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What is wrong with Kad Suan Kaew?


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Nothing. Great place to shop at reasonable prices. I always shop in there. I was there last week twice. Seemed busy to me with lots of people shopping for back to school. I also shop at Airport Plaza sometimes. I never actually shop at Central Festival except sometimes for cheese at Tops. I mostly stand around looking cool like everyone else.wink.png

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KSK is run down and old style but its still pulling in a lot of people who either live close by or find the businesses that are there serve their needs. I think every Thai bank is there,Central,all the

pharmacy chains and of course Tops. While twiddling my thumbs waiting for my wife, who was at the hairdressers there last week the food court was half full at lunchtime and there seemed to be a

steady stream of people coming through . Not everybody needs the glitz and glamour of a new mall and I bet Promenada would love to have the floor traffic through that KSK enjoys.

I go there quite often to shop at Tops, go to Black Canyon, etc. It usually seems pretty busy to me. Maya Mall will never take its place. It could use some fixing up, starting with that mud parking lot. The bricks seem to be falling off the facade in places.

As for tearing it down, I pity the company that takes that contract. The place is a fortress. Anyway, I like it.

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For me, I bank, get foot and Thai massages and get my hair cut there with a nice shampoo massage. On occasion, I buy something at Central Department store. The food court was okay - khaaw man gai, namtook muu. The Northern food area has pretty good curry, but I rarely go there. The night market (can't remember what nights) is nice. Earlier this year, I commissioned a guy in the painting/drawing area to make a drawing of my Mom and Grandson. It was pretty good (not cheap) and Mom loved it. There are some cute skirts nearer that area as well. Tops is okay and I shop there because I'm doing something else at Kad Suan Kaew. Also, I like the people at the Pharma Choice. Sorry to hear that IT City is no longer there. Needless to say, I really hope nothing is wrong with Kad Suan Kaew, but I won't be back to check things out until next month. Is the movie theatre and bowling alley still there?

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I like Kad Suan Kaew. It has a cross section of everything and is a 5 minute walk from my condo. Yes it is showing its age a bit but there is still lots of life in the old girl. I took one trip to see the new Maya plaza which is about a 15 minute walk from my condo and it was my last visit. It was full of overpriced stores full of the same old nothing. This was shortly after it opened maybe things have changed. I love Kad Suan Kaew and would hate to see it demolished. The large amount of surrounding condo's and apartments are full of expats that do not wish to drive all over the city for the necessities of life. Yes the street is jammed a lot of the time and I can walk there faster than driving. Leave the old girl alone she has a lot of class.

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Is the movie theatre and bowling alley still there?

Movie theatre still there but i think someone might of said just in Thai?

Bowling alley is still there but it is broken. We were only customer and they gave us a lane which got the pin count wrong most of the time. So if that was their best lane it is not worth using, or they are just plain ignorant giving us a broken lane.

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I like Kad Suan Kaew. It has a cross section of everything and is a 5 minute walk from my condo. Yes it is showing its age a bit but there is still lots of life in the old girl. I took one trip to see the new Maya plaza which is about a 15 minute walk from my condo and it was my last visit. It was full of overpriced stores full of the same old nothing. This was shortly after it opened maybe things have changed. I love Kad Suan Kaew and would hate to see it demolished. The large amount of surrounding condo's and apartments are full of expats that do not wish to drive all over the city for the necessities of life. Yes the street is jammed a lot of the time and I can walk there faster than driving. Leave the old girl alone she has a lot of class.

Sounds like Elgordo38 and I live in the same neighborhood. I've thought that our location wouldn't be nearly as desirable if KSK were to close. It's very handy to be able to pop over to KSK to take care of banking, buy groceries, get your hair cut, etc.

When was KSK built? A year or two ago -- I was in a situation where I was talking with a higher level executive in the Central organization and asked about their plans for Central KSK. She said that Central had signed a 20 year lease when they went into KSK. That store is one of their smallest -- they don't like to have stores that small any more. But, she said, Central KSK is one of their best stores on a sales per square meter basis, so they don't especially mind that the store is one of their smallest and they are willing to continue to maintain it.

But, she said, don't be surprised if they close down the Central Dept store at KSK once the lease is over. Now, mind you, she's isn't high enough in Central to be the one making that decision, but once that Central starts to look like IT City has looked for the past year (i.e. like a store about to go out of business), that's the time we start to think about whether our condo is in such a great location)

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From a 31 October 2013 web article....answers the question regarding the age of KSK. (Not so sure about that 70,000 additional sqm claim, though.) Apparently, there used to be a branch of British retailer Marks & Spencer in KSK...?

"The 20 year old Kad Suan Kaew recently announced planned renovations that will open up 70,000 sqm to support more retail space."

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I believe KSK was built towards the late 1980s and it was quite the event as the about the only "modern" shopping venue was at the old Tantraphan across from the northwest corner of the moat. If I recall there was some rather bad blood between the Tantraphan group and the KSK group which is why the traffic in front of KSK is such a mess.

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I've had it with Tops KSK.

The security guards are creepy and had one of them bearing down on me at the check out like I stole something. These guards are farm dumb.

I like KSK but you are right about the farm dumb guards. What do you say to them to get them off your case or do you talk with the manager?

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I've had it with Tops KSK.

The security guards are creepy and had one of them bearing down on me at the check out like I stole something. These guards are farm dumb.

I like KSK but you are right about the farm dumb guards. What do you say to them to get them off your case or do you talk with the manager?

Cannot say I ever experienced this but could be kind of fun wink.png

Give them the slip around a rack/pole etc & suddenly be tailing them for awhile

When they turn & see you act like you texting or say Pom Mee Chai ( I win ) then continue to track them lol

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Seems to me it is more like a mausoleum. Going through the posts here it strikes me that there is not a lot there that people like.

From what I have read a grocery store, banks. beauty shops and a few shops with clothing. There was mention of central but not a lot said about it. Also a half empty food court. They could wall of half of the mall and put every thing in to the other half. The theater for plays is a very nice item but far under used for a city the size of Chiang Mai. I do enjoy it what it has to offer though.

I will admit that when entering the main entrance it does give the feeling of being a mall but just a casual look around and you begin to see the emptiness in it.

I doubt there is any thing they could do to revive the mall given the rambling lay out of the place. Maybe if they could develop half of it into condos.

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I've had it with Tops KSK.

The security guards are creepy and had one of them bearing down on me at the check out like I stole something. These guards are farm dumb.

I like KSK but you are right about the farm dumb guards. What do you say to them to get them off your case or do you talk with the manager?

I figure what's the point of talking to the manager. It's their job to not scare people away.

I have had some fun with them staring them down but mostly just shifted my business over to the Rimping and the other Tops.

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I've had it with Tops KSK.

The security guards are creepy and had one of them bearing down on me at the check out like I stole something. These guards are farm dumb.

I like KSK but you are right about the farm dumb guards. What do you say to them to get them off your case or do you talk with the manager?

They've done it to me more than once - I find it really annoying and somewhat disconcerting to be watched like a hawk as though I were a potential shoplifter. I've noticed them doing it to others too, once a man of mature years, somewhere between 50 and 60 I'd say with lots of piercings on his face lost his temper with them. A couple of times I've been so annoyed by it that I've stopped in my tracks and just stood there giving them the evil eye until they back away. I've never lost a game of staring in my entire life. The poor blokes are very likely only doing what they're instructed to.

I suppose I (or someone) ought to speak to management about it to let them know just how it gets people's hackles up, but when it happens I'm too annoyed to speak to a Thai because there would be a lot of face loss and I wouldn't want to cause that; when it doesn't happen, just like everybody else, I can't be bothered.

I've never liked KSK though, it's always struck me as a bit grubby. Just my 2 cents worth.

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I would bet serious money most of the shoplifters are Thai/burmese

But they seem to be most interested in foreigners.

How many expats do you suppose shoplift? Gee I think I will leave my rich country and travel to a poor country with world class horror quality prisons and steal stuff at the Tops.

One time I was at the checkout and there is that little pharmacy opposite and a naive young girl was at the counter while this thai guy that I think she knew was pushing a few bottles of supplements into his jacket.

I kind of glared at him and he got irate.

I thought oh well. Not for me to get involved.

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I would bet serious money most of the shoplifters are Thai/burmese

But they seem to be most interested in foreigners.

How many expats do you suppose shoplift? Gee I think I will leave my rich country and travel to a poor country with world class horror quality prisons and steal stuff at the Tops.

One time I was at the checkout and there is that little pharmacy opposite and a naive young girl was at the counter while this thai guy that I think she knew was pushing a few bottles of supplements into his jacket.

I kind of glared at him and he got irate.

I thought oh well. Not for me to get involved.

Actually we were just watching Thailand's Most Wanted and the first segment was about farangs stealing motorcycles in Thailand. Showed them in the act on a few CCTV's. But your right, I doubt there are too many farang khamoy in KSK.

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I agree,we've bought a lot of stuff at the Central dept store -- just about all the appliances in our condo, including a big refrigerator, TV and many, many small appliances. They stand behind their appliances and it's much easier to get a broken appliance over to Central than someplace else if it dies. Once we did buy a TV and sound system at Siam TV and it was a hassle waiting for them to deliver (they didn't come when they said, unlike the Central staf fwho usually just follows us home on foot right after we make a purchase) and then the Siam TV guys didn't have all the stuff they needed to properly install the system.

Let's see what else do we do at KSK -- we're in there 5 or 6 times a week. There's banking, paying phone, internet and Truevisions bills. Food court & Subway. Pizza and Sizzler. Several coffee shops. (Don't need the ice cream shop, but it has a good view of activity on Huey Kaew) Massage, hair & nails. Export clothing shop. Several drug stores. Office supplies at B2S in Central. Tops of course, although I wish it were a really nice Rim Ping. Sadly, the Rim Ping at Maya isn't worth the 15 minute walk when Tops is a 5 minute walk. Post office. Copy shop -- really good copy shop. Copy keys. Replace watch battery. Get passport photos. Buy cake for Hubby's b-day. Buy home decor items in the "Thai village" area in the back of the basement, like chair cushions and tablecloths. Look at the list of movies playing at the cinema and wish they still had some with English soundtrack or subtitles.

And something that always happens when I'm in KSK -- run into at least three or four people I know for a nice chat!

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I like KSK myself. The prices at Central KSK are much better than Festival. A few months ago we were in the market for a new coffee maker. We saw one we liked at Central Festival but it was quite expensive and the sales people would not budge on the price. We went to KSK Central and ended up getting the same coffee maker for 25% less. I always buy good quality shoes at Central KSK and often they are 60% off, same with bed sheets, blankets, towels, etc. Years back we got great deals on baby items. It's easy to do the banking there. Tops has improved as of late. It really sucked during and for a long time after the floods. We bought 2 Samsung tablets, six months apart, up on the 3rd?? Floor, each with 8-10 months remaining on warranty, in perfect shape for about 50% off the cost new. Lots of bargains in there if you look around.

DLock - "poor food court"? Hmmm... Promenada is what I would call a bad food court. The Thais in my family won't eat there. It's almost always empty or maybe 4 or 5 or people eating there at one time. At KSK, there are a couple of places in the food court that have been there for many years and do a robust business every single day. They are quite tasty. True some have closed lately.

For me and my family it's the place where we shop. We know where to go, are confident we can find a good price, and get in and get out quickly. The one thing I absolutely hate there is that horrible 'pet shop' in the parking lot.

This. ^^^^^ Add to that, the Thurs/Fri/Sat "market" outside the main entrance where you can get freshly BBQ'd squid along with seafood omelets cooked to order.

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I would be there are quite a few younger farang tourists who steal...

I doubt it's a very high percentage. Especially at Tops.

Let's guess that 10% of Tops shoppers are Farangs and a whopping 20% of them steal. That's 2% of the total.

They have to be farm dumb to key on Farangs.

If they were catching Farangs shoplifting for sure it would be on CM108 etc because the locals would eat it up.

Lots of videos of thai/burmese stealing motorbikes. Where are all the videos of Farangs stealing?

But foreigners stealing does fit the Thai narrative of Thailands problems are caused by foreigners.

Okay maybe middle eastern, eastern european and Russian's in parts of Thailand.

Kind of depends on how Farang is defined.

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I don't particularly like malls--I get a headache after a short time of shopping--but my favorite in Chiang Mai is KSK. It has character. I live closer to Maya but it's too glitzy for me. Every time I go to KSK, about once a week, I contemplate buying an "I love KSK" t-shirt although, now that I'm writing this, don't remember seeing them for sale the last few times I've been there.

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I would be there are quite a few younger farang tourists who steal...

I doubt it's a very high percentage. Especially at Tops.

Let's guess that 10% of Tops shoppers are Farangs and a whopping 20% of them steal. That's 2% of the total.

They have to be farm dumb to key on Farangs.

If they were catching Farangs shoplifting for sure it would be on CM108 etc because the locals would eat it up.

Lots of videos of thai/burmese stealing motorbikes. Where are all the videos of Farangs stealing?

But foreigners stealing does fit the Thai narrative of Thailands problems are caused by foreigners.

Okay maybe middle eastern, eastern european and Russian's in parts of Thailand.

Kind of depends on how Farang is defined.

at 7-11, walking out without paying when it's crowded, giving the clerk 500 THB and then saying it was 1000 THB, also lifting things at the backpacker restaurants in the inner city...

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