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What are the worst Intersections in Pattaya?


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"Where Soi buakhao intersects Soi Diana by Subway 4 way intersection no traffic lights no stop sign always a chaotic mess."

I travel through this junction regularly with both bike and car - never seen an accident and hardly ever held up for more than a minute or two at worst. It may seem a chaotic mess but most people seem to negotiate it ok.

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I travel through this junction regularly with both bike and car - never seen an accident and hardly ever held up for more than a minute or two at worst. It may seem a chaotic mess but most people seem to negotiate it ok.

And that's probably because the police doesn't interfere.
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Any intersection off of Sukhimvit that has a right turn lane. The stupid <deleted> take up the left turn lane, the ADDITIONAL left turn lane and then the third STRAIGHT THROUGH LANE to turn right. I sometimes wish I had a tank and could just roll over and crush the stupid <deleted> who don't know how to drive. Driving is the ONLY thing that really pisses me off about Thailand and makes me hate it at times.

Adding to this . . . The third lane of right turners fill up the gap and block those who are coming in the opposite direction to make a right. Watched this at Klang and Suk the other night as a bus wanted to do a u-turn from the northbound lane onto the southbound. Could not do it as a truck and motos in the "4th" lane blocked him, which caused nearly everyone northbound to be blocked by the bus using up 2 lanes to turn. It took almost the entire green right-turn light for the bozos to unstick themselves. Then pitch in all those red-light runners, yet delaying right turners even more and it cascades . . . Selfish and brainless.

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Any junction with farang drivers who have gone native with their driving habits.

Au contraire mon vieux. It's the newbie farang drivers that drive defensively like they do in Scunthorpe or Dundee, using mirrors, signals, giving way, and (Lord help us) even stopping that cause all the bloody mayhem.

The OP's selected worst junction is one of the easier ones IMHO. Just keep edging out and/or aiming for the ever-diminishing gap will see you across/through with hardly a tap on the brakes.

My pick? The 100 meter, 5-lane dash when turning left from Nurnplubwan onto Sukhumvit with the intent of turning right into Pattaya Klang between 7AM & 9AM and 4PM & 6PM is the ultimate challenge.

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Any junction with farang drivers who have gone native with their driving habits.

Au contraire mon vieux. It's the newbie farang drivers that drive defensively like they do in Scunthorpe or Dundee, using mirrors, signals, giving way, and (Lord help us) even stopping that cause all the bloody mayhem.

The OP's selected worst junction is one of the easier ones IMHO. Just keep edging out and/or aiming for the ever-diminishing gap will see you across/through with hardly a tap on the brakes.

My pick? The 100 meter, 5-lane dash when turning left from Nurnplubwan onto Sukhumvit with the intent of turning right into Pattaya Klang between 7AM & 9AM and 4PM & 6PM is the ultimate challenge.

Agree 100%, that mad dash fairly has the sweat running down the sheuch of my bum. However, once the new tunnel arrives, it will be pure heaven

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My pick? The 100 meter, 5-lane dash when turning left from Nurnplubwan onto Sukhumvit with the intent of turning right into Pattaya Klang between 7AM & 9AM and 4PM & 6PM is the ultimate challenge.

Exactly, that's why the clever guys use the SSCC junction instead at these times (if not always)....whistling.gif

Edited by Turkleton
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For the worst intersection of the day I would vote for the railway crossing at Khao Talo.

Coming from Suk at around 2pm today it was a bit chaotic due to the barriers being stuck in the down position.

It meant that, in the main, traffic heading to the Suk junction were doing a zig-zag through the barriers and those heading from Suk turning left, after avoiding the usual stream of m/cycles doing their best to get in the way of everyone, then doing a U-turn across the tracks to head back to Khao Talo..

Not sure if crossing when the barriers are down is recommended, particularly with the recent spate of accidents at such crossings.

Of course, absolutely no sign of the BiB. Probably getting some shuteye before they venture out for their usual weekend collection activities........!

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My pick? The 100 meter, 5-lane dash when turning left from Nurnplubwan onto Sukhumvit with the intent of turning right into Pattaya Klang between 7AM & 9AM and 4PM & 6PM is the ultimate challenge.

Exactly, that's why the clever guys use the SSCC junction instead at these times (if not always)....whistling.gif

.....frequently waiting from 7 till 9 or 4 till 6 for the lights to change!! Maybe I exaggerate a little but the wait at that junction seems to take a lifetime.

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My pick? The 100 meter, 5-lane dash when turning left from Nurnplubwan onto Sukhumvit with the intent of turning right into Pattaya Klang between 7AM & 9AM and 4PM & 6PM is the ultimate challenge.

Exactly, that's why the clever guys use the SSCC junction instead at these times (if not always)....whistling.gif

.....frequently waiting from 7 till 9 or 4 till 6 for the lights to change!! Maybe I exaggerate a little but the wait at that junction seems to take a lifetime.

waiting a minute, or a good chance to be wiped out by one of the maniacs.....your choice. wai2.gif

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If worst intersection means most dangerous....

I'll vote the most dangerous I can think of right now as the Intersection of the road behind The Avenue heading east to Soi Buakhao when turning right. There is no safe way to turn right because the intersection is totally blind, blocked by the 7Eleven. You have to be lucky that there's no fast vehicle traveling toward you on Soi Buakhao.


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If worst intersection means most dangerous....

I'll vote the most dangerous I can think of right now as the Intersection of the road behind The Avenue heading east to Soi Buakhao when turning right. There is no safe way to turn right because the intersection is totally blind, blocked by the 7Eleven. You have to be lucky that there's no fast vehicle traveling toward you on Soi Buakhao.

attachicon.gifSoi Buakhao.PNG

That is a dodgy one and turning right out of Soi 15 towards Pattaya Tai is badly blocked by that 7-eleven. Stuff going straight or turning off Buakao have no worries and turning left from Soi 15 is a dawdle. Maybe a candidate for a mini-roundabout...

Your map is wrong btw.

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My pick? The 100 meter, 5-lane dash when turning left from Nurnplubwan onto Sukhumvit with the intent of turning right into Pattaya Klang between 7AM & 9AM and 4PM & 6PM is the ultimate challenge.

Exactly, that's why the clever guys use the SSCC junction instead at these times (if not always)....whistling.gif

.....frequently waiting from 7 till 9 or 4 till 6 for the lights to change!! Maybe I exaggerate a little but the wait at that junction seems to take a lifetime.

waiting a minute, or a good chance to be wiped out by one of the maniacs.....your choice. wai2.gif

A minute??? I've sat waiting at that junction for as much as 10 minutes waiting for the lights to change and on another occasion trying to turn out of SSCC it became apparent after queuing for 15 minutes that the police had actually left the lights permanently on red rather than switch to flashing orange 'to help traffic flow during heavy rain'. Almost all traffic lights in Pattaya are a joke with waiting times contributing to the dangers as people jump red lights to avoid a long wait for the next green.

What I really fail to understand in the centre of the city is the insistence on running all 4 directions individually rather than the more usual system of opposing directions running simultaneously with right turners accommodated by a filter light. Most junctions are wide enough but they insist on using 'turn left through' lanes often with the inside lane empty and frequently with the sign having been changed to 'turn left waiting light' which completely defeats the object. It does of course provide a perfect opportunity for the police to wait around the corner to catch those who 'turn left without waiting light' and fill their pockets with a little tea money.

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It does of course provide a perfect opportunity for the police to wait around the corner to catch those who 'turn left without waiting light' and fill their pockets with a little tea money.

Yes, they need easy ways to gather tea money. The current big 3 are probably 1. No helmet, 2. Not waiting turn left and 3. Foreign tourists with no international licence.... only enforced for motorcyclists of course - cars, trucks and buses get a free ride.

Running red lights, speeding, dangerous driving, wrong way up one way streets are too hard for them to bother with.

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Any junction with farang drivers who have gone native with their driving habits.

Au contraire mon vieux. It's the newbie farang drivers that drive defensively like they do in Scunthorpe or Dundee, using mirrors, signals, giving way, and (Lord help us) even stopping that cause all the bloody mayhem.

The OP's selected worst junction is one of the easier ones IMHO. Just keep edging out and/or aiming for the ever-diminishing gap will see you across/through with hardly a tap on the brakes.

My pick? The 100 meter, 5-lane dash when turning left from Nurnplubwan onto Sukhumvit with the intent of turning right into Pattaya Klang between 7AM & 9AM and 4PM & 6PM is the ultimate challenge.

Yep. I do this every day, but I would add it's pretty awful all day long. And I wait for the gaps unlike the impatient Thais who barge in and scrabble between trucks and buses to get to the red light LOL. I usually catch them there.

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