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US mid-terms: Hillary Clinton’s dry run for 2016?


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Ted Cruz is a far right wing freak. Bring it on!

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

When 50 million Americans begin to think that Cruz is a great guy come mid 2016 and another 20 million middle of the road Republicans and Independents think he will be okay ... then you are in for another huge surprise just like these few day old Mid Term Elections. Complacent liberal - left voters will again be surprised at the large array of demographics that are now supporting the Republican Brand.

Cruz is a man of true American spirit who believes in America and Americans AS FOUNDED - not as re-manufactured by the obama - Democrat gone LEFTIST sycophants.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Not surprised about the midterms. Would be surprised to see Cruz beat Hillary.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Hillary can't beat anyone. A totally unknown named Obama joined the race 6 years ago and knocked Hillary off when her ardent but blind supporters thought she was already a shoe-in.

Hillary has some strong supporters but they aren't enough for her to win. They are a fringe.

They were a fringe last Tuesday when more than 1/2 of the Democrat candidates she actively campaigned for in person lost.

Apparently her minority supporters won't give up wishful thinking despite her record in actual races. She's a loser and if the Dems are dumb enough to nominate her they'll lose.

Hillary is polarizing and even a lot of Democrats hate her. Her negatives are through the roof.

I'm amazed that there's anyone left other than Hillary who thinks she could win a race for POTUS.


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Don't be silly. It was midterms. Angry white men voters. Hillary did WELL against that. Presidential years are TOTALLY different. Right wingers being confident and arrogant now about 2016 is HILARIOUS.

Yes Hillary lost to Obama. Obama was historic magic. Obama could have beaten "God" back then. It wasn't that Hillary was weak, it was that Obama was AMAZING. How the mighty have fallen. Oh well!

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Don't be silly. It was midterms. Angry white men voters. Hillary did WELL against that. Presidential years are TOTALLY different. Right wingers being confident and arrogant now about 2016 is HILARIOUS.

Yes Hillary lost to Obama. Obama was historic magic. Obama could have beaten "God" back then. It wasn't that Hillary was weak, it was that Obama was AMAZING. How the mighty have fallen. Oh well!

Hillary is yesterday's news. Retread that old tire and see what happens. She has a reputation of being a loser.

The Dems will need some fresh blood just as they did last time and like the Repubs will need this time.

One more time: Even though you say Obama could have beaten "God," he won with just 51 % of the vote in both of his elections. That's all he could muster and he came within a percent or two of losing to the Republican candidate each time. Yet he beat Hillary for the nomination. She would have lost then.

I have no idea why anyone would think Hillary could win a presidential election, but all I can say is "bring her on."

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Ted Cruz is a far right wing freak. Bring it on!

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

When 50 million Americans begin to think that Cruz is a great guy come mid 2016 and another 20 million middle of the road Republicans and Independents think he will be okay ... then you are in for another huge surprise just like these few day old Mid Term Elections. Complacent liberal - left voters will again be surprised at the large array of demographics that are now supporting the Republican Brand.

Cruz is a man of true American spirit who believes in America and Americans AS FOUNDED - not as re-manufactured by the obama - Democrat gone LEFTIST sycophants.

God help America and the world if that turnip gets elected.

However, at least if he's the candidate it will probably drive women to vote against him in droves.

I can't see him being the candidate tbh.


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I still think Hillary is a very strong candidate, and is very likely to nominated, and then elected president in 2016.

However I am certainly open to democratic challengers and if one of them can beat her, good for them. No problem with that.

But I don't know of any potential democratic out there now that COULD beat her.

It would probably be good for her to have a strong democratic challenger and then beat her as good practice for the BIG SHOW.

It is understood the Hillary has strong negatives and probably about 35-40 percent of potential voters would NEVER vote for her no matter who her challenger is. But, so what? She doesn't need those people to win.

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Ted Cruz is a far right wing freak. Bring it on!

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

When 50 million Americans begin to think that Cruz is a great guy come mid 2016 and another 20 million middle of the road Republicans and Independents think he will be okay ... then you are in for another huge surprise just like these few day old Mid Term Elections. Complacent liberal - left voters will again be surprised at the large array of demographics that are now supporting the Republican Brand.

Cruz is a man of true American spirit who believes in America and Americans AS FOUNDED - not as re-manufactured by the obama - Democrat gone LEFTIST sycophants.

Lemme show everyone a list of losers and the long list of polls that says they are losers..
I'm thinking of specifically and in alphabetical order, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Paul Ryan.
RealClearPolitics points out that Hillary Clinton is averaging between 50 and 52 percent in its averages of recent polls, while the Republicans are averaging between 38 and 42 percent.
The 2016 state by state polling shows that Hillary runs ahead of Republicans by double digits in the three electoral-vote-rich states of Florida (29 electoral votes), Ohio (18) and Pennsylvania (20), each of which voted only narrowly for Obama in 2012.
Poll Date Sample
Clinton (D) Cruz ® Spread RCP Average 3/2 - 6/15 -- 51.8 - 38. Clinton +13.8
Rasmussen Reports 6/14 - 6/15 1000 LV 50 37 Clinton +13
McClatchy/Marist 4/7 - 4/10 518 RV 54 39 Clinton +15
PPP (D) 3/6 - 3/9 1152 RV 51 40 Clinton +11
FOX News 3/2 - 3/4 1002 RV 52 36 Clinton +16
McClatchy/Marist 2/4 - 2/9 490 RV 56 39 Clinton +17
PPP (D) 1/23 - 1/26 845 RV 47 41 Clinton +6
Quinnipiac 1/15 - 1/19 1933 RV 50 35 Clinton +15
CNN/Opinion Research 12/16 - 12/19 950 RV 57 39 Clinton +18
PPP (D) 12/12 - 12/15 1316 RV 49 41 Clinton +8
Quinnipiac 12/3 - 12/9 2692 RV 50 37 Clinton +13
McClatchy/Marist 12/3 - 12/5 497 RV 57 35 Clinton +22
Quinnipiac 11/6 - 11/11 2545 RV 51 36 Clinton +15
PPP (D) 10/29 - 10/31 649 RV 50 33 Clinton +17
Quinnipiac 9/23 - 9/29 1497 RV 54 31 Clinton +23
Monmouth 7/25 - 7/30 850 RV 48 32 Clinton +16


The Republican party is lost this time around because it has no heir apparent. It has only a clown car of guys who are already busy slapping and jabbing one another. There is no heir apparent the way Nixon was after Eisenhower, Reagan was after Ford, McCain was after Bush, Romney was after McCain.

Republicans need a Big Daddy but they don't have one, won't have one. The Republican Clown Car is going to drive around in circles bumping into things from now all the way through to the nominating convention, at which time the nominee will be bedraggled and spent. Ask Willard Mitt Romney about it.

As I've said previously, Ted Cruz looks like a member of the Texas Addams Family, says the kinds of things Joe McCarthy said 65 years ago and his voice sounds tinny besides. A giant he is not.

Edited by Publicus
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I think Ted Cruz is EXTREMELY CREEPY both his politics and his personal affect. Talk about strong negatives! Fear of a far right wing LOON like him being president will certainly motivate lots of moderate (and obviously more leftist) Americans to do ANYTHING to stop him. I agree, very similar to Joe McCarthy. SCARY!!!!

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Well - All the Liberal - Leftist Loving American News Media Talking Heads were exasperated - totally surprised - speechless at the Republican Wave. Politically Polls in America are totally suspect and especially if taken Two Years before the Election.

They mean next to nothing at this point in time. I posted a poll that shows Hillary was out favored by an unnamed Republican by a wide margin. Does it mean a lot - two years in advance - not much - but it is amusing.

Hillary is a tired old political hack and will be lucky to survive the Democrat Primaries... she has enough baggage to sink a Battleship.

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Hillary is a tired old political hack and will be lucky to survive the Democrat Primaries... she has enough baggage to sink a Battleship.

Tea party style rhetoric. She doesn't need your vote or the vote of any tea party types to win. I feel your pain when she wins, dude.

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I think Ted Cruz is EXTREMELY CREEPY both his politics and his personal affect. Talk about strong negatives! Fear of a far right wing LOON like him being president will certainly motivate lots of moderate (and obviously more leftist) Americans to do ANYTHING to stop him. I agree, very similar to Joe McCarthy. SCARY!!!!

Jingthing... one essential point ... It matters nothing at all what liberals and leftists think of Ted Cruz... they are not going to vote for any Republican - "So what difference does it make"...

I can comment on Hillary Clinton and her chances - but it matter little to none ... because I wouldn't vote for Hillary if she appeared with Mother Theresa holding a Halo over Hillary's Head ... To people like me Hillary is repugnant to the extreme. So it is mostly pointless for Conservatives and Leftist to debate on Presidential Candidates.

You're not going to vote for Cruz and I am not going to vote for Hillary ... No one is going to change sides... Only that strange undecided person in the middle or the just as strange swing voter... both total mysteries to me in the day and age of mass communications where everything is known in a Tweet.

And personally I do not know a single undecided or swing voter - do you ?

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Hillary is a tired old political hack and will be lucky to survive the Democrat Primaries... she has enough baggage to sink a Battleship.

Tea party style rhetoric. She doesn't need your vote or the vote of any tea party types to win. I feel your pain when she wins, dude.

I am feeling no pain because I just saw three days ago - a Flailing of the Democrat Party - a total Tsunami drowning the Democrats out and NOW - obama is a BIG EARED LAME DUCK --- excepted for blustering and promised Unconstitutional Acts - which if done will bury any chances of any Democrat winning a Presidential race in 2016.

When it comes to politics I feel pretty darned good and will see the last 6 + 2 years of misery foist another Tidal Wave - upon the Democrats in 2016...

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In 2008 HC was the nominee apparent until Obama came along. As soon as he started to gain in the polls there was an incredible move away from Hillary by supporters within her own party. I had no idea the Clintons were so unpopular within the Dems. There is no reason to think they are any more popular now. Word inside the Beltway these past two years has been if you don't take Hillary's (or her staff's) calls now, don't expect her to speak to you when she's in the Oval Office. Uh-oh, she's doing the 'nominee apparent' thing again. There are a few die-hard Clinton stalwarts in the media who would never say a negative thing about them, so anything from this bunch doesn't count, it's just the cheerleaders doing their thing; names include James Carville, George Stephanopoulos, Wesley Clark, Paul Begalla.

I like Warren but I don't want her to run, I think she is more suited to actually doing things than getting stuck in a full-time political position.

I think next year the Dem primary will be as crazy as the one the GOP had in 2011-2012, but I'm also expecting the GOP nutters to out-do themselves. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Santorum at each other's throats, plus some fresh blood. It will be a good year for political entertainment.

As LBJ said "you have to be crazy to want this job." Nothing brings out that kind of crazy like the primaries.

And after the GOP 'mandate' in 2010 (whenever the GOP wins they decalre it a mandate) look how well they did in 2012...

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I still think Hillary is a very strong candidate, and is very likely to nominated, and then elected president in 2016.

However I am certainly open to democratic challengers and if one of them can beat her, good for them. No problem with that.

But I don't know of any potential democratic out there now that COULD beat her.

It would probably be good for her to have a strong democratic challenger and then beat her as good practice for the BIG SHOW.

It is understood the Hillary has strong negatives and probably about 35-40 percent of potential voters would NEVER vote for her no matter who her challenger is. But, so what? She doesn't need those people to win.

I think Hillary is a very strong candidate, but I think choosing her would be a big mistake for the Democratic Party. And I believe Warren would be an even bigger mistake. I just get the feeling that when it comes down to it, she will come across as someone who missed their chance and under pressure will fall back into 2nd or 3rd spot.... and if she wins would likely lose to the Republican nominee (of where there are a number that are potential nominees). After President Obama I think most Obama disciples will likely have a hard time, and I think there will be a push towards picking a more centrist candidate.... basically someone as far away from the President as possible. I just cannot figure out who that will be yet.... but I don't think it will be one of the favorites right now.

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Democrats plot challenges to Clinton

Multiple potential challengers say in new interviews they might take on Hillary Clinton if, as expected, she runs for the White House in 2016. Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and former Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) all made comments to The New Yorker indicating they are considering challenging Clinton from the left.


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Obama will sign a couple of executive orders to show America is really under a dictatorship. This egocentric act will further alienate the democratic voters from the party and IF Hilary runs I think she's very beatable.

Maybe Romney will have another go, Richardson, the guy from Minnesota?

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Obama will sign a couple of executive orders to show America is really under a dictatorship. This egocentric act will further alienate the democratic voters from the party and IF Hilary runs I think she's very beatable.

Maybe Romney will have another go, Richardson, the guy from Minnesota?

I'm pretty sure Romney is finished. His family is sick of it.

Jeb Bush, on the other hand, I am starting to get the feeling he will run.

That would hilarious, and yes kind of depressing: Bush vs. Clinton.

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If rank and file Democrats could have their way, they would have Obama run for a 3rd term... giggle.gif

39% of Democrats want Obama to run for 3rd term...


Just goes to show how far out of touch from reality these people really are... Much like the post-election day article in the NYT about doing away with the mid-term elections, right after the Dems had their collective a##es handed to them... If lying and cheating doesn't work, change the rules...

NYT - Cancel the Midterms


If you primarily a two party system, you usually end up with two parties that overlap a little bit in the centre of the political spectrum (assuming the political system is not corrupt and tone deaf to the people). Those two parties generally line up to the left and the right of joe average. The centres of each of the parties tends to be to farther away from joe average, and the left and right wings each of the left and right parties respectively. For this reason you generally have candidates running further left (or right) to win the leadership then tacking towards the centre. The "power brokers" inside the party generally tend to be more pragmatic though. If it were a real option, a leader would really need to be wanted by a super-majority of the party members to hold onto another term. If a leader decides to hold on with those numbers -- it usually would end up with a slaughter during the election (at least it does in Canada).

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Obama will sign a couple of executive orders to show America is really under a dictatorship. This egocentric act will further alienate the democratic voters from the party and IF Hilary runs I think she's very beatable.

Maybe Romney will have another go, Richardson, the guy from Minnesota?

I'm pretty sure Romney is finished. His family is sick of it.

Jeb Bush, on the other hand, I am starting to get the feeling he will run.

That would hilarious, and yes kind of depressing: Bush vs. Clinton.

Romney would be a mistake, his time has passed - and there are plenty of better candidates (not to mention he still comes across as stiff). Jeb Bush is a completely different type of Bush to George Bush jr. and if the name does not hold him back, he would be an interesting candidate. The often mentioned Christie has destroyed his chances. Rick Perry is.... not smart enough. Paul Ryan would be another interesting candidate again, along with Marco Rubio. Ted Cruz comes across too strident in an angry sort of way which would give him problems come election time.

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Hillary Clinton operatives' emails leaked: 'Punish those voters'

." ABC News has obtained leaked emails and a secret email list containing the names of Hillary Clinton operatives, known as the "Mook Mafia... Mook wrote: "I know this prodical [sic] son will return to the mafia manger soon enough to smite Republicans mafia-style."...


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