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This morning we had a visit from our neighbour and were accused, me and my wife, of being thieves.

We were accused of stealing a Papaya from her plant that is very near to my garden wall.

Have to tell you here that I have 15 Papaya plants in my garden and usually they have plenty of Papayas hanging from them.

So I took the woman around my garden and showed her my plants.

No…….you got my Papaya.

My wife kept quiet for a long time and let me deal with the matter.

The woman didn’t want to back up and she was demanding to give her 20Baht for her Papaya.

It wasn’t the 20Baht, but by giving it to her I would have admitted that I stole the Papaya.

After 10 minutes of denial and her accusing me the wife butts in.

Never seen her so angry, never before heard her shouting so loud.

In fact everything was coming out of her mouth so fast that I couldn’t understand what she was saying.

For a moment I thought she was going to attack the woman.

But it had the right effect; the woman turned around and disappeared back to her house.

And I got a bollocking from my wife, next time don’t get involved with matters like that and let her deal with it.

Have you ever come across a situation like this?

Very unpleasant and disturbing as we are good friends with the husband and have a beer every so often.

He didn’t appear today, I hope I get an apology at least from him.

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I've had a run in with our neighbor. Initially the msz bollocked me for being rude (typical Thai) before the neighbor and pig of a wife showed their true colours by dumping a dead rabbit in our garden, dumping rubbish in front of our gate, parking their numerous cars in front of our gate, abusing and insulting the wife, twice crashing into our stationary cars drunk, pig wife assaulted the wife. A lot of which I have on video. Fight fire with fire and get it on video.


I've had a run in with our neighbor. Initially the msz bollocked me for being rude (typical Thai) before the neighbor and pig of a wife showed their true colours by dumping a dead rabbit in our garden, dumping rubbish in front of our gate, parking their numerous cars in front of our gate, abusing and insulting the wife, twice crashing into our stationary cars drunk, pig wife assaulted the wife. A lot of which I have on video. Fight fire with fire and get it on video.

You need to post your video evidence LOL

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You live a life in the fast lane Costas, a reality TV show of you could be a best seller.

See Costa's if you had kept Zuma, you would not have these problems its karma coming back on you

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You live a life in the fast lane Costas, a reality TV show of you could be a best seller.

See Costa's if you had kept Zuma, you would not have these problems its karma coming back on you

I think you are right Soutie, since he abandoned Zuma he's had a run of bad luck. Maybe he can redeem himself by adopting one of Zumas family.

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Don't interact with Thais at your home.

It's never worthwhile.

Any random Thais call at my house and suddenly I can't speak Thai, or English.

They soon bog off.

Ca Va?

Or in your case

γεια σας (geia sas)


Well done Costos, first post from you that isn't complete BS.

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Golden rule Costas. let Thai people deal with Thai people, its far less frustrating and usually gets the best response/outcome.thumbsup.gif

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Costas, for a minute their mate after reading the topic I thought you were going to say you had been done for stealing all the girls heartswhistling.gif

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personally i have been blessed with evil eyes which i did not even realize, but all my staff and neighbors are scared of me, even bar girls are scared of me.

but 1 thing i always struggle to understand is what people on TV always say to stay out of it and let thai deal with thai?

putting aside the language, which mind you can and does also work to your advantage, is not it just all about people talking?


Costas, you made the mistake of getting involved in the first place. That's why we have Thai wives, at least that is my stand. I have a German Shepherd and a Thai wife.

In future go indoors and have a nice cup of Shut the <deleted> Up and let the wife scare off the neighbors.

Then you can still have a beer with her old man.

If only a Thai shepherd and a German wife.


your wife sounds highly strung!

as a thai surely she could have resolved the issue without losing her temper - and by losing her temper doesnt she lose face?

in dealings with thais i always remain calm coffee1.gif


I think i would have handled this slightly different, i mean really all this ag for 20 baht?? You say you have your own trees? , i would of picked one of my own and offered it to her and explained that you found the offending pappaya on the floor and threw it away thinking that it was no big deal. If she then refused the replacement pappaya i would of then knew she was trying it on and shoved it right up where the sun dont shine.

Her husband would of probably bought you a beer next time he saw you, and your wife could of saved face because she would not of had toraise her voice.

Guess you live and learnthumbsup.gif


I've had a run in with our neighbor. Initially the msz bollocked me for being rude (typical Thai) before the neighbor and pig of a wife showed their true colours by dumping a dead rabbit in our garden, dumping rubbish in front of our gate, parking their numerous cars in front of our gate, abusing and insulting the wife, twice crashing into our stationary cars drunk, pig wife assaulted the wife. A lot of which I have on video. Fight fire with fire and get it on video.

You need to post your video evidence LOL

Wife says I can't. Though it does have many highlights. I particularly like the part where AN (&lt;deleted&gt; neighbor) challenges the insurance evaluator to a fight (the insurance guy is a stocky muay Thai looking guy and the neighbor is short and fat) then backs down cos the muay Thai gives him the 'come on' gesture, all in front of a useless cop.


your wife sounds highly strung!

as a thai surely she could have resolved the issue without losing her temper - and by losing her temper doesnt she lose face?

in dealings with thais i always remain calm

Incorrect. The loss of face here is squarely on neighbour. Face is not lost if you raise your voice after someone comes into your home accusing you of wrongdoing. On the contrary, one would appear weak and lose face by not doing so. If, however, nonsensical neighbour believes his wife has indeed lost face because of this, who cares, sometimes it is worth it.
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My dear Costas ... let me interchange the order of two of your sentences from this ...

"And I got a bollocking from my wife, next time don’t get involved with matters like that and let her deal with it.

Have you ever come across a situation like this?"

to this ...

Don't ever come across a situation like this.

...don’t get involved with matters like that and let her (your female Thai Partner) deal with it.

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Your wife sounds like a real nutter.

Ahhhhh, you haven't seen the nurse at her best.

I usually disappear when she starts and gets that chopper in her handsw00t.gif


Thai vs Thai, screaming, cursing, name calling, etc are not uncommon in personal arguments. When they lose their temper they can totally lose it verbally and face seems to be forgotten.

\Later the individuals will tell the neighbors their version of the incident, neighbors will pick whose side they want to support or maybe refuse to even get involved. Either way, normally the participatants in the ballywho will not speak nor even look toward the one who offended them, there will be no mention of the incident except the occasional rehash with supporters. Both are seen as being impolite, thus both lost face to some degree. Sometimes its forgotten, many times it is not and those involved just totally ignore the other party.

I have seen this a few times between females and the outcome has been as described. Now when males are in the same situation, all bets are off, as to the actions and outcome. One incident involved a father and son in law, the latter felt so insulted he got his gun from the motorbike, shot and killed his fil and turned the gun on himself and killed himself in the space of 5 minutes. I do not even try to figure what the outcome of these arguments will be, I look for a safe place/distance to observe or make myself scarce.

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