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Russia denies submarine incident off Sweden


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Russia denies submarine incident off Sweden

(BBC) The Russian defence ministry has denied reports that one of its submarines got into trouble in the waters off Sweden.

The Swedish military has been searching the sea since Friday, following what the military said was foreign underwater activity.

It has denied looking for a submarine, and said that it was conducting an intelligence operation.

However, a local newspaper said Sweden had intercepted a distress signal in Russian.

Swedish Rear Admiral Anders Grenstad said the military based its judgement on "not only on current observations, but also on many previous ones from this very area... this is an area of interest to foreign powers".

Soviet submarine sightings during the Cold War caused security alerts in Sweden in the 1980s.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29680960

-- BBC 2014-10-20

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It has always been the Russian (Soviet) intention to have the very best intelligence concerning access to and from the Baltic Sea, thereby eliminating any chance for US spying via submarines. There is little doubt that the sea bed will be sown with acoustic devices. Denmark and Norway would undoubtedly share Sweden's concern.

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again the usa trolls hahaha. in the meantime russia told the world sweden should look out for a submarine from the netherlands. next time before you blame rusia again, ask putin first because he know it first what happens in the sea all over the world. and not only in the sea. as we know in the meantime from a stupid secratary of state from the netherlands when he was asked in a interview about the conditions of the victims, some victims of mh17 was found wearing the oxigen mask. therefore never mh17 was shut down with a rocket. the plane was shut down from a plane. of course one from putin hahahahaha

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again the usa trolls hahaha. in the meantime russia told the world sweden should look out for a submarine from the netherlands. next time before you blame rusia again, ask putin first because he know it first what happens in the sea all over the world. and not only in the sea. as we know in the meantime from a stupid secratary of state from the netherlands when he was asked in a interview about the conditions of the victims, some victims of mh17 was found wearing the oxigen mask. therefore never mh17 was shut down with a rocket. the plane was shut down from a plane. of course one from putin hahahahaha

This is a joke, right? Was not this bogey detected in Swedish waters, not in "seas all over the world"? Oh but Putin knows everything.... "Some victims were found wearing oxygen masks" Found by whom? You seem to reason that this proves MH17 shot down by plane. Air to air missles are more direct hit items, but ground missiles more like shot gun pellets (which are clearly seen in photos of plane body). I could see passengers (some anyway) that might get masks on before breakup of plane even if shot down by either method. I am no expert, but seems unlikely that any would be found with mask on after crash. Masks drop down from overhead, just held on with elastic band. Yet somehow these bands would hold mask on while overhead bins etc are blown off and out, most likely pulling mask with them.

And in spite of denials from Putin that there were any of those bukit missles in rebel hands, his own Pravada site from end of June trumpeted the capture of those missiles from Ukranian air base. Rebels had means, motive (albeit to shoot down Ukranian planes) and opportunity.

Putin and Russian rulers are big time deniers and liars, as they have proven time and again. May also wish to refer to treaty signed guaranteeing Ukrainian border integrity when Ukraine disarmed itself from nukes. Big mistake imho.

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Now hmmm.... How can this be blamed on the U.S.? There MUST be a way. There just HAS to be. C'mon you Putinistas, think hard! Put your BACKS into it! I know! Let's check RT!!

Obviously fake signals generated by the CIA to embarasse the Russians.

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again the usa trolls hahaha. in the meantime russia told the world sweden should look out for a submarine from the netherlands. next time before you blame rusia again, ask putin first because he know it first what happens in the sea all over the world. and not only in the sea. as we know in the meantime from a stupid secratary of state from the netherlands when he was asked in a interview about the conditions of the victims, some victims of mh17 was found wearing the oxigen mask. therefore never mh17 was shut down with a rocket. the plane was shut down from a plane. of course one from putin hahahahaha

Notwithstanding the great difficulty I have in understanding both the direction and logic in the post above, I fail to see how MH17 has any bearing on the subject at hand. Just how the US can either be implicated in, or have prior knowledge of, this most recent event beats me. Fortunately one thing is assured in that NATO knows precisely whenever a Russian sub leaves port or traverses the Baltic Sea.

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Sweden and Russia have a long and deep history as do the other countries at Russia's western borders. The Swedes however have beat up on several much larger Russian armies over several hundred years.

So by the time the Cold War was coming to its end the Swedes were using live exploding depth charges against Soviet submarines ID'd as being in Swedish waters. There's just no screwing around here from Stockholm's standpoint.

Looking at the Swedish warship in the OP one can see Sweden remains prepared and continues its no-nonsense approach to dealing with the Russians. It's also an indicator of what the dilapidated Russian Army would face from Sweden and Nato if it were ordered into Baltic or Scandinavian countries.

In cat and mouse we know what happens to even the biggest mouse when it finally gets caught.

Hmmm. I knew there was something I liked about the place...

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Would av thought the Swedes are not that bothered about the fact the sub is actually there, more the fact if it is in a distressed state (Unsafe) then they have a Nuclear ameggedon problem on their doorstep (mention of a distress signal being intercepted??)

The Ruskies will say its a Ukrainian boat anyway (used to be ours back in Soviet days) so they will drop straight on their toes if they have too, Vaseebla...

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Russia would like to be a bully if only it had the horsepower. Last week also Sweden:

"Also on Wednesday, the Swedish Foreign Ministry said two Russian military aircraft had crossed into Swedish air space south of the Baltic Sea island of Oland.
The ministry called it a "serious violation".
Sweden has said it has summoned the Russian ambassador over the incident."
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Russia would like to be a bully if only it had the horsepower. Last week also Sweden:

"Also on Wednesday, the Swedish Foreign Ministry said two Russian military aircraft had crossed into Swedish air space south of the Baltic Sea island of Oland.

The ministry called it a "serious violation".

Sweden has said it has summoned the Russian ambassador over the incident."


Sadly, things are getting real bad in Russia right now. Wife does not talk much about it partly because it is her job and partly because the personal impact on her family and friends there is very upsetting to her. The common man and woman over there are really struggling right now.

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Would av thought the Swedes are not that bothered about the fact the sub is actually there, more the fact if it is in a distressed state (Unsafe) then they have a Nuclear ameggedon problem on their doorstep (mention of a distress signal being intercepted??)

The Ruskies will say its a Ukrainian boat anyway (used to be ours back in Soviet days) so they will drop straight on their toes if they have too, Vaseebla...

Moscow has already put out the laffer that it's a Dutch underwater boat which no one believes and which seems to also be malevolent given so many Dutch died because of the plane that was shot out of the sky by either Russian experts or Russian trained warriors, or both.

It's apparently a mini sub that is definitely Russian. It had been in the area spying on joint naval exercises among Sweden, Netherlands, Poland. So it's laughable of Moscow to claim the Swedes are chasing after a Dutch sub immediately after joint naval exercises involving Sweden and Netherlands.

If the Swedes were actually trying to aid and assist a foreign sub in distress they would be keeping it a top secret matter for no apparent reason, so would everyone else to include first rate intelligence agencies in nearby Germany, UK and of course the U.S. If it were a Dutch sub there would be no reason to hide an emergency rescue mission the way the Russians always try to hide everything. So that's a definite no sale there.

The Swedes have for a long time been very tough on the Russians concerning territorial borders at the Baltic Sea to include the recent Russian incursion test against Swedish air space which was immediately turned back by Swedish Air Force fighters. The Russians know this acutely so good on the Swedes.

Edited by Publicus
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Russia would like to be a bully if only it had the horsepower. Last week also Sweden:

"Also on Wednesday, the Swedish Foreign Ministry said two Russian military aircraft had crossed into Swedish air space south of the Baltic Sea island of Oland.

The ministry called it a "serious violation".

Sweden has said it has summoned the Russian ambassador over the incident."


Sadly, things are getting real bad in Russia right now. Wife does not talk much about it partly because it is her job and partly because the personal impact on her family and friends there is very upsetting to her. The common man and woman over there are really struggling right now.

They certainly do lose a lot of young patriotic submariners to the deep six.

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Correct me if Im wrong but was it not Sweden who developed a really good diesel-electric boat few years back incorporating a fancy air recirc system which enabled class leading extended duration for these types, also near silent propulsion too, Iam sure if they had been conducting any excercise in home waters then one of these boats would have been on station, thus there will be not Depth Charging anywhere and also risk of Radiation leak, as some of these Russian subs are not exactly maintained to the highest standards

I wager the Swedes must Shat their pants on regular occasions as the flying time over that area between the the Swedish coast and Mother Russia is not that long by Fast strike aircraft or large naval fleet conducting Exercises in Home waters, that happend back in the 80s on a Soviet Warship when the Captain thought F ook this for a game of Soldats! Was loose story of the Red October maybe?? I am sure the guys who know can tell us... all interesting stuff

Edited by Lokie
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