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PM Prayut: Foreign leaders concerned about Thailand


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What the fark are these foreign leaders expressing their concern. Let them all look into their own shity internal affairs first.

Name me one country that one might not be able to point a finger at. So called democracies, hah.

Well you stick to your wonderful totalitarian military regimes with all their freedoms, reforms, attitude adjustments, friends in the west, Amnesty, NHRC etc. I can stick to my flawed but vastly better ideal of western democracy, free press and freedoms to question, even criticise if you don`t object.

"Democracy is the worst form of government, exce3pt for all those other forms which have be3en tried from time to time." W Churchill

I gues you didn't read well. Where did I say I was against democracies?

Democracies like to point their fingers easily, but are democracies really that democratic? Maybe hypocrits.

Anyways, it is my freedom of speech and you didn't seem to like that being a democrattongue.png

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What the fark are these foreign leaders expressing their concern. Let them all look into their own shity internal affairs first.

Name me one country that one might not be able to point a finger at. So called democracies, hah.

Well you stick to your wonderful totalitarian military regimes with all their freedoms, reforms, attitude adjustments, friends in the west, Amnesty, NHRC etc. I can stick to my flawed but vastly better ideal of western democracy, free press and freedoms to question, even criticise if you don`t object.

"Democracy is the worst form of government, exce3pt for all those other forms which have be3en tried from time to time." W Churchill

I gues you didn't read well. Where did I say I was against democracies?

Democracies like to point their fingers easily, but are democracies really that democratic? Maybe hypocrits.

Anyways, it is my freedom of speech and you didn't seem to like that being a democrattongue.png

You implied you prefer military rule and I respect your freedom to prefer what you like. History seems to show you will have more chance of freedom of speech, separation of judiciary from police state (=fairer trials) and so on.within a western style democracy Having the army take over over every time an elite baby drops its rattle from the democracy pram is not a plan for TH to move forward. It is absolute military rulers who tell the rest of the world that they are wrong. only the generals are right. Democracies tend to talk and negotiate with each other. You are then obviously in favour of that.

Edited by heyexile
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What the fark are these foreign leaders expressing their concern. Let them all look into their own shity internal affairs first.

Name me one country that one might not be able to point a finger at. So called democracies, hah.

Well you stick to your wonderful totalitarian military regimes with all their freedoms, reforms, attitude adjustments, friends in the west, Amnesty, NHRC etc. I can stick to my flawed but vastly better ideal of western democracy, free press and freedoms to question, even criticise if you don`t object.

"Democracy is the worst form of government, exce3pt for all those other forms which have be3en tried from time to time." W Churchill

I gues you didn't read well. Where did I say I was against democracies?

Democracies like to point their fingers easily, but are democracies really that democratic? Maybe hypocrits.

Anyways, it is my freedom of speech and you didn't seem to like that being a democrattongue.png

You implied you prefer military rule and I respect your freedom to prefer what you like. History seems to show you will have more chance of freedom of speech, separation of judiciary from police state (=fairer trials) and so on.within a western style democracy Having the army take over over every time an elite baby drops its rattle from the democracy pram is not a plan for TH to move forward. It is absolute military rulers who tell the rest of the world that they are wrong. only the generals are right. Democracies tend to talk and negotiate with each other. You are then obviously in favour of that.

Now who is a dictator here. You say I implied to prefer military rule and because you say so then so be it? You can say what you want, but pitty you, I prefer not to talk or negotiate about this anymore.

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hugocnx, your ill-informed, immature attitude towards democracies is quite clear in your post above.


If that is all you have got to defend the indefensible, I am not interested and you are now on IGNORE.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He also told them his income???? His bank account?????? His brother and families incomes and bank accounts??????

He makes Thailand and himself ridicilous. And the most Thai people they still believe him. This is what he wants: KEEP THEM STUPID. ( with all the respect I have for the Thais, but please open your eyes )

Yes, open your eyes to the immoral gang who would try to return to rape of the country and trying to railroad immoral acts through parliament at 3.00am in the morning mostly with the voting cards of their immoral colleagues who don't even have enough respect for Thailand and all good Thai people to actually attend parliament, including the puppet.

I don't believe the malfeasance of one group necessarily negates that of the other. Do you? huh.png

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“I thanked US President Barack Obama for his concern about Thailand and I told him my government would do its best (for national reform)," Gen Prayut said. wai2.gifwai.gif

“I told Russian President Vladimir Putin that order had been restored in Thailand.”

I don't believe a word of that propaganda.

One would think he would jump at the chance to get a photo of him sitting anywhere near them.

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Nose picking is about all he is good for smile.png

Your clans comments are enough to make anyone pewk, where can you show me the PM IS picking his nose ?? his hand is near, maybe itching the outside, to suggest he is actually looking for bogies is disgusting and childish.

Make fair comments but you are a minority on TVF because of this attitude.

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Minority?? Have a look through this thread alone. At LEAST 85% of posters are pro-democracy advocates. You at your fellow junta supporters are FAR in the minority. You really do live in a cloud don't you Jinjag? lol

You just hit the nail on the head and shot yourself in the foot, this thread is the type when your sort come out in force.

Most posters are also pro (real democracy) so your calculation on a topic that sucks in the anti PM people. Nice try.

Get the Ginjag right, not so box clever.

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Pathetic -

The rhetoric is disgraceful-

Obama is asking for the hostages (Thai Public ) to be released back to democracy-

This Guy is banned By Australia and Tony Abbott was heard to call him a "disappointment ""

This guy was NOT pathetic but is heading that way and YES Australia will not give him the time of day so you are right. Australia has not lifted travel warnings and NO ONE at home believes the TOURIST situation has improved thank you to the botched Kao Tao or whatever it is called, investigation. People are stayuong away in droves and I mean planes that are normally full are half full .... that is a lot of people with changed pland and many others are travelling on not staying.

And do you really think Prauth spoke DIRECTLY to Putin or Obama? NO WAY! Maybe a nod here and ther ean his little address to the crowd as they are all permitted to do.

"“I told all the leaders that Thailand was relatively peaceful now,” he said.

The Thai premier said he told all the foreign leaders that the atmosphere for tourism in Thailand had improved and invited people from their countries to visit." And this is the same CRAP that every PM of Thailand says. OF COURSE everyone is invited to visit. Just that maybe a lot NO LONGER want to visit and people like me are getting peed off by the rhetoric when there was such a great chance for REAL POSITIVE innovative change.

The shine has worn off and I feel speaking to people and businesses and Embassy staff ...my own that is ... and reading between the lines of business news.. that the golden days Of THAILAND the HUB is now over

It has been on the downward spiral for years, but the problem with some TVF posters is ---they actually believe it started when the PM took over. and they insist everyday it is his fault---scams, tourists-south problems-infrastructure- killings- He is at the helm now so he is having to carry the can, the same as Yingluck should for most of this mess. He is definitely not the best by a long shot, but the deflections off Yinglucks woes are the only thing that some posters post about.

Ginny DO NOT put me in the group of believing this only happened NOW when Gen Prayuth came in. I was all for him. I am in business here and deal with areas I really do not want to every day and it is same same nothing changed despite all the promises, media interviews, hype to world leaders.

My own Embassy is avoiding doing business here because they see it as in a downward spiral and yes it has been for years.

The years Since yingluck took over and this guy is NOT fixing anything

Do not give me crappola about Thais are doing better.

No jobs for them = no money for anything

Foreign business accounts for over 80% of every baht produced in Thailand so without pandering to foreigners they are broke. And the good general is stuffing us all around saying he will do this and that and even small issues raised by the Japanese who represent 60% of foreign investment her e were told to bugger off. So things are still all hot air and nothing being done. the rice scam is still a scam with just more piles of rotting debris.

No one has been charged and all the pandering and switching rooms and beds is delaying everything.

the Koh Tao murder investigation a sham and all he can do is say World Leaders understand???? What a joke. No need to defend fools.

I am not giving you any crappa mate---this PM has not fixed much yet but you should have noticed there are years to complete that, so I am not along with you for any quick fixes.

Thais are doing better--contentment wise maybe not so much monetary, Neither is the countries coffers due to diabolical handling of readies+ corruption.

The world is DOWN--Russian money---China problems-25% less coming--the world is not on a spending spree. Events here mega of late and of 3 years have not helped the scams to be killed off.

I am not here to defend but I am not here just to let a minority slag off and blame a PM for all.

Yes true he cannot fix a lot in a small time BUT he can pander a little to the Japanese who asked for a review of the 90 day reporting. That useless piece of crap that wastes everyone's time. he could have intervened in the recent Koh tao debacle and given Thailand a better outcome instead of overseas heads of Government begging for something to be done. He could have been a little more honest about the rice debacle. No he buried his head the same as all the others before hm and spews hot air. Nothing is changing except the buketrs no longer fly. Sure that is a great thing I totally agree with you but e must do more and I running a business do more in a day that he does in a month

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Anyone see the photo from APEC where the leaders of the world are standing there and Prayut is picking his nose in the back row? It's going around on twitter.


Amusing, but I don't think for one minute he is actually picking his nose. Even he would have some measure of decorum.

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Obama and Putin gave each other 15 minutes to meet and discuss. How much time do you think either gave to this "legend in his own mind?" He speaks as if he had a jolly little chat with the most powerful leaders in the world. They barely know he exists, which is probably to his advantage. If they bothered to take notice, they surely wouldn't like what they see.

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Obama and Putin gave each other 15 minutes to meet and discuss. How much time do you think either gave to this "legend in his own mind?" He speaks as if he had a jolly little chat with the most powerful leaders in the world. They barely know he exists, which is probably to his advantage. If they bothered to take notice, they surely wouldn't like what they see.

Pushing this anti Thai stuff is ridiculous, at these formal get together's there are not 1,000 persons, everyone has done their homework ready for the event.

You twist what was told to you by a news clip. Saying they barely know he exists is crazy. they all know who is who. How do you know that Quote. "they wouldn't like what they see"........ kiddish remarks from a minority.

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Obama and Putin gave each other 15 minutes to meet and discuss. How much time do you think either gave to this "legend in his own mind?" He speaks as if he had a jolly little chat with the most powerful leaders in the world. They barely know he exists, which is probably to his advantage. If they bothered to take notice, they surely wouldn't like what they see.

Pushing this anti Thai stuff is ridiculous, at these formal get together's there are not 1,000 persons, everyone has done their homework ready for the event.

You twist what was told to you by a news clip. Saying they barely know he exists is crazy. they all know who is who. How do you know that Quote. "they wouldn't like what they see"........ kiddish remarks from a minority.

To the likes of Putin and Obama, Thailand would be up there with Ghana, Tajikistan, Swaziland and Albania. Of course they will have some idea of what is going on, but I seriously doubt they will be involved in an altercation to be first in line for an audience with your hero. Sorry about that...

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Obama and Putin gave each other 15 minutes to meet and discuss. How much time do you think either gave to this "legend in his own mind?" He speaks as if he had a jolly little chat with the most powerful leaders in the world. They barely know he exists, which is probably to his advantage. If they bothered to take notice, they surely wouldn't like what they see.

Pushing this anti Thai stuff is ridiculous, at these formal get together's there are not 1,000 persons, everyone has done their homework ready for the event.

You twist what was told to you by a news clip. Saying they barely know he exists is crazy. they all know who is who. How do you know that Quote. "they wouldn't like what they see"........ kiddish remarks from a minority.

To the likes of Putin and Obama, Thailand would be up there with Ghana, Tajikistan, Swaziland and Albania. Of course they will have some idea of what is going on, but I seriously doubt they will be involved in an altercation to be first in line for an audience with your hero. Sorry about that...

There is more to this world than name dropping--Putin and Obama. All countries are treated equal at these gatherings.

As for the briefing you must have had regarding Quote "my hero" the PM has yet to prove himself, after all PTP did NOT prove themselves in 3 years.

Sorry about your rhetoric--same same stuff like it has been Photo copied .

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Jesus, the PTP again..

Sorry but YES, we learn from the last bag of tricks, so we have to compare--it is called feedback. So the answer to your reply is YES YES YES.

notice you cut out my post, and not even commented on the protocol. Just picked this out. Is it because you have no idea about these government get togethers ???and each one person is VIP. get it that is the reason they are there, no matter how they are put into their positions.

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Jesus, the PTP again..

Sorry but YES, we learn from the last bag of tricks, so we have to compare--it is called feedback. So the answer to your reply is YES YES YES.

notice you cut out my post, and not even commented on the protocol. Just picked this out. Is it because you have no idea about these government get togethers ???and each one person is VIP. get it that is the reason they are there, no matter how they are put into their positions.

My previous reply was directly under your post. I am sure the reader will understand.

As for the above flapdoodle, yes, Bangladesh, Turkmenistan, Belarus etc. are all VIPs too, but some animals are more equal than others, believe it or not. As for "no matter how they are put into their positions," that is just as well in your man's case, eh?

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Jesus, the PTP again..

Sorry but YES, we learn from the last bag of tricks, so we have to compare--it is called feedback. So the answer to your reply is YES YES YES.

notice you cut out my post, and not even commented on the protocol. Just picked this out. Is it because you have no idea about these government get togethers ???and each one person is VIP. get it that is the reason they are there, no matter how they are put into their positions.

My previous reply was directly under your post. I am sure the reader will understand.

As for the above flapdoodle, yes, Bangladesh, Turkmenistan, Belarus etc. are all VIPs too, but some animals are more equal than others, believe it or not. As for "no matter how they are put into their positions," that is just as well in your man's case, eh?

Your Quote "animal remark" was out of order, I do not class Putin above anyone, I would even class him as lower no matter how big his country is.

The other 3 countries you mentioned the VIP represents that country and it is not for you to downgrade anyone, Prudes do this. Everyone is equal as a human being. It is how they go about their business, and how they govern that matters.

Not as some of you lot think some are lesser because the country is more backward.

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Anyone see the photo from APEC where the leaders of the world are standing there and Prayut is picking his nose in the back row? It's going around on twitter.


Amusing, but I don't think for one minute he is actually picking his nose. Even he would have some measure of decorum.

Decorum? blink.png

Apparently the buffoon isn't aware that when you are in a photo-op with World Leaders, it would be good decorum not to place your finger anywhere near your nose. wai2.gifwai.gif


And picking one's nose in public?

I see it almost daily.

In the restaurants it's particularly disgusting...


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Jesus, the PTP again..

Sorry but YES, we learn from the last bag of tricks, so we have to compare--it is called feedback. So the answer to your reply is YES YES YES.

notice you cut out my post, and not even commented on the protocol. Just picked this out. Is it because you have no idea about these government get togethers ???and each one person is VIP. get it that is the reason they are there, no matter how they are put into their positions.

My previous reply was directly under your post. I am sure the reader will understand.

As for the above flapdoodle, yes, Bangladesh, Turkmenistan, Belarus etc. are all VIPs too, but some animals are more equal than others, believe it or not. As for "no matter how they are put into their positions," that is just as well in your man's case, eh?

Your Quote "animal remark" was out of order, I do not class Putin above anyone, I would even class him as lower no matter how big his country is.

The other 3 countries you mentioned the VIP represents that country and it is not for you to downgrade anyone, Prudes do this. Everyone is equal as a human being. It is how they go about their business, and how they govern that matters.

Not as some of you lot think some are lesser because the country is more backward.

You ought to read Animal Farm since the apt allusion to Orwell's masterpiece obviously escaped you.Orwell's morality tale has relevance closer to home as well as Thais look to the Junta's unusually rich puppets and back to the Shin clan, and are already finding it difficult to distinguish one from the other.

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Jayboy, he knows. He is either being obtuse, playing for time or both.

Thailand needs the time to recover, without your anti PM BS. Have a conference with your buddy same rhetoric, Ha Ha ha My super friend Jay boy Quote "he knows" crazy off topic stuff.

Why not be honest and post anything that could be positive for Thailand without the BS personal attack on the PM.

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