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I really think people are going overboard with all these crazy methods and I would NOT try them. First of all, I think you should let your dog recover, which he/she may do, but may need some fluids which the vet or you could give (if you know how to do it, and buy the supplies ...I am sure there are videos on the internet.)

I really can't believe you injected your dog with something, without KNOWING WHAT is was?? This is really not something you want to screw up as you now can see very clearly!

I have had several small dogs who lived to 19 years ..and they went blind and deaf, and sometimes had dementia, and were not fun to take care of, but that really isn't what euthanasia is for. Dogs can get around pretty well like this and you can find things like diapers, or pee pads for your floor, to keep things cleaner.

I don't want to hurt your feelings, but there haven't been any posters on here who supported you backing off, and maybe your dog will survive, and you can still love him/her for a longer time period. I really find it a bit shocking how many people want to put down dogs when they become old and more inconvenient and I think they are really trying to resolve their own distress, even if they THINK it is the dog's distress.

It is hard to watch them getting old and having these problems, but I think it is our duty as good owners to take care of them through these periods, if you possibly can, and that would include cleaning pee/poo, hand feeding if needed, extra care in many ways.

Anyway, if you want your dog to die, and he/she keeps sleeping and not getting fluids, that will help move things along. Look up death by dehydration. But I seriously think you are losing it, if you try something more to kill your dog. A natural death is NOT always a terrible death either.

And I just want to say that I believe in euthansia, have done it to my animals, and even done it myself in Thailand, with a 19 year old dog, at home, but she was going to die within a few days anyway. And I just needed to overdose her slightly ...she went to sleep in my lap, (with oral medications) and she stopped breathing within a few hours.

Please rethink this and give your dog a chance.

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Very sorry & sad to read this. Try to get a 250ml bottle of Sodium Pentobarbitol from a vet

if they won't put your dog down themselves. Inject 20cc SP into the vein on the inside of either

the left or right front leg with the syringe. It acts very fast, usually in less than a minute and

the animal won't suffer any more. Use a flashlight to check for pupil dialation...should be very

wide and put your ear to its chest to check for heartbeat...should be none after 3 minutes max.

I have had to put wild animals down and SP given IV is the drug of choice.It's an amber brown

colour when seen in the syringe...the bottle is usually brown...and labeled.


Scott if there is any way to put her to sleep so that she is unconscious, then if you can get a thick plastic bag, not too big and seal it over the her head with tight elastic or tape, then there is not much chance that it will wake up.

If she's sleeping then you can hold her until she's gone.

Bloody awful situation. sad.png


We had to put our 19 yr old cat to sleep last year. We put her in a cat carrier, put that in a large plastic bin liner and used the car exhaust. We left the engine running for 10 mins. Traumatic but better than watching him suffer.

Very much a cruel thing to do to any animal. The exhaust burns the eye for quite awhile before the animal passes out. Bad on you .


Sadly I think from what's been stated it is too late for recovery and

Leaving it alive would be very cruel...

Place the poor animal in a large garbage bag and

tape the mouth partially closed and inserts a hose from the bike tail pipe

should do it in a few minutes. If the dog is in a coma so much easier on it.

There is no easy way.

My last time I had a huge Great Dane that couldn't find the will to walk

and was lying in her poo, rather than try the snow and ice outside.

I cooked 2 lbs of teriyaki beef and that get her in the car and out to the farm,

and when she got out in the field and bent for that last piece of food,

my friend used a 12 gauge on the back of the head.

Her last thought was "good food". Full stop.

200 lb Danes are not what vets want to deal with.

Sadly this is not an option.


Go to the vet asap!

Vets probably won't put her down, although you see it as her suffering, it's a sin to take a life so Thai people don't like to kill things, that includes, insects, rodents, animals etc.

Though, there are exceptions but it probably won't be offered as a service.


Scott, I'm sorry about your dog, really I am, have you ever thought of offering a vet a few thousand baht to put her down humanely?


Go to the vet asap!

Vets probably won't put her down, although you see it as her suffering, it's a sin to take a life so Thai people don't like to kill things, that includes, insects, rodents, animals etc.

Though, there are exceptions but it probably won't be offered as a service.

Though not people.


You have my sympathy. This is a very hard choice to make, even in the US where there is no problem with a vet euthanizing a sick or ancient dog. I have had to face it 3 times. But for God's sake, do not consider any of the horrific suggestions made on this thread. Go back to the vet and get the proper dose, or pay him extra to do it. Otherwise, go to every vet you can find until you find one that will do it properly and humanely. In a country where people routinely poison neighbors pets for barking too much, I can't believe that there is no vet that will perform his job. The hypocrisy in this country is hard to believe. It isn't murder or a sin; it's an act of compassion and love. Surely, there is a Western trained vet somewhere that will understand.


Scott, I'm sorry about your dog, really I am, have you ever thought of offering a vet a few thousand baht to put her down humanely?

just as i posted earlyer money talks here in los.we all want to see this come to an end,its the most disturbing topic that has been posted here that i can remember in [5yrs].

so please let scott have the final post.

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Most Pharmacies will supply you with Insulin (for a diabetic friend) and syringe. A peaceful and sure death without pain.

Tried and true!


So sorry to hear of your and your dog's horrible predicament. I thought I'd chip in my experience based on working with animals for many years.

I've had to put down various animals up to lamb size, and in the absence of effective drugs have found the most humane way to be a massive blow to the skull with a suitably heavy tool eg club hammer, thick iron bar or back of an axe, that's if you or someone can bring yourself to do it confidently (not sure I could with my own dog). If you swing down with enough force on to the middle of the top of the skull, one blow will render her instantly unconscious, and maybe then follow up with a couple more to make absolutely sure.

It might sound brutal, but I reckon it far more humane than suffocation/drowning.

The fact that she's sleeping/comatose might make it easier for you; you might be able to first cover her head with a thin cloth, so long as there's no chance of your blow glancing off.

My heartfelt sympathies go out to you, and hope her suffering ends soon.

jesus what kind of bloke are you to recomend what you have just posted,has someone hit you on the head.

please delete this.

Only way I see is to bring the dog to a vet and get it done proper.


Sadly I think from what's been stated it is too late for recovery and

Leaving it alive would be very cruel...

There is no easy way.

My last time I had a huge Great Dane that couldn't find the will to walk

and was lying in her poo, rather than try the snow and ice outside.

I cooked 2 lbs of teriyaki beef and that get her in the car and out to the farm,

and when she got out in the field and bent for that last piece of food,

my friend used a 12 gauge on the back of the head.

Her last thought was "good food". Full stop.

200 lb Danes are not what vets want to deal with.

Sadly this is not an option.

Point 1 in your post, is based on WHAT? A mostly blind and deaf dog ...what illness does he/she have?? Oh, a big dose of benzos most likely ...I'd bet the brown bottle was Valium ...so maybe the dog will sleep for a night/day. What is so cruel about letting a deaf/blind thing live????? And most dogs are just somewhat blind/deaf with age, not 100%.

And point 2, you had no choice but to shoot your dog in the head?? Because "vets don't want to deal with 200 lbs dogs"?? Hhmmm, I wonder how those vets handle horses and other large animals besides the fact that vets regularly deal with large dogs. I had a vet, even IN THAILAND, euthanize my just as large dog, at my home, just about 2-3 years ago. It did cost some money though. And I have seen several other huge breed dogs euthanized, and also taken care of in old age. And by euthanized I mean, with IV drugs, at home or in a hospital, by a vet, in a nice setting, in a respectful way.

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It was $525 for the vet to put her down, she was 3 years past the late age death for danes. We'd had already gone above and beyond.

And originally had adopted her to prevent an 'inconvenience euthanasia'.... We'd saved her for years, but not to make her hang on too long in abject pain, after she was clearly not going survive the winter, just to make ourselves feel better.

She hated vets too. Films showed her rear end was shot to hell. There was no decent quality of life for her lying in her poop and crying when we tried to clean her. There no options. I took the kindest route available for a dog I loved.

As to Scott's problem, he said coma and badly suffering. Don't second guess the guy on the ground with the problem.


40 years ago I had to kill my dog because its got a fatal virus and was in very bad shape, paralisis, etc. A pharmacy gave me LUMINAL pills. Works.


When I was a teenager I had dog and cat that died badly in US, my mum (Buddhist) would not allow them to be put down. I also consider myself Buddhist but cannot abide this, for the same ethical reason, I guess I see it differently than Thai vets. Compassion. I think there comes a time when it is better than not allow to allow our loved ones to escape their sufferings. For old and sick people same. The body is just a vessel.

BTW who is slaughtering all these animales what are ravenously consumed daily by Thai Buddhists? Are they not Thais?


We had to put our 19 yr old cat to sleep last year. We put her in a cat carrier, put that in a large plastic bin liner and used the car exhaust. We left the engine running for 10 mins. Traumatic but better than watching him suffer.

Very much a cruel thing to do to any animal. The exhaust burns the eye for quite awhile before the animal passes out. Bad on you .

That is why the bag is not closed down tight.

And the animal is already unconscious, otherwise I would not have suggested it.

People do it all the time in their own cars with a hose in the exhaust, if you hadn't noticed.

He already said the local vet said no to medicines to do it,

and his girl friend got the bad dose from another province.

He doesn't have a lot of options at this point.

And your suggestion is?


I can't believe what I have just read. Your loyal partner of 16 years and you thought it best to become a vet to put her out of her (or rather your) misery with something in a brown bottle?

And this morning you were too busy to do the right thing and take her to a vet to cease her suffering? Shame on you.


To the original poster... I am so very sorry about what you had to go through! What an ordeal for you and yours and especially for the animal! But get the animal to the vets right away is the only thing you can do.

As for the other posters on this issue... what in the name of all that is Holy are you all thinking!? Vets here will help with a pet's need to die. Yes, it might cost you a few extra Baht... but they will help! I had my 15 year old dog (who was riddled with cancer) put down by my local vet. The cost was a small price to pay to end her suffering. But the very idea of turning into a Dr. Mengele is beyond ridiculous! Gassing an animal at home with a plastic bag attached to a tail pipe or suffocating the animal with a plastic bag over its head... is barbaric! Why not just take it out back and shoot it (far more humane).

However, to those who have suggested the methods other than seeing a vet both infuriate and frighten the hell out of me. There was a time when unwanted kittens were placed in a bag and then buried alive. This was in Greece and in parts of Italy not so long ago! I am sure that there are other methods used around the world, but do not take place in our own countries and would be thought and seen as criminal actions (certainly the RSPCA or the ASPCA would find a cause for legal actions to be taken against the owners).

We Farangs are supposed to be better educated and better at being able to follow logic something that we Farangs all know is in very short supply (if it exists at all here in LOS) and also thought to be much richer (financially speaking... which we sort of are for the most part). So, to stoop to the level of 'back woods care giving'... simply shows a lack of 'smarts'. Vets here will help in these situations!

To the original poster, where did you get the "medication" and what gave you the idea that you were qualified to administer it correctly and in the right dose? To the others that think that gassing an animal is easy or any other method mentioned in the followup posts... well you all have a very myopic view of things and it seems to me that the death of the animal was more important to you than relieving the animal's suffering.

Sorry but it is how I feel. I am sure that some will take exception to what I have said herein. But all I can say to them is that I hope the nightmares do not last too long.

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Go to the vet asap!

Agreed. Either that or be man enough to cut her throat.... NOW!

"Cut her throat"? Really?! That makes someone a "man"?! Where did you grow up or is it that you are just the usual angry Farang on this site with nothing to say and nothing constructive to say...

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Carbon dioxide will work. Google it, but mixing baking soda and vinegar to create carbon dioxide. Its heavier than air so can be feed into a container or large bag with a hose. It works in small doses as an analgesic, large doses and as an anesthetic and with more / per-longed use will cause death.

Where did you get this from... the Nazi cookbook or from Dr Mangele? If you have to bribe the vet then do it! Simple! I did and my dog did not suffer. By the way... Co2 poisoning takes time and the animal will suffer. This ain't the movies... this is real life!

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The most common drug/s used for these situations are as follows:

Pets are almost always euthanized by intravenous injection, typically using a very high dose of pentobarbital or sodium thiopental. Unconsciousness, respiratory then cardiac arrest follow rapidly, usually within 30 seconds. Some veterinarians perform a two-stage process: an initial injection that simply renders the pet unconscious and a second shot that causes death.


Vets will not put down an animal no matter how much it's suffering. sad.png

Plastic bag and car exhaust is a good way. If you don't have a car just a plastic bag tightly over the head will work.

Good on you for trying to end unnecessary suffering wai.gif

Muang Acke on Sukhumvit will put down and Pattaya Animal Clinic on Pattaya tai will also do


Scott, you made a mistake and you admitted it.... more courage than most of these posters ready with their advice. I find this thread quite horrifying; what kind of people are we?

If you can't find a vet (and the last poster has given you possibilities in Bangkok and Pattaya; I could give you one in Chiangmai, but somehow I assumed you lived in Bangkok), just keep petting the dog, and being with him until nature takes his course. (That's more like being a man than cutting its throat)

May God be with you.

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I can't believe what I have just read. Your loyal partner of 16 years and you thought it best to become a vet to put her out of her (or rather your) misery with something in a brown bottle?

And this morning you were too busy to do the right thing and take her to a vet to cease her suffering? Shame on you.

Scott has been to several vets trying to find one that would put the dog down. He couldn't find one, but got a dose that was suppose to do the job. It didn't work.

What's really bad is the difficulity to euthanize an animal here. It's just not right. Sometimes, it's the best thing to do.

Scott knows more about most regarding animals. My heart goes out to him during this horrible time.

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