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people taking photos of others.


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Don't go to places where you wouldn't like your photo taken.

How easy is that?

Didn't the OP say they just slam their cameras in villagers faces? I've seen people photographing women bathing in their saris in India <deleted>. And you ever heard of Street Photography? How do you suggest we avoid those? Stay off the streets? Yes, I get bloody annoyed when I'm included in a 'family group' photo. However, if they come and ask permission I've no problem with that.

What you do in the street, is in public domain, and therefore fair game for photographers of any sort.

I really don't see what your problem is?

Unless you are some sort of criminal on the run.

As for the OP, his post seemed to be about photos taken of him in (naughty?) bars.

Which was the target for my original reply.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Some of the greatest images of all time have been street photography. I have absolutely no problem with it, and in fact prefer someone doing a good job than all these happy snappy Facebook stuff. The world would be a poorer place if you can't take a picture of a public place. A good photographer would never be "in someone's face".

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OP, yes you are a silly old critta, as you put it. 3 guys are filming with a pro level video cam , almost certainly for a news/doco about the redlight district of BKk (again) and instead of just turning away you give them some nice clear footage of your face ! Hopefully for you nobody will watch the resulting footage, where you will be labelled as an indignant sex tourist, because people have seen it all before many times.

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So I ask, what is the difference between having ones photos taken out in public and having photos uploaded to facebook and other social networking sites in the public domain?

There's a huge difference. If I post a photo on Facebook, you wouldn't be able to see it. Same if I post a photo on Line. Unless if I give you permission in my privacy settings, you don't get to see my content- it's not public. Which is completely different from a stranger taking your photo. There's no choice in that, and no control over who uses the image or where it is posted.

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I also hate it and sure won't look into their camera.

Thai weddings are also terrible, sometimes they rent professional filmcrews and also family members with a big camera see this as a chance to show off. I have counted more then 15 people taking pics or filming on weddings where i was the only farang and guess who they all want to have in their view? Yup me because it looks so good to have pics of the farang on the party.

I also don't like it when i see farang with a huge camera around their neck taking pics of everything on a market. They don't buy anything at all and think the whole world turns around them.

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My hobby is photography, I carry my camera everywhere, taking photo's of everything.

In a bar, I would not walk in and start snapping away........

Open bars are a different story. If somebody gets upset.....@!$$$@% them.

They should stay home.

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I also hate it and sure won't look into their camera.

Thai weddings are also terrible, sometimes they rent professional filmcrews and also family members with a big camera see this as a chance to show off. I have counted more then 15 people taking pics or filming on weddings where i was the only farang and guess who they all want to have in their view? Yup me because it looks so good to have pics of the farang on the party.

I also don't like it when i see farang with a huge camera around their neck taking pics of everything on a market. They don't buy anything at all and think the whole world turns around them.

Another happy soul here in the land of smiles whistling.gif

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I also hate it and sure won't look into their camera.

Thai weddings are also terrible, sometimes they rent professional filmcrews and also family members with a big camera see this as a chance to show off. I have counted more then 15 people taking pics or filming on weddings where i was the only farang and guess who they all want to have in their view? Yup me because it looks so good to have pics of the farang on the party.

I also don't like it when i see farang with a huge camera around their neck taking pics of everything on a market. They don't buy anything at all and think the whole world turns around them.

I don't think the camera is around their neck, if it's a huge camera.......

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My hobby is photography, I carry my camera everywhere, taking photo's of everything.

In a bar, I would not walk in and start snapping away........

Open bars are a different story. If somebody gets upset.....@!$$$@% them.

They should stay home.

Are you about to have a haircut with the basin on your head nice self photo of your handsom selfclap2.gif

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It's funny, the big lense, long and bulky is probably a zoom lense. The guy is probably taking a photo of a particular thing, as opposed to a whole screen. Everyone jumps up and down, ducks and dives to get out of the way but they're not even in the frame.

Enter the small short lense on the same camera, all of a sudden everyone pays little or no attention and NOW they're all in the frame, which can be cropped down later to zoom on someone in particular.


RAW format. Can zoom and crop it about 6 times and still have a quality shot.

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If you are in public - and that is a broad definition -- from bars to malls to the street corner -- If you do not like to be photographed - don't go in public... Oh and the governments around the world are doing it BIG TIME -- but you most times do not realize it.

Public Domain ... managements of public places like supermarkets can tell photographers to stop - go out ... but we cannot ...

It is the way life is -- and not much you can do about it.

If I were taking photos on the beach walk out towards the street or to the beach in Ao Nang - as I often do and get spectacular shots --- and someone made an objection because they might be in the frame of view - then they can go suck eggs ... I can and will take photos in public... This sort of thing has been going on since the camera was invented.

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General comments (not to richusa below): If you are out in the public you can't possibly expect any kind of privacy. If you see someone taking pictures/video the best thing to do is just turn your back to them and not engage them. Reason is simple... no one watch boring videos of a guys back on Youtube. They (videos) do however go viral when the guy starts to behave like a dumbass because he is filmed.

My hobby is photography, I carry my camera everywhere, taking photo's of everything.

In a bar, I would not walk in and start snapping away........

Open bars are a different story. If somebody gets upset.....@!$$$@% them.

They should stay home.

Well, if you are actually standing inside the private property (open bar) you can expect to be told to either stop taking pictures or leave the property. Now, if you are standing on a public road and taking pictures of the open bar... yeah... Β€!"#!! them.

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General comments (not to richusa below): If you are out in the public you can't possibly expect any kind of privacy. If you see someone taking pictures/video the best thing to do is just turn your back to them and not engage them. Reason is simple... no one watch boring videos of a guys back on Youtube. They (videos) do however go viral when the guy starts to behave like a dumbass because he is filmed.

My hobby is photography, I carry my camera everywhere, taking photo's of everything.

In a bar, I would not walk in and start snapping away........

Open bars are a different story. If somebody gets upset.....@!$$$@% them.

They should stay home.

Well, if you are actually standing inside the private property (open bar) you can expect to be told to either stop taking pictures or leave the property. Now, if you are standing on a public road and taking pictures of the open bar... yeah... Β€!"#!! them.

Being told to stop by management -- not by a patron ...

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General comments (not to richusa below): If you are out in the public you can't possibly expect any kind of privacy. If you see someone taking pictures/video the best thing to do is just turn your back to them and not engage them. Reason is simple... no one watch boring videos of a guys back on Youtube. They (videos) do however go viral when the guy starts to behave like a dumbass because he is filmed.

My hobby is photography, I carry my camera everywhere, taking photo's of everything.

In a bar, I would not walk in and start snapping away........

Open bars are a different story. If somebody gets upset.....@!$$$@% them.

They should stay home.

Well, if you are actually standing inside the private property (open bar) you can expect to be told to either stop taking pictures or leave the property. Now, if you are standing on a public road and taking pictures of the open bar... yeah... Β€!"#!! them.

Being told to stop by management -- not by a patron ...

Oops, missed to add that :)

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Back in the COINTEL days the fumbling bureau of idiots tried and did (I saw lots of them) to take lots of pictures of me. Most were with me shooting them the finger (they weren't very good at cover), some with me taking their picture which they really, really didn't like. I had lots of pictures taken in Pattaya back in my "2 week millionaire" days, didn't care. I live here with my Thai wife and have for many years. You take my picture today and I don't like it I'll stuff that camera up your behind, without the KY, comprende ese'?

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I assume the camera crew are Thai nationals - so there in itself is your answer.

I've done a lot of international travel to Central & South America, Europe, Asia, and Middle East and it is advised to always first ask permission to take an individual's picture as if not you could loose your head.

So what should have been done is some common courtesies and if your not interested give you a moment to clear-out..

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Perhaps a PI getting evidence for an upcoming case against you?

I remember a trike following me to a "girlie bar", then he called my wife, who showed up there and sat next to me. In Thailand/Philippines, you have to realize small money can buy an informant (even right inside the bar you frequent). It does not matter whether it is right or wrong, nor should we be asking if it is rude.....sometimes it is just "business". With all the cellphone cameras sitting around, your personal life can easily be documented for future reference.

Of course, the bamboo telegraph (all over asia) is still just as effective as a photo.

Nobody is going to stop cellphone addicts from taking photos. Size of camera is irrelevant. I would say, the huge one you saw was a harmless tourist. Nobody would walk around with something like that if they were being covert.

Had to ask myself why I still wanted to go to the red light areas, even after I was married. Pretty risky, but most of us are guilty. I just bring my wife with me, nowadays, and let her buy the ladies a drink. Much more fun...and less dangerous. Nobody takes pics of us.

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I have noticed that people who seem to possess no respect for other people's privacy and space, get the best people photos. I'm stating the obvious here of course. It is exactly why, although my photos often get praised by others, they are almost exclusively of landscape situations where, if anyone appears them, they are usually part of a landscape.

I personally don't like people just snapping photos of me unsolicited (depends on context though) and I extend that courtesy to others because, especially in the case of strangers in a foreign country, it seems like doing is just plain brutal and makes makes them into zoo object curios. I clearly remember one tourist in Siwa (Egypt) carrying an enormous camera with enormous lenses, snapping away like a madman at any being that moved (or didn't move) like a kid in a candy shop, not even introducing himself first but just walking up to people of all ages and clicking away. I bet he got some fantastic photos. I envied him, while simultaneously feeling that this guy was an arrogant fool.

I have a friend in Indonesia who seems utterly fearless in this regard and continually gets fantastic people photos because he both loves posing for photos himself and the culture he was raised in appears to absolutely adore being in photos, whoever is taking it, therefore there is no fear, no worry of offending or sense that this is objectifying people. In the world we are in now, it seems impossible to escape. We're having static or moving images of being captured every single days in shops, high streets, fuel stations, airports, waiting rooms, parks, and even children are carrying mobile phones that can take sly photos and video of a quality that in my school days was unimaginable.

As I say, such people annoy me but I would envy their people photo collection.

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Don't go to places where you wouldn't like your photo taken.

How easy is that?

So if a person just doesn't like having his photo taken, you expect him to stay home.

Normally only hear of such logic from smokers.

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Don't go to places where you wouldn't like your photo taken.

How easy is that?

So if a person just doesn't like having his photo taken, you expect him to stay home.

Normally only hear of such logic from smokers.

You have no issues being filmed by CCTV anywhere and everywhere without (especially London) and sometimes with* your consent but still feel "offended" when a person takes a picture of you?

*like walking inside a shopping center that clearly says "we have CCTV in this building"

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