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The following info can be carried over along with your LINE account. For information about carrying over your LINE account, please see here.

- Friends and groups list.

- Profile info (profile photo, name, “What’s up?” messages and user ID).

- The right to use sticker sets you own.

- Purchase history of paid items, Coins, LINE Credit, and LINE Call Credit balance. Please note that some in-app currencies cannot be carried over if you are switching to a device which operates on a different OS.

- Authorized apps you have registered, such as LINE GAME apps or LINE PLAY.

You 'cannot carry over your chat history' when switching to a new device. To back up your chat history:

If you would like to back up your chats, please do the following.

1. Tap Chats on the main menu bar

2. Tap the chat you wish to save

3. Tap V at the top right

4. Tap Chat Settings from the menu

5. Tap Backup Chat History

Select Backup All to back up the chat in a format that can be restored later. If you select Backup as a Text File instead, images sent will not be backed up and cannot be restored.


Please note the following when changing to a new device.

- You must tap LINE User Login to carry over your existing account.

- The backup file must be stored on the SD card and not the internal storage. Please consult the manufacturer of your device for help with saving the file.





Ufff , BuddhistVirus, I am the simplest of all simple LINE users. Only sharing photos and cryptic messages. Only the photos are of relevan, some of them. any simple way of achieving this.


Ufff , BuddhistVirus, I am the simplest of all simple LINE users. Only sharing photos and cryptic messages. Only the photos are of relevan, some of them. any simple way of achieving this.

Save the photos to your phone and then load them into a cloud. I use Dropbox but you can set up a Flickr account (currently offers 1gb storage free) and there are many others. You can then access them from your new phone & download them if you choose. Hope I'm understanding your question correctly.

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