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New history textbooks to teach 'correct democracy'


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Before the intervention who were in control ??? have to attack the system prior, they were given the boot again, note it's not the first time.

As far as the PM now is concerned, I do not have a gripe---I and all my Thai friends have not been affected by the intervention, majority seem to be getting along nicely. Your the people that are stirring the dung, any excuse to do it.

Just returned from the main Udon hospital, 3 fillings in the dental section---FREE for everyone. Thai people are not complaining. only the wrong doers--and the haters of the army have problems. My freedom of speech is no way challenged, nor any of my Thai friends.

First, let's address the Orwellian language use: Coup, coup, coup, not an intervention, a coup! Get used to reality ginjag.

My comment stands, you have not defended the junta, presumably because you can't. Unless you can show that the dental care you described was unavailable before the coup.

Hey, Bruce, our new 'Dear Leader' doesn't like us to call it a coup. So 'intervention' is OK. 'NCPO' is spot on. And of course he is a real 'PM' too.

The Thai people are now 'happy' and we are enjoying 'reconciliation' and making 'reforms'.

Saying anything else can get you an 'invitation' to special 'retreat' and be 'entertained' by our friends in khakis. Normally it is only one week, but you can 'volunteer' for an extended stay.

I can't wait to see the new history books. smile.png

BTW, who is Orwell?

Intervention---I love it. Why, it gets all the apologists screaming mad. It is that drastic according to them all Thai people are being dragged off the streets for speaking, tortured for loving the Shins, and now are to be taught the 53rd version of democracy in schools. 5555555555555.

It's pigged them off because today free dental treatment was given here in UDON Thani. Farrangs included. when in the last 3 years have Thais been given that and farrangs.

man, it looks like you either need to find your meds or get a new dentist.

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Hey, Bruce, our new 'Dear Leader' doesn't like us to call it a coup. So 'intervention' is OK. 'NCPO' is spot on. And of course he is a real 'PM' too.

The Thai people are now 'happy' and we are enjoying 'reconciliation' and making 'reforms'.

Saying anything else can get you an 'invitation' to special 'retreat' and be 'entertained' by our friends in khakis. Normally it is only one week, but you can 'volunteer' for an extended stay.

I can't wait to see the new history books. smile.png

BTW, who is Orwell?

George Orwell. Writer of the book 1984, which has been banned by the junta. Google is your friend.

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I know for a fact that they teach nil history at all except a little Thai in schools here so anyone surprised they are completely unaware what democracy is all about?

you dont know what you are talking about.

I used to teach history to Mattayom school

kids. World history is included.

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Well, in the P5 book social studies book, they have 3 cartoons of a fat falang approaching a Thai family at a restaurant, no money, smelly and asking for funds. Until they remove that, other changes will not happen.

Yes - i also have seen Xenophobic stuff produced by this system -(prior to Junta )

A daughters friend brought over her school books over whilst we were in Thailand last year.

""Dad look at this "" she asked .

I saw images of western men trying to solve a Car problem.

Both wore Thongs (flip flops) and had singlets on and obese and a beer in their hands -

Looking puzzled , a Thai is then seen fixing the car -

This time the man is neat and looks bright and focused.

The pretty Thai business lady thanks him

Whilst the western men look on with lustful eyes for her and Tongue out.

She tips the Thai man who is seen giving it to the monks at the temple .

A Thai insert says *(translation)

""Service to others is important even silly Farang can learn from Thai examples"

In another there were more westerners and again portrayed as drinking and smoking and lusting after the woman .

A bar girl is seen being asked by a Monk why she mixes with such people?

""I know such people are sinful but i want to help my family she says""

The western men look again leering and evil as well as stupid and smelly .

This was before the Junta so they can't be blamed

Though i can't imagine whats going to be in future publications

I take it you've never been to Pattaya.
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I know for a fact that they teach nil history at all except a little Thai in schools here so anyone surprised they are completely unaware what democracy is all about?

you dont know what you are talking about.

I used to teach history to Mattayom school

kids. World history is included.

If you taught at an international school I believe you for sure. Otherwise "you don't know what you are talking about" and I have taught at many different schools... History is not even a subject in regular thai schools?!

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Utter ludicrous to think that the citizens are so naive to believe what the junta text book content. We don't live in the dark ages where the only reading material is the text book and the radio. The more the junta try to brainwash and impose their ideology, we will see more people start to lose faith in the government. We see more media considered as pro establishment warning things can go awry for this government if they take a bias approach to reform, stifle freedom of expression and force feed their brand of ideology. The backlash will come from the next election.

What election ?

As Dr. Pridiyathorn, Deputy PM said, delaying the election is dangerous. Most have penciled in early 2016 even PT. PM Prayuth has told his international counterparts at the ASEM gathering that he will hold election as promised. A man with so much pride and ego will stick to his words. It will come soon and will be another knockout blow to the establishment.

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Utter ludicrous to think that the citizens are so naive to believe what the junta text book content. We don't live in the dark ages where the only reading material is the text book and the radio. The more the junta try to brainwash and impose their ideology, we will see more people start to lose faith in the government. We see more media considered as pro establishment warning things can go awry for this government if they take a bias approach to reform, stifle freedom of expression and force feed their brand of ideology. The backlash will come from the next election.

What election ?
As Dr. Pridiyathorn, Deputy PM said, delaying the election is dangerous. Most have penciled in early 2016 even PT. PM Prayuth has told his international counterparts at the ASEM gathering that he will hold election as promised. A man with so much pride and ego will stick to his words. It will come soon and will be another knockout blow to the establishment.

I applaud your optimism , i, alas, am not as cheerful. One and a half years in my view should be plenty for a man of beloved leader's "pride and ego" to convince the great unwashed that a minority is a majority, and a majority is a minority. The rewriting of the books is in progress as we speak.

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Utter ludicrous to think that the citizens are so naive to believe what the junta text book content. We don't live in the dark ages where the only reading material is the text book and the radio. The more the junta try to brainwash and impose their ideology, we will see more people start to lose faith in the government. We see more media considered as pro establishment warning things can go awry for this government if they take a bias approach to reform, stifle freedom of expression and force feed their brand of ideology. The backlash will come from the next election.

What election ?
As Dr. Pridiyathorn, Deputy PM said, delaying the election is dangerous. Most have penciled in early 2016 even PT. PM Prayuth has told his international counterparts at the ASEM gathering that he will hold election as promised. A man with so much pride and ego will stick to his words. It will come soon and will be another knockout blow to the establishment.
I applaud your optimism , i, alas, am not as cheerful. One and a half years in my view should be plenty for a man of beloved leader's "pride and ego" to convince the great unwashed that a minority is a majority, and a majority is a minority. The rewriting of the books is in progress as we speak.

Damn it, triple post, dodgy internet connection once again.

Edited by thedivezone
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Intervention---I love it. Why, it gets all the apologists screaming mad. It is that drastic according to them all Thai people are being dragged off the streets for speaking, tortured for loving the Shins, and now are to be taught the 53rd version of democracy in schools. 5555555555555.

It's pigged them off because today free dental treatment was given here in UDON Thani. Farrangs included. when in the last 3 years have Thais been given that and farrangs.

man, it looks like you either need to find your meds or get a new dentist.

Is that your intelligent comment of the day.??? find another grudge/pastime.

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Before the intervention who were in control ??? have to attack the system prior, they were given the boot again, note it's not the first time.

As far as the PM now is concerned, I do not have a gripe---I and all my Thai friends have not been affected by the intervention, majority seem to be getting along nicely. Your the people that are stirring the dung, any excuse to do it.

Just returned from the main Udon hospital, 3 fillings in the dental section---FREE for everyone. Thai people are not complaining. only the wrong doers--and the haters of the army have problems. My freedom of speech is no way challenged, nor any of my Thai friends.

First, let's address the Orwellian language use: Coup, coup, coup, not an intervention, a coup! Get used to reality ginjag.

My comment stands, you have not defended the junta, presumably because you can't. Unless you can show that the dental care you described was unavailable before the coup.

I have never had free dental care before the coup.

Intervention to save anarchy with the reds in Issan mobilizing--FACT. You will never want to believe that lives were saved by the intervention.

Until I find the PM is doing a disservice to Thailand I will back him. sorry---shout all you want.

Ok, so you received free dental care, a little known benefit of the coup. Few people think that it is enough to justify the coup.

You may not think that restrictions on speech, restrictions on political gatherings, censorship, banning calls for elections, implementing reforms that restrict democracy (if it ever returns), keeping martial law in place regardless of its impact on the economy, etc. qualify as a disservice, but not everyone thinks like you.

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Hey, Bruce, our new 'Dear Leader' doesn't like us to call it a coup. So 'intervention' is OK. 'NCPO' is spot on. And of course he is a real 'PM' too.

The Thai people are now 'happy' and we are enjoying 'reconciliation' and making 'reforms'.

Saying anything else can get you an 'invitation' to special 'retreat' and be 'entertained' by our friends in khakis. Normally it is only one week, but you can 'volunteer' for an extended stay.

I can't wait to see the new history books. smile.png

BTW, who is Orwell?

George Orwell. Writer of the book 1984, which has been banned by the junta. Google is your friend.

tbthailand was being funny. He understands the important role Orwell plays in the current government. No doubt the history book rewrite will be handled by the Ministry of Truth.

Edited by heybruce
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Intervention---I love it. Why, it gets all the apologists screaming mad. It is that drastic according to them all Thai people are being dragged off the streets for speaking, tortured for loving the Shins, and now are to be taught the 53rd version of democracy in schools. 5555555555555.

It's pigged them off because today free dental treatment was given here in UDON Thani. Farrangs included. when in the last 3 years have Thais been given that and farrangs.

man, it looks like you either need to find your meds or get a new dentist.

Is that your intelligent comment of the day.??? find another grudge/pastime.

hmmmm, meds or dentist.

I vote for dentist...

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Hey, Bruce, our new 'Dear Leader' doesn't like us to call it a coup. So 'intervention' is OK. 'NCPO' is spot on. And of course he is a real 'PM' too.

The Thai people are now 'happy' and we are enjoying 'reconciliation' and making 'reforms'.

Saying anything else can get you an 'invitation' to special 'retreat' and be 'entertained' by our friends in khakis. Normally it is only one week, but you can 'volunteer' for an extended stay.

I can't wait to see the new history books. smile.png

BTW, who is Orwell?

Intervention---I love it. Why, it gets all the apologists screaming mad. It is that drastic according to them all Thai people are being dragged off the streets for speaking, tortured for loving the Shins, and now are to be taught the 53rd version of democracy in schools. 5555555555555.

It's pigged them off because today free dental treatment was given here in UDON Thani. Farrangs included. when in the last 3 years have Thais been given that and farrangs.

You must be pretty hard up, if a free filling is the only thing that motivates you. Has your pension pot run out already?

Being one of the party faithful I'm sure that you refused the free dental care anyway. Naked populism - very Thaksinite, and the army hates it.

Salute thy dictator, and ignore the toothache.

Edited by Thanet
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You could not make it up.

An illegally mounted coup that installs a dictator and then rewrites history books with an explanation of democracy.


Another dictator running the country from Dubai, using his sister as a pawn. Red Shin style. Your style democracy, YES because they were voted in so it must mean TRUE democracy.

The top man here blessed the intervention, cannot be that wrong.

My style democracy?? You assume too much.

My opinion of T is that he is a sociopathic xenophobic money grabbing wart on the face of humanity.

Without further information, try not to let your imagination run riot.

The general WAS the best hope for Thailand, since he seized power he has shown himself to be a soldier, not a politician.

I believe it was politicians that got Thailand into this mess. Maybe a soldier is what they need.

You realize I hope that your statement was what is considered leading with your chin.

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You could not make it up.

An illegally mounted coup that installs a dictator and then rewrites history books with an explanation of democracy.


Another dictator running the country from Dubai, using his sister as a pawn. Red Shin style. Your style democracy, YES because they were voted in so it must mean TRUE democracy.

The top man here blessed the intervention, cannot be that wrong.

My style democracy?? You assume too much.

My opinion of T is that he is a sociopathic xenophobic money grabbing wart on the face of humanity.

Without further information, try not to let your imagination run riot.

The general WAS the best hope for Thailand, since he seized power he has shown himself to be a soldier, not a politician.

I believe it was politicians that got Thailand into this mess. Maybe a soldier is what they need.

You realize I hope that your statement was what is considered leading with your chin.

Actually its the military that has got Thailand into this mess, repeated over and over coup after coup..... half the politicians here forever have been current or ex military or appointed as PM etc.....the political system here has been dominated with regular military intervention for nearly a century.

Thailand has always been a basket case because its never allowed the political system to evolve before having the next intervention.

If politicians are to blame then it is the military coups who have been the teachers and shown the politicians there is only a very small window of civilian political rule before everything gets reset... All it ever leaves room for are short sighted and selfish goals.

As as to the schoolroom and the history text books ? they cant even teach accurate Thai history without lying and changing facts. I do believe a Thai historian is currently under threat of LM for pointing out inaccuracies and changes to certain historical accounts.

Correct democracy ? ............its an oxymoron anywhere but most of all in Thailand

Edited by englishoak
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Utter ludicrous to think that the citizens are so naive to believe what the junta text book content. We don't live in the dark ages where the only reading material is the text book and the radio. The more the junta try to brainwash and impose their ideology, we will see more people start to lose faith in the government. We see more media considered as pro establishment warning things can go awry for this government if they take a bias approach to reform, stifle freedom of expression and force feed their brand of ideology. The backlash will come from the next election.

What election ?

The election that was held a few months back whereby General Prayuth won by a landslide.

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Well, in the P5 book social studies book, they have 3 cartoons of a fat falang approaching a Thai family at a restaurant, no money, smelly and asking for funds. Until they remove that, other changes will not happen.

Yes - i also have seen Xenophobic stuff produced by this system -(prior to Junta )

A daughters friend brought over her school books over whilst we were in Thailand last year.

""Dad look at this "" she asked .

I saw images of western men trying to solve a Car problem.

Both wore Thongs (flip flops) and had singlets on and obese and a beer in their hands -

Looking puzzled , a Thai is then seen fixing the car -

This time the man is neat and looks bright and focused.

The pretty Thai business lady thanks him

Whilst the western men look on with lustful eyes for her and Tongue out.

She tips the Thai man who is seen giving it to the monks at the temple .

A Thai insert says *(translation)

""Service to others is important even silly Farang can learn from Thai examples"

In another there were more westerners and again portrayed as drinking and smoking and lusting after the woman .

A bar girl is seen being asked by a Monk why she mixes with such people?

""I know such people are sinful but i want to help my family she says""

The western men look again leering and evil as well as stupid and smelly .

This was before the Junta so they can't be blamed

Though i can't imagine whats going to be in future publications

I've seen those kind of stories before. The one I saw from 3 years ago was warning Thai school children about the dangers of meeting farang online and was Thai reading material for Pratom 5 students given out in class. I think Pratom 5 translates to roughly 10 year-old primary school children.

The following are a few pictures from the book. The picture of the farang is not too complimentary whistling.gif




The story accompanying the pictures went something like this. A couple of young Thai girls meet and chat with a farang online who describes himself as young and handsome so they decide to meet him in Bangkok.

However on meeting up as arranged he turns out to be a 'fat old pot-bellied farang' who's used someone else's photo while chatting to them on the internet. The girls are too embarrassed to leave and he tells them he wants to go try some delicious Thai food. They take him to a restaurant but when it's time to pay he checks his wallet and tells them he's lost his money. The girls end up having to scrape the money together to pay for the meal which they only just manage to do between them. When one of the girls goes to the toilet one of the staff informs her that the farang doesn't live abroad at all but is actually resident in Pattaya and pulls this scam often. The story finishes by warning it was lucky the girls didn't go alone or much worse could have happened.

Download link to scan of story in pdf format:


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Another dictator running the country from Dubai, using his sister as a pawn. Red Shin style. Your style democracy, YES because they were voted in so it must mean TRUE democracy.

The top man here blessed the intervention, cannot be that wrong.

My style democracy?? You assume too much.

My opinion of T is that he is a sociopathic xenophobic money grabbing wart on the face of humanity.

Without further information, try not to let your imagination run riot.

The general WAS the best hope for Thailand, since he seized power he has shown himself to be a soldier, not a politician.

I believe it was politicians that got Thailand into this mess. Maybe a soldier is what they need.

You realize I hope that your statement was what is considered leading with your chin.

Actually its the military that has got Thailand into this mess, repeated over and over coup after coup..... half the politicians here forever have been current or ex military or appointed as PM etc.....the political system here has been dominated with regular military intervention for nearly a century.

Thailand has always been a basket case because its never allowed the political system to evolve before having the next intervention.

If politicians are to blame then it is the military coups who have been the teachers and shown the politicians there is only a very small window of civilian political rule before everything gets reset... All it ever leaves room for are short sighted and selfish goals.

As as to the schoolroom and the history text books ? they cant even teach accurate Thai history without lying and changing facts. I do believe a Thai historian is currently under threat of LM for pointing out inaccuracies and changes to certain historical accounts.

Correct democracy ? ............its an oxymoron anywhere but most of all in Thailand

"Thailand has always been a basket case because its never allowed the political system to evolve before having the next intervention."

Some people don't believe in evolution, they believe that democracy is created by a benevolent general and granted to people in perfect form. And when the people screw up this perfect democracy by not voting carefully, it's necessary for a benevolent general to take government away from the people for a while and re-create democracy.

I'm one of those people who do believe in evolution, and that it takes several election cycles without coups for a democracy to begin to be functional. It can be a rough ride, but if the history of Thailand has demonstrated anything it is that coups do not lead to functional democracies. Unfortunately some people don't learn from history.

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Utter ludicrous to think that the citizens are so naive to believe what the junta text book content. We don't live in the dark ages where the only reading material is the text book and the radio. The more the junta try to brainwash and impose their ideology, we will see more people start to lose faith in the government. We see more media considered as pro establishment warning things can go awry for this government if they take a bias approach to reform, stifle freedom of expression and force feed their brand of ideology. The backlash will come from the next election.

What election ?

The election that was held a few months back whereby General Prayuth won by a landslide.


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I regret that my boy still is of the age that education is obligatory, otherwise I would pull him from school right now and then.

if your boy is attending a thai school you must know beryl little about how kids are educated here and if you can't afford a decent international school i fell very sad for your boy since hell never get a education here at a Thai school.

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Insular. Xenaphobic. Racist. Elitist. Not only history, but geography are not taught at all well over here. Kids don't know where anywhere outside SE Asia is. They don't know about WW II or the Vietnam war, or genocide in Cambodia. Seriously sad state of affairs. One of the many reasons i'm thinking of going back to the UK after 11 wonderful years here, is for my 9 year old son. I've got to the point i want him growing up as an English boy with a Thai mother, rather than a Thai boy with a Felang dad.

if you cant afford a good international school id move now our w had a wonderful education and are and grew up totally as wonderful well adjusted adalescents but my Thai wife does feel they are to much english than Thai. She's always said she wanted them to grow up with all good parts of western culture such as ability to question, logical thought, self relieance and rest but also good parts of Thai culture being politeness respect thinking of how others feel.

It was really difficult many many times but I believe we succeeded. Of course without money to give them that type of education and obey to buy experiences such as skiing trips to Japan and many other countries and rest. Ive noticed that many elite thais are well educated and not anti forang at all although the typical beer swilling lost or dirty old man found in many places here do not help give thais a good image of us forang.

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Insular. Xenaphobic. Racist. Elitist. Not only history, but geography are not taught at all well over here. Kids don't know where anywhere outside SE Asia is. They don't know about WW II or the Vietnam war, or genocide in Cambodia. Seriously sad state of affairs. One of the many reasons i'm thinking of going back to the UK after 11 wonderful years here, is for my 9 year old son. I've got to the point i want him growing up as an English boy with a Thai mother, rather than a Thai boy with a Felang dad.

Well I am old now so I can't say much on what they teach in schools in the west now. Even my kids are getting on in years.

When I was in school they didn't teach much about the East. Just that it was there. As for history they taught nothing. I applaud your decision to take your son back to the cold Brittan for an education. But I doubt he will learn much of the East in his history. Certainly learn about the evil of Hitler. I have several friends with plans to return home strictly for the reason to give their kids a better education.

Let us hope that Thailand is finally on the road to a real education. The signs look good. So far.

a lot of english education is also total crap unless you live in a good area same as while a lot of UK national health service is fantastic much is awful Personally i would dread having to live and educate kids here or in UK equally if one did not have very significant income or funds.

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Well, in the P5 book social studies book, they have 3 cartoons of a fat falang approaching a Thai family at a restaurant, no money, smelly and asking for funds. Until they remove that, other changes will not happen.

Could someone post some of these cartoons? I'd really like to see them...

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Well, in the P5 book social studies book, they have 3 cartoons of a fat falang approaching a Thai family at a restaurant, no money, smelly and asking for funds. Until they remove that, other changes will not happen.

Yes - i also have seen Xenophobic stuff produced by this system -(prior to Junta )

A daughters friend brought over her school books over whilst we were in Thailand last year.

""Dad look at this "" she asked .

I saw images of western men trying to solve a Car problem.

Both wore Thongs (flip flops) and had singlets on and obese and a beer in their hands -

Looking puzzled , a Thai is then seen fixing the car -

This time the man is neat and looks bright and focused.

The pretty Thai business lady thanks him

Whilst the western men look on with lustful eyes for her and Tongue out.

She tips the Thai man who is seen giving it to the monks at the temple .

A Thai insert says *(translation)

""Service to others is important even silly Farang can learn from Thai examples"

In another there were more westerners and again portrayed as drinking and smoking and lusting after the woman .

A bar girl is seen being asked by a Monk why she mixes with such people?

""I know such people are sinful but i want to help my family she says""

The western men look again leering and evil as well as stupid and smelly .

This was before the Junta so they can't be blamed

Though i can't imagine whats going to be in future publications

I've seen those kind of stories before. The one I saw from 3 years ago was warning Thai school children about the dangers of meeting farang online and was Thai reading material for Pratom 5 students given out in class. I think Pratom 5 translates to roughly 10 year-old primary school children.

The following are a few pictures from the book. The picture of the farang is not too complimentary whistling.gif




The story accompanying the pictures went something like this. A couple of young Thai girls meet and chat with a farang online who describes himself as young and handsome so they decide to meet him in Bangkok.

However on meeting up as arranged he turns out to be a 'fat old pot-bellied farang' who's used someone else's photo while chatting to them on the internet. The girls are too embarrassed to leave and he tells them he wants to go try some delicious Thai food. They take him to a restaurant but when it's time to pay he checks his wallet and tells them he's lost his money. The girls end up having to scrape the money together to pay for the meal which they only just manage to do between them. When one of the girls goes to the toilet one of the staff informs her that the farang doesn't live abroad at all but is actually resident in Pattaya and pulls this scam often. The story finishes by warning it was lucky the girls didn't go alone or much worse could have happened.

Download link to scan of story in pdf format:


same as we warned our kids about Thai men in fact not Thai men we said men of any race or woman. Its quite fair to use bad image of many forang here as basically scum bags to warn in particular school girls of dangers of being seduced by nasty forang men. They already know dangers of many this men but like most believe all forang are rich many are totally unaware of some forang also pose very high risks

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