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Guam as an alternative to Thailand


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Guam is an island smaller than Oahu, Hawaii, and hotter. But unlike Hawaii, with it's majestic mountains and unique vegetation, Guam is incredibly bland. Rolling hills, infested with brown tree snakes. There is no nightlife. There's probably more Filipinos there than Guamanians. There's a bit of US military there, but not like in the 80's. The locals don't much care for whiteys. Most of the tourists are Japanese, i.e., those Japanese who can't afford to go to Hawaii and the mainland US. It's pretty well Americanized, including eateries and TV. Pretty much everything more expensive than Thailand.

But one aspect that many expats would appreciate is that everyone speaks English...not that anyone will want to talk to you.

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Guam has just legalized marijuana making it a very attractive alternative to Thailand as a place for expats to live.

This comment just goes to show what pot has done to your brain. As if any sane person would consider pot, legal, or otherwise, as a priority as to where to live.

IDIOT post.

Might I suggest you don't know what you are talking about. Four states in the U.S. plus the District of Columbia have legalized pot for both medical and recreational use; another 35 states or so have legalized it for medical purposes only. Several U.S. cities have decriminalized it. It is only a short matter of time before complete legalization is widespread, on the same footing as alcohol.

Now that the scare myths of cannabis being a gate-way drug have been debunked and no proof of physical or mental damage from use, the U.S. will more than likely decriminalize it nation-wide in a few years making the U.S. a much more pleasant place to live.

Mutley, you're missing my point. "How could pot, legal or otherwise be a priority in considering a place to live"

Surely something like the following would be more realistic for a sane thinker. Not necessarily in this order.

1. Personal security.

2. Financial security.

3. Climate.

4. Political situation.

5. Medical facilities.

6. Overall lifestyle.

7. Immigration / visa friendly.

8. Own nationality embassy access.

The list of sensible priorities is endless. If you consider drugs, legal or otherwise as a priority to where you might call home, well, guess you might like Guam.

Best of luck.

Cheers..... Mal.

Yes, I agree. What I am talking about is "all things being equal".

If there were two countries, Thailand A and Thailand B - identical in every way except Thailand B had legalized marijuana, which would you choose?

Edited by Utley
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Probably Thailand A.


Why would you choose less freedom over more freedom?

Freedom means different things to different people. True freedom could only really be achieved through an anarchist state.

And then you would live in fear because there would be crackheads on every corner with fully automatic weapons.

Thailand does have a balance of freedom vs. Government interference in daily life.

Maybe you should consider PNG.

Edited by ATF
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Probably Thailand A.


Why would you choose less freedom over more freedom?

Freedom means different things to different people. True freedom could only really be achieved through an anarchist state.

And then you would live in fear because there would be crackheads on every corner with fully automatic weapons.

Thailand does have a balance of freedom vs. Government interference in daily life.

Maybe you should consider PNG.

And then you would live in fear because there would be crackheads on every corner with fully automatic weapons.

What do "crackheads" have to do with legalized marijuana?

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And then you would live in fear because there would be crackheads on every corner with fully automatic weapons.

What do "crackheads" have to do with legalized marijuana?

Drugs affect people in different ways. Some people can have a few beers and go crazy others may have a joint and be on heroin in a few months.

Taking Holland as an example all drugs are freely available there legal or not and the legal pot states in the US will soon have the same situation.

However the Police are not stupid they know they cannot defeat the drug trade so they try to contain it to certain areas.

Needle Park in Zurich was one such grandiose experiment that went wrong.

Anyway you were talking about freedom weren't you?

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The thought of living in a pothead paradise is not appealing.

And an alcohol paradise is appealing ?

How many bar fights have you ever heard of in the coffee shops of Amsterdam

Give me a mellowed out stoner over a raging drunk any day

Ever encountered a Psychotic stoner?

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And then you would live in fear because there would be crackheads on every corner with fully automatic weapons.

What do "crackheads" have to do with legalized marijuana?

Drugs affect people in different ways. Some people can have a few beers and go crazy others may have a joint and be on heroin in a few months.

Taking Holland as an example all drugs are freely available there legal or not and the legal pot states in the US will soon have the same situation.

However the Police are not stupid they know they cannot defeat the drug trade so they try to contain it to certain areas.

Needle Park in Zurich was one such grandiose experiment that went wrong.

Anyway you were talking about freedom weren't you?

"others may have a joint and be on heroin in a few months" - That's a joke....right? No one actually believes that marijuana is a gateway drug anymore.

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The thought of living in a pothead paradise is not appealing.

And an alcohol paradise is appealing ?

How many bar fights have you ever heard of in the coffee shops of Amsterdam

Give me a mellowed out stoner over a raging drunk any day

Ever encountered a Psychotic stoner?

No, have you ? I doubt it, maybe someone on PCP, but not on POT

But incorrect and biased information like you are spouting is why it has taken this long for the American public to finally question the "war on drugs"

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The thought of living in a pothead paradise is not appealing.

And an alcohol paradise is appealing ?

How many bar fights have you ever heard of in the coffee shops of Amsterdam

Give me a mellowed out stoner over a raging drunk any day

Ever encountered a Psychotic stoner?

No, have you ? I doubt it, maybe someone on PCP, but not on POT

But incorrect and biased information like you are spouting is why it has taken this long for the American public to finally question the "war on drugs"

Yes, actually many in my working life in Psychiatry, front end acute admission.

The war on drugs is a farce to, but again another topic

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Ever encountered a Psychotic stoner?

No, have you ? I doubt it, maybe someone on PCP, but not on POT

But incorrect and biased information like you are spouting is why it has taken this long for the American public to finally question the "war on drugs"

Don't you realize that cannabis can have different effects on mentally imbalanced people.

Why do they give people with ADHD speed?

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"others may have a joint and be on heroin in a few months" - That's a joke....right? No one actually believes that marijuana is a gateway drug anymore.

Any drug can be a gateway drug and others will argue they have taken heroin all their life and should be legalized.

William Burroughs lived until he was 88.

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"others may have a joint and be on heroin in a few months" - That's a joke....right? No one actually believes that marijuana is a gateway drug anymore.

Any drug can be a gateway drug and others will argue they have taken heroin all their life and should be legalized.

William Burroughs lived until he was 88.

I know someone who argues that porn should be illegal because it leads to rape - makes about as much sense as your argument that marijuana leads to heroin.

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