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Thailand Elite Membership/Card - The low down

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Perhaps because it is an alternative to long term visa for those who need it. And TE gives you only 1 year temporary driving license, too. So it is really a temporary solution and some demand a permanent one.

Edited by falang07
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My main gripe with the PE visa offered by TE is that it allows no direct path towards PR/Citizenship. Staying on marriage extensions does.

You can only get citizenship if you have a work permit, working and paying taxes for 3 years to apply and then you must keep working until it is approved.

So not as easy as you make it sound.

If somebody had not snipped out the post I was replying to you would know it was not me that brought citizenship into the discussion.

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Perhaps because it is an alternative to long term visa for those who need it. And TE gives you only 1 year temporary driving license, too. So it is really a temporary solution and some demand a permanent one.

and there it is in a nut shell... "some demand a permanent one" unless you are PR or a Citizen of a country you have no right to demand anything ..thumbsup.gif

Nice to see the farang sense of entitlement is alive an well...rolleyes.gif

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Perhaps because it is an alternative to long term visa for those who need it. And TE gives you only 1 year temporary driving license, too. So it is really a temporary solution and some demand a permanent one.

I am a Thailand Elite member.

I have a 5 yrs driving license.

I am on Thailand Elite visa since 11 years, and will be for many more years.

That's not really a temporary solution :)

I don't plan to go old and die in Thailand though...

But even if I did plan to die here, I would not go through the trouble of citizenship (not sure why I would want it anyway).

But good luck if you plan to go "Thai" :)

Edited by gerry1011
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Perhaps because it is an alternative to long term visa for those who need it. And TE gives you only 1 year temporary driving license, too. So it is really a temporary solution and some demand a permanent one.

I'm a little confused. Are you saying the 5 year license is permanent and 1 year is temporary ? What's the permanent solution ?

My UK license is valid until I'm 70 but the plastic card I have expires in 2021, this is also temporary as it's only 10 years but I tolerate it.

Last year I went to some building about 5-10km past Cha Am on the road to Bangkok for my Thai license, it took about 90 minutes to get there, have the license issued and drive back to where I live in Hua Hin which was quite inconvenient but if I combine it with a shopping trip it will 'take the edge off' my angst for the day.

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Avoid all the visa bullshit, able to own land, no visa required for some Asian countries. You don't have to give up your old citizenship unless your home country forbids it. US allows it. So why not have both if you can. So why not?

Why on Earth would any Westerner want to own land in Thailand?

I would never buy a condo, or buy land, or anything not movable in Thailand. While it's fun to stay in and enjoy Thailand, putting serious money into anything which can't be taken out of the country seems foolish, to me.

Yes, it would be foolish if you were not a citizen and could be thrown out on a whim. However, if you have a life with a Thai (or not), enjoy the country, and don't believe the sky is falling why not taken the citizenship of the country you live in. That's the whole point. Don't worry you can still feel superior when you use your "western" passport.

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gerry1011, if you stay 11 years on TE already, it means you have the life-time version for 3M baht which was really worth it. Not comparable to the current offer at all. At the moment, much better to go with the investment visa, e.g. buy a condo for 5M and put 5M on a fixed deposit, or just simply put 10 on a fixed deposit and instead of loosing money, make even more.

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gerry1011, if you stay 11 years on TE already, it means you have the life-time version for 3M baht which was really worth it. Not comparable to the current offer at all. At the moment, much better to go with the investment visa, e.g. buy a condo for 5M and put 5M on a fixed deposit, or just simply put 10 on a fixed deposit and instead of loosing money, make even more.

TE was never THB 3.0 million and if you cared to read 'gerry's" posts believe he bought the it THB 1.0 version when it first came out, further how does 11 years equate to "life time"

why do you insist on posting so much mis information for on this topic, if you don't like the scheme or cant afford that's up to you, but why do you keep trying to poo poo things all the time and posting blatantly incorrect information....which is all you have done on this topic.

I would rather listen to real life experiences and information on this scheme from real members, rather than people like yourself making up "facts"...rather like your previous comments about the 1 year driver's licenses

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I am on a non-imm O (marriage) at the moment.

Due work, frequent travel outside the country, I can not get the extension and need a new visa each year.

So I am thinking about the 5 year option Thai Elite.

Is it possible immigration will tell me to get the correct visa, which is non-imm O and does not let me join Thai Elite?

When I join Thai Elite, will my non-imm O visa be cancelled?


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I am on a non-imm O (marriage) at the moment.

Due work, frequent travel outside the country, I can not get the extension and need a new visa each year.

So I am thinking about the 5 year option Thai Elite.

Is it possible immigration will tell me to get the correct visa, which is non-imm O and does not let me join Thai Elite?

When I join Thai Elite, will my non-imm O visa be cancelled?


You would have no problem getting the PE visa.

They probably would not cancel your existing visa.

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Nice work jspill.... Personally I think of its advantages to me and the value i attach to it..

Those that can't afford it , hate it.

For ease of use and other additionals it is a good option, and i was sceptical of its longetivity. With hindsight I should have got one when it first came out.

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TE is not for Digicoys and Digital Pikeys.

I agree gerry that the 1 million was a bargain and even more so if you think of the exchange rates at that time.

A bargain for sure. And I forgot that the exchange rate was indeed better than today.

1M for 11 years of a very convenient visa, and many more years to come, was an irresistible offer.

I said several times on this forum that it was worth much more than just a million, and that the membership should be more expensive. Now it's 2M, still a very good deal.

But posters of this forum considered 1 lousy million as outrageously expensive, a rip off, and all the usual blah blah blah coming from the Thailand Elite haters. It says a lot about the level of the posters on here :)

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I would like clarification on a couple of points,

The Elite card is issued only in Thailand, on what basis ie. non-O or O-A retirement visa based on marriage to Thai or could you apply on 30 stamp on arrival

Would you still need the required money 400,000bht in Thai bank, based on retirement visa based on marriage

Does it cover spouse in the benefits on this Elite card ie above mentioned Thai wife

I have looked for these points on the Elite website but cannot find any info regarding this, other than wife not covered which is not all that clearly laid out.

Sorry if i have missed something obvious here but having trawled through most comments i can't see anything relating to this

Thanks for any assistance regarding this.


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I would like clarification on a couple of points,

The Elite card is issued only in Thailand, on what basis ie. non-O or O-A retirement visa based on marriage to Thai or could you apply on 30 stamp on arrival

Would you still need the required money 400,000bht in Thai bank, based on retirement visa based on marriage

Does it cover spouse in the benefits on this Elite card ie above mentioned Thai wife

I have looked for these points on the Elite website but cannot find any info regarding this, other than wife not covered which is not all that clearly laid out.

Sorry if i have missed something obvious here but having trawled through most comments i can't see anything relating to this

Thanks for any assistance regarding this.


You don't need to be on any particular visa (or visa exempt) to apply for the membership.

Just go to the Thailand Elite office, apply, wait for approval, pay once approved, wait for the card and welcome package to be delivered, go for the PE visa (assisted by Thailand Elite staff), and there you go...

As a Thailand Elite member you don't need to keep any deposit in the bank to receive the PE visa.

Thai wife is not covered in the benefits.

A foreign wife can be a member with a family membership.


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I would like clarification on a couple of points,

The Elite card is issued only in Thailand, on what basis ie. non-O or O-A retirement visa based on marriage to Thai or could you apply on 30 stamp on arrival

Would you still need the required money 400,000bht in Thai bank, based on retirement visa based on marriage

Does it cover spouse in the benefits on this Elite card ie above mentioned Thai wife

I have looked for these points on the Elite website but cannot find any info regarding this, other than wife not covered which is not all that clearly laid out.

Sorry if i have missed something obvious here but having trawled through most comments i can't see anything relating to this

Thanks for any assistance regarding this.


You can enter Thailand on any visa or visa exempt method, it doesn't matter. I think I was on a 30 day extension of a tourist visa when I signed up if I remember correctly. Once you get your membership you will have a new visa anyway.

It's issued based entirely on you having paid the 500k or other relevant membership fee depending on which membersip option you choose.

You don't need a Thai bank account but you do need to consider how you will pay the fee. I wired the money from a foreign account to a Thai account and then did the transfer in Baht to TE.

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I agree with Gerry1011. I have the 5 year one to test the water. Its great if you have the funds for an easy stay in a country you love. The haters either dont have the funds or dont love Thailand enough. Well worth the piece of mind and multiple entry for 5 years. Will renew with the 20 year one when it expires. Took less than 2 weeks from Aplication to visa in passport. All taken care or by the brilliant Elite staff.

What is the price of this visa please

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I agree with Gerry1011. I have the 5 year one to test the water. Its great if you have the funds for an easy stay in a country you love. The haters either dont have the funds or dont love Thailand enough. Well worth the piece of mind and multiple entry for 5 years. Will renew with the 20 year one when it expires. Took less than 2 weeks from Aplication to visa in passport. All taken care or by the brilliant Elite staff.

What is the price of this visa please

It's 500k Baht for the Easy Access 5 year version, 2 Million for the 20 year version. There are other versions as well.

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Seems as if then, if i understand correctly you have to pay double ie. another card for thai wife, which makes it not so attractive!

what is a PE visa by the way?


I would like clarification on a couple of points,

The Elite card is issued only in Thailand, on what basis ie. non-O or O-A retirement visa based on marriage to Thai or could you apply on 30 stamp on arrival

Would you still need the required money 400,000bht in Thai bank, based on retirement visa based on marriage

Does it cover spouse in the benefits on this Elite card ie above mentioned Thai wife

I have looked for these points on the Elite website but cannot find any info regarding this, other than wife not covered which is not all that clearly laid out.

Sorry if i have missed something obvious here but having trawled through most comments i can't see anything relating to this

Thanks for any assistance regarding this.


You don't need to be on any particular visa (or visa exempt) to apply for the membership.

Just go to the Thailand Elite office, apply, wait for approval, pay once approved, wait for the card and welcome package to be delivered, go for the PE visa (assisted by Thailand Elite staff), and there you go...

As a Thailand Elite member you don't need to keep any deposit in the bank to receive the PE visa.

Thai wife is not covered in the benefits.

A foreign wife can be a member with a family membership.


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OK thank you all for your help and clarity, it's what makes this a great and helpful site with up to date info. all i have to do now is explain to my pis-ed ning

(special one) that i am going first class and she will be in cattle, i will probably finish up with axe in back of head as a suicide case and accidently fallen from balcony smile.png

Thanks again


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Seems as if then, if i understand correctly you have to pay double ie. another card for thai wife, which makes it not so attractive!

what is a PE visa by the way?


I would like clarification on a couple of points,

The Elite card is issued only in Thailand, on what basis ie. non-O or O-A retirement visa based on marriage to Thai or could you apply on 30 stamp on arrival

Would you still need the required money 400,000bht in Thai bank, based on retirement visa based on marriage

Does it cover spouse in the benefits on this Elite card ie above mentioned Thai wife

I have looked for these points on the Elite website but cannot find any info regarding this, other than wife not covered which is not all that clearly laid out.

Sorry if i have missed something obvious here but having trawled through most comments i can't see anything relating to this

Thanks for any assistance regarding this.


You don't need to be on any particular visa (or visa exempt) to apply for the membership.

Just go to the Thailand Elite office, apply, wait for approval, pay once approved, wait for the card and welcome package to be delivered, go for the PE visa (assisted by Thailand Elite staff), and there you go...

As a Thailand Elite member you don't need to keep any deposit in the bank to receive the PE visa.

Thai wife is not covered in the benefits.

A foreign wife can be a member with a family membership.


So again if i understand correctly not having to keep 400k in thai bank and paying 500k for Elite cards if my maths is correct, you would be be paying 100k for for 5yr no hassle visa, and as for paying i will transfer a lot more that to thai bank, so this is an option i would consider.

And again what difference is a PE visa to an Elite visa?


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The difference is that the 400K in the bank is yours to withdrawal and use if ever you need or want to. You don't lose it. The 500K is a one time payment for 5 years and you will never get it back.

Seems as if then, if i understand correctly you have to pay double ie. another card for thai wife, which makes it not so attractive!

what is a PE visa by the way?


I would like clarification on a couple of points,
The Elite card is issued only in Thailand, on what basis ie. non-O or O-A retirement visa based on marriage to Thai or could you apply on 30 stamp on arrival
Would you still need the required money 400,000bht in Thai bank, based on retirement visa based on marriage
Does it cover spouse in the benefits on this Elite card ie above mentioned Thai wife
I have looked for these points on the Elite website but cannot find any info regarding this, other than wife not covered which is not all that clearly laid out.
Sorry if i have missed something obvious here but having trawled through most comments i can't see anything relating to this
Thanks for any assistance regarding this.

You don't need to be on any particular visa (or visa exempt) to apply for the membership.
Just go to the Thailand Elite office, apply, wait for approval, pay once approved, wait for the card and welcome package to be delivered, go for the PE visa (assisted by Thailand Elite staff), and there you go...

As a Thailand Elite member you don't need to keep any deposit in the bank to receive the PE visa.

Thai wife is not covered in the benefits.

A foreign wife can be a member with a family membership.


So again if i understand correctly not having to keep 400k in thai bank and paying 500k for Elite cards if my maths is correct, you would be be paying 100k for for 5yr no hassle visa, and as for paying i will transfer a lot more that to thai bank, so this is an option i would consider.

And again what difference is a PE visa to an Elite visa?


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Some posters here are of really great help in promoting Thailand Elite, by continually posting distorted information about the program (under different nicknames when needed).

This allows me to go on with one of my hobbies, which is to post the accurate information on how great this program is. Thank you :)

Here are the rates, and the annual fees (to be paid or not, depending on the membership).

Of course, there is no real need to read this forum to get information about the privileges associated with the membership (mainly the long term and very convenient PE visa)... Everything is on the official website www.thailandelite.com


Edited by gerry1011
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Most people will be looking at the "Easy Access" and this is not covered in the small print --


Easy Access for 5 years is advertised at a cost of 500,000 including VAT

It's not clear on the website about fees to immigration for annual renewals, but someone paying 500k is unlikely to complain about 1900 per year.

Also no mention of 90 day reports. Are members exempt?

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