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Recommending a Big Motorcycle rental shop

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We just returned from a four-day motorcycle tour along the Thai/Lao border north-east of Nan. Fantastic ride! We made a similar trip back before the summer and I was looking forward to the end of Rainy Season to do it once again, but on a motorcycle this time. The roads are smooth, twisty as Christmas Ribbon candy, free from gravel on the curves (except for a couple of very short stretches,) and the vistas spectacular. Up and down all day long! Imagine the Samoeng Loop Road on steroids, with fantastic views on both sides of the roads. Now stretch that out to about 600 kilometers. If you are a motorcycle rider... TAKE THIS RIDE!!! (Chiang Mai/Lampang/Nan/Bo Klua and north.)

I rented a Honda adventure/touring bike from "Pops Bike Rental" just south of Thapae Gate and was given a dream machine. It started when I pushed the button. I handled the switch-backs going down the mountain like a mountain goat. The brakes did what they were supposed to do. The tires were almost new and in great condition. And the seat was a comfortable platform to sit on for several hours at a stretch. We have a motorcycle touring duffle bag that can mount on a rear rack, so I asked Pop if he could install a good solid rack ("No problem," he said!) He asked me if I wanted a rear box and hard saddle bags, of which I said no to the box and yes to the hard saddle bags. 10 minutes later I rode out with a solid, reliable motorcycle kitted out for a road trip. All the gear for the two of us, including my wife's laptop computer, fit in the duffel bag, and butt bags, rain suits (which we didn't need,) and cable locks went in the saddle bags. With helmet communicators turned on, and a helmet-mounted video camera recording, we set off for 1,000 kilometers of great riding!

Having rented some real junk from other shops in the past, I was a bit nervous to rent a bike for this road. Some of the switchbacks are severe. But Pop came through. He said the bike was good for it and he wasn't exaggerating. It was perfect! I'll rent from this man again. He does motors the way they should be done!

"Pop's Motorcycles" about 200 meters south along the outside of the moat (just after Aroon Rai restaurant) in Chiang Mai. You can't miss it. There are 1,000,006 motorcycles, motor scooters, and a couple of cars out front.


Nice trip report. Some stunning country up there, is that along the 1081? There are several Pops around town and they've been good to me in the past, eager to please. Best is, if they don't have what you want at a given shop, just as and they'll check around the others and deliver where you are.


Just curious but does Pops prices include a good insurance? Or is one offered?

I mean the type that will cover the bike completely in accident & not leave you liable for repairs....Not so much personal medical but bike coverage

Thanks for any info


Any cbr600rr's/yamaha R6 or similiar ?

No they only have the new Honda CB650F quite a few like 14 I think

But they do have 2 of the new Yamaha FZ09's there which should be fun

But the 600RR & the R6 is not sold in Thailand so not for rent

( you can buy them but they are imports sometimes with & sometimes without green books places like Red Baron in BKK import some )


Check the oil-levels before driving -off.

A few years ago my nephew and I each rented a Kawi Er 650 to do the MHS-loop,I got as far as Pang Mapha when my bike completely lost compression,sputtering with flames shooting out of the exhaust,luckily it happened where it did and I coasted to a halt right across from a roadside-Somchai. Engine blazing hot,smoking and completely empty of oil.Expecting at least for the rings to be toast,I called POP's wife and explained the situation,she wanted me to ride the bike back to CM "carefully" I told her that Im responsible for the bike and that in my opinion if I ride it that distance in this condition it could completely wreck the engine.

So,after several phone calls back and forth she finally negotiated with Somchai to have someone truck it back for around 1200 baht. That left me having to ride back to CM with my 200 lb nephew as pillion on his Er 650....a touch nerve -wrecking at night on those mountain roads!

Next day POP got me a new bike,he insisted that all bikes have regular maintenance and a record of oil changes, he got down to inspect the new bike and "yup, it o.k", . So off we went to the nearest petrol station I got down to have a closer look at the oil-window and sure as s&%t it was low, like really low, I thought is this chump playing me?....I gave it a litre of oil to bring it up to level.

When I returned the bike I asked Pop's wife about the condition of the previous bike and she said "already rented out"...really! ..."only put new spark-plug, engine no problem".....wow! I would think that running out of oil in a high performance engine will do severe damage to something....??? that says a lot about the durability and technology of these engines.

I have a decent big bike of my own now but would still recommend POPs for a big bike rental, but do look at the bike you want very very carefully...it is all-ways a crap-shoot.

Safe-Roads & Happy-Trails thumbsup.gif


Check the oil-levels before driving -off.

A few years ago my nephew and I each rented a Kawi Er 650 to do the MHS-loop,I got as far as Pang Mapha when my bike completely lost compression,sputtering with flames shooting out of the exhaust,luckily it happened where it did and I coasted to a halt right across from a roadside-Somchai. Engine blazing hot,smoking and completely empty of oil.Expecting at least for the rings to be toast,I called POP's wife and explained the situation,she wanted me to ride the bike back to CM "carefully" I told her that Im responsible for the bike and that in my opinion if I ride it that distance in this condition it could completely wreck the engine.

So,after several phone calls back and forth she finally negotiated with Somchai to have someone truck it back for around 1200 baht. That left me having to ride back to CM with my 200 lb nephew as pillion on his Er 650....a touch nerve -wrecking at night on those mountain roads!

Next day POP got me a new bike,he insisted that all bikes have regular maintenance and a record of oil changes, he got down to inspect the new bike and "yup, it o.k", . So off we went to the nearest petrol station I got down to have a closer look at the oil-window and sure as s&%t it was low, like really low, I thought is this chump playing me?....I gave it a litre of oil to bring it up to level.

When I returned the bike I asked Pop's wife about the condition of the previous bike and she said "already rented out"...really! ..."only put new spark-plug, engine no problem".....wow! I would think that running out of oil in a high performance engine will do severe damage to something....??? that says a lot about the durability and technology of these engines.

I have a decent big bike of my own now but would still recommend POPs for a big bike rental, but do look at the bike you want very very carefully...it is all-ways a crap-shoot.

Safe-Roads & Happy-Trails thumbsup.gif

Not saying the bike was not low on oil but I really hate these new style sight windows for oil level.

They are not consistent & show big differences depending on the smallest tipping of the bike.

For instance on its sidestand it will usually show none

When cold it will show none or low no matter the position

I really prefer the old dip stick style attached to the oil cap

But also agree most rental bikes are ridden hard & put away wet wink.png

Which is why most folks never buy a used rental bike or car


Folk Guitar

How does the route you took compare with the route that goes up toward Chiang Rai, turns right after MekaJan over the hills to Prao then on to Nan?


It's great to hear a positive rather than the usual negative posts on local business. I'm not entirely sure if it is appropriate, I'm sure the mods will delete if not, but I would like to add an equally good alternative to Pops. Perhaps we should make more positive posts when we have good experiences with business, everybody would benefits from it.

Mr K has always had a big bike; when we first met Metal Mickey, a red Kwaka Z500 was his pride and joy and when we retired, Plopmeister (long story), his R1 which had never been wet apart from the day he bought it and rode it home, was sold without the buyer even taking a test drive - it was raining when he came, and he was only allowed to start it up to listen to it. And he offered full asking price on the spot. True story.

He did consider buying a bike here, and was trying to decide whether to get a road bike or a big trial bike. In the end, I convinced him that it would make more financial sense to just rent one when he fancied going off for a ride. He has Somchai the scooter for around town, theres no way he would ride a big one around the streets, not worth the risk or hassle. For a bike to just sit in a carpark for most of the time and get a good airing once every month or so would see a lot of money depreciating (although prices of Ducati's etc seem to hold very well). He would be responsible for maintenance (he no longer enjoys 'tinkering') and security. If he were to hire a bike for 3 or 4 days once every month or two he could get a different bike every time and always be guaranteed of a getting the latest model, not just now but also in 10 years time.

After a couple of false starts with others, he found Tony's Big Bikes a good couple of years ago, of whom he is now a regular and very happy customer. As a regular he gets a discounted price and gets rides on bikes that may not be available to all and sundry as he is known as a trusted and careful rider. He even tags along with them when they are taking tours out sometimes, but mostly he prefers riding on his own. He is currently very happy, having ridden a couple of hundred k's today with some Brit's on BMW's, enjoying watching the Loy Kratong preparations in Sukothai, which he has been scouting out for a weekend away for us (in a similarly financially assessed hired car).

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


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Folk Guitar

How does the route you took compare with the route that goes up toward Chiang Rai, turns right after MekaJan over the hills to Prao then on to Nan?

I'll let you know. We plan to ride that route at the end of next month. :)

He did consider buying a bike here, and was trying to decide whether to get a road bike or a big trial bike. In the end, I convinced him that it would make more financial sense to just rent one when he fancied going off for a ride. He has Somchai the scooter for around town, theres no way he would ride a big one around the streets, not worth the risk or hassle.

That was my decision as well. I'd always ridden larger bikes. I rode an 1100cc Yamaha Road Star cruiser for several years in Japan before moving back to Chiang Mai. When we ride the Alps in Europe, we always rent a full dressed R1200 BMW. But living in town now, there is no way a large cruiser or big tour big could get me around town as easily as my little 125cc Honda scooter. It can get the two of us up Doi Suthep with no trouble, can fit between lines of cars in traffic jams, can park anywhere, and costs nothing to operate! For the once-a-month tours, renting a bike is the answer for me. As long as there are shops like these that rent out reliable bikes, I'm satisfied.


Just curious but does Pops prices include a good insurance? Or is one offered?

I mean the type that will cover the bike completely in accident & not leave you liable for repairs....Not so much personal medical but bike coverage

Thanks for any info

Any info on insurance?


It's great to hear a positive rather than the usual negative posts on local business. I'm not entirely sure if it is appropriate, I'm sure the mods will delete if not, but I would like to add an equally good alternative to Pops. Perhaps we should make more positive posts when we have good experiences with business, everybody would benefits from it.

Mr K has always had a big bike; when we first met Metal Mickey, a red Kwaka Z500 was his pride and joy and when we retired, Plopmeister (long story), his R1 which had never been wet apart from the day he bought it and rode it home, was sold without the buyer even taking a test drive - it was raining when he came, and he was only allowed to start it up to listen to it. And he offered full asking price on the spot. True story.

He did consider buying a bike here, and was trying to decide whether to get a road bike or a big trial bike. In the end, I convinced him that it would make more financial sense to just rent one when he fancied going off for a ride. He has Somchai the scooter for around town, theres no way he would ride a big one around the streets, not worth the risk or hassle. For a bike to just sit in a carpark for most of the time and get a good airing once every month or so would see a lot of money depreciating (although prices of Ducati's etc seem to hold very well). He would be responsible for maintenance (he no longer enjoys 'tinkering') and security. If he were to hire a bike for 3 or 4 days once every month or two he could get a different bike every time and always be guaranteed of a getting the latest model, not just now but also in 10 years time.

After a couple of false starts with others, he found Tony's Big Bikes a good couple of years ago, of whom he is now a regular and very happy customer. As a regular he gets a discounted price and gets rides on bikes that may not be available to all and sundry as he is known as a trusted and careful rider. He even tags along with them when they are taking tours out sometimes, but mostly he prefers riding on his own. He is currently very happy, having ridden a couple of hundred k's today with some Brit's on BMW's, enjoying watching the Loy Kratong preparations in Sukothai, which he has been scouting out for a weekend away for us (in a similarly financially assessed hired car).

Another thumbs up for Tony's Big bikes from me. I haven't used them but a few friends and family have and were very happy with the bikes and the service.


Just curious but does Pops prices include a good insurance? Or is one offered?

I mean the type that will cover the bike completely in accident & not leave you liable for repairs....Not so much personal medical but bike coverage

Thanks for any info

Any info on insurance?

Insurance is included in the price, but it's not what I would call 'comprehensive.' It covers personal liability for the driver only. Accident repairs are the responsibility of the renter as are flat tires (the tires on the bike I rented looked almost new) and if you break down more than 50k away, transportation of the bike back is in your hands. Under 50k and Pop will pick it up for free. There may have been other insurance available, but I didn't ask about it.


Just curious but does Pops prices include a good insurance? Or is one offered?

I mean the type that will cover the bike completely in accident & not leave you liable for repairs....Not so much personal medical but bike coverage

Thanks for any info

Any info on insurance?

Insurance is included in the price, but it's not what I would call 'comprehensive.' It covers personal liability for the driver only. Accident repairs are the responsibility of the renter as are flat tires (the tires on the bike I rented looked almost new) and if you break down more than 50k away, transportation of the bike back is in your hands. Under 50k and Pop will pick it up for free. There may have been other insurance available, but I didn't ask about it.

Thanks & yes hopefully they would have another policy available for a price.

I have ridden here for years but would not risk having to buy Pop a new bike

not so much due to my fault but some uninsured/under-insured motorists

  • 7 months later...

That sounds like a nice trip man! I am also planing on going on a motorcycle holiday in Thailand soon. Does any body know where to find some good guided trail rides in Phuket or south Thailand area? I checked tripadvisor and found some guys that do guided enduro and motocross holiday in Thailand, it's called Motocross Phuket - did any of you try this place. Here is a link: http://www.motocrossphuket.com/mx-holiday.html




A mate rented one of the 700 ish cc Honda's with the automatic gearbox.

Had an excellent time only problem was that on a couple of occasions as he was leaned over cornering the G/B changed down.

Safe but slightly disturbing.



Tony's Big Bike is great. Good bikes, personal service from owner/operators that are dedicated riders themselves

Have rented from TBB myself a couple of times and would thoroughly recommend.


Rented from Pops again a few weeks ago for another super ride, this time due north from Chiang Mai to Doi Angkhan and a few days of riding the back roads along the Burmese border. Thank God Pop's bikes have good brakes! These roads can be straight up and straight down.... Oops! Nothing straight about them! Hairpin turns at really steep angles! Makes the hairpins on the Samoeng Loop seem like child's play! But the views that one gets from these roads can't be beat. Mae Salong sits on top of the world and getting there was a dream ride! But you better make damn sure that your bike is in perfect condition first... Gravel roads, extremely steep grades, and hard corners requires a machine that is performing at 100%. Large gas tank is a good idea too as the gas stations are few and far between up in those hills. Bring your passport too... We rode through several checkpoints every day.

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