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Merkel 'would accept UK exit from EU'

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(Some quotes removed to comply with forum software)

It's also funny that someone living in Thailand (an anti immigration immigrant?) thinks he knows more about the recruitment of street cleaners in London than the man whose job includes recruiting street cleaners for the London borough who is his employer.

Who's anti immigration? Me? Nope, wrong there! I have no problem with immigration into the UK. Unregulated immigration into the UK is a different matter though!

As for the street cleaner cliche .. right!

Immigration into the UK, even from the EU, is not unregulated. You may not care for the regulations, but they do exist.

The street cleaner example may be a cliché; but that doesn't stop it from being true. Most clichés are.

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(Some quotes removed to comply with forum software)

It's also funny that someone living in Thailand (an anti immigration immigrant?) thinks he knows more about the recruitment of street cleaners in London than the man whose job includes recruiting street cleaners for the London borough who is his employer.

Who's anti immigration? Me? Nope, wrong there! I have no problem with immigration into the UK. Unregulated immigration into the UK is a different matter though!

As for the street cleaner cliche .. right!

Immigration into the UK, even from the EU, is not unregulated. You may not care for the regulations, but they do exist.

The street cleaner example may be a cliché; but that doesn't stop it from being true. Most clichés are.

Ok. I'll bite.. what regulations for EU immigrants to the UK?


(Some quotes removed to comply with forum software)

It's also funny that someone living in Thailand (an anti immigration immigrant?) thinks he knows more about the recruitment of street cleaners in London than the man whose job includes recruiting street cleaners for the London borough who is his employer.

Who's anti immigration? Me? Nope, wrong there! I have no problem with immigration into the UK. Unregulated immigration into the UK is a different matter though!

As for the street cleaner cliche .. right!

Immigration into the UK, even from the EU, is not unregulated. You may not care for the regulations, but they do exist.

The street cleaner example may be a cliché; but that doesn't stop it from being true. Most clichés are.

Indeed. Immigration into the UK is regulated.

The regulations are that there is free movment of people within within the EU, so that a citizen of any EU state can as of right move to live in any other EU.


My Thai wife works In a factory in the UK, along with 10 other Thai girls, She is a supervisor, She says a lot of Polish workers and other nationality's, come for work just long enough to be able to claim social money, some are good workers but a lot are not, along with some British workers, some do play the Game, and some don't, Near where we live In the North East of England its now called Bostonia use to be Boston. Because they are that many Eastern Europeans there now, Local people want jobs, but the wages have been driven down because a lot of immigrant workers live 10 plus to house, not an exaggeration. they dont have to pay as much for Utility bills because theirs is split 10 ways, also they are only here to save enough money to go back home with, all this is doing is keeping the wages down , that's what the Government wants,, So tell me how is this helping the working man to get a job , The government says they are good for the Economy, why are they mostly from the lower end of skilled people, and why are most single men.

I'd we are talking about Boston and Wisbeach in East ern England then yes you are correct the area has been totally over run to the point of the locals feeling they no longer feel welcome.

Agriculture has always exploited those unskilled but hard working people working on the land in all weather for a minimum wage.

At the other end of the spectrum are the big supermarkets who are driving prices from their suppliers down while hiking profits.

And who engineered this business model.

Step forward Blair and. Brown and the rest of the champagne socialist brigade such a as Hartiet Harman and Milliband.


Your analysis is wrong on quite a few levels.

The 2.3 million UK citizens that are living in the other EU countries happen to be retirees living out their final days in the sun. They own their own properties in those coutries and have their own pensions to live on. The number working in those countries is a minute fraction of that number. If you were british, you would know this.

A lot of them have left as a direct result of seeing their country swallowed up and ruined by immigration and can no longer stand to be there. They are retired and no longer need to live there at all. It is one of the main reasons I live here in Thailand.

These retirees actually bring revenue to the countries they settle in, (mainly Spain, Portugal and France). They are not a burden on the welfare systems, education systems and they don't take away jobs and drive down salaries for the natural citizens. They will never have a problem staying where they are. They will be given retirement visas (probably 5 to 10 years at a time). Any Brit working abroad will simply go through that respective countries visa and WP system to continue to work there... They are unlikely to be sent packing.

Regarding the three month buffer on benefits,

1... It is not hard to wing it for 3 months staying with friends in their overcrowded rental accommodation before they can start claiming. 3 month food money is all they need.

2... They can take a very low paid part time job, they will pay no tax, they will get working tax credits, they will be able to claim partial housing benefit, they can go on the housing waiting list, they can claim child benefit, they can put their kids straight into our schools, they can use the NHS services.

3... Because the massive influx of cheap labour, it has driven down wages across the mainstream jobs spectrum. This means they are almost certainly under the £10,200 tax threshold. So the vast majority of these workers pay no tax whatsoever into the system. It also means a lot of Brits no longer pay tax, this is one of the reasons there are things like 30 Bn shortfalls in the NHS. Expenses are zooming up while revenue is dropping fast.

I have only scratched the surface on why mass immigration is bad for ANY country. Destruction of culture, race inequality, dangerous growth in nationalism, crime, racial hatred leading to violence....

Those are just some of the problems faced by the EU 'immigration' issue alone. There are many other reasons it is bad for the UK to be part of a political union where Britain has zero influence. It is no secret that Britain has no friends in Europe. So we will just leave them to their devices and we will take our chances.

With regards to 'asylum seekers'.... Britain has been the world's soft touch on that policy too. International 'asylum' rules state that a person MUST claim asylum in the first 'safe' country they arrive in....But they have been ushered through several countries by other governments all the way to the English Channel ports so they can claim it in Britain.

This will be stopped by UKIP, they will be sent straight back to the country they came from which will be France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

I am not saying that UKIP will win the next election.... far from it, they have at least a decade before they can aspire to that, but come next May 22nd, they could well finish third under a lab minority win which will put them in the position of being able to keep Millipede out and put the Cons back in with a coalition with UKIP. We all know what the demands will be, and this coalition will be very different to a Con/Lib partnership. Farage is not wussy Clegg.... he will kick Cameron's arse for 5 years.

Hi Rustbucket ,

I agree with everything you write 100% ( could have been me posting this ) . It also appears that some of the die hard traditional lab/con/lib are starting to wake up, removing their blinkers to realise the awful state that the UK is in and that there is an alternative vote with the up and coming UKIP party .I would pay money to watch Cameron take on Farage in a televised debate. The loss of culture and customs is the saddest thing but not beyond recovery I believe . The advocates of multiculturalism make me cringe . Birds of a feather flock together ( almost ) as can be seen throughout some of the cities and towns ( along with some no go areas that even the police will not venture ) . On my return to the UK ( Heathrow ) I often think have I arrived at the wrong country. Then to be questioned by a person whose English language is difficult to understand , is disturbing . Please do not think I am a racist as I have true Asian friends and relatives who command decent jobs plus truly integrate within my community.

To finish , have you ever thought why the likes of Cameron / Clegg * have taken up political careers when they could be earning big bucks in the private sector ? The truth of the matter is they have been groomed and educated from an early age for such roles . Their brief is to maximise profits for big businesses ( foreign labour at cheap rates ) who are the puppeteers and to try and appease/con the general public.

*Not to mention Tony Blair

Worked and lived in London (lived near Waterloo Station, worked in St. Albans for the first month; then Hemel Hempstead for the rest) for 1 year and 1 day in 2001/2002. It may be a great place to visit for 3 weeks or so -- but never want to live there again. We use to tease our Project Manager who was a local and thought London was the best place in the world, and would never want to live anywhere else. He could not quite figure out our point of view... but then he visited another contractor friend around Dallas Texas on his "estate".... and he was completely floored. Yes you can get some high-paying jobs in comparison to other places, but the cost of living there is just astronomical and your standard of living tends to be lower once everything is balanced in. No matter how much you want to blame immigrants for this -- it is not immigrants that were the cause of this lack of liveability. We had lots of immigrants in Toronto (probably half or a bit more are foreign born) -- but Toronto was way more affordable and liveable than London was. The only reason to slog through life there is because you cannot immigrate to somewhere more liveable, or you have decided to work there saving money (maybe property) until retirement and then running away to live somewhere else (with hopefully more saved up due to the cost difference with regards to property).

The project manager that I mentioned who would never live anywhere else... immigrated to Australia... where his nice paying salary gives him a much better standard of living.

I assume that your anti-immigration stand that you have you have taken to heart and have remained in the UK and only post on this board for fun -- because you would not want to be hypocritical and have immigrated to Thailand -- destroying their culture, raising their crime rate etc. tongue.png

It's not really just immigration that people are really objecting to in the UK it's the type of immigration and who is coming and considered to be abusing the benefits system and other public services, taking more out than they put in.

For example in one of the blocks I own a flat in the guy from the local car wash has just moved in and is paying £ 1,400 per month rent. Now he only works part time and on a low wage so he gets most of it paid by the local authority (from the tax system) and he's from Bulgaria and been in the country for 4 months.

Its not the immigration it's the way our benefits and social care works that's firing the immigration debate. Furthermore, the government maybe isn't working for poorer people of English heritage who feel let down and and isolated so it's easy to scape goat immigrants as there are a lot.


7by7 ... You seem to enjoy winding people up.

13 and a half THOUSAND posts at about 8 a day for many years says it all. Do you have a life ? If someone does not have your point of view you have a go.

For example you childishly take the mick out of immigrants into Thailand objecting to immigration in their home countries. Not toooo bright an observation as nearly all here are temporary visa holders with no rights. No social security handouts .. no employment rights ... no rights to health services. We are means tested in a way constantly. No rights to bring our children in and be educated. We are NOT immigrants. We never will have any rights. We dont ask for anything apart from not being harmed.

So why giggle that we are immigrants complaining about immigrants .

I cant be bovvered to go into some of the other daft things you say.

My home town of about 70,000 has now 10,000 Polish people.. I suspect because a cheap airline flys into nearby from Poland.. In some parts of the country schools are 90 percent non English speaking. Bulgarian mafia a huge problem.

When Turkey get in we will be over run. When all eastern european countries get full rights we will loose more of our identity and be over run.

We managed to get low paid jobs done before this invasion started ...... strange now privatised and private sector employers seeking to maximise their own profits keep giving doom and gloom messages about we need low paid immigrants. Yeah right ... they are biased.

Most who dont like it like me would not whinge if the country had voted for it. We were not consulted. Actually we were promised a referendum if any more powers were given away ... but they did not give us one.

Just let us have a different view .. or is that beyond you ?

Jeez Pawneese

Mission Impossible with that one. Dontcha know that UK is a role model for the entire world in being perfect.


According to some anyway cheesy.gifcheesy.gif


Well the UK joined the EU's predecessor (EEC) in 1973 at the same time as Ireland and Denmark.

The conservatives took us into 'Europe' and Labour promised a referrendum if they won the election. They won the election and there was a referendum about continued membership in which most people (67%) voted yes.


The voters of the 1970's have chosen and they voted yes.

I find the recent crap that's published in the newspapers in the UK almost unbelievable. You have people who are actually campaigning for the removal of their own human rights based on a few cases of convicted foreign criminals or 'the foreign unemployed' demanding the same rights as everyone else.

What they don't realise due to a high rate of ignorance amongst the electorate is that this human rights legislation is the only thing holding the government back and preventing abusive practices by the government in lots of different areas. There are many cases dating back decades where the UK government has been forced to do something which turns out better for everyone despite their many multi year long appeals against these rulings.

On the subject of residence in other EU countries there are a lot of British people living and working within the other EU member states and this is enabled due to the same legislation which allows people from Poland and any other EU country to move to the UK.

Things haven't always been this way. People from the UK had to get work permits and visas to work in other EU countries not that long ago.

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We were told we were joining a trading block. I.e no import duties from member countries etc etc. That what it was originally. No mention at all of open borders or a European Parliament being more powerful that our own. I should know ... I was there being very old ... I voted no by the way. I remember having discussions at work. But thats another story. I cant remember why I was against that minor step.

We were tricked into minimal control over laws and borders etc etc etc.

Not just my view ... even EC loving politicians and EU loving newspapers have accepted that.

But hey ho... we all entitled to a view ... believe we were consulted if you wish.

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But hey ho... we all entitled to a view ... believe we were consulted if you wish.

Surely someone read the small print back in the 70's ?

Freedom of movement is valuable.


7by7 ... You seem to enjoy winding people up.

13 and a half THOUSAND posts at about 8 a day for many years says it all. Do you have a life ? If someone does not have your point of view you have a go.

For example you childishly take the mick out of immigrants into Thailand objecting to immigration in their home countries. Not toooo bright an observation as nearly all here are temporary visa holders with no rights. No social security handouts .. no employment rights ... no rights to health services. We are means tested in a way constantly. No rights to bring our children in and be educated. We are NOT immigrants. We never will have any rights. We dont ask for anything apart from not being harmed.

Tosh, you have been granted an extension of stay, your stay is hardly temporary.

As for not getting benefits, well Thailand barely gives out benfits to its own citizens, so there is nothing to give to you...

But let's look around and see what else you are getting for 'free' from the Thai governemt...

- subsidised electricity

- subsidised cooking gas

- subsidised fuel

- subsidised utilities (ever pay a sewerage charge here? Water bill strike you as rediculously cheap?)

- even wonder why public hospitals and medicines are so cheap? Yep, the staff were trained on the public purse and the government pharmacetical organisation helps control prices.

You know what the MEA and PEA are? Look then up, govenment funded organisations who bring electricity right to your house.

Also, best to give a thankyou note the the fiscal policy office at the ministry of finance for the double taxation agreement where they kindly forgo income tax deductions on your pension.

So don't give me your tosh you get nothing here and how your miserly VAT payments cover it and how cause you've built a house and bought a Moto for your girlfriend you are now gods gift to Thailand...

Also a bit rich isnt it you complaining about low wages back home...which help provide a lower cost of living for everyone else. Yet you've rocked up to Thailand, no doubt taking advantage of the lower wages to provide you a lifestyle much better you could ever afford back home.

As for complaining about others not fitting in, I take it your speak Thai? Or let me guess, you are too old and the tones are too hard (I'm tone deaf your honour!)

  • Like 2
Tosh, you have been granted an extension of stay, your stay is hardly temporary.

Very temporary, can be revoked tomorrow.

It took 12 years and millions for the UK to get rid of Abu Hamza.

But let's look around and see what else you are getting for 'free' from the Thai governemt...

- subsidised electricity

- subsidised cooking gas

- subsidised fuel

- subsidised utilities (ever pay a sewerage charge here? Water bill strike you as rediculously cheap?)

- even wonder why public hospitals and medicines are so cheap? Yep, the staff were trained on the public purse and the government pharmacetical organisation helps control prices.

I dont know what dictionary you use, but when did subsidized become free ?

Also a bit rich isnt it you complaining about low wages back home...which help provide a lower cost of living for everyone else. Yet you've rocked up to Thailand, no doubt taking advantage of the lower wages to provide you a lifestyle much better you could ever afford back home.

Low wages providing a lower cost of living for everyone ? Sure it does, that's why foodbanks are springing up everywhere

Also, best to give a thankyou note the the fiscal policy office at the ministry of finance for the double taxation agreement where they kindly forgo income tax deductions on your pension.

I would happily stop paying tax to the UK treasury on my pension and pay it to Thailand. The UK Government wont allow that.

You make a lot of baseless assumptions about others.


Well the UK joined the EU's predecessor (EEC) in 1973 at the same time as Ireland and Denmark.

The conservatives took us into 'Europe' and Labour promised a referrendum if they won the election. They won the election and there was a referendum about continued membership in which most people (67%) voted yes.


The voters of the 1970's have chosen and they voted yes.

I find the recent crap that's published in the newspapers in the UK almost unbelievable. You have people who are actually campaigning for the removal of their own human rights based on a few cases of convicted foreign criminals or 'the foreign unemployed' demanding the same rights as everyone else.

What they don't realise due to a high rate of ignorance amongst the electorate is that this human rights legislation is the only thing holding the government back and preventing abusive practices by the government in lots of different areas. There are many cases dating back decades where the UK government has been forced to do something which turns out better for everyone despite their many multi year long appeals against these rulings.

On the subject of residence in other EU countries there are a lot of British people living and working within the other EU member states and this is enabled due to the same legislation which allows people from Poland and any other EU country to move to the UK.

Things haven't always been this way. People from the UK had to get work permits and visas to work in other EU countries not that long ago.

That was to stay in the EEC not the EU, if I'd known then what I know now my vote would be different.


But hey ho... we all entitled to a view ... believe we were consulted if you wish.

Surely someone read the small print back in the 70's ?

Freedom of movement is valuable.

Ted Heath?


Tosh, you have been granted an extension of stay, your stay is hardly temporary.

Very temporary, can be revoked tomorrow.

It took 12 years and millions for the UK to get rid of Abu Hamza.

But let's look around and see what else you are getting for 'free' from the Thai governemt...

- subsidised electricity

- subsidised cooking gas

- subsidised fuel

- subsidised utilities (ever pay a sewerage charge here? Water bill strike you as rediculously cheap?)

- even wonder why public hospitals and medicines are so cheap? Yep, the staff were trained on the public purse and the government pharmacetical organisation helps control prices.

I dont know what dictionary you use, but when did subsidized become free ?

Also a bit rich isnt it you complaining about low wages back home...which help provide a lower cost of living for everyone else. Yet you've rocked up to Thailand, no doubt taking advantage of the lower wages to provide you a lifestyle much better you could ever afford back home.

Low wages providing a lower cost of living for everyone ? Sure it does, that's why foodbanks are springing up everywhere

Also, best to give a thankyou note the the fiscal policy office at the ministry of finance for the double taxation agreement where they kindly forgo income tax deductions on your pension.

I would happily stop paying tax to the UK treasury on my pension and pay it to Thailand. The UK Government wont allow that.

You make a lot of baseless assumptions about others.

A bit rich of you if all people chastising other s about making baseless assumptions.

As for subsidies, free money is free money, whether it passes though of the beneficiaries hand or not.

But please feel free to parse the meanings of the words if that makes you feel superior to other immigrants, which you are..

  • Like 1
A bit rich of you if all people chastising other s about making baseless assumptions.

As for subsidies, free money is free money, whether it passes though of the beneficiaries hand or not.

But please feel free to parse the meanings of the words if that makes you feel superior to other immigrants, which you are..

I make baseless assumptions ? Where ?

Subsidized and free have totally different meanings.

Please explain why I am an Immigrant ? I merely live here, because the Law allows it and I can.


Please explain why I am an Immigrant ? I merely live here, because the Law allows it and I can.

I don't think other people can tell you "why" you immigrated to Thailand.

Are you saying that you came here to live temporarily.... if not... then you have immigrated...

Immigrant means "come to live permanently in a foreign country"

It all comes down to your "intent". If you intend to stay here until you die, you are an immigrant. If you intend to return after a specified period, you have not immigrated.


Please explain why I am an Immigrant ? I merely live here, because the Law allows it and I can.

I don't think other people can tell you "why" you immigrated to Thailand.

Are you saying that you came here to live temporarily.... if not... then you have immigrated...

Immigrant means "come to live permanently in a foreign country"

It all comes down to your "intent". If you intend to stay here until you die, you are an immigrant. If you intend to return after a specified period, you have not immigrated.

Of course it comes down to intent. I currently live here because it suits me and the Law allows it.

Is it permanent ? Who knows, the Thai's could quite feasibly change their Law's or I could equally choose to move somewhere else.

Have I any intention of applying for PR or Citizenship ? No.

So no, I do not consider myself to be an Immigrant.


Please explain why I am an Immigrant ? I merely live here, because the Law allows it and I can.

I don't think other people can tell you "why" you immigrated to Thailand.

Are you saying that you came here to live temporarily.... if not... then you have immigrated...

Immigrant means "come to live permanently in a foreign country"

It all comes down to your "intent". If you intend to stay here until you die, you are an immigrant. If you intend to return after a specified period, you have not immigrated.

Of course it comes down to intent. I currently live here because it suits me and the Law allows it.

Is it permanent ? Who knows, the Thai's could quite feasibly change their Law's or I could equally choose to move somewhere else.

Have I any intention of applying for PR or Citizenship ? No.

So no, I do not consider myself to be an Immigrant.


Please explain why I am an Immigrant ? I merely live here, because the Law allows it and I can.

I don't think other people can tell you "why" you immigrated to Thailand.

Are you saying that you came here to live temporarily.... if not... then you have immigrated...

Immigrant means "come to live permanently in a foreign country"

It all comes down to your "intent". If you intend to stay here until you die, you are an immigrant. If you intend to return after a specified period, you have not immigrated.

Of course it comes down to intent. I currently live here because it suits me and the Law allows it.

Is it permanent ? Who knows, the Thai's could quite feasibly change their Law's or I could equally choose to move somewhere else.

Have I any intention of applying for PR or Citizenship ? No.

So no, I do not consider myself to be an Immigrant.

I am not talking about laws here. You have legal and illegal immigrants -- both are immigrants.... just one is properly documented and processed. If you go to work in the US on one of their many "temporary" work permits (which I have done before), you should never ever admit to US Immigration that you plan in the future to immigrate.... they will deport you because you have admitted your "intent" is not temporary... even if you plan to do it all legally (the exception is H1B which is the only one to allow "dual-intent"). Most of the regulations of many western countries are to try and ascertain "intent".

If you have come here, and have no plans to return -- then your intent is permanent .... although things might change as you said. You can immigrate without going through the legal process - the legal process is just to give you "legal status"....

So if you came here with no plans to return -- and you don't consider yourself to be an immigrant.... that makes you a "delusional immigrant".

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I am not talking about laws here. You have legal and illegal immigrants -- both are immigrants.... just one is properly documented and processed. If you go to work in the US on one of their many "temporary" work permits (which I have done before), you should never ever admit to US Immigration that you plan in the future to immigrate.... they will deport you because you have admitted your "intent" is not temporary... even if you plan to do it all legally (the exception is H1B which is the only one to allow "dual-intent"). Most of the regulations of many western countries are to try and ascertain "intent".

If you have come here, and have no plans to return -- then your intent is permanent .... although things might change as you said. You can immigrate without going through the legal process - the legal process is just to give you "legal status"....

So if you came here with no plans to return -- and you don't consider yourself to be an immigrant.... that makes you a "delusional immigrant".

If you want to be pedantic. Go right ahead.

I currently live here legally within the Laws of Thailand. I do not work here. Never have done and never will do.

I have no intention of going through any legal process of PR or Citizenship.

What has the US got to do with anything ? Your whole 1st paragraph is a contradictory piece of nonsense.

At this time I am nothing more than a legal guest of Thailand, which could change at any time on the whims of the Thai Government or myself.

Nothing delusional about it.

Not think of a response yourself samran. Why does that not surprise me.


I am not talking about laws here. You have legal and illegal immigrants -- both are immigrants.... just one is properly documented and processed. If you go to work in the US on one of their many "temporary" work permits (which I have done before), you should never ever admit to US Immigration that you plan in the future to immigrate.... they will deport you because you have admitted your "intent" is not temporary... even if you plan to do it all legally (the exception is H1B which is the only one to allow "dual-intent"). Most of the regulations of many western countries are to try and ascertain "intent".

If you have come here, and have no plans to return -- then your intent is permanent .... although things might change as you said. You can immigrate without going through the legal process - the legal process is just to give you "legal status"....

So if you came here with no plans to return -- and you don't consider yourself to be an immigrant.... that makes you a "delusional immigrant".

If you want to be pedantic. Go right ahead.

I currently live here legally within the Laws of Thailand. I do not work here. Never have done and never will do.

I have no intention of going through any legal process of PR or Citizenship.

What has the US got to do with anything ? Your whole 1st paragraph is a contradictory piece of nonsense.

At this time I am nothing more than a legal guest of Thailand, which could change at any time on the whims of the Thai Government or myself.

Nothing delusional about it.

Not think of a response yourself samran. Why does that not surprise me.

Rather demanding there aren't we jihad jock? I've got better things to do of a Saturday morning than to respond to the every whim of an angry scot.

I'm not one of your local pesants who you feel you can order around. Anyway, you are the immigrant here. Not me. Own it.

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I am not talking about laws here. You have legal and illegal immigrants -- both are immigrants.... just one is properly documented and processed. If you go to work in the US on one of their many "temporary" work permits (which I have done before), you should never ever admit to US Immigration that you plan in the future to immigrate.... they will deport you because you have admitted your "intent" is not temporary... even if you plan to do it all legally (the exception is H1B which is the only one to allow "dual-intent"). Most of the regulations of many western countries are to try and ascertain "intent".

If you have come here, and have no plans to return -- then your intent is permanent .... although things might change as you said. You can immigrate without going through the legal process - the legal process is just to give you "legal status"....

So if you came here with no plans to return -- and you don't consider yourself to be an immigrant.... that makes you a "delusional immigrant".

If you want to be pedantic. Go right ahead.

I currently live here legally within the Laws of Thailand. I do not work here. Never have done and never will do.

I have no intention of going through any legal process of PR or Citizenship.

What has the US got to do with anything ? Your whole 1st paragraph is a contradictory piece of nonsense.

At this time I am nothing more than a legal guest of Thailand, which could change at any time on the whims of the Thai Government or myself.

Nothing delusional about it.

Not think of a response yourself samran. Why does that not surprise me.

Rather demanding there aren't we jihad jock? I've got better things to do of a Saturday morning than to respond to the every whim of an angry scot.

I'm not one of your local pesants who you feel you can order around. Anyway, you are the immigrant here. Not me. Own it.

Before you start chucking insults, its a good idea to look in the mirror.

Google translate not working too well this morning samran ?

Or is your education really that bad ?


This is beacuse Cameron is running scared of UKIP and his own back bench MP's, it's a combination of posturing and cynical political expediency. There is no way Cameron wants out of the EU or, given his past track record, managing a sucessful renegotiation of the UK's membership of the EU.He is held in thrall to the Euro Sceptics in his party to which he has to pander

He recently used language like 'applying the hand brake' with regards to immigration, despite the fact that levels of immigration from EU countries are the same as they were during Labour.

TBH, I am sick and tired of this old re-fried, re-hashed immigration red herring, It dominates every discussion about UK domestic politics. It's a disraction from the 'real issues' in the UK i.e. housing, 30 bn sterling shortfall in NHS funding, wealth inequality, the break up of the UK, jobs and salaries, etc..

I can't quite agree with your logic there. The immigration / migration issue is very pertinent to the housing shortfall (migrants have to live somewhere), the NHS cost (they use the NHS), jobs (they take jobs others could have), salaries (they will work for less quite often so depress salaries).

So I sound like a right winger right? I support the freedom of people - not just in Europe but globally, but that has to be managed with the rights and prosperity of the receiving nation. Where migration over-burdens the existing systems because one country is more socially aware and open than its neighbors then there is a disparity. I do not like nationalism, but for freedom of movement you need a MUCH more uniform mindset at national level. The countries must have similar benefits systems and opportunities, racism must be controlled especially at national level and within the local government organizations. What you have in Europe is the UK which has a very open outlook and terrific benefits system (for those on the receiving end)' a healthcare system the envy of the world and what is there in Poland or Greece or Potugal. Racism is pursued with vigor and corruption is well controlled. It is not in Eastern Europe.

So it is no surprise people want to live in the UK for all its shitty weather and rain. If this idea is to work then there needs to be a huge effort into stamping out nationalism and equating the countries or the skew will be destructive.

It is not migration that is the problem, it is the gross inequality in the nations and the unwillingness to demand action by the Various nations to stamp out the problems that are causing so many people to want to migrate. That is just not happening - far to much diplomacy and far too little common sense.

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I am not talking about laws here. You have legal and illegal immigrants -- both are immigrants.... just one is properly documented and processed. If you go to work in the US on one of their many "temporary" work permits (which I have done before), you should never ever admit to US Immigration that you plan in the future to immigrate.... they will deport you because you have admitted your "intent" is not temporary... even if you plan to do it all legally (the exception is H1B which is the only one to allow "dual-intent"). Most of the regulations of many western countries are to try and ascertain "intent".

If you have come here, and have no plans to return -- then your intent is permanent .... although things might change as you said. You can immigrate without going through the legal process - the legal process is just to give you "legal status"....

So if you came here with no plans to return -- and you don't consider yourself to be an immigrant.... that makes you a "delusional immigrant".

If you want to be pedantic. Go right ahead.

I currently live here legally within the Laws of Thailand. I do not work here. Never have done and never will do.

I have no intention of going through any legal process of PR or Citizenship.

What has the US got to do with anything ? Your whole 1st paragraph is a contradictory piece of nonsense.

At this time I am nothing more than a legal guest of Thailand, which could change at any time on the whims of the Thai Government or myself.

Nothing delusional about it.

Not think of a response yourself samran. Why does that not surprise me.

Rather demanding there aren't we jihad jock? I've got better things to do of a Saturday morning than to respond to the every whim of an angry scot.

I'm not one of your local pesants who you feel you can order around. Anyway, you are the immigrant here. Not me. Own it.

Before you start chucking insults, its a good idea to look in the mirror.

Google translate not working too well this morning samran ?

Or is your education really that bad ?

Deary me. The predictable condescending 'zinger' delivered by one of Thai Visa's resident haters.

Delivered with all the wit and force of being flogged by wet lettuce...

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Illegal migrants see the UK as a "soft touch" and its benefits system acts as a "magnet" to them, the mayor of the French city of Calais has told MPs.

Natacha Bouchart added that the fences placed around UK border controls set up in the city "make everybody laugh".

"These people are ready and prepared to die to come to England," she told the Home Affairs Committee.

Calais has struggled in recent months with increasing numbers of migrants arriving and trying to get to the UK.


These are not EU migrants, they are from outside the EU.

Some 7,500 migrants have been arrested in Calais this year. The UK has agreed to contribute £12m (15m euros; $19m) to help manage the situation.

7500 have been arrested this year. How many have made it across to the UK.

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