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Need advice with Ba Mai and their exstortion

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My wife had some extra money a few years ago and wanted to invest it into land as equity and gain a small income by farming it. I dont know the exact name of the paper

for the land but it isn't the full 100% ownership its the "you lease it but own it" paper. Every plot of land in the area even the villages for about 20k have the same paper. I was

told the land office has not got to that area yet to make the "real" papers yet. The property is next to the national forest along with 4-5 other plots of land and we have had many

different people come out to check the boundary lines to make sure everything is good even the old head guy from the ba mai office last year and gave us the OK. Now there is a new head ba mai

guy in the office and he came out to do HIS survey that ended up with a national forest pole placed in the middle of the land and a demand for money to remove the post or lose that part of the land.

They all know she is married to a foreigner because they have been there at times i was there taking pictures of me and my 2 kids. Two years ago we had a similar deal with the ba mai office

where we ended up paying. We both agreed we would rather lose the land than pay this time and let the guy in the office sit there to see what he is going to do next. I know these problems are

because of me but I did not expect this being so far in the jungle from the ba mai office. The thing is they dont bother anyone else around or try and stop the guys in the forest cutting down trees,

because in the dry season I hear chain saws all day. Even if we were to cut our losses and sale it would still take a year or more to sale. Advice is welcome. Thanks


No, she hasent done anything yet, it has only been a few days. She is afraid as trying to contact someone over him because not sure how far the corruption goes. She would have to take that chance and get some evidence against him to have the proof. I can push her towards it but I am unsure she might be to afraid to go that route. I wounder how you could even contact someone in the Junta? Go to a military base maybe?


What you have done is co-operated in a scam to change forest land into Chanote land with a title deed. This can legally be achieved by farming the forest land for I believe ten years.

However since this also seems to be a National Park it could get very complicated.

It all depends what the land is worth to you and what the costs of bribery are. I don't think they are having a go at you just because you are a Falung.


Id let my wife sort it and not hand over one cent.

Don't play their game mate which is what they want.


The entire village 100+ plots has the same paper for their land and they have build houses on them. Not sure how this could be co-op in a scam with having at least

5 surveys done by the forest department and they have all been OK.

You are wrong about not having a go at me because i am Farange. I have already had a problem before with a police guy and a ba mai guy trying to get money from her

a year and 1/2 ago and the only reason they went is because they heard I was there. They havent been to the places next to her land doing the same with the adjoining plots surveying their land as it is next to the forest too. I'm not the kind of person who thinks everyone is out to get me, but I'm not naive either.

I think everyone knows what I'm talking about when i say we maybe want to sale the land, Of course it is not mine and I did not pay for it, but any pay off money would mostly come

from my pocket. When I say we this is meant as my wife is wanting to make dissensions about it together so context of who owns the land should be understood.

We are firm on not paying any money and willing to lose parts if we have to.


First of all check it's not a 'Sop Por Gor'... Many Villagers have these papers which in essence ain't real papers and doesn't leave you with many options ref the ba Mai guy added to the fact the junta are now clamping down on illegal encroachment it may be a loosing battle... Good luck.


The present government have set up offices manned by people who were/are not part of the past government, in every provience. They are there to arbitrate problems, suspected corruption, etc. You claim to have documents which authorize farming of your wifes land (next to a national forest). which have been verified prior to the recent national forest marker being placed on what you think is land you are entitled to farm/utilize.

There are aerial surveys dating back to when most of the national forest boundries were established. These are the references being used to determine if land was being farmed/occupied prior to enactment of forest boundry priameters, and any other limiting factors which prohibet encroachment, (even if rent is being paid to some local bai mai offical.)

You neglect to mention several factors which must be considered prior to a legal decision being made. I have pointed you to a government agency (sorry I do not know the official Thai name).Where your wife can present documents, receipts, etc and they are tasked to determine if you are entitled to contine to occupy/ farm said land. They are not authorized to determine rent nor collect same Hope this helps as it sounds like someone is attempting to carry on past corrupt methods of supplimenting their income.


It's a land issue, the Ba Mai (actually one of the most powerless people in the system...) cannot overrule the land office. Check the Land Title / sale contract, you could take a photo of it and post it here to get better information.

I would ignore the Ba Mai, pull the pole and throw it in the forest and keep on farming.

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