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Getting Old?


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Just arrived back in the UK, for the third time with this particular girl (go for a month or so each year). I am 49, she 29 but looks about eighteen on a good day. Last two times wandering around didn't have any problems but the harridans seem to have taken over and giving me death looks. Perhaps it is just me, I have almost had a giggling fit clocking some of the women, not just big but HUGE. I am still relatively svelte and it is beyond me how any sane guy would even think about mounting these bed-breakers. Been in Thailand for too long perhaps as I think of these 35-50ish women as A LOT OLDER THAN ME! More hilarious than anything else. Other thing, a couple of young guys have given me dirty looks, too, but luckily I never let the babe out of my sight so no great problem. Strange creatures British women, these days!

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yep.. jsut keep on keeping on.

Half of them are envious. half are sad or melancholic. Yet another half are just media influenced (look at the peadophile!)

f/(ck them all. Enjoy.

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Just arrived back in the UK, for the third time with this particular girl (go for a month or so each year). I am 49, she 29 but looks about eighteen on a good day. Last two times wandering around didn't have any problems but the harridans seem to have taken over and giving me death looks. Perhaps it is just me, I have almost had a giggling fit clocking some of the women, not just big but HUGE. I am still relatively svelte and it is beyond me how any sane guy would even think about mounting these bed-breakers. Been in Thailand for too long perhaps as I think of these 35-50ish women as A LOT OLDER THAN ME! More hilarious than anything else. Other thing, a couple of young guys have given me dirty looks, too, but luckily I never let the babe out of my sight so no great problem. Strange creatures British women, these days!

Who is giving who the bad looks?

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Half of them are envious. half are sad or melancholic. Yet another half are just media influenced

The fact that there are three halves to 'em would tend to confirm Gregs observation that they are huge. Some have an arse as wide as the tailgate on my toyota so they may actually be 4 halves.

I find that.... in general, western women tend to look 10 years older than their true age after they turn 30 while most asian women tend to look 10 years younger. Probably just my imagination.

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Dirty looks?

Like I care.


hey how did ya get a pic of my misses.????????

its boxing day and shes wearing that nice blue frock i brought her.

chuffed to <deleted> she was

Edited by splitlid
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Just arrived back in the UK, for the third time with this particular girl (go for a month or so each year). I am 49, she 29 but looks about eighteen on a good day. Last two times wandering around didn't have any problems but the harridans seem to have taken over and giving me death looks. Perhaps it is just me, I have almost had a giggling fit clocking some of the women, not just big but HUGE. I am still relatively svelte and it is beyond me how any sane guy would even think about mounting these bed-breakers. Been in Thailand for too long perhaps as I think of these 35-50ish women as A LOT OLDER THAN ME! More hilarious than anything else. Other thing, a couple of young guys have given me dirty looks, too, but luckily I never let the babe out of my sight so no great problem. Strange creatures British women, these days!

must be great to be with a girl but be too scared to let her out of your sight :D:o

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luckily I never let the babe out of my sight so no great problem.

Why? did you expect her to disappear with the first twentysomething that came along?

Your post seems more about your insecurites than other peoples attitudes

Yup, either that or the OP wants to impress us with his 20-year difference . . .

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Why even think about it ?

I'm 59 with a 29 Yo wife and 3 daughters ages 6 years to 18 months old. My wife is slim & attractive, I am old and very ugly. When we go to Australia no one really gives a second look but in England or NZ were we went last year they almost walk into lamp posts while gawking, it gives me a big kick, to see the middle aged Matrons snarl, and the "lucky bugger" look I get from their husbands.

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Don't think its unique to the UK or Thai women come to that. My first wife was Swedish and the same age, our daughter grew up there and we both speak Swedish, though hers is really a first language. Some years ok when she was 15 I took her on holiday to Spain. We were going up in a hotel elevator talking English, behind us were some Swedes, the women definately of the bedbreaker variety,they quickly discounted the fact that she could be my daughter and started saying how disgusting it was with the age gap, I was obviously a pedo and my daughter was a slut.....Swedes never really expect anyone to speak their language. To this day I will never forget the look on their faces when my daughter turned around and addressed them in Swedish telling them she was with her father and it was they who were sick. They spent the next week hiding behind doors whenever they saw us coming. :o

My Thai stepdaughter is 11 and even by UK standards looks older....can only guess the looks we will be getting in a few years....

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Actually the insecurity is on the girl's side... absolutely lovely in every way except that she was sold by her mother after being abandoned by her father (and then bought back by aunty) when she was a year or so old and has decided to define herself by how attractive she is to men - in other words she gets a kick out of quick and dirty sex and if I was not around would be all over the place.

Whilst she has got a bit better after three years I still would not trust her out of my sight! She got kicked out of two past relationships when she got caught and has an ex-Thai "husband" from five years ago still wandering around Korat seeking revenge in the usual whisky lao blur.

So we are sort of stuck together until she gets totally pissed off and does a runner. I keep telling her to go but she has not yet done it. Why not finish with her - well she is lovely in every other way and it is no great hassle as I work from home anyway and I get wild sex every day, more or less for free these days (I did the house thing for 250k two years ago, she paid the other half). And, I have an awful feeling I will collapse emotionally when we finally part. Bloody ex-bar-gals!

But strange that I had no problems the previous two years and the harridans seem to be out in force now but no great problem as mentioned by others.

The guy with the 30 year age difference - right on, something to look forward to!

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You are probably right, You have been in Thailand too long. :o

I now find western women large and unattractive, compared to their

Thai counterparts.

Ignore the "looks" back home,

they are only jealous of you and your attactive Thai lady.

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On an average day when I walk down the street the last thing I do is look for other peoples reactions too me. Now if I was wearing a dress (resembling something like King Kong in a tutu) I know that I would be causing a reaction and would most likely look at others to see what it is.

My point is this, you are seeing other peoples reactions because you know that when you go out with your girlfriend what people are seeing is something different. You know they are going to react. As SBK and Thaipwriter stated, perhaps you are not feeling too comfortable with the situation yourself? How would you feel really if absolutely no one batted an eyelid? That no young men whatsoever looked at her and instead chose to lust after the 'bedbreakers' as you so harshly put it?

The fact that you won't let her out of your sight alludes to some discomfort you are feeling possibly with the age difference. Are you worried she will run off and so are keeping her on a tight leash, or are you concerned for her safety? You know what people are being fed by the media, and your situation (if you are happy then thats great, please don't think I am criticising your choices in life) isn't doing much to make them question their beliefs. To get annoyed by a situation that we all know is going to happen under these circumstances seems foolish. It seems to me that this thread was not borne of genuine feelings, more an opportunity to flex your ego?

Edited by tourleadersi
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Actually the insecurity is on the girl's side... absolutely lovely in every way except that she was sold by her mother after being abandoned by her father (and then bought back by aunty) when she was a year or so old and has decided to define herself by how attractive she is to men - in other words she gets a kick out of quick and dirty sex and if I was not around would be all over the place.

Whilst she has got a bit better after three years I still would not trust her out of my sight! She got kicked out of two past relationships when she got caught and has an ex-Thai "husband" from five years ago still wandering around Korat seeking revenge in the usual whisky lao blur.

So we are sort of stuck together until she gets totally pissed off and does a runner. I keep telling her to go but she has not yet done it. Why not finish with her - well she is lovely in every other way and it is no great hassle as I work from home anyway and I get wild sex every day, more or less for free these days (I did the house thing for 250k two years ago, she paid the other half). And, I have an awful feeling I will collapse emotionally when we finally part. Bloody ex-bar-gals!

But strange that I had no problems the previous two years and the harridans seem to be out in force now but no great problem as mentioned by others.

The guy with the 30 year age difference - right on, something to look forward to!

hmmm maybe the folks just all assume that what you just told us is true ... that would get you the odd looks

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luckily I never let the babe out of my sight so no great problem.

Why? did you expect her to disappear with the first twentysomething that came along?

Your post seems more about your insecurites than other peoples attitudes

Or could it have been that the OP was more concerned about the girl being harrassed by the young bucks when on her own without his protection...? :o

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luckily I never let the babe out of my sight so no great problem.

Why? did you expect her to disappear with the first twentysomething that came along?

Your post seems more about your insecurites than other peoples attitudes

Or could it have been that the OP was more concerned about the girl being harrassed by the young bucks when on her own without his protection...? :o

Thats right.

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Just arrived back in the UK, for the third time with this particular girl (go for a month or so each year). I am 49, she 29 but looks about eighteen on a good day. Last two times wandering around didn't have any problems but the harridans seem to have taken over and giving me death looks. Perhaps it is just me, I have almost had a giggling fit clocking some of the women, not just big but HUGE. I am still relatively svelte and it is beyond me how any sane guy would even think about mounting these bed-breakers. Been in Thailand for too long perhaps as I think of these 35-50ish women as A LOT OLDER THAN ME! More hilarious than anything else. Other thing, a couple of young guys have given me dirty looks, too, but luckily I never let the babe out of my sight so no great problem. Strange creatures British women, these days!

People looking at this guy cause he's with a 29 y/o? LOL, that's a good one. She's almost old enuf to be a grandmother. I always get a kick out of the people, and there's a boatload of them, who say "she's 30 but looks 17". gimme a break. a 30 year old is a 30 year old and if you look close, no matter what they look like, you can tell. I know I can tell with 100% certainty

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luckily I never let the babe out of my sight so no great problem.

Why? did you expect her to disappear with the first twentysomething that came along?

Your post seems more about your insecurites than other peoples attitudes

Or could it have been that the OP was more concerned about the girl being harrassed by the young bucks when on her own without his protection...? :D

Exactly. Too many morons in this world these days. They see a woman with a man and then try and hit on her as soon as the guy turns his back. :o

Early in my career, I would never bring a woman to the mess on what ever base I was posted to. I saw guys come in with their wives, and while they were getting drinks from the bar, other prats would try hitting on the wives (too lazy to look for their own g/f's). The start of a lot of fights obviously.

Now put a young asian woman with an older white guy, and some of those brain-dead morons start thinking they've got a chance of landing her, if they can just get her away from the old git she's with. Let her wander around alone and she'll have a pack of slobbering dogs nipping at her heels. And heaven forbid if she scorns any of these would-be Romeo's.

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It is probably more they think you are a pedophile than any kind of jealousy over your fabulous physique :D I'm with thaipwriter on this one.

Don't you think this works both ways SBK? My Thai husband is nearly 40 now and looks just as he did in his 20's. Not an ounce of body fat, defined muscles, no wrinkles, full head of hair etc etc..

I think we westerners don't age as well as Thai's and that's male and female. I went to University reunion recently and some of the men were unrecognizable from 15 years ago, paunchy stomachs, bald or thinning hair, hair in ears and nose etc.

I'm sure I'll be accused of being a bed-breaker for saying this but just thought it might be worth pointing out this goes both ways :D

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