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PM Prayut worried about underground anti-government movements


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Pretty hard to be a above ground anti government movement as it's illegal under this appointed PM

Prayuth was elected as the 295h PM of Thailand; NOT appointed.


I am confused. When was this election carried out? Who were the people casting votes? What authority gave them the power to elect. Just to be clear, when a head of state is "elected" it is usual for that election to be by all of the people in the country.

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Interesting, at a number of old Red Shills are out in force today, joined by a few new ones.

Is the timing a coincidence?

The supporters of democracy are always around, not as gobby as you junta cheerleaders though. Edited by jesimps
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Go take a get a copy of 1984, pick up a sandwich, walk up and down Silom with one hand raised with a couple of fingers wearing a red T shirt and see what happens...whistling.gif

Not the army to appear, but a green van---direct transit to the loony bin. As this would appear to be abnormal rather than a gesture opposing the PM.

You think that a book, a sandwich and a hand gesture warrants committing a person to an asylum. That says a great deal about you.

Hey brucykins, the words were not mine I just Quoted one of your clans comments---like he said these things and your in real army trouble.

I merely said if I went down the street one day and did this I would expect to be taken to the loony bin as this behavior would be classed as not normal. You think it is normal behavior the you too are a ???

brucykins? Ok ginny, yes, I do think it is within the bounds of normality for a person to have a sandwich and a book and make hand gestures in public. If you think people like this should be in an asylum I have to wonder what other kinds of behavior you would condemn--long hair on men? Short hair on women? Tattoos? I assume an "I love Prayuth" tattoo would be acceptable for you but a "1984" tattoo would be grounds for institutionalization.

On the subject of behavior concerns, "brucykins" sounds like an affectionate nickname. Just to be clear, you're not my type and it's never going to happen. Sorry to break it to you this way ginny.

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Yet I know all the villages my relatives live in were given money to vote PTP. The headman had to deliver the whole village vote, 100%, before anybody got paid and he got his bonus on top. Add to that peer pressure the threats of ostracizing, intimidation and violence for any who did not vote for the democracy loving Shin political vehicle.

Very democratic. Almost as good as a Zimbabwe election.

PTP win an election with a large minority, which translates into a large parliamentary majority, then cheat and break parliamentary procedures when if they had half a brain they didn't need to with the numbers they had. Stupid arrogance or what?

There is nothing remotely like accountable transparent sustainable democracy in Thailand.

"Yet I know all the villages my relatives live in were given money to vote PTP."

How do you know this? Did you report it to anyone in authority?

Forgive me if I have greater faith in an international election monitoring organization than hearsay claims.

The large minority translating into a large parliamentary majority was dictated by a constitution and laws established by the military and Abhisit, you can't blame that on the PTP. As far as parliamentary procedures, a new constitution means working without established precedents (you can't really count precedents established under a different constitution), and people were trying to get things done in spite of obstructions presented by the unelected half of the Senate. I'm sure they broke many rules in the process, but that should have been handled by courts and elections, not a coup.

All this is getting off-topic. The OP is about a superstitious, unelected PM (one who gives names to his lucky rings and keeps martial law in place long after all resistance has been quashed) being worried about underground opposition. I'm worried also, but not about underground opposition.

My relatives told me. I doubt all would lie or go to the trouble to explain how it was actually well organized to make sure no one defaulted. One single vote not made, or made for the opposition when the results declared and no money for anybody. And then the witch hunt.

I've seen examples of monitors and UN observers in a few countries. Not as professional or reliable as you may believe.

I didn't blame the Shins for the electoral process. But, through their own arrogance, stupidity, contempt or whatever they acted without thought and broke procedures when there was no need to. But, they are really wannabee dictators, so no surprise.

Everyone in Thailand seems to be very superstitious - remember Yinglcuk and Thaksin consulting some Burmese soothsayer.

The current PM needs to be worried. Thaksin and his family increased their family wealth 450% whilst PTP were in government. Plenty of funds available to orchestrate a come back.

You can stick with the stories you heard from your wife's relatives, I'll stick with what ANFREL,the election monitoring organization, concluded.

"But, through their own arrogance, stupidity, contempt or whatever they acted without thought and broke procedures when there was no need to."

One of the PTP's election campaign promises was to make the Senate fully elected, but the unelected half of the Senate opposed this, and the courts ruled that the amendments to change the constitution were illegal. I think you underestimate how difficult it was to get things done under the 2007 constitution.

"The current PM needs to be worried. Thaksin and his family increased their family wealth 450% whilst PTP were in government. Plenty of funds available to orchestrate a come back."

Everyone knows that Thaksin and family are rich, and everyone now knows that Prayuth's brother is rich (does anyone know how he got rich?), but no one knows the financial status of Prayuth. There are no requirements for generals or PM's to disclose their assets. That would be one of the first things changed in a government eager to reduce corruption through increased transparency. But I suspect there are plenty of funds, and guns, available to block a Thaksin comeback.

Well surely rich or not he certainly would not put wealth to his maid-gardener-valet---driver and uncle tom cob and all. You do not need guns to block his comeback, and no one is blocking him---he is a coward--trumped up charges he said---with 15 others pending----free to enter with your illegal passport issued.

How could T family increase their wealth 450 % when PTP were in office ??? suppose we have to ask PTP.

Once again you ignore the present and hide in the past. What does Thaksin have to do with the fact that the current PM, the one who supposedly wants to clean up corruption, won't declare his wealth? There is no better weapon against corruption than transparency; those who don't want to reveal and explain their wealth have no business in government. Yes, that should have applied to Thaksin and all PM's that preceded him, and it should apply to Prayuth and all future PM's, and any other government employee in a position to determine how government money is spent.

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I am confused. When was this election carried out? Who were the people casting votes? What authority gave them the power to elect. Just to be clear, when a head of state is "elected" it is usual for that election to be by all of the people in the country.

"when a head of state is "elected" it is usual for that election to be by all of the people in the country. "

The Thai "head of state" is a certain revered person, and has never been elected, as you will be well aware ! wink.png

You're talking about elected politicians, heads of government, not the "head of state", aren't you ?

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I am confused. When was this election carried out? Who were the people casting votes? What authority gave them the power to elect. Just to be clear, when a head of state is "elected" it is usual for that election to be by all of the people in the country.

"when a head of state is "elected" it is usual for that election to be by all of the people in the country. "

The Thai "head of state" is a certain revered person, and has never been elected, as you will be well aware ! wink.png

You're talking about elected politicians, heads of government, not the "head of state", aren't you ?

And in Thailand the legislative body elects the PM (who, as noted) is not the head of state.

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Interesting, at a number of old Red Shills are out in force today, joined by a few new ones.

Is the timing a coincidence?

What a nice simple world you must live in. People opposing unelected militairy rule are automatically labelled "red shills".

Which begs the question what we should call people openly supporting this undemocratic governement backed by force. should we call them just undemocratic, or are other words more justified ?

Cant imagine any really except maybe totalitarian collaborators and one F word.

On principle I don`t like military dictatorships or dictators (Time and the Telegraph used those words most unfairly re Thailand). Their excuses are always hollow and their repressions/reforms always increase.

History teaches us that. That does not make me a `red,`or a `yellow`.

In conclusion, Koh Tao - bikinis-KohTao - apologies - Koh Tao - perfect investigation - Koh Tao - handpicked Police Commissioner General - Koh Tao - cover up (yr bikini).

UN does not seem to like current regime, TH could not get one seat out of 4 available on UNHRC, and Amnesty Int seems less than overjoyed with `attitude adjustment` etc

To see how Isaan people may feel, check the link.


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Go take a get a copy of 1984, pick up a sandwich, walk up and down Silom with one hand raised with a couple of fingers wearing a red T shirt and see what happens...whistling.gif

Not the army to appear, but a green van---direct transit to the loony bin. As this would appear to be abnormal rather than a gesture opposing the PM.

You think that a book, a sandwich and a hand gesture warrants committing a person to an asylum. That says a great deal about you.

Hey brucykins, the words were not mine I just Quoted one of your clans comments---like he said these things and your in real army trouble.

I merely said if I went down the street one day and did this I would expect to be taken to the loony bin as this behavior would be classed as not normal. You think it is normal behavior the you too are a ???

Yknow gin i was being mildly flippant but.... seeing as you made a thing about it. and claimed its loony....

The only strange behaviour would be walking up and down with a hand in the air......... but hardly loony, unless doing the ministry of silly walks act at the same time of course.

Sitting reading a 50 year old book while eating a sandwich with a red T shirt on is about as normal as it comes. In fact people do it all over the world especially at lunch times.

You want to talk about being loony, being paranoid about every day objects becoming a threat is to a lot of people .... loony

The thing that i find strange is when people from educated and western backgrounds think its ok and normal to ban these kind of things and think its necessary, now thats loony.

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The first problem he should be solving is a date for the next democratic election.

That's what the rest of the world is asking him to do.

The NEXT democratic election? Are you implying that the last few were democratic? OMG!!

The 2011 election was monitored and declared legitimate http://www.voanews.com/content/asian-observer-group-commends-thai-election-cites-minor-flaws--125003034/141777.html. Do you not consider that democratic?

Yet I know all the villages my relatives live in were given money to vote PTP. The headman had to deliver the whole village vote, 100%, before anybody got paid and he got his bonus on top. Add to that peer pressure the threats of ostracizing, intimidation and violence for any who did not vote for the democracy loving Shin political vehicle.

Very democratic. Almost as good as a Zimbabwe election.

PTP win an election with a large minority, which translates into a large parliamentary majority, then cheat and break parliamentary procedures when if they had half a brain they didn't need to with the numbers they had. Stupid arrogance or what?

There is nothing remotely like accountable transparent sustainable democracy in Thailand.

you are spouting 100% grade-A nonsense.

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"There are reports on underground movements against the government. "

So share the details of these "reports", unless they are sourced from soothsayers and fortune tellers.

This guy sees threats everywhere, there's a word for that...

I am pretty sure the Bangkok Post is one of them,

they are all over the Kho Tao murders and the worsening tourist arrivals which they blame on him

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"There are reports on underground movements against the government. "

So share the details of these "reports", unless they are sourced from soothsayers and fortune tellers.

This guy sees threats everywhere, there's a word for that...

I am pretty sure the Bangkok Post is one of them,

they are all over the Kho Tao murders and the worsening tourist arrivals which they blame on him

Don't worry about the tourist arrivals, ginjag is busy explaining why martial law and the junta aren't responsible for the decline in tourism http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/770374-tct-another-tough-year-ahead-for-thai-tourism-if-martial-law-stays/page-4.

Edited by heybruce
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Hey brucykins, the words were not mine I just Quoted one of your clans comments---like he said these things and your in real army trouble.

I merely said if I went down the street one day and did this I would expect to be taken to the loony bin as this behavior would be classed as not normal. You think it is normal behavior the you too are a ???

Yknow gin i was being mildly flippant but.... seeing as you made a thing about it. and claimed its loony....

The only strange behaviour would be walking up and down with a hand in the air......... but hardly loony, unless doing the ministry of silly walks act at the same time of course.

Sitting reading a 50 year old book while eating a sandwich with a red T shirt on is about as normal as it comes. In fact people do it all over the world especially at lunch times.

You want to talk about being loony, being paranoid about every day objects becoming a threat is to a lot of people .... loony

The thing that i find strange is when people from educated and western backgrounds think its ok and normal to ban these kind of things and think its necessary, now thats loony.

I will just simply go outside do what you said is banned and see if I get pulled in. Also I will again say to go outside and do this you would be classed as near loony in the UK.

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"There are reports on underground movements against the government. "

So share the details of these "reports", unless they are sourced from soothsayers and fortune tellers.

This guy sees threats everywhere, there's a word for that...

I am pretty sure the Bangkok Post is one of them,

they are all over the Kho Tao murders and the worsening tourist arrivals which they blame on him

Don't worry, ginjag is busy explaining why martial law and the junta aren't responsible for the decline in tourism http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/770374-tct-another-tough-year-ahead-for-thai-tourism-if-martial-law-stays/page-4.

Busy little washerwoman talk---about me to someone else....after brownie points ??

While your at it---do not lie----I did not say they were not responsible merely countered your claim that they were. I said other factors were also involved.

Squirm and twist your way out of PTP problems that triggered of this lot----that includes English oak.

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Hey brucykins, the words were not mine I just Quoted one of your clans comments---like he said these things and your in real army trouble.

I merely said if I went down the street one day and did this I would expect to be taken to the loony bin as this behavior would be classed as not normal. You think it is normal behavior the you too are a ???

Yknow gin i was being mildly flippant but.... seeing as you made a thing about it. and claimed its loony....

The only strange behaviour would be walking up and down with a hand in the air......... but hardly loony, unless doing the ministry of silly walks act at the same time of course.

Sitting reading a 50 year old book while eating a sandwich with a red T shirt on is about as normal as it comes. In fact people do it all over the world especially at lunch times.

You want to talk about being loony, being paranoid about every day objects becoming a threat is to a lot of people .... loony

The thing that i find strange is when people from educated and western backgrounds think its ok and normal to ban these kind of things and think its necessary, now thats loony.

I will just simply go outside do what you said is banned and see if I get pulled in. Also I will again say to go outside and do this you would be classed as near loony in the UK.

No need to try it out, a simple search in the news forum will result in several official reports of people being hunted and arrested for this by the army of your beloved General happiness.

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Hey brucykins, the words were not mine I just Quoted one of your clans comments---like he said these things and your in real army trouble.

I merely said if I went down the street one day and did this I would expect to be taken to the loony bin as this behavior would be classed as not normal. You think it is normal behavior the you too are a ???

Yknow gin i was being mildly flippant but.... seeing as you made a thing about it. and claimed its loony....

The only strange behaviour would be walking up and down with a hand in the air......... but hardly loony, unless doing the ministry of silly walks act at the same time of course.

Sitting reading a 50 year old book while eating a sandwich with a red T shirt on is about as normal as it comes. In fact people do it all over the world especially at lunch times.

You want to talk about being loony, being paranoid about every day objects becoming a threat is to a lot of people .... loony

The thing that i find strange is when people from educated and western backgrounds think its ok and normal to ban these kind of things and think its necessary, now thats loony.

I will just simply go outside do what you said is banned and see if I get pulled in. Also I will again say to go outside and do this you would be classed as near loony in the UK.

Go with 4 friends. Take your sandwiches and 1984, wear a red hat or shirt, sit in a public place, like park or shopping mall, and enjoy your lunch! If you are brave enough, I will try to get Red Cross packages to your detention center.

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"There are reports on underground movements against the government. "

So share the details of these "reports", unless they are sourced from soothsayers and fortune tellers.

This guy sees threats everywhere, there's a word for that...

I am pretty sure the Bangkok Post is one of them,

they are all over the Kho Tao murders and the worsening tourist arrivals which they blame on him

Don't worry, ginjag is busy explaining why martial law and the junta aren't responsible for the decline in tourism http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/770374-tct-another-tough-year-ahead-for-thai-tourism-if-martial-law-stays/page-4.

Busy little washerwoman talk---about me to someone else....after brownie points ??

While your at it---do not lie----I did not say they were not responsible merely countered your claim that they were. I said other factors were also involved.

Squirm and twist your way out of PTP problems that triggered of this lot----that includes English oak.

I thought you'd be pleased that I gave your posts a plug. Don't you want people to read your posts?

It wasn't my claim you were countering, it was the TCT's claim. Perhaps you can explain how to counter a claim without saying the claim is not true?

So the PTP is responsible for maintaining martial law months after all opposition was repressed?

Edited by heybruce
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Hey brucykins, the words were not mine I just Quoted one of your clans comments---like he said these things and your in real army trouble.

I merely said if I went down the street one day and did this I would expect to be taken to the loony bin as this behavior would be classed as not normal. You think it is normal behavior the you too are a ???

Yknow gin i was being mildly flippant but.... seeing as you made a thing about it. and claimed its loony....

The only strange behaviour would be walking up and down with a hand in the air......... but hardly loony, unless doing the ministry of silly walks act at the same time of course.

Sitting reading a 50 year old book while eating a sandwich with a red T shirt on is about as normal as it comes. In fact people do it all over the world especially at lunch times.

You want to talk about being loony, being paranoid about every day objects becoming a threat is to a lot of people .... loony

The thing that i find strange is when people from educated and western backgrounds think its ok and normal to ban these kind of things and think its necessary, now thats loony.

I will just simply go outside do what you said is banned and see if I get pulled in. Also I will again say to go outside and do this you would be classed as near loony in the UK.

Go with 4 friends. Take your sandwiches and 1984, wear a red hat or shirt, sit in a public place, like park or shopping mall, and enjoy your lunch! If you are brave enough, I will try to get Red Cross packages to your detention center.

The Victory Monument in Bangkok is a good place for lunch.

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Pretty hard to be a above ground anti government movement as it's illegal under this appointed PM

It is time to reward Farangs for turning Thai family members. In my family I do not know of any because they do not see me and I do see them

But other Farangs will know what family members to turn in for money.

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Hey brucykins, the words were not mine I just Quoted one of your clans comments---like he said these things and your in real army trouble.

I merely said if I went down the street one day and did this I would expect to be taken to the loony bin as this behavior would be classed as not normal. You think it is normal behavior the you too are a ???

Yknow gin i was being mildly flippant but.... seeing as you made a thing about it. and claimed its loony....

The only strange behaviour would be walking up and down with a hand in the air......... but hardly loony, unless doing the ministry of silly walks act at the same time of course.

Sitting reading a 50 year old book while eating a sandwich with a red T shirt on is about as normal as it comes. In fact people do it all over the world especially at lunch times.

You want to talk about being loony, being paranoid about every day objects becoming a threat is to a lot of people .... loony

The thing that i find strange is when people from educated and western backgrounds think its ok and normal to ban these kind of things and think its necessary, now thats loony.

I will just simply go outside do what you said is banned and see if I get pulled in. Also I will again say to go outside and do this you would be classed as near loony in the UK.

Go with 4 friends. Take your sandwiches and 1984, wear a red hat or shirt, sit in a public place, like park or shopping mall, and enjoy your lunch! If you are brave enough, I will try to get Red Cross packages to your detention center.

I simply said anyone wanting to do this is crazy anyway. or even thinking of doing it---all this is OTT stupidity at it's best---surely there are better ways to show dissatisfaction ??? suppose writing to the general will have your fingers off.

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Yknow gin i was being mildly flippant but.... seeing as you made a thing about it. and claimed its loony....

The only strange behaviour would be walking up and down with a hand in the air......... but hardly loony, unless doing the ministry of silly walks act at the same time of course.

Sitting reading a 50 year old book while eating a sandwich with a red T shirt on is about as normal as it comes. In fact people do it all over the world especially at lunch times.

You want to talk about being loony, being paranoid about every day objects becoming a threat is to a lot of people .... loony

The thing that i find strange is when people from educated and western backgrounds think its ok and normal to ban these kind of things and think its necessary, now thats loony.

I will just simply go outside do what you said is banned and see if I get pulled in. Also I will again say to go outside and do this you would be classed as near loony in the UK.

Go with 4 friends. Take your sandwiches and 1984, wear a red hat or shirt, sit in a public place, like park or shopping mall, and enjoy your lunch! If you are brave enough, I will try to get Red Cross packages to your detention center.

I simply said anyone wanting to do this is crazy anyway. or even thinking of doing it---all this is OTT stupidity at it's best---surely there are better ways to show dissatisfaction ??? suppose writing to the general will have your fingers off.

Lost your bottle? Agree, anyone doing this would have to be a little crazy or very brave!

OTT is a totalitarian regime, repression of freedom of speech/association etc.


Edited by heyexile
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