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CNN International quits Russia


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Yeah, let's see what people actually watch. tongue.png For the 50th straight quarter. w00t.gif

OMG. Say it isn't so. As much as all of the other MSM channels combined. LINK



Great to see the numbers demonstrating the collective mentality of the viewership. Need more be said? So, am I to understand popularity of viewership equates with truth? Should we not also "goggle" the ratings of which has the highest rating of distortions and outright (to be politically correct) misleading reporting of the facts?

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BTW, I think CNN has just closed its Hong Kong bureau--or at least moved its broadcast from Hong Kong back to Atlanta. They changed anchors again for the morning show. Unlike the rest of you, I don't need CNN, Fox, RT, the BBC or anything else. I have ThaiVisa.

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Yeah, let's see what people actually watch. tongue.png For the 50th straight quarter. w00t.gif

OMG. Say it isn't so. As much as all of the other MSM channels combined. LINK



TV viewing statistics are such a sad statement about American society!

And where are you from?? I doubt your country is much different from the US in terms of TV viewing ratings.

Media companies are very difficult to manage. Things change constantly. And quickly.

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CNN is still looking for MH370...

Here is a recent Dish Network executive's comment on their dropping of CNN from the programming lineup in the US...


"Twenty years ago, CNN was a must-have channel, but it's not a top 10 network anymore ... unless they find the plane, the Malaysian plane," Ergen said on a conference call, making a jab at CNN's seemingly round-the-clock coverage last spring of missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370.

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I think cnn was really good at one time.

What I find best is to watch multiple news channels and determine the truth yourself based up different facts.

I cross-reference bbc, cnn, and Al jazeera.

surely you need to include RT to get the real truth....

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Im from UK; over here I watch mainly BBC world news, Al Jazeera, Fox and HLN..

IMO AJ give the fairest unbiased news coverage on the whole (maybe cept for any Holy land/Israel items)

Then the beeb but as said it gets a bit boring, and repeats too much but then I suppose is 30 min to 1hr news segments (The UK beeb is a lot better but only UK items really with a touch of the main world news. Some of the documentaries on AJ and BBC are quite good.

HLN I watch if that Fit Hot bird is on with the dark hair, she is Smoking HOT, having said that FOX has some nice Totty on display.

Two of my mates here are US, sometimes I watch FOX for a laf, as some of the $hite they spout about the US President verges on Treason?? I know you have freedom of speech but some of the crap and current anti Govt drivel is a joke, my US mates also tell me it is Garbage. Then they wheel some dude out that looks like an extra off Star Trek (more plastic surgery and botox then a ferengi) and these guys are trying to convince the viewers they are level headed intelligent people?? <deleted> $ake? Hilarious and all owned by a bent Australian (Fox & Friends... yeah Right On!)

Only prob with HLN is that blonde women always gobbing off and going on about Murders and Horrible crimes, she needs a part on Eastenders or sumat, what an Head ache!! blink.png

Edited by Lokie
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Yeah, let's see what people actually watch. tongue.png For the 50th straight quarter. w00t.gif

OMG. Say it isn't so. As much as all of the other MSM channels combined. LINK



TV viewing statistics are such a sad statement about American society!

Why? Because America isn't a socialist or communist country like you'd find in Europe or Asia?

Because America doesn't have a NHS available to all comers, and is therefore going broke?

Because America has less debt ratio to GDP than England does? (And England climbing fast.)

I remember English telling me that America was backward because it didn't have an NHS. Now we'll watch the NHS break England, shake our heads and quote Maggie Thatcher - "Eventually you run out of other peoples' money."

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CNN are history they have a WORLDWIDE daily audience of less than 300,000.....basically a joke too many made up news reports and distorsion of facts

Canada as a border country is never included in CNN news reports unless it has something to do with the Americans. Canadian news on the other hand freely reports goings on in the U.S. like a good neighbor.

Canadians do realize that many Americans do not know where Canada is and or believe it to be a desolate no mans land where people live in snow igloos and caribou and polar bears roam the streets.

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Canada is a bit like Australia in that apart from domestic news very little happens to interest an international audience.

As a consequence both the global tv news agencies ,Reuters and AP, use very few stories in their global news feeds to the worlds tv stations.

The cable and global news stations rely on the agency material to feed their rolling news service. The reporters usually just edit in their stand ups on location with agency footage providing the bulk of the stories.

CNN were once cutting edge but now look and sound very old fashioned with a perceived USA slant.

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Yeah, let's see what people actually watch. tongue.png For the 50th straight quarter. w00t.gif

OMG. Say it isn't so. As much as all of the other MSM channels combined. LINK



TV viewing statistics are such a sad statement about American society!

Why? Because America isn't a socialist or communist country like you'd find in Europe or Asia?

Because America doesn't have a NHS available to all comers, and is therefore going broke?

Because America has less debt ratio to GDP than England does? (And England climbing fast.)

I remember English telling me that America was backward because it didn't have an NHS. Now we'll watch the NHS break England, shake our heads and quote Maggie Thatcher - "Eventually you run out of other peoples' money."

I'm not having a go NeverSure but The NHS isn't going to break England (and I think you are referring to the UK) thats the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland) The NHS is still an amazing public service and the people who work there are 'Angels' As for quoting Margret Thatcher about spending other peoples money, the Tories (especially her government) squandered more of the UKs money and lined the pockets of fat cats then anyone or anything else, contrary to what people from other countries may think, Thatcher was pretty much a hated figure especially in the North of the UK (i.e. areas that were run on purpose in some cases into the ground) there really was street parties in parts of the old Coal field areas when she passed. No if anything is wasting the UKs $ is the silly Euro directives and spongers both from the EU and more from outside the EU as our Governments are pussies! Sorry to go a bit off post but, well a yellow card mate (or a Flag thrown in American Football) Now there's a good chap...

Well said!

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CNN is still looking for MH370...

Here is a recent Dish Network executive's comment on their dropping of CNN from the programming lineup in the US...


"Twenty years ago, CNN was a must-have channel, but it's not a top 10 network anymore ... unless they find the plane, the Malaysian plane," Ergen said on a conference call, making a jab at CNN's seemingly round-the-clock coverage last spring of missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370.

Oopp, look who crawled out from underneath their rock somewhere in Montana. Yes, the sky is still blue.

Really, how did this thread turn into a CNN sucks thread? Wow!

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At last a bit of good news for Russia. If we could figure out how to get CNN to stop service to the rest of the world it would be a better place to live!thumbsup.gif

Hey DA, channel up or down button. Lol, you don't have have to watch just because it happen to on the TV in front of you..

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