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Russia's 'close military encounters' with Europe documented


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Russia's 'close military encounters' with Europe documented
By Jonathan Marcus
BBC diplomatic correspondent

(BBC) The growing strains between Russia and the West prompted by the Ukraine crisis are now sending ripples of military tension across Europe.

Nato has responded to Russia's incursions into Ukraine by stepping up its ties with Kiev and bolstering air patrols and exercises with its eastern and central European members.

Russia in turn has decided to pursue a more active, many might say a more aggressive, military policy of its own, returning to the sorts of flights and activities from the Cold War years that were used to regularly test out Nato defences.

The European Leadership Network, a London-based think tank, has produced a detailed study of this more assertive Russian activity.

Close encounters

Entitled Dangerous Brinkmanship: Close Military Encounters Between Russia and the West in 2014, it chronicles almost 40 specific incidents that have occurred during the past eight months.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29956277

-- BBC 2014-11-10

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Exactly what the US would love to see.

A war with Russia to save its currency, while it not being fought in their own back yard.

But when it escalates..................................

America doesn't need a war to save it's currency. The currency is artificially undervalued as it is and is the most commonly used currency world wide. I don't see too many countries joining in the Russia, India, Brazil market.

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Beware of Russia they are very capable , could you imagine Americas response if Russia did this on their continent,

Did what on 'their" continent?

All I can recall is the Cuban Missile Crisis and to that we saw the response.

But I really don't comprehend. If you are European then the American continent means north and

south America. If you are referring to Russia you are referring to both Europe and Asia. In any case

the continents do not belong to a single nation. Perhaps a little more so I might understand your point?

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Could have all been avoided if the first discussions between the West and Ukraine clearly and unambiguously stated

that Ukraine would never ever be a part of NATO. Keep poking the bear and this is what you get. The bear may be

old and tired but it still has claws. Putin is a megalomaniac crook but that is up to the Russians themselves to deal with.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Could have all been avoided if the first discussions between the West and Ukraine clearly and unambiguously stated

that Ukraine would never ever be a part of NATO. Keep poking the bear and this is what you get. The bear may be

old and tired but it still has claws. Putin is a megalomaniac crook but that is up to the Russians themselves to deal with.

About 86 per cent of Russians approve of the job their President is doing. Putin may be a megalomaniac, but he's the people's megalomaniac. Hitler had popularity among the great majority of the German people from 1933-1943. It took the international community to defeat him.

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What's going on? Is Putin flying more vintage planes over Europe again? The countries of Europe should be more worried about one of these planes crashing......they're terrible pilots with even worse aircraft, these Russians.

He is a 'provoker', isn't he. Hopefully he gets a knuckle sandwich at the upcoming G20...... I'm pretty sure that's where he and 'wingnut' are going to have a showdown.

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Beware of Russia they are very capable , could you imagine Americas response if Russia did this on their continent,

Did what on 'their" continent?

All I can recall is the Cuban Missile Crisis and to that we saw the response.

But I really don't comprehend. If you are European then the American continent means north and

south America. If you are referring to Russia you are referring to both Europe and Asia. In any case

the continents do not belong to a single nation. Perhaps a little more so I might understand your point?


We, Australians own our own continent!

As opposed to many countries of the world suffering 'incontinence'.

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Exactly what the US would love to see.

A war with Russia to save its currency, while it not being fought in their own back yard.

But when it escalates..................................

America doesn't need a war to save it's currency. The currency is artificially undervalued as it is and is the most commonly used currency world wide. I don't see too many countries joining in the Russia, India, Brazil market.

Time will tell..that you are wrong. Is just the Asean and Indo market get more purchase power that its have now to replace the US market. If that happens, the EU market with no have other choice that deal with the BRIC. Already is doing it in same extend.....What will do the US market if cannot buy from China...and lose the selling markets too?. What the US have to offer now that other countries can't, and a lower price? The only thing that the US can offer are better weapons....."just for a limited time". Nobody knows what China is hidden in that area...and it is selling to Russia.

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A friendly word of WARNING to hot-heads convinced in 'hat-throwing tactics' aimed at Russia...

Please! Think twice!

Russia is weak economically. Russia is being robbed blind by thieves in Government. Russia is paralyzed internally by bureaucracy and corruption.

Yet, do not underestimate factors like: Armaments (very good), Army (very flexible and obedient), Resources (virtually inexhaustible), People (used to death and deprivation) and a very strong general Public sentiment ("<deleted> THEM ALL" - americans, poles, germans, french, etc.) and the overwhelming support their President will get if the shove comes to push. Will your President get the same?

I am not on Russia side. But 'demonizing' Russia, Russians and Putin and denying the recklessness of the Western Leaders and NATO is not only unfair but plain dangerous.

Try to think - these "close military encounters" did re surged relatively recently. Why?

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