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hang over Thai medicine?

Crazy chef 1

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"faa talai jone", official name andrographis
grows in abundance in the south but can be bought easily in some pharmacies or shops-stalls that sell herbal remedies.

Tea from the fresh or dried herb works immediately when taken before breakfast, wonderful against a hangover but very bitter, capsules are ok too but slower reaction.
google it!

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Crazy Chef, I'm not going down that road mentioning badger or other milk.

But what I can't understand is why people have to get plastered to enjoy themselves.

A couple of bottles of beer or some glasses of good wine brings you to a happy mood, so you can enjoy the company of people you are with.

Over that you loose any sense of what you are doing or where you are and you wake up in the morning with a hangover, wishing you haven't drunk so much last night.

So the moral of the story is, drink less enjoy yourself more with your guests.

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The herb normally used in traditional Thai medicine for hangovers and for both alcohol and drug detox in general is calld " Raang Jeud" - the scientific name is " Thunbergia laurifolia" - it is widely available as capsules at many pharmacy shops or anywhere else that sells food supplements or herbs

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I've tried Raang Jued (in tuberous form and capsule) and other people said it worked wonders, but for me it didn't do anything.

The problem with the Yaa Dong varieties (and every village seems to have their own version) is that some substances are water soluble, some oil soluble, and some alcohol soluble, and you can guess which one is used. So I guess it depends if you're trying to climb down off a daily habit or just avoiding the occasional morning after effect.

Personally I find a brisk couple of laps around the lake with water and electrolytes is as good as anything, but not everyone would agree. If you look at the things alcohol depletes from your body then you'd be on 20 pills every morning after. So I don't have a complete answer, and I don't think one size fits all either - people who, say work offshore and are dry for many weeks at a time (giving the liver a rest) seem to react differently to daily drinkers, who seem to react differently to weekend drinkers.

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Much clean drinking water, electrolytes and time. Forget the magic mumbo jumbo!

But there are alternatives, have another hangover - thus forgetting the first one or stay off the turps to start with or consider moderation in drinking whistling.gif

No rocket science here.

Edited by lvr181
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The only thing working is an electrolyte drink like Royal D find at every pharmacy in Thailand, if not Gatorade is the next best thing. I tested it and it works.


A hangover is the result of dehydration:

Alcohol causes dehydration because it inhibits a hormone called anti-diuretic hormone (ADH.) This hormone has a constant level in the body and keeps you from peeing out all of the water in your body. When you drink alcohol, the level of this hormone becomes low and you pee more. While this happens, you are also losing salt. One alcoholic drink can result in up to a pint of urine production. This effect becomes less as you drink more. But, if you drink 15 drinks in a night, you can end up well over two liters dehydrated.

Dehydration causes nausea, headache, and dizziness just by itself. Inflammation makes this even worse. It is like a double whammy. As a person gets older, the effects are more significant, as it takes longer for the body to rehydrate and get rid of the inflammation.

Quote from http://www.hangoverheaven.com

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Thanks Mr T at least you tried it.sometimes if you really want to know something our members are useless folks...and Costas, I don't want Gerbil milk- too many guests...

I think Squirrel is the next big thing, will it be on the menu in Cha Am?

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Not typical Thai but worldwide available: water! No joking. It is scientifically proven that alcohol dehydrates the body. And dehydration is exactly what causes a hangover. So, the best way to prevent a hangover is to drink a lot of water while you are enjoying the booze. And the next morning just start the day with another bottle of water. It is also good to have some oily food before you join the party (like canned sardines in oil - very popular in Germany).

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Tom Yum Kung - make sure it's spicy, get your face over it and slurp it all down (don't eat the woody bits though!) Ideally eat this before you go to bed, but it helps the next day as well.

The combination of roots and herbs in Tom Yum create humulene, among other substances - the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, apparently (it has also proven to reduce the incidence of stomach and bowel cancers). The result is anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and antihistamine, chilis to facilitate "toxin" elimination (the toxins - a term whose components so often go unnamed as if they are 'evil spirits' - are acetaldehyde and lactic acid).

Try it, it helps. And if it doesn't , well it was a tasty diversion.

Edited by Globeman
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Far as I know Thais don't nurse a hangover -- they consider it a part of bragging rights as to last night's activities ! My personal remedy involves flesh, ( someone else's), and yet another someone else cooing in my ear "" There, there Donnie

I will make you feel better soon while moistening her lips ! ), damn if it doesn't work every time.

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I use glucose powder, available from pharmacies like Boots etc, a can of it costs about 80-90 baht. As soon as you wake up in the morning mix 3 heaped teaspoons with a glass of fruit juice and drink it down. You can have it last thing before bed too, unless you are too drunk to think of it.

Something to do with replacing the glucose in your body lost to alcohol.

Google it to see how/why it works. It cures my hangover withing 30-45 minutes.

Don't say I never did nothing for you !

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Please let me put in my 2 cents as well, you can try Ya Hom powder, a traditional Thai herbal medicine, available from any Thai pharmacy... smile.png


I've used this stuff since the 1970s. It does work well. Another remedy, though not Thai, is black coffee and Jaegermiester. (Sound terrible but works well)

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