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My friend went to Phuket Town immigration today to apply for a retirement visa. He was there for three and a half hours.

He says he was told this: First get a month's extension, then a three month visa/extension and then he would be legible to apply for the retirement visa. I probably haven't got this exactly right but, for sure, it's one month – come back, three months – come back, and then at the end of the three months, apply for a retirement.

He says the American lady who works there as a farang helper told him that she had never heard of this before. She was very surprised, apparently.

Maybe there are new rules from Friday.
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Some of the comments, as usual, make me want to throw up. For some reason many posters seem delighted that people got in a tough situation thanks to a very stupid decision by the Penang consulate. I should not be surprised, after all it is said and repeated that Thailand attracts the worst type of expats.

The thing is, schools would have no problem whatsoever to get the proper documentation. They just needed to be warned in advance so that they could send docs to be approved by the ministry. Apparently that was too much to ask to the thai consul.

Warning went out two months ago about the changes.

Take it up with your school for not telling you about the changes or quite possibly didn't attend the school to find out. Many were caught out because they don't ever attend.


Some of the comments, as usual, make me want to throw up. For some reason many posters seem delighted that people got in a tough situation thanks to a very stupid decision by the Penang consulate. I should not be surprised, after all it is said and repeated that Thailand attracts the worst type of expats.

The thing is, schools would have no problem whatsoever to get the proper documentation. They just needed to be warned in advance so that they could send docs to be approved by the ministry. Apparently that was too much to ask to the thai consul.

Warning went out two months ago about the changes.

Take it up with your school for not telling you about the changes or quite possibly didn't attend the school to find out. Many were caught out because they don't ever attend.

That's wrong, you don't know what you are talking about. It was never said that those specific documents had to be stamped by the ministry. In fact, Penang is the only consulate that requires that.

They called the schools last friday saying "as of today, we need this and that" without caring that many students were already on their way with a stack of documents that was perfectly acceptable just a few days ago. They just don't give a <deleted>.

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Some of the comments, as usual, make me want to throw up. For some reason many posters seem delighted that people got in a tough situation thanks to a very stupid decision by the Penang consulate. I should not be surprised, after all it is said and repeated that Thailand attracts the worst type of expats.

The thing is, schools would have no problem whatsoever to get the proper documentation. They just needed to be warned in advance so that they could send docs to be approved by the ministry. Apparently that was too much to ask to the thai consul.

I wouldn't worry, they'll dump the retirees next.

Foreigners are no longer welcome in Thailand for more than a two week holiday, once a year.


Exploitations always gets closed.

All these visa holders knew the grey areas of this visa. Accept it and get legal instead of moaning about it.

Many criminals use this visa to stay long term and work illegally. Good job keeping the country a little bit cleaner.

Sent from my LG-D858

How are these people not legal if they have a ED visa and studying Thai. It would be illegal if they had no Visa.

Its the Thai people who created this illegally Teaching Market not people on Ed visas.

"Good job keeping the country a little bit cleaner." xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.png B.S

It was a loophole that many used to stay whilst “studying“.

Maybe a few are legit students but a majority were not.

I never said they were illegal. I said get legal to the new rules.

I'm glad this hole is closing. Too many scum on this island.

Sent from my LG-D858

Don't be so negative, Sounds more like you gave up your thai lessons, was it too difficult for you?

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I feel sorry for all those who have to worry about renewing their visa and find all sorts of zig zagging ways so that they can stay in Thailand.

For those who have some money, consider the Thailand Elite card.

Get the card and say bye bye to the worries and bad feelings.

And be reassured, the program is there to stay.

I am on my third 5 years Elite visa... while others scratch their heads trying to find cheap (and very insecure) alternatives to stay in the country.

I wish all the best to the ones stuck in Penang.


# phuketjock

I can afford it, and that's not boasting, but the last scheme went broke. That doesn't really inspire confidence, does it?

Therefore, I see the Thai Elite Card scheme as risk, and one that I am not prepared to take, not to mention, I don't like being pushed into a scam by Thai authorities.

As mentioned before, I have no ties here. If I'm out - no problem. I'm not complaining. I have prepared for that event, should it happen. I'll come back for a few months a year, and reconsider my position when I'm 50 years of age.

I knew you would say the Thai Elite Card, because there is nothing else. That's why I say, "pushed into a scam."

Believe me, I have looked at every single visa on offer. There are visas for playing sport here etc etc - I meet none of the criteria required for any of them, yet, can meet all the financials required for the retirement visa.

Other than the Thai Elite Card, can you suggest one of the many visas that I, and many others, including those stuck in Penang, as we speak, should be applying for?

I don't consider myself as an "undesirable" for Thailand, although many may say I'm an "undesirable" for this forum. smile.png

If I'm not welcome here - fine. I think the system I am using will be fine, but I have prepared for being rejected.

Why is it so difficult for you and others like you to understand if you do not meet the criteria to obtain a visa to

allow you to stay legally in the country and you are not a tourist, then you have three choices, you leave or take

advantage of the elite card offer or run the risk of being busted, it is that simple.

I do not know of any government in the world that will change their immigration rules to accommodate anyone

who does not meet the criteria dictated by those rules, so they are not going to change them for you or anyone

else. I am sorry but you will all just have live with taking your own chances as you see fit...................

It's amazing that these people feel hard done by.

I don't see why.

Try staying in your country of origin the same way under a education visa and see how that works for you.

If you factor in 5 years of school fees, visa runs and application fees I'm sure it would incur more costs than buying an elite card.

Reminds me of the sun lounge rental guys, happy while the gravy train is running but when it's put to a stop they cry foul.

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Exploitations always gets closed.

All these visa holders knew the grey areas of this visa. Accept it and get legal instead of moaning about it.

Many criminals use this visa to stay long term and work illegally. Good job keeping the country a little bit cleaner.

Sent from my LG-D858

How are these people not legal if they have a ED visa and studying Thai. It would be illegal if they had no Visa.

Its the Thai people who created this illegally Teaching Market not people on Ed visas.

"Good job keeping the country a little bit cleaner." xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.png B.S

It was a loophole that many used to stay whilst “studying“.

Maybe a few are legit students but a majority were not.

I never said they were illegal. I said get legal to the new rules.

I'm glad this hole is closing. Too many scum on this island.

Sent from my LG-D858

Don't be so negative, Sounds more like you gave up your thai lessons, was it too difficult for you?

Never went to thai lessons ever.

My son's teach me enough to get by.

I'm not being negative. It's about choice and how long you plan to stay here.

I know the education visa is popular because its perfect for blow ins/drifters who want a means to stay short term without any check or balances so can jump ship at a moments notice. That's why it's popular with criminals and illegal workers.

I'm sorry if my comments seem harsh but I don't understand why people feel hard done by.

The education visa is being exploited so they made it harder.

Is that not a good thing?

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Also, Please show me one person that actually came to Thailand to study.

99.9% would have used it only as a 2nd option to prolong their stay with no intention to study.

Sent from my LG-D858

Patently absurd, and based on what? Your preternatural ability to penetrate the minds of all ED Visa holders?

Start with Thai studies programs at Chula and Thammasat (Pridi). If it's not your intention to learn, you're gonna to have significant problems in those programs. Hopefully the day never comes when those making decisions don't condescendingly lump all foreign visa holders together in some erroneous category to justify a messed up new policy - and it affects you.

Though I imagine someone somewhere would jump for joy at the alleged 'clean up' - viva la schadenfreuda

Maybe it's wrong to lump them all students together but at least you acknowledge the loophole hurts the legit students.

The visa option I took is no longer available since 2007 but immigration still provide me with a visa every year without fail as I was in before the changes.

If that day comes when they pull it I'm prepared. Won't see me moaning about it here. I've got my 500k ready for the 5 year elite visa.

We know Thais are only about money hence why the elite card exists in the first place.

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I'm not sure what's more disgraceful in this thread: the lording it over expats who haven't managed to follow a visa process that has been unneccessary for years or the racist "Thais are only about money" nonsense. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

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There are many young people here, Lets keep to the point that they were not for-warned . Thailand allowed this behavior for many years so i think they should be a little more carful about making swift changes. I am also not against what the military are doing, but it is not good to leave so many people stranded like this..

Not many people like freedom of speech but I do. This is not a free world this is a free economy!!!!!


Slightly O/T, but there really aren't too many countries in the world that want to welcome and harbour those that aren't reasonably cashed up. Many countries allow you to buy a visa, or have a minimum amount of cash you must transfer in annually to obtain the correct papers. As it has stood, the ED visa was the cheapest option for those not wanting to bring in a decent amount of cash.

Back on topic, iare there not any other embassies/consulates that are issuing ED visas any more?

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If you are applying for an Ed Visa shouldn't you have 20,000B in your bank ? No need to get 'WU aid'.

I know when I went to language school here, I spent 1000B a day, on food / transport / coffee / ciggies / evening meal with the wife .. So, cm'on.

Also, there is more than one place in Malaysia to get a visa. Is it that there are incoming changes that Penang have taken as immediate action - Something they have done for years.

So go to the other consulate, where you can have a face-to-face conversation rather than dealing with a visa agent.

  • Like 1

Also, Please show me one person that actually came to Thailand to study.

99.9% would have used it only as a 2nd option to prolong their stay with no intention to study.

Sent from my LG-D858

Patently absurd, and based on what? Your preternatural ability to penetrate the minds of all ED Visa holders?

Start with Thai studies programs at Chula and Thammasat (Pridi). If it's not your intention to learn, you're gonna to have significant problems in those programs. Hopefully the day never comes when those making decisions don't condescendingly lump all foreign visa holders together in some erroneous category to justify a messed up new policy - and it affects you.

Though I imagine someone somewhere would jump for joy at the alleged 'clean up' - viva la schadenfreuda

Maybe it's wrong to lump them all students together but at least you acknowledge the loophole hurts the legit students.

The visa option I took is no longer available since 2007 but immigration still provide me with a visa every year without fail as I was in before the changes.

If that day comes when they pull it I'm prepared. Won't see me moaning about it here. I've got my 500k ready for the 5 year elite visa.

We know Thais are only about money hence why the elite card exists in the first place.


I have been following these threads for the past several months since the authorities decided to clamp down on visa-runs and actually enforce the law.

What I find ironic, is the people moaning about this enforcement are the very same ones that pop up and criticise the authorities for not enforcing the laws when it comes to drink-driving, tax evasion, driving licenses (or the lack of), building standards etc.

So it's one law for 'them' and another one for you?

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If only there were an education visa to teach people to check their facts before making such sweeping statements. I have just returned from Penang and this is my actual experience:

1. I have been studying Thai for more than one year and attend classes twice a week at a reputable school in Bangkok which has thousands of students all trying to learn a difficult language for various reasons.

2. After one year I took an examination to check my level of Thai before the education ministry issued the letter to allow for my second year of study.

3. Previously this would mean that I would not have to leave the country and I could extend my stay in Bangkok. The rules were changed so that a visa must be reapplied for outside the country's after each year.

4. The school provided all the documentation as they did for hundreds of other legitimate students. However, the application was refused because the letter from the ministry was an endorsed copy certified as correct by the school. Both the Thai consulate and school confirmed that this was the normal way to provide the information but that the consulate in Penang had decided not to accept these at this time. This is not a chase in the law and has not been notified in advance.

5. No other consulate is currently following this approach according to my school and my own experience. All the people who took exactly the same documentation to other countries were accepted and their visas issued as normal.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Well i think it is good to inform people about what is going on as many people want to know, i am just using this forum to inform. If this is bad and the negative people want to post silly things, then up to them..

Forums are to keep people informed.

Here Here. The negativity on some of these forums is appalling. There should be a grumpy old mans forum.

Thanks for the post all the same.

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If only there were an education visa to teach people to check their facts before making such sweeping statements. I have just returned from Penang and this is my actual experience:

1. I have been studying Thai for more than one year and attend classes twice a week at a reputable school in Bangkok which has thousands of students all trying to learn a difficult language for various reasons.

2. After one year I took an examination to check my level of Thai before the education ministry issued the letter to allow for my second year of study.

3. Previously this would mean that I would not have to leave the country and I could extend my stay in Bangkok. The rules were changed so that a visa must be reapplied for outside the country's after each year.

4. The school provided all the documentation as they did for hundreds of other legitimate students. However, the application was refused because the letter from the ministry was an endorsed copy certified as correct by the school. Both the Thai consulate and school confirmed that this was the normal way to provide the information but that the consulate in Penang had decided not to accept these at this time. This is not a chase in the law and has not been notified in advance.

5. No other consulate is currently following this approach according to my school and my own experience. All the people who took exactly the same documentation to other countries were accepted and their visas issued as normal.

We can Thank Kay for bringing the hysterics without the facts.

Thank you.

Sent from my LG-D858

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