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Mormons finding captive audience (nice photo)


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I LOVE THOSE GUYS ... they rent a house (in Australia) I own.

Well, the Church does ... has been the tenant for almost a decade.

Usually they come out for 3 or 4 months at a time.

Must be awfully clean ... my water bill, per person, is much higher then the area average ... facepalm.gif

Well, I'll give you guys some Intel ... they aren't allowed to sleep in the bedrooms.

All the mattresses are on the floor in the living room.


Discourages self abuse...

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Pests. There should be some sort of spray for them.

There is its called Catholism...laugh.png tell them your one and they seem to run a mile..or alternatively start ranting about Charles Darwin and Dinosaurs biggrin.png

Give them no options,I usually tell them "You are wasting your time,I'm an Atheist and my wife is Buddist!

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I see the Mormon bashers are out in full force tonight.

One high profile Mormon almost became POTUS... that was a close call.

Some do make the argument Mormonism is more a cult than a religion. Just saying.

Here we go.

Let's all start on a mormon bashing fest.

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I see the Mormon bashers are out in full force tonight.

One high profile Mormon almost became POTUS... that was a close call.

Some do make the argument Mormonism is more a cult than a religion. Just saying.

Here we go.

Let's all start on a mormon bashing fest.

I don't know if I would agree if repeating a well known fact, that many critics of Mormonism (largely from MAINSTREAM Christian sects) do indeed not accept it as an actual religion is bashing. Personally, I am not a scholar of comparative religion and not a Christian OR a Mormon so I don't know.

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I've got no problems with Mormons. I'm polite to them as they generally get the doors slammed in their face, but their Jedi mind tricks won't work on me.

True story, in my early 20s down in oz. Saturday morning, after a big night out. I was still in bed and there as a knock on the door. I stumbled over to answer and standing there was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen in my life.

I smiled and though to myself 'what did I do right to deserve this?' She then introduced herself as JW.....and the door was soon shut on her.

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There's a prominent "No Soliciting" sign on my front gate.

But that didn't stop a couple of mormons from trespassing onto my land to ask me if I have been saved.

I asked them if they saw the sign. They have the nerve to say it's different they are not soliciting by proselytizing...

So I might have to buy this sign and put it up...


There really should not be a Star of David on that sign. Jews do NOT proselytize.

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I just tell them that I'd be happy to join their church and give them 10% of all my earnings if they will provide me with all the free beer, cigarettes and coffee that I want. That has never failed to get them to walk away feeling insulted and without saying another word, and I'm happy of that result because trying to sell religion is very offensive.

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I just tell them that I'd be happy to join their church and give them 10% of all my earnings if they will provide me with all the free beer, cigarettes and coffee that I want. That has never failed to get them to walk away feeling insulted and without saying another word, and I'm happy of that result because trying to sell religion is very offensive.

The no coffee thing is a bridge too far.coffee1.gif

Are they having a laugh?

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Let them be I say.

Worse people in this world then a few mormons.

I agree. Some of the missionary twinks are real hotties! wub.png

Bring some to my door, I'm tired of rice!

Few here would really know what you are implying ... rolleyes.gif

BTW ... when the Mormans come a visiting ... do they usually knock on the Front Door or the Back Door?

My place confuses them because it has two entrances. I've had to put a sign on the rear entrance.

"Private Property" "No Entrance"


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What visa are these people on??? Proselytism is very offensive and assumes people are stupid enough to listen. These people prey on Thai people because Thai people can be so nice and they also go into poorer neighborhoods as the people there are more vulnerable. They should be deported in my opinion...

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I just tell them that I'd be happy to join their church and give them 10% of all my earnings if they will provide me with all the free beer, cigarettes and coffee that I want. That has never failed to get them to walk away feeling insulted and without saying another word, and I'm happy of that result because trying to sell religion is very offensive.

The no coffee thing is a bridge too far.coffee1.gif

Are they having a laugh?

I agree, but I have trouble relating to anybody who opposes using some stimulants or getting a buzz occasionally, in moderation of course.

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Let them be I say.

Worse people in this world then a few mormons.

I agree. Some of the missionary twinks are real hotties! wub.png

Bring some to my door, I'm tired of rice!

Few here would really know what you are implying ... rolleyes.gif

Mormons bring potatoes? Now that's new. ohmy.png

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I got roped in by a very pretty girl into playing Father Christmas for a Christmas party in the Hills near Perth. No one mentioned they were Morman and my young daughter had a great time. And no one mentioned religeon once. The book she got as a Christmas Present was not the Book of Morman either.

I must say they are always nice and obviously respect their faith.

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