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I just want to comment on the recent topics we have had here, and applaud the Moderators for letting these topics run.

The posts count has shot up, and many of the usual quiet posters have made a contribution, reminds me

of the Forum a few years ago.

Good stuff.

Do you guys think that controversial subjects are a good thing, or do you just wanna see the usual topics?

Any chance of Erco and Begs coming back? :o

Edited by Maigo6
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I just want to comment on the recent topics we have had here, and applaud the Moderators for letting these topics run.

Your welcome :o We do try, even if we dont always manage it!

The posts count has shot up, and many of the usual quiet posters have made a contribution, reminds me of the Forum a few years ago.

Good stuff.

Its nice to see more activity and sensible debate, even if the topics have already been discussed previously. But certain topics should be left alone.

Do you guys think that controversial subjects are a good thing, or do you just wanna see the usual topics?

Me, personally, i love to see controversial topics being discussed, but its a blessing and a curse, a blessing to see good debate, opinionsand interaction, but a curse because these types of threads always draw out trolls and generally end in flames/arguments and name calling...

Also, we do have to be careful what is discussed, thats why there are rules in place even if you dont always agree with them. A large percentage of our userbase is in Thailand, and if the Thai censors blocked us because they deemed the site 'inappropriate' then we would loose a lot of the member base and subsequently a lot of the valuable knowledge and experience that we have now. its a fine line.. like walking a tight-rope without a safety net! (one slip and your fcuked!)

Any chance of Erco and Begs coming back? :D

I bloody well hope not (altho i have a sneaking suspicion they are still around, in a different guise!)

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Good clarification Wolfie, and something alot of posters don't particularly think about or understand when complaining about "censorship". I live in Thailand and, apart from being a moderator, find Thai Visa an important source of information and help (see my thread re frequent flyer miles as an example). It would be a great loss to me to have ThaiVisa blocked by the Thai censorship board because they thought it was "inappropriate". Unfair most certainly but something we all have to live with. :o

So, as much as the controversial topics draw the sensible replies, they do draw the trolls and it would be of great help from the sensible members to use the report button any time they found something too over the top.

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Maybe Bedlam has channelled a lot of this stuff to another outlet.

This allows for more moderate opinion that goes on in other forums and encourages members to more fair and reasonable debate.

If you have the required number of posts then you have the benefit of both and can let off steam to your hearts desire.

It also allows you to offer moderate views on the other forums if you so desire.

I,ve noticed that a lot of the senior members appear to have now chosen for one reason or another to become less active on the moderate forums.

This is not a critism but an observation by the way.

I prefer sensible debate while letting off steam in a controlled way, but that is just my personal choice only.

It would be nice if the seniors could offer there experience as and when it is needed and it is surely appreciated by ALL Thai Visa members when this happens.

New members in particular who have just arrived in Thailand or indeed others outside who are about to move are surely grateful for this knowledge even when it has been done over and over so it really is appreciated.

In my humble opinion of course.

marshbags :o:D:D

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Marshbags - define 'senior'.

In reference to the 'same old, same old' topics, I think it's quite obvious why that happens. How many new members does TV get every month? How long does the average topic last? How long does it stay on the first page?

It's not a matter of search and refresh, people have something on their mind and they voice it. No problem there . . . as for the members who whine about repetition . . . think of when you first started posting here.

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Just a quick question - how many posts do you need to get to Bedlam?

500 but if that's you in your avatar I'm sure we can make an exception :o:D

Of course its me :D so show me the way to bedlam :D

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Good clarification Wolfie, and something alot of posters don't particularly think about or understand when complaining about "censorship". I live in Thailand and, apart from being a moderator, find Thai Visa an important source of information and help (see my thread re frequent flyer miles as an example). It would be a great loss to me to have ThaiVisa blocked by the Thai censorship board because they thought it was "inappropriate". Unfair most certainly but something we all have to live with. :o

So, as much as the controversial topics draw the sensible replies, they do draw the trolls and it would be of great help from the sensible members to use the report button any time they found something too over the top.

Curious if you have ever been contacted by the censorship board and if so could you share that experience?



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Just a quick question - how many posts do you need to get to Bedlam?

500 but if that's you in your avatar I'm sure we can make an exception :o:D

Of course its me :D so show me the way to bedlam :D

In that case, Mods, i propose that members be let into Bedlam with say 474 posts. Anybody second that :D

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With the mods stating that the Thai censorship board comes on here to check out what is being said, I am curious to know if those same censorship people are granted access into Bedlam to have a look-see or are they not because of the 500 post requirement?

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Marshbags - define 'senior'.

In reference to the 'same old, same old' topics, I think it's quite obvious why that happens. How many new members does TV get every month? How long does the average topic last? How long does it stay on the first page?

It's not a matter of search and refresh, people have something on their mind and they voice it. No problem there . . . as for the members who whine about repetition . . . think of when you first started posting here.

I agree. I always try and search for information (and somethimes I find it). Buts things can change quickly and a new thread often throws up new information and fresh ideas. I'm quite new at this site and there is nothing worse than seeing a newbie pounced on for daring to ask a question that was asked a few weeks before, or be slated for asking one of the REALLY common questions. Having said that, it does not happen too often and normally a more sensible and caring old sweat comes on and rescues the situation.

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With the mods stating that the Thai censorship board comes on here to check out what is being said, I am curious to know if those same censorship people are granted access into Bedlam to have a look-see or are they not because of the 500 post requirement?


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Marshbags - define 'senior'.

In reference to the 'same old, same old' topics, I think it's quite obvious why that happens. How many new members does TV get every month? How long does the average topic last? How long does it stay on the first page?

It's not a matter of search and refresh, people have something on their mind and they voice it. No problem there . . . as for the members who whine about repetition . . . think of when you first started posting here.

I agree. I always try and search for information (and somethimes I find it). Buts things can change quickly and a new thread often throws up new information and fresh ideas. I'm quite new at this site and there is nothing worse than seeing a newbie pounced on for daring to ask a question that was asked a few weeks before, or be slated for asking one of the REALLY common questions. Having said that, it does not happen too often and normally a more sensible and caring old sweat comes on and rescues the situation.

Two very good posts.

People who hit the forums for the first time, do not know of or understand the search button, all they have on their mind is answers to what in their world is the most important thing, their question.

My first post had been asked before, this was quickly pointed out, politely I might add, but it led to further questions that led to unravelling a far more intricate problem.

It was dealt with skilfully and patient understanding, something I most appreciated.

Again good posts,

Good Luck


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When I first joined these topics always were discussed in the same way as they are being discussed now. It was only after a time that certain posters kept starting topics with the sole intention of restarting old arguments over and over again.

Basically what happened was that the boundaries were pushed and pushed so much that it was a relief when admin/mods decided enough was enough and closed down these topics and normal service resumed. Before they did that it seemed like every topic was about bar girls or a smilar related topic, that more often than not degraded into the same people arguing over the same rediculous points.

While I welcome the return of these well debated and sometimes controversial topics... you can't blame me for thinking that some posters will push the limits too far again, and ruin it for everyone.

I hope I'm wrong..

totster :o

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I was warned by a moderator not to start new topics as they "are akin to trolls".

So how should I proceed? I have lots of things to say and lots of stories to tell but

I don't want to annoy everyone.

For starters, I PM the moderator about starting a new topic called "Trolls" but I have

gotten no response.

I have a knack for stirring up interest which I think is a good thing in itself.

When I recently started posting here the main excitement at the time was to "wipe or spray".

Isn't ANY topic better than that?

So, I guess I'll pose the question here, should I start new topics or should I go away?

thank you


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I was warned by a moderator not to start new topics as they "are akin to trolls".

So how should I proceed? I have lots of things to say and lots of stories to tell but

I don't want to annoy everyone.

For starters, I PM the moderator about starting a new topic called "Trolls" but I have

gotten no response.

I have a knack for stirring up interest which I think is a good thing in itself.

When I recently started posting here the main excitement at the time was to "wipe or spray".

Isn't ANY topic better than that?

So, I guess I'll pose the question here, should I start new topics or should I go away?

thank you


The problem ringo is that the topics you were starting are associated with trolling due to the flame fests they normally provoke.

And now I wonder why you are discussing pm's between you and a moderator.. stirring up interest again ?


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I was warned by a moderator not to start new topics as they "are akin to trolls".

So how should I proceed? I have lots of things to say and lots of stories to tell but

I don't want to annoy everyone.

For starters, I PM the moderator about starting a new topic called "Trolls" but I have

gotten no response.

I have a knack for stirring up interest which I think is a good thing in itself.

When I recently started posting here the main excitement at the time was to "wipe or spray".

Isn't ANY topic better than that?

So, I guess I'll pose the question here, should I start new topics or should I go away?

thank you


The problem ringo is that the topics you were starting are associated with trolling due to the flame fests they normally provoke.

And now I wonder why you are discussing pm's between you and a moderator.. stirring up interest again ?


I told you why...I got no response from him.

Don't get your panties in a knot quite yet.

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I know already my future is doomed here.

I have no respect for authority and least of all some volunteer moderators who want to censor me because they don’t like what I say about them.

What a joke they are, like some Hall Monitors back in elementary school.

Give them a little authority and they start pushing you around.

I guess it is human nature but it makes me puke and is a dis-service to ALL.

What Totster said:

“The problem ringo is that the topics you were starting are associated with trolling due to the flame fests they normally provoke.”

So how is it my fault if a flame fest starts?

Punish the flamers not me.

…and by the way…what flame fest? I must have missed it?

..or was it just a flame fest that you were “afraid was going to occur”?

So you want to censor me, for some fear of what someone else may say later?

Exactly what I would expect more from a Hall Monitor.

You know you can’t have it both ways, you can’t have a lively discussion forum

and discourage people from posting lively topics.

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If you get no response from one moderator Ringo just PM another..If I urgently want to talk to one I just look at who is on line at that time. One one occassion I had to PM six before I got a response to something that I wanted to discuss urgently..but I DID get a response

Moderators are not full-time employees of Thai Visa..this is not their LIFE. They are just ordinary people like you and me with their own life to lead and it does not revolve around ThaiVisa.com. (though most would admit that they spend more time on here than they really should).

You can post a topic on anything you like (as long as it has nothing to do with The Royal Family)..If it is unsuitable it will be closed swiftly enough.

Please bear in mind that there are many people who depend on this forum for information that is just so hard to get elsewhere..We don't want to spoil that..do we?


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I know already my future is doomed here.

I have no respect for authority and least of all some volunteer moderators who want to censor me because they don’t like what I say about them.

What a joke they are, like some Hall Monitors back in elementary school.

Give them a little authority and they start pushing you around.

I guess it is human nature but it makes me puke and is a dis-service to ALL.

What Totster said:

“The problem ringo is that the topics you were starting are associated with trolling due to the flame fests they normally provoke.”

So how is it my fault if a flame fest starts?

Punish the flamers not me.

…and by the way…what flame fest? I must have missed it?

..or was it just a flame fest that you were “afraid was going to occur”?

So you want to censor me, for some fear of what someone else may say later?

Exactly what I would expect more from a Hall Monitor.

You know you can’t have it both ways, you can’t have a lively discussion forum

and discourage people from posting lively topics.

Right... so you are here just to stir it up then... I thought as much. :o

totster :D

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I know already my future is doomed here.

I have no respect for authority and least of all some volunteer moderators who want to censor me because they don’t like what I say about them.

What a joke they are, like some Hall Monitors back in elementary school.

Give them a little authority and they start pushing you around.

I guess it is human nature but it makes me puke and is a dis-service to ALL.

What Totster said:

“The problem ringo is that the topics you were starting are associated with trolling due to the flame fests they normally provoke.”

So how is it my fault if a flame fest starts?

Punish the flamers not me.

…and by the way…what flame fest? I must have missed it?

..or was it just a flame fest that you were “afraid was going to occur”?

So you want to censor me, for some fear of what someone else may say later?

Exactly what I would expect more from a Hall Monitor.

You know you can’t have it both ways, you can’t have a lively discussion forum

and discourage people from posting lively topics.

Right... so you are here just to stir it up then... I thought as much. :o

totster :D

Well, you can always go back to this:

Chuchok wrote in wipe or spray:

"Only step 1 is required by me - I hate the paper, it's horrible.

Use the fingers of the left hand to open the anus, and squirt right up which help get all the shit out - it's also quite a pleasant feeling wink.gif It is good when you are constipated."

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I know already my future is doomed here.

I have no respect for authority and least of all some volunteer moderators who want to censor me because they don’t like what I say about them.

What a joke they are, like some Hall Monitors back in elementary school.

Give them a little authority and they start pushing you around.

I guess it is human nature but it makes me puke and is a dis-service to ALL.

What Totster said:

“The problem ringo is that the topics you were starting are associated with trolling due to the flame fests they normally provoke.”

So how is it my fault if a flame fest starts?

Punish the flamers not me.

…and by the way…what flame fest? I must have missed it?

..or was it just a flame fest that you were “afraid was going to occur”?

So you want to censor me, for some fear of what someone else may say later?

Exactly what I would expect more from a Hall Monitor.

You know you can’t have it both ways, you can’t have a lively discussion forum

and discourage people from posting lively topics.

Right... so you are here just to stir it up then... I thought as much. :o

totster :D

Well, you can always go back to this:

Chuchok wrote in wipe or spray:

"Only step 1 is required by me - I hate the paper, it's horrible.

Use the fingers of the left hand to open the anus, and squirt right up which help get all the shit out - it's also quite a pleasant feeling wink.gif It is good when you are constipated."

In fact I think you'll find neeranam said that !


Only step 1 is required by me - I hate the paper, it's horrible.

Use the fingers of the left hand to open the anus, and squirt right up which help get all the shit out - it's also quite a pleasant feeling wink.gif It is good when you are constipated.

totster :D

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Well, you can always go back to this:

Chuchok wrote in wipe or spray:

"Only step 1 is required by me - I hate the paper, it's horrible.

Use the fingers of the left hand to open the anus, and squirt right up which help get all the shit out - it's also quite a pleasant feeling wink.gif It is good when you are constipated."

As totster points out, you are WRONG.I did not say this.

If I was a Hall Moniter, I would not wish anything but love and admiration for your good self. :o

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I know already my future is doomed here.

I have no respect for authority and least of all some volunteer moderators who want to censor me because they don’t like what I say about them.

What a joke they are, like some Hall Monitors back in elementary school.

Give them a little authority and they start pushing you around.

I guess it is human nature but it makes me puke and is a dis-service to ALL.

What Totster said:

“The problem ringo is that the topics you were starting are associated with trolling due to the flame fests they normally provoke.”

So how is it my fault if a flame fest starts?

Punish the flamers not me.

…and by the way…what flame fest? I must have missed it?

..or was it just a flame fest that you were “afraid was going to occur”?

So you want to censor me, for some fear of what someone else may say later?

Exactly what I would expect more from a Hall Monitor.

You know you can’t have it both ways, you can’t have a lively discussion forum

and discourage people from posting lively topics.

Right... so you are here just to stir it up then... I thought as much. :D

totster :D

Well, you can always go back to this:

Chuchok wrote in wipe or spray:

"Only step 1 is required by me - I hate the paper, it's horrible.

Use the fingers of the left hand to open the anus, and squirt right up which help get all the shit out - it's also quite a pleasant feeling wink.gif It is good when you are constipated."

In fact I think you'll find neeranam said that !


Only step 1 is required by me - I hate the paper, it's horrible.

Use the fingers of the left hand to open the anus, and squirt right up which help get all the shit out - it's also quite a pleasant feeling wink.gif It is good when you are constipated.

totster :D

Well Chuchok misquoted me a couple times, so no apology needed.

You get the point though?

Do you prefer this type of topic here?

Seems like this forum is all about making money now. Pay attention...that means selling advertising...and getting people to visit here. So, my guess is that if you ask George he would encourage lively discussion and not discourage it.

As long as it stays friendly and civilized ...and that's me! :o

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Marshbags - define 'senior'.

In reference to the 'same old, same old' topics, I think it's quite obvious why that happens. How many new members does TV get every month? How long does the average topic last? How long does it stay on the first page?

It's not a matter of search and refresh, people have something on their mind and they voice it. No problem there . . . as for the members who whine about repetition . . . think of when you first started posting here.

With pleasure S_S but i,ll also try to expand on my post so please forgive the length of it.

A senior in general terms is someone who is usually older and of a higher position.

The reference to senior in the sense that i use in this case is :-

Thai visa members who have been on board since the earlier times. and have the benefit of past debate and information gleaned, relating to various topics.

They have experience and the knowledge gained via past debate and having lived it sort of speak.

Most of the mods who fit into this category deserve this title as i define the word in this instance and, are rightly promoted in recognition of this and display the qualities we all look up to.

Credit where it is deserved in my opinion.

Because of this they and members who have been on board for some time are very well informed and a great help to all new members and of course older members who need information from time to time.

Older not meaning age of course.

This in my humble opinion is the biggest asset our forum possesses and what our growing membership along with sponsors are generated from.

Unfortunately there is lots of negative stuff being posted by older members ( not Mods ) who could be of great help to new members.

When someone asks a question they deserve civility and respect, surely equal to the context of their post.

Encouraging them and not passing disparaging remarks just because they dare to ask a question that has been asked time and again.

Let us all be clear, new is not being inferior in status or deserving of some of the flack they have to take and for those who do try to belittle new members because they need repeated information are just discrediting themselves, and that,s a fact.

How dare these members assume that someone is below them when in effect lot,s are probably the opposite.

Humility is a very rewarding virtue that requires no status or position and i for one try to apply it through out my life.

I am not impressed by money or status and many others think likewise, so they needn,t think they are scoring points or getting cheap laughs by their actions.

Seniors should show a little bit more understanding and not expect them to know just because it was debated on in the past.

The search facility in many cases cannot produce the reply / post to a specific question even with the best will in the world, as we all appreciate.

We have all been victim to certain members and their curt replies and it puts lots of members off who are unable to see these actions for what they are.............................................................................


I might add that for me they are no brainers who are insignificant to T.Visa. and could do with being brought up to date on fair play in the modern forum we all expect and are now renowned for.

Last of all the Mods have and do a very important job which is time consuming in their relevant forums and it is why in my humble opinion.........................................................................


" Other senior members as i define need to take up the slack and assist them and all fellow members in a civil manner and apply their knowledge in a better, more productive way."

At the end of the day they undermine all of us from George to the newest member, not forgetting our sponsors,and let,s be clear on this.

We really do have the best forum going and let,s be proud of the fact always and strive to make it even better.

In my humble opinion of course.

marshbags :o:D:D

P.S. To disagree is part of true debate and expands all our knowledge when it is constructive and in context.

Extracting the urine and belittling is not.

Edited by marshbags
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