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Nazis who left US still received social security


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Nazis who left US still received social security

(BBC) The US government has paid dozens of suspected Nazi war criminals millions of dollars in Social Security benefits after forcing them to leave the US.

The payments, funded by taxpayers, were made through a legal loophole, an Associated Press investigation has uncovered. Some are still being paid.

Former guards at Nazi labour camps, where millions died, are among them.

The US justice department says benefits are paid to individuals who renounce US citizenship and leave voluntarily.

But there is anger that public money is being used in this way.

"It's absolutely outrageous that Nazi war criminals are continuing to receive Social Security benefits when they have been outlawed from our country for many, many, many years," said Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-29694228

-- BBC 2014-10-21

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Another BS incomplete article. Social security is funded by workers contributions not tax payers. Those individuals paid into it and then qualified for it. Social security is a insurance scheme.

Our in-justice dept, especially the office that looks for National Socalists (NAZI) is run by jewish lawyers. If Christians where in charge, America would not expel 90 yr old men, 70 yrs after the war. Israel also commited war crimes during the wars of 1976 etc., but that gets covered up by the Jewish controlled press in America

What is the name of the "office that looks for National Socialists"? You must know the name if you know it "is run by jewish lawyers." This is not a rhetorical question. Please tell the name so I can look it up. Thanks.

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Almost as bizarre as the UK system under EU rules. We are currently paying child allowance to over 60,000 Eastern European claimants for children who still live in Eastern Europe just because they have a parent who has made their way the the UK to make the claim.

There is even a dedicated website giving guides exclusively for Eastern Europeans on exactly how to screw the British tax payers.


Notice how there is only info on how to screw the UK and none of the other member states?

So it is not just the US that has a f****** up system open to abuse.

Sooner UKIP get us out of the EU, the better.

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No matter what is said, FACTS speak for themselves. America likes nazis and facists; conversely, communists are loathed with nearly unbridled passion. Just open the Recent History book. Don't have one? Google will find more than a few for you.

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Not Trolling, it was announced today in the media that the US is sending aid to ISIS... So now the US sends $$$ to Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Iraq, Syria, ISIS and Israel... Why not send SS payments to Nazis, the US gives money away like it's burning their hands?


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While these old men may be scum, they paid into the social security system for decades and they are entitled to collect their contribution in return. It may be unfortunate but that is how it is set up. If they are put in jail, they will have no need for the money.

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Not Trolling, it was announced today in the media that the US is sending aid to ISIS... So now the US sends $$$ to Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Iraq, Syria, ISIS and Israel... Why not send SS payments to Nazis, the US gives money away like it's burning their hands?


A guess: critical reading is not your strong suit.

Call me clairevoyant.

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No matter what is said, FACTS speak for themselves. America likes nazis and facists; conversely, communists are loathed with nearly unbridled passion. Just open the Recent History book. Don't have one? Google will find more than a few for you.

Is that a picture of where you keep your head? Anyone who has paid into social security and meets the age or disability requirements is entitled to it; unless a specific amendment to the law says otherwise. To date, there is no amendment stopping payment to ex-Nazis or communists.

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They were 'forced' to pay into the Social Security System, just as they were 'forced' to serve the National Socialist regime. They paid the price twice, should be allowed to collect like everyone else. Nobody is out there tracking down Japanese baddies (must be none), only track down the baddies that hurt Jews. If we forgave Japan, time to forgive Germans.

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The U.S. is based on the rule of law. They qualified for the S.S. (ironic, eh?) benefits under the law. There was no legal reason to deny the benefits. So I don't see a problem. Laws can be changed but generally they aren't retroactive.

Any potential prosecutions are a separate matter. My reading is that prosecutions weren't pursued on this group that were pushed out and paid SS benefits, in general. They were just pushed out. Should more of them have been charged? That's another historical question now, and most are dead anyway.

The bigger "scandal" of this is about the decision to push them out rather than prosecute more of them, not the actual payment of earned benefits which they actually legally deserve as just being a suspect doesn't make you convicted under American law. But again, that's academic now.

Next ...

Edited by Jingthing
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Download the movie "The Power of Song" the Pete Seeger story. It will show you how the US government went on witch hunts years ago but Pete/The Weavers stuck to his/their guns. A very powerful movie about a great American and I am Canadian. He sadly passed away this year at the honorable age of 93

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this is in reference to elgordo fairytail story.seeger was a commie start to end. turned a blind eye to the old su killing of tens of thousands of people in there own country.all you "feel good about myself" peeps are tired. read a book, then read another .shhhhheeeese

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So, known nazi`s are expelled instead of being prosecuted ???

Not so long ago we had about 8 -9 pages about an older alleged nazi, who by the sound of the usual suspects here still had to be prosecuted, where is the public outcry now, or will we just try to move on since it involves the U.S ?

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If you owe the US gov't money...and do not pay promptly...there is a heavy fine and penalty to pay for the delay...

I am still trying to receive my 2012 refund check of over $4,000...can find no one to help...(tried all the online and phone services)...and may never see that refund...there is no penalty for gov'ts delayed refund...and they make it most difficult to get help with a problem like this...

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It's hard to get excited about this now. They're almost all dead. Maybe the U.S. government bozos who pushed them out long ago without considering prosecution should be the focus. Clearly the U S. was embarrassed for letting in so many Nazis back then

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Not Trolling, it was announced today in the media that the US is sending aid to ISIS... So now the US sends $$$ to Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Iraq, Syria, ISIS and Israel... Why not send SS payments to Nazis, the US gives money away like it's burning their hands?


A guess: critical reading is not your strong suit.

Call me clairevoyant.

You will have to do better than that... I have another name for you, but my post would be deleted...

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It would be difficult for the US to convict any of these people. The crimes were not permitted on US soil for one thing. They probably were not truthful in their application for immigration to the US and that is the reason they were deported.

Other than lying and being on the wrong side of a war, they may not have been any more guilty than any other soldier in the war.

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It's hard to get excited about this now. They're almost all dead. Maybe the U.S. government bozos who pushed them out long ago without considering prosecution should be the focus. Clearly the U S. was embarrassed for letting in so many Nazis back then

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I was not hard to get exited about something like this a week or so ago on the other topic concerning an ex nazi. And in this case too, they are not all dead.

And the US being embarrassed by letting in so many nazi`s back then? Come on JT, don't sugarcoat it, there were special programs in place to make it possible, codenames and all.

Even you now display the double standard the US has always had concerning this, but they are the first to wave their warning finger if someone or some other country would do the same.

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So completely absurd that people are still worrying about Nazi war criminals. Anyone still alive from that era would have been too young to have any rank or control in any of the workings of the Nazi war crimes. Soldiers do as they say, especially when the alternative is to be killed. No country harbors more war criminals than the USA, in fact, we reward them with billion dollar defense contracts. Not to mention that whenever a GI rapes or murders someone, the military bends over backwards to hide and protect that person. Will be interesting to see how the current case of a Marine killing a transgender woman in the Philippines will unfold. Last time they raped and killed a Filipino, they got off completely.

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