any real evidence, leads to mob rule. Totally unacceptable and an unfortunate development in social media.

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What happened to the CCTV footage captured on Koh Tao?

- Did they make any connection to the person on CCTV and either or the Burmese suspects?

- Wasn't the headman's brother cleared as being the person on the CCTV, because apparently the person on the CCTV has a tattoo and he doesn't? Has it therefore been established that the person captured on the footage indeed has a tattoo?

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Justice will come in one form or another I have a feeling Koh Tao is going to get a visitor who enjoys hunting. At least If this were one of my kids The person I felt did it Would be hanging from a tree while I skin him alive. Hommie don't play games.

OMG - a lynch mob advocate.

And if you happen to get the wrong person - or do you believe your never wrong?

I doubt the bereaved families suffer from the issues that someone who contemplates hiring killers does.

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The bit with the guy and the tattoo is on the missing 2 mins of cctv...ooopssssss sh!t get the report back from the courts...

What happened to the CCTV footage captured on Koh Tao?

- Did they make any connection to the person on CCTV and either or the Burmese suspects?

- Wasn't the headman's brother cleared as being the person on the CCTV, because apparently the person on the CCTV has a tattoo and he doesn't? Has it therefore been established that the person captured on the footage indeed has a tattoo?

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Has anyone seen any suggestion anywhere that either of the two accused is some kind of martial arts expert capable (as the RTP claims) of single handedly killing a much bigger and stronger opponent without suffering any injury himself?


Hit by a massive blow to the head In a blitz attack and there is no fighting back.

except that the wounds to the male victim aren't consistent with a hoe being the weapon. there lies the flaw with that.

I am not a forensic pathologist. Are you?

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Person shown in the photos attempted to rape Suphanee Deighton 2 years ago. Ring with shark tooth could inflict wounds similar to a push dagger... One of the footballers partying with and later following the victims... Questions?

Now this information should be very interesting to the police. It must be followed up. Previous, in the area etc etc.

Wonder why their inquiries never revealed these suspects before whistling.gif

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Guess he could have a chance in a fight with a person of David's stature, but not the skinny Burmese midgets... Just imagine how much DNA the ring holds... I fear that the chubby <Deleted!> already has "lost" it... sad.png

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Look into the eyes of this ice cold mother<Deleted!>- I'd trust him as far as I could thrown a piano! And I think one of his famous garden tools is the hoe...

Wow! Where did the group photo come from? Have the RTP seen this before? This puts the gut right next to the victim in very close proximity.

Has he ever been questioned, DNA tested?

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Mark Kent ? who the <deleted> is he, oh the British Ambassador another soft <deleted> like D Cameron Mr yesterdays man both talk the talk but CANNOT walk the walk passifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gipassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.giviolin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Kent ? He's one of those heel lickers in Thailand ! He was the first to congratulate the highest police mafia officer after they "found the killers" sad.png

It wouldn't take you long. (If you were interested enough to do some research?) To find that Mark Kent denied saying that. Maybe that's part of the reason he's meeting with the media asking them to be careful about what they report as fact.

I think when all comes out you may have to write a very small sentence explaining that you were wrong and that he is doing all he can within his power.

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Has anyone seen any suggestion anywhere that either of the two accused is some kind of martial arts expert capable (as the RTP claims) of single handedly killing a much bigger and stronger opponent without suffering any injury himself?

With a garden hoe as a weapon, who needs to be a martial arts expert?

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The Thai Government can thank it's lucky stars that the British PM is a weak and spineless fool who employs Ambassadors of the same make-up. If I were the PM I would have made a phone call within hours of the murder advising Thailand that Scotland Yard was on it's way to jointly investigate the crime - it wouldn't have been a request!

How can you people be so naive?

And prey tell what happens if the 366 000+ Thai Defense Forces decide they don't like the way the British have behaved?

Can the 177 000 British Armed Forces do anything.

That is how war starts.

As I posted earlier it's called diplomacy...

Talk about naivety!

If the brits start up, the us help out, the kwis,canucks and ozzies all fall in line too, a slightly bigger number there and all just little tiny bit better trained and armed.

Not that this is going to happen but, calling troop numbers is pretty silly.

Of course they have to run diplomacy, in public, but things can be said and done behind closed doors to put the pressure on, we can only hope this is the case.

Either way Thailand is receiving a massive black eye for this current debacle.

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Look into the eyes of this ice cold mother<Deleted!>- I'd trust him as far as I could thrown a piano! And I think one of his famous garden tools is the hoe...

Isn't the guy on the right from Phuket and he's holding a hoe as some sick joke post the murders?

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Look into the eyes of this ice cold mother<Deleted!>- I'd trust him as far as I could thrown a piano! And I think one of his famous garden tools is the hoe...

Wow! Where did the group photo come from? Have the RTP seen this before? This puts the gut right next to the victim in very close proximity.

Has he ever been questioned, DNA tested?

The photos are from CSI LA - chubby and a few friends disappeared the day after the murder and returned after the burmese patsies were tortured into confession by the RTP. As far as I know they were not tested since they weren't there...

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I hope those guys are the real killers because, at this time, Thai Police NEVER EVER will retract its decision. The case, real or "fixed", is CLOSE...but... doubts about.. never will go away.

I believe that is a lot more behind.

Why the bar owner brother and his son rejected to do the DNA test?

Innocent people will collaborate with any police investigation if asked to do so. Thai people are always very worry about gossips, and will try to avoid it in any way...The behavior of this people raise valid suspictions...

They may do the testings someday...but only after the case is "properly fixed".

Would it be so difficult for some authority to collect a DNA sample from Nomsod and his Uncle through a drinking glass or similar. Or does this happens only in the movies?

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he photos are from CSI LA - chubby and a few friends disappeared the day after the murder and returned after the burmese patsies were tortured into confession by the RTP. As far as I know they were not tested since they weren't there... There also is a CCTV video out there wher you can see three footballers with yellow or light green shirts follow Hannah out of a bar and the way the behave clearly shows that they are following the girls, expecting some "action". I wish I could find that shot again...


The cctv shots here, of the footballers

edit: its so brief, you can't get a good look.

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