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Why Thailand?


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from the few short months I have been reading TV, I have come to the conclusion that most expats here hate it and that what ever country they come from has no corruption, crime, dishonest merchants, or scofflaws of any type. That the afore mentioned only exist here. so Why come and/or stay if it is so horrible and your so miserable?

You'll have to provide many examples of users before I'll believe you that most here hate it and their countries are crime & corruption free etc. and that those sort of things only exist in Thailand.

Without justification of your claim I can only see it as complete B.S. and not worthy of further comment.

Obviously you are trolling here.

So I will not single out any one poster but there are much more negative posts then positive posts case in point is the thread on cabinet members wealth. What is the average wealth of cabinet members in the US,GB or OZ. Why is it wrong for a general to accumulate wealth here but OK in western countries? The bottom line for me is every thing I see complained about here I have seen the same or worse in other countries I have lived in including the us and Germany.

Not trolling. I thought you might be. Again without substantiating your 'most' it is as I said before B.S. I read a lot of what is written here and have never seen anybody claim that their country is crime or corruption free. Your comments are insulting to the TV community.

I don't think I should mention names but there are posters here who think America is cheaper than Thailand and has 100% underground power cables. Or that all of the smart inventors in the history of the world come from a country where men wear skirts and you can't bribe cops in the USA, UK or Australia and I could go on.........

Edited by thailiketoo
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from the few short months I have been reading TV, I have come to the conclusion that most expats here hate it and that what ever country they come from has no corruption, crime, dishonest merchants, or scofflaws of any type. That the afore mentioned only exist here. so Why come and/or stay if it is so horrible and your so miserable?

You'll have to provide many examples of users before I'll believe you that most here hate it and their countries are crime & corruption free etc. and that those sort of things only exist in Thailand.

Without justification of your claim I can only see it as complete B.S. and not worthy of further comment.

Obviously you are trolling here.

So I will not single out any one poster but there are much more negative posts then positive posts case in point is the thread on cabinet members wealth. What is the average wealth of cabinet members in the US,GB or OZ. Why is it wrong for a general to accumulate wealth here but OK in western countries? The bottom line for me is every thing I see complained about here I have seen the same or worse in other countries I have lived in including the us and Germany.

Not trolling. I thought you might be. Again without substantiating your 'most' it is as I said before B.S. I read a lot of what is written here and have never seen anybody claim that their country is crime or corruption free. Your comments are insulting to the TV community.
They never come out and say it but it is implied. Over all the answers I have seen substantiate my own beliefs. Those that are happy and enjoy their lives pop in for a quick question or answer and leave the complaining to those with nothing better to do. As to being insulting to the TV community the comments I refer to are insulting to those of us that enjoy Thailand for all its faults and come here for a little information. Edited by Chwooly
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In answer to the OP, cheap hookers!

(apart from Soi Cowboy Biker, who came here for the temples)

No. I just didn't come here to exploit local women working in the sex industry.

It's a rather sad indictment of this forum when that marks me out as unusual.

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The few that do hate Thailand would also hate the rest of Asia, the Americas, Europe, the UK, Africa, Antartica......

...and deep down, they probably hate themselves.

I disagree. There are definitely frustrations that come with being a foreigner anywhere. But Thailand and Thai people are unique in many ways. Plenty of people have left for another place and are reportedly happier.

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The few that do hate Thailand would also hate the rest of Asia, the Americas, Europe, the UK, Africa, Antartica......

...and deep down, they probably hate themselves.

I disagree. There are definitely frustrations that come with being a foreigner anywhere. But Thailand and Thai people are unique in many ways. Plenty of people have left for another place and are reportedly happier.

If they were happy would they come back on Thai Visa and slag of Thailand for years and years? As is the case with a number of the usual posters, not to mention names but I'm sure you know them too.

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The few that do hate Thailand would also hate the rest of Asia, the Americas, Europe, the UK, Africa, Antartica......

...and deep down, they probably hate themselves.

I disagree. There are definitely frustrations that come with being a foreigner anywhere. But Thailand and Thai people are unique in many ways. Plenty of people have left for another place and are reportedly happier.

If they were happy would they come back on Thai Visa and slag of Thailand for years and years? As is the case with a number of the usual posters, not to mention names but I'm sure you know them too.

Plenty, but not all. Ha ha. The hatred for TH seems to stick with some when they leave.

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I disagree. There are definitely frustrations that come with being a foreigner anywhere. But Thailand and Thai people are unique in many ways. Plenty of people have left for another place and are reportedly happier.

If they were happy would they come back on Thai Visa and slag of Thailand for years and years? As is the case with a number of the usual posters, not to mention names but I'm sure you know them too.

Plenty, but not all. Ha ha. The hatred for TH seems to stick with some when they leave.

Which gets precisely back to my point:

romantic disappointment lies behind a lot of the bitterness directed at Thailand.

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I disagree. There are definitely frustrations that come with being a foreigner anywhere. But Thailand and Thai people are unique in many ways. Plenty of people have left for another place and are reportedly happier.

If they were happy would they come back on Thai Visa and slag of Thailand for years and years? As is the case with a number of the usual posters, not to mention names but I'm sure you know them too.

Plenty, but not all. Ha ha. The hatred for TH seems to stick with some when they leave.

Which gets precisely back to my point:

romantic disappointment lies behind a lot of the bitterness directed at Thailand.

Fair enough. But my point is there are things unique to Thais and Thailand that make it undesirable for some. Not all of these people would hate other places, or themselves.

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Why here? Primarily my wife though I like it here as much as I like most asian countries that I have lived or worked in. I agree with one thing.

People do have a right to whinge though when something irritates them, not that the audience always want to listen.

Personally I don't believe Ops statement that most expats hate it here. Quite the opposite I believe most like it.

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Why here? Primarily my wife though I like it here as much as I like most asian countries that I have lived or worked in. I agree with one thing.

People do have a right to whinge though when something irritates them, not that the audience always want to listen.

Personally I don't believe Ops statement that most expats hate it here. Quite the opposite I believe most like it.

Does the OP mean expats in Thailand or expats who post on Thai Visa?

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For a lot of people, the answer seems to be because their dick likes it here.

France for the food. England for the history. Thailand for the significant others. So? Thailand has been famous for providing significant others to travelers since the 1500's. What makes you think that time honored tradition is wrong or somehow tawdry for a "normal" person?

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One doesn't have to be miserable to see the stupidity, idiocy, duplicity and other general stuff that goes on everyday.

I don't see why noticing things and wondering about them automatically makes it bad. I mean what is someone supposed to do about bribing cops or child trafficking? Giggle about it?

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Why here? Primarily my wife though I like it here as much as I like most asian countries that I have lived or worked in. I agree with one thing.

People do have a right to whinge though when something irritates them, not that the audience always want to listen.

Personally I don't believe Ops statement that most expats hate it here. Quite the opposite I believe most like it.

Gotta agree with that statement....."most like it" here! Why else would they be here? At least they must like it better, for one reason or another, than somewhere else ....otherwise they'd be an idiot to stay here....Well maybe they are w00t.gif

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Why here? Primarily my wife though I like it here as much as I like most asian countries that I have lived or worked in. I agree with one thing.

People do have a right to whinge though when something irritates them, not that the audience always want to listen.

Personally I don't believe Ops statement that most expats hate it here. Quite the opposite I believe most like


Does the OP mean expats in Thailand or expats who post on Thai Visa?

I think the OP is a troll who was aiming to create a rant and he actually got a very tame reply

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98% of expats in Thailand would never even log on to TVF, let alone post.

and how did you work this out?

please explain

Easily, all the years I have lived here I have asked every expat I know and kept a record.

Would you like me to send you the data, it's quite extensive, but probably confuse someone who takes every comment literally!

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Why here? Primarily my wife though I like it here as much as I like most asian countries that I have lived or worked in. I agree with one thing.

People do have a right to whinge though when something irritates them, not that the audience always want to listen.

Personally I don't believe Ops statement that most expats hate it here. Quite the opposite I believe most like it.

I am talking about the ones that post here, As I said earlier it appears that the vast majority of posters here tend to be the ones with nothing but negativity and those that are happy tend to pop in for a question or comment and then go on their way until something else catches their eye as opposed to the haters that have to comment on every news story with something negative.

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Why here? Primarily my wife though I like it here as much as I like most asian countries that I have lived or worked in. I agree with one thing.

People do have a right to whinge though when something irritates them, not that the audience always want to listen.

Personally I don't believe Ops statement that most expats hate it here. Quite the opposite I believe most like


Does the OP mean expats in Thailand or expats who post on Thai Visa?

I think the OP is a troll who was aiming to create a rant and he actually got a very tame reply

And why would you think that? If I was trolling I had a few chances to keep it going. I was asking what I thought was a valid question. I actually got my answer and I feel it is also is valid.

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For a lot of people, the answer seems to be because their dick likes it here.

France for the food. England for the history. Thailand for the significant others. So? Thailand has been famous for providing significant others to travelers since the 1500's. What makes you think that time honored tradition is wrong or somehow tawdry for a "normal" person?

The result of brainwashing by various lobbies who found a common ground, all greeing to various extent with the far reaching misconception that money cannot buy consent.

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For a lot of people, the answer seems to be because their dick likes it here.

France for the food. England for the history. Thailand for the significant others. So? Thailand has been famous for providing significant others to travelers since the 1500's. What makes you think that time honored tradition is wrong or somehow tawdry for a "normal" person?

The result of brainwashing by various lobbies who found a common ground, all greeing to various extent with the far reaching misconception that money cannot buy consent.

Are you agreeing with me or soibiker?

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