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Prosecutor demands more evidence from the police handling Koh Tao case

Lite Beer

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Remember the RTP's earlier "perfect case" ? Even the Deputy PM was cheering RTP for the arrest.


BANGKOK: -- Surat Thani police yesterday arrested a British tourist after he was suspected to have connection with the deaths of two fellow Britons in Koh Tao off Surat Thani coast.

Police identified the British back packer as Christopher Alanvare.

Police said they arrested him after employees of a resort on the beach told police that Mr Christopher was seen strolling near the scene where the two British tourists were killed on the night of September 14.

Besides they also found a significant evidence which is a blood stain on his clothes.

Police said Christopher urgently left the popular diving paradise on the first ferry to the mainland the next day after the murder was discovered.

Fun fact. The police later admitted to planting the bloody(or dirty) clothes inside the luggage of the victim. Obviously it was an attempted stitch-up, and meant to put it in Christopher's luggage instead. Why on earth would a police officer be placing dirty or bloody pants inside the luggage of a murder victim and suspect?

The original narrative was "blond hair found, bloody clothes in his bag, flees the island, scorned gay lover, etc.

They botched that up badly, so they had to move to plan B, which is "myanmar workers".

We have all seen how well this "case" has gone for them. I won't go into details as you guys are most likely already aware of them.

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Apparently the Prosecutor has seen the roti/pancake salesman' video interview where he categorically states the 2 in custody told him the murder weapon, or one of the weapons was a large wine bottle. This interview is featured today on another well known Facebook page. The plot thickens!!!

The interview is on Thai PBS I'm told.

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So at what point do the have to release these guys?

How many weeks now without being formally charged?

I have asked this, would be good to know at what point do they release them and who as the authority to do this?

They are held 12 days at a time. Each time takes a court order. The court said up to 84 days could be ok.

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Apparently the Prosecutor has seen the roti/pancake salesman' video interview where he categorically states the 2 in custody told him the murder weapon, or one of the weapons was a large wine bottle. This interview is featured today on another well known Facebook page. The plot thickens!!!

Well that's really adding to the open and shut nature of this case. This roti salesman better make a run for it quick, because if this was cluedo, that doesn't fit the story.

Too many people trying to get square lies into to a round hole.

The only way the pancake seller could have known about the bottle of wine that was not mentioned by the suspects is that he was also involved in the murders. He has dug himself a deep hole and is going down.

Where did the bottle end up,it would have been shattered on rocks. What size is large in wine bottles thought they were standard.

Does the AC bar sell wine in bottles (not sure of liquor laws there)...I know, liquor laws a bit over the top.

The boys bought 3 large beers, looking at them one bottle would put them to sleep.

In saying that the injuries to david could have been caused by a bottle more plausible than a hoe.

I doubt the RTP will be intimidating(forgot mons still there) pancakes there's enough s..t happening.

He'll take his media earnings home and set up business. He'd have been better off going home and singing from there. Been in thailand too long he's behaving like one and I credit Burmese being far more intelligent,as is all the asean countries.

I would say with confidence there are foreign boots on the ground and have been from the get go.

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Very glad to hear that, but am still surprised because usually police/prosecutor/judges in Thailand seem to be, how shall I put it, not stepping on each others turf.

If it was not for the fact that the world is watching, they would have dealt with it by now.

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Apparently the Prosecutor has seen the roti/pancake salesman' video interview where he categorically states the 2 in custody told him the murder weapon, or one of the weapons was a large wine bottle. This interview is featured today on another well known Facebook page. The plot thickens!!!

Well that's really adding to the open and shut nature of this case. This roti salesman better make a run for it quick, because if this was cluedo, that doesn't fit the story.

Too many people trying to get square lies into to a round hole.

I agree to many people stuck in the Facebook world of non reality, there is Facebook talk, and then there is the real world

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surely some one can identify no 9 ?

Good point. The commentator said the police will no doubt want to talk to 9 but they haven't mentioned him to my knowledge. He has a mop of hair, is very slightly built and has a sort of lurching gait similar to the much speculated over running man in another CCTV clip.

Surely David's friends were walking not far from him and would have an idea of who that was that they could have told the British plods about, even if their local counterparts weren't interested.

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the protected ones phone records would put an end to all speculation whether he was on the island or not that evening

Do we have to go through this again?

The phone records will only show where the phone was, unless it had to be surgically removed from his body.

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The victim did not look like he wanted any contact with No9, his body launguage was very "off" maybe N09 and David had met earlier.

Were Ac United playing that day?

surely some one can identify no 9 ?

Good point. The commentator said the police will no doubt want to talk to 9 but they haven't mentioned him to my knowledge. He has a mop of hair, is very slightly built and has a sort of lurching gait similar to the much speculated over running man in another CCTV clip.

Surely David's friends were walking not far from him and would have an idea of who that was that they could have told the British plods about, even if their local counterparts weren't interested.

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Remember the RTP's earlier "perfect case" ? Even the Deputy PM was cheering RTP for the arrest.


BANGKOK: -- Surat Thani police yesterday arrested a British tourist after he was suspected to have connection with the deaths of two fellow Britons in Koh Tao off Surat Thani coast.

Police identified the British back packer as Christopher Alanvare.

Police said they arrested him after employees of a resort on the beach told police that Mr Christopher was seen strolling near the scene where the two British tourists were killed on the night of September 14.

Besides they also found a significant evidence which is a blood stain on his clothes.

Police said Christopher urgently left the popular diving paradise on the first ferry to the mainland the next day after the murder was discovered.

Fun fact. The police later admitted to planting the bloody(or dirty) clothes inside the luggage of the victim. Obviously it was an attempted stitch-up, and meant to put it in Christopher's luggage instead. Why on earth would a police officer be placing dirty or bloody pants inside the luggage of a murder victim and suspect?

The original narrative was "blond hair found, bloody clothes in his bag, flees the island, scorned gay lover, etc.

They botched that up badly, so they had to move to plan B, which is "myanmar workers".

We have all seen how well this "case" has gone for them. I won't go into details as you guys are most likely already aware of them.

Multiple stitch up attempts but currently the last one still has the potential conclusion of actual executions.

This injustice should be a worry to all expat and Thai alike. My Thai mates are currently contributing to csi and tv which is first for them all. They seem afraid to speak up publicly in the current climate no doubt however they are willing to do so under protection of anonymity. I pray this continues and the Coppers threats continue to hit deaf ears.

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The victim did not look like he wanted any contact with No9, his body launguage was very "off" maybe N09 and David had met earlier.

Were Ac United playing that day?

surely some one can identify no 9 ?

Good point. The commentator said the police will no doubt want to talk to 9 but they haven't mentioned him to my knowledge. He has a mop of hair, is very slightly built and has a sort of lurching gait similar to the much speculated over running man in another CCTV clip.

Surely David's friends were walking not far from him and would have an idea of who that was that they could have told the British plods about, even if their local counterparts weren't interested.

Footage was released of Hannah and two friends walking with what looked like a slightly built Asian man with a head band, quite late into the evening. It never received much commentary but seriously had me intrigued. It appeared it could have been nomsod but then I wasn't laying bets on that one until I saw further discussion which I must have missed.

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the protected ones phone records would put an end to all speculation whether he was on the island or not that evening

Do we have to go through this again?

The phone records will only show where the phone was, unless it had to be surgically removed from his body.

Good point as in my part of the world we just pick up any old phone and use that, so clearly if his number was being used in that area in the early hours of the morning anyone could have been using it.

Clearly if it was your family member you wouldn't be expecting the police to look into this. Never know why police bother with such pointless information in the West.

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the protected ones phone records would put an end to all speculation whether he was on the island or not that evening

Do we have to go through this again?

The phone records will only show where the phone was, unless it had to be surgically removed from his body.

Good point as in my part of the world we just pick up any old phone and use that, so clearly if his number was being used in that area in the early hours of the morning anyone could have been using it.

Clearly if it was your family member you wouldn't be expecting the police to look into this. Never know why police bother with such pointless information in the West.

But this is looked into in must crimes as I quoted earlier the Dewani case the oscar case these were all examined not locations but records of calls and texts.

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the protected ones phone records would put an end to all speculation whether he was on the island or not that evening

Do we have to go through this again?

The phone records will only show where the phone was, unless it had to be surgically removed from his body.

Good point as in my part of the world we just pick up any old phone and use that, so clearly if his number was being used in that area in the early hours of the morning anyone could have been using it.

Clearly if it was your family member you wouldn't be expecting the police to look into this. Never know why police bother with such pointless information in the West.

But this is looked into in must crimes as I quoted earlier the Dewani case the oscar case these were all examined not locations but records of calls and texts.

I was being sarcastic.

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There doesn't appear to be a solid case against the rwo Burmese suspects. No way would they keep returning the file otherwise. This case has me torn. My hunch is that the two Burmese lads are innocent, but if their sperm is in/on Hannah then it has to raise doubts. Massive doubts. If it is sperm from the accussed, we haven't heard them saying the RTP extracted it from them have we?

I think what people need to know is the type of DNA found. Was it 'touch DNA' or sperm/skin inside Hannah's fingernails etc.Sharing a cigarrette doesn't prove much, unless the suspects denied ever sitting with her on the beach. I would smell a rat if that was the case.

One thing I will say is this...the person or persons that raped Hannah was also the killer (or one of the killers). Some (unbelievably) seem to be in denail about that. Sure, it's possible, but pretty damn unlikely.

You do realize that the two men got DNA tested twice.

First with the big roundup with Burmese they were cleared.


The 1st time was probably to collect thier DNA and the 2 nd time was to get a matching sample.
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He already confessed.

DNA already match the specimen outside the condom.

This is a water tight case.

Let's sentence and move on; nothing to see here.

if so water tight why has the prosecutor sent the case back to the BiB 3 or 4 times already ?

if so water tight why hasn't there been at least a preliminary hearing already ?

if the BiB and prosecutors were so confident on this matter, due to all the publicity they would want the case in court as quick as possible to get this put to bed, lets convict and move on.

could we suggest, seeing as this has been kicked back to the BiB so many times, that the case is not as water tight as you suggest ?

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He already confessed.

DNA already match the specimen outside the condom.

This is a water tight case.

Let's sentence and move on; nothing to see here.

Who is he?

I guess he means "they"

Same as they are guilty, no need for any hearing - let's just kill then ASAP.

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I would think that the last person you would want as a translator for Rakhine from Arakan State would be a Rohingya and vice-versa. Too much is at stake for these young men. A court certified interpreter should have been used from the outset.

Unfortunately many court certified interpreters have very limited language skills. I have on several times been told to answer yes or no even in the face of questions that have no yes or no answer. The reason is that winning a case where a foreigner has no way to properly give evidence is incredibly simple even for the half assed lawyers that form the majority in Thailand. Translation is a huge hurdle and is used and abused to the utmost extent to disadvantage foreigners in a legal system that is already set up against them.

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Whether or whether not the Headman's son was on Koh Tao that night, his DNA result excludes him from the crime scene. That will never change now, however much screaming and shouting foul on Media networks. It is as likely he didn't participate in the crimes as any other supposition.

However, if that influential and powerful family wants to regain respect (and they're innocent) they should finger the culprits without fear of reprisals. IMO, with fingers in every pie, they would know who would be likely to commit this crime - it's a small island patch - and I am not surprised the senior RTP didn't follow through with this at the DNA media ceremony (that would be to admit failure).

Of course if they are involved, and there has been a massive cover-up, the B2 will be processed and forgotten.

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Whether or whether not the Headman's son was on Koh Tao that night, his DNA result excludes him from the crime scene. That will never change now, however much screaming and shouting foul on Media networks. It is as likely he didn't participate in the crimes as any other supposition.

However, if that influential and powerful family wants to regain respect (and they're innocent) they should finger the culprits without fear of reprisals. IMO, with fingers in every pie, they would know who would be likely to commit this crime - it's a small island patch - and I am not surprised the senior RTP didn't follow through with this at the DNA media ceremony (that would be to admit failure).

Of course if they are involved, and there has been a massive cover-up, the B2 will be processed and forgotten.

No it doesn't. How dense can you be? If the RPT told you the sky was falling are you going to believe that too? Or would you maybe consider looking up first?

Only way he is cleared is through transparent and independent testing. Not some dog and pony show on his own volition where the results aren't even shared with the UK police on the ground.

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Whether or whether not the Headman's son was on Koh Tao that night, his DNA result excludes him from the crime scene. That will never change now, however much screaming and shouting foul on Media networks. It is as likely he didn't participate in the crimes as any other supposition.

However, if that influential and powerful family wants to regain respect (and they're innocent) they should finger the culprits without fear of reprisals. IMO, with fingers in every pie, they would know who would be likely to commit this crime - it's a small island patch - and I am not surprised the senior RTP didn't follow through with this at the DNA media ceremony (that would be to admit failure).

Of course if they are involved, and there has been a massive cover-up, the B2 will be processed and forgotten.

I had you down as one of the cleverer posters on here but your first sentence is bullshit and exactly what the RTP want you to believe

If the DNA hasnt been contaminated then all it means is that the headmans son didnt have sex with Hannah - THATS ALL


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Whether or whether not the Headman's son was on Koh Tao that night, his DNA result excludes him from the crime scene. That will never change now, however much screaming and shouting foul on Media networks. It is as likely he didn't participate in the crimes as any other supposition.

However, if that influential and powerful family wants to regain respect (and they're innocent) they should finger the culprits without fear of reprisals. IMO, with fingers in every pie, they would know who would be likely to commit this crime - it's a small island patch - and I am not surprised the senior RTP didn't follow through with this at the DNA media ceremony (that would be to admit failure).

Of course if they are involved, and there has been a massive cover-up, the B2 will be processed and forgotten.

No it doesn't. How dense can you be? If the RPT told you the sky was falling are you going to believe that too? Or would you maybe consider looking up first?

Only way he is cleared is through transparent and independent testing. Not some dog and pony show on his own volition where the results aren't even shared with the UK police on the ground.

Stephen posted exactly the same comment in the other thread, its just a cut and paste from the other thread on this case

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the protected ones phone records would put an end to all speculation whether he was on the island or not that evening

Do we have to go through this again?

The phone records will only show where the phone was, unless it had to be surgically removed from his body.

Good point as in my part of the world we just pick up any old phone and use that, so clearly if his number was being used in that area in the early hours of the morning anyone could have been using it.

Clearly if it was your family member you wouldn't be expecting the police to look into this. Never know why police bother with such pointless information in the West.

Checking phone records would be about the 3rd thing they'd do. It would give them evidence. Either hard irrefutable evidence, or circumstantial evidence, which was, last time I checked, admissible. It would enable the construction of a time-frame, it may even help them join a few dots... the obvious conclusion is that they don't want to join the dots... as it seems some here don't either.

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He already confessed.

DNA already match the specimen outside the condom.

This is a water tight case.

Let's sentence and move on; nothing to see here.

Was that before or after the tide came in?

photos of beach show that the tide had already come in, and out again before the pictures were taken!

Also Who's DNA would be outside the condom?

Edited by casualbiker
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