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Obama 'close to acting alone on immigration'


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I think you are right as sinister as it sounds. Its all about votes. There is no other logical explanation of why anyone would want to flood a country with illegal, uneducated aliens, while educated people with real work skills stand in line to enter the U.S. legally.

Might have something to do with the fact that many sectors of the U.S. economy are reliant of low cost migrant labour.

As much as you want to make this a conspiracy theory, more than a few republicans would love to see sort of migrant labor scheme.

If there were votes in this, the democrats would have done this years ago.

How many more millions of illegal aliens do you think it takes to pick fruit?

Some people have difficulty in distinguishing between legal and illegal migration.

Another stalker!

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My President, stand up to these old white men, from McConnell, Bohnier and the Koch Brother's. I hate that political democrat's did not stand up for you. You need to show that yes you were a great man who had principles, and history will stand behind you. I am from old school, and I am an American who believes in America. I respect the system, not the parties. Act alone, and you will be remembered as a true American.

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I am going through the process of getting my wife a visa. Why? Because I obey the law.

She has to take vaccinations, get a medical, get police clearance/background check, be interviewed, and provide proof of our relationship. I must provide proof of my income/assets.

It will be quite a few thousand dollars to follow the law.

But these folks, many of them felons, can just walk across without any of that.

It's commendable that you do this, I also feel obliged to do things through the proper channels because, like you, I have the means to do so.
Many of these folks are not financially capable of applying for the visa you have, and would most likely be rejected anyway. That's why they do what they do. I hate to state the obvious here, I'm betting you're already aware of this, but they go to the U.S. illegally because they are financially desperate and cannot afford legal channels.
Please note that I'm not excusing illegal immigration, I'm not forgiving it, nor am I saying "aw, the sad poor folks, just let 'em do what they want cuz they are victims of poverty." To think, though, "Why don't they pay the fees and go through the time consuming process like they are supposed to," overlooks their financial situation and their desperation.
I'm not at all an advocate of protecting illegal immigration. I don't really know what to do. I am only an advocate of people realizing that it's a more complex situation than naughty selfish people ignoring laws.
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Might have something to do with the fact that many sectors of the U.S. economy are reliant of low cost migrant labour.

As much as you want to make this a conspiracy theory, more than a few republicans would love to see sort of migrant labor scheme.

If there were votes in this, the democrats would have done this years ago.

Republicans think people should work, not be on the dole. I know that's revolutionary in these "modern times" but...

So eliminate both the cheap illegal labor, and the free handouts to the able bodied lazy, and give those lazy the choice to work or go hungry.

The fruit would get picked. People were begging for those jobs during the Great Depression when there were no food stamps, government housing, or cash allowances (welfare.)

I am running an ad on Craigslist right now trying to get someone to come to my house and do simple and not too hard labor for 3 or 4 days. I'm offering $15 an hour which is about $7 above minimum wage. I also don't have a mechanism to withhold taxes etc. so that's under the table pure money. No takers after 4 days.

I'd think at least someone who's already on welfare etc. would slip over and do it for cash money but...

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I am going through the process of getting my wife a visa. Why? Because I obey the law.

She has to take vaccinations, get a medical, get police clearance/background check, be interviewed, and provide proof of our relationship. I must provide proof of my income/assets.

It will be quite a few thousand dollars to follow the law.

But these folks, many of them felons, can just walk across without any of that.

It's commendable that you do this, I also feel obliged to do things through the proper channels because, like you, I have the means to do so.
Many of these folks are not financially capable of applying for the visa you have, and would most likely be rejected anyway. That's why they do what they do. I hate to state the obvious here, I'm betting you're already aware of this, but they go to the U.S. illegally because they are financially desperate and cannot afford legal channels.
Please note that I'm not excusing illegal immigration, I'm not forgiving it, nor am I saying "aw, the sad poor folks, just let 'em do what they want cuz they are victims of poverty." To think, though, "Why don't they pay the fees and go through the time consuming process like they are supposed to," overlooks their financial situation and their desperation.
I'm not at all an advocate of protecting illegal immigration. I don't really know what to do. I am only an advocate of people realizing that it's a more complex situation than naughty selfish people ignoring laws.


I appreciate the tone of your response.

But they are not coming here because ether can't afford to follow the process, or would be rejected, or they are financially desperate. They come to the United States because our government does not enforce the laws. Imprison them and make them work for room and board while incarcerated for ten years, and they'll stop coming.

I don't care about their financial situation. The world is full of poverty. The majority of the seven billion are in poverty. I am not willing to solve the world's problems at the expense of my family, and my neighbors. I would not advocate amnesty for someone who stole thousands of dollars from my neighbor's business, to feed his family, why would anyone advocate amnesty for someone who steals jobs from Americans who are already finically overburdened?

Edited by HeijoshinCool
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Might have something to do with the fact that many sectors of the U.S. economy are reliant of low cost migrant labour.

As much as you want to make this a conspiracy theory, more than a few republicans would love to see sort of migrant labor scheme.

If there were votes in this, the democrats would have done this years ago.

You may have a point if the BLS were telling the truth and the unemployment rate was really 5.8% in the US, but that is far from the truth... Which is that there are 93,600,000+ US citizens of working age that are unemployed... Couple that with over 43,000,000 on some for of public assistance outside of SS and you start to get the picture... There are more the enough able bodies AMERICANS for fill every open position in the US... We don't NEED H1B's and uneducated indigents from Central America...

And for the loading the voter roles "conspiracy", that's what this is all about... Except is will be 3 - 5 years before any of these people are eligible for citizenship and eligibility to vote... I wouldn't be so sure that latinos / hispanics are going to vote democrat either... In the recent elections, 40% of the hispanic block in Texas voted for the GOP, which is a target state for the Dems to turn blue... They;re not as stupid as most democrats it seems...

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Might have something to do with the fact that many sectors of the U.S. economy are reliant of low cost migrant labour.

As much as you want to make this a conspiracy theory, more than a few republicans would love to see sort of migrant labor scheme.

If there were votes in this, the democrats would have done this years ago.


You know I like and respect you, Samran, but I lived and worked in California. I know California.

The percentage of illegals working the fields (migrants) is very small. The vast majority are taking jobs away from Americans, and from immigrants who arrived legally after going through the lengthy process of getting a visa.

Like my wife.

Carpenters, cabinet shop workers, plumbers, electricians and other trades. Restaurant owners, car dealers, mechanics. Taxi drivers, fishermen, landscapers (yes, landscapers can make hundreds per day). Bartenders, servers, and so much more. And those are the ones under the radar. many get social security numbers, and work good paying jobs, even though they are illegals.

And that's not even beginning to count their kids, who would not be taking high-end jobs away, after taking advantage of California's free universities for residents, if their parents hadn't come here illegally. One notable was and still is an attorney .

SAN FRANCISCO The California Supreme Court granted a law license Thursday to a man who has lived in the U.S. illegally for two decades, a ruling that advocates hope will open the door to millions of immigrants seeking to enter other professions such as medicine, accounting and teaching.

The unanimous decision means Sergio Garcia, who attended law school and passed the state bar exam while working in a grocery store and on farms, can begin practicing law immediately.



One from Fox, and one from CNN, so no sniping, please.

Bullshit they aren't hurting Americans. Kick their asses out.

All good points. I didn't address your issues but they are legitimate. All I am talking about is supply and demand. Obviously people want workers and they are relying on the supply coming over the border. As you rightly point out there is the displacement of local workers.

Now. This is where things get difficult and complex. As you say, some of them are getting better than the low paid jobs. What does that say about the US ability to supply labor for those jobs? To me it says that there simply aren't enough local workers even at that level.

Which is why I think a migrant labour scheme might be a good solution, recognising that there are gaps in the labour market and they need to be filled.

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What Obama is doing is akin to cutting his nose to spite his face, he knows very well that this shenanigans

will not go quietly and that the GOP will everything in their power to stop this from happening and stop

funding to carry out the order... now, let the show begin....

We sure live in an interesting times...

20-30 million illegals made immediately eligible for Obamacare subsidies will sink the system all by itself.

They're actually talking about 11-15 millions illegals... but who's counting???

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Good. alt=clap2.gif> The congress is now completely controlled by far right wing xenophobic reactionaries. The people elected Obama TWICE, and NOT to do NOTHING.

They didn't elect him to violate the constitution, or anoint himself king.

If he does this he will guarantee there will be a Republican president next term. The public uproar will be deafening.

He'll probably be impeached for violating the constitution which is a crime. The constitution is LAW. He could spend time in prison. There will soon be enough Republicans in the Senate that together with conservative Democrats from the South they will have the 60 votes they need to run Obama out of town.

Be careful what you wish for. If Obama upsets a lot more people, the Democrats will be (more) finished.

"He could spend time in prison"

"The impeachment process is political in nature, not criminal. Congress has no power to impose criminal penalties on impeached officials. But criminal courts may try and punish officials if they have committed crimes." - Constitutional Rights Foundation. Political actions alone do not generally meet the criteria for crime within the judicial system. Typical crimes committed by politicians are bribery, conspiracy to commit a crime (ie., POTUS Richard Nixon), murder, theft, etc. A POTUS taking an inappropriate executive action is not a criminal action.

In fact POTUS executive decisions have substantial foundation within the history of both Democratic and Republican POTUS terms. Would Republicans be so careless so as to establish restrictions on POTUS executive directives should the political table ever be reversed? With a majority House, Republicans have the power to (again) legally shutdown the government by withholding funding from the Executive Branch.

Maybe I didn't word that well. Look at all of the people who went to prison surrounding the Watergate scandal and impeachment. But Nixon was pardoned and untouchable. If he had stood for impeachment he probably also would have been tried and convicted in a criminal court and gone to jail like his cohorts did.


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Might have something to do with the fact that many sectors of the U.S. economy are reliant of low cost migrant labour.

As much as you want to make this a conspiracy theory, more than a few republicans would love to see sort of migrant labor scheme.

If there were votes in this, the democrats would have done this years ago.


You know I like and respect you, Samran, but I lived and worked in California. I know California.

The percentage of illegals working the fields (migrants) is very small. The vast majority are taking jobs away from Americans, and from immigrants who arrived legally after going through the lengthy process of getting a visa.

Like my wife.

Carpenters, cabinet shop workers, plumbers, electricians and other trades. Restaurant owners, car dealers, mechanics. Taxi drivers, fishermen, landscapers (yes, landscapers can make hundreds per day). Bartenders, servers, and so much more. And those are the ones under the radar. many get social security numbers, and work good paying jobs, even though they are illegals.

And that's not even beginning to count their kids, who would not be taking high-end jobs away, after taking advantage of California's free universities for residents, if their parents hadn't come here illegally. One notable was and still is an attorney .

SAN FRANCISCO The California Supreme Court granted a law license Thursday to a man who has lived in the U.S. illegally for two decades, a ruling that advocates hope will open the door to millions of immigrants seeking to enter other professions such as medicine, accounting and teaching.

The unanimous decision means Sergio Garcia, who attended law school and passed the state bar exam while working in a grocery store and on farms, can begin practicing law immediately.



One from Fox, and one from CNN, so no sniping, please.

Bullshit they aren't hurting Americans. Kick their asses out.

All good points. I didn't address your issues but they are legitimate. All I am talking about is supply and demand. Obviously people want workers and they are relying on the supply coming over the border. As you rightly point out there is the displacement of local workers.

Now. This is where things get difficult and complex. As you say, some of them are getting better than the low paid jobs. What does that say about the US ability to supply labor for those jobs? To me it says that there simply aren't enough local workers even at that level.

Which is why I think a migrant labour scheme might be a good solution, recognising that there are gaps in the labour market and they need to be filled.


To me it says they are competing with Americans for jobs, among others, like lawyers.

And the last thing we need is more lawyers, and the Americans who did make it through law school without breaking the law, should not have to compete with illegals. Imagine that, a lawyer who is breaking the law in an ongoing, unrepentant manner, taking an oath to uphold the law.

Americans are hurting now. Over 50% are on some kind of government assistance. Take that away, and many of them will run to the fields to pick fruit.

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Might have something to do with the fact that many sectors of the U.S. economy are reliant of low cost migrant labour.

As much as you want to make this a conspiracy theory, more than a few republicans would love to see sort of migrant labor scheme.

If there were votes in this, the democrats would have done this years ago.

Republicans think people should work, not be on the dole. I know that's revolutionary in these "modern times" but...

So eliminate both the cheap illegal labor, and the free handouts to the able bodied lazy, and give those lazy the choice to work or go hungry.

The fruit would get picked. People were begging for those jobs during the Great Depression when there were no food stamps, government housing, or cash allowances (welfare.)

I am running an ad on Craigslist right now trying to get someone to come to my house and do simple and not too hard labor for 3 or 4 days. I'm offering $15 an hour which is about $7 above minimum wage. I also don't have a mechanism to withhold taxes etc. so that's under the table pure money. No takers after 4 days.

I'd think at least someone who's already on welfare etc. would slip over and do it for cash money but...

Costs and benefits: Build a huge wall and the cost of enforcing it vs having people come in legally via a migrant scheme, paying taxes along the way and the benefit to the economy in business being able to operate.

But that is my pragmatic view.

Nowhere is an island anymore, as much as perhaps we'd like it to be sometimes. I do understand the rule of law view as well. The laxity of it in Thailand can be frustrating. But sometimes, laws are just stupid and we have to adapt.

Now, as to your experience, I can only offer mine - similar experience trying to get contractors for my business, or, at home, a decent maid/nanny/housekeeper. Above level pay, good conditions etc etc.

No luck from locals. Same experience as yours. Key difference, no welfare here in Thailand, so for me, I can't sheet home the blame to welfare (though trust me I do have one or two welfare reliant relatives in OZ and I can sheet home welfare to them).

So the economist in me kicks in, I'm either not payng enough. Does then my business model survive then? If I pay more, do I get what I want? In my experience, hardly ever.

So it comes back (for me) to a gap in the labour market, simple as that. Add perhaps that it is usually migrants who are prepared to work harder. Again, my experience. Basically now I only ever hire burmese workers. I pay them well. I make sure they are legal.

ps...your farm sounds stunning. Rather than write reports all day, I'd come to do some work. $15 an hour is fine, but I'd be illlegal.

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Might have something to do with the fact that many sectors of the U.S. economy are reliant of low cost migrant labour.

As much as you want to make this a conspiracy theory, more than a few republicans would love to see sort of migrant labor scheme.

If there were votes in this, the democrats would have done this years ago.

How many more millions of illegal aliens do you think it takes to pick fruit?

It is the law of basic economics here. If there are jobs for them people will come.

Note, I'm not arguing in favour of illegal inmigration, just stating that there is demand for it.

That it is an intractable issue in the us context is stupid. Even Thailand manages to have an acceptable migrant labour program that can accomodate and legalise those who come from neighbouring countries.

This one really shoildnt be rocket science.

Your last sentence is spot on.

The fact remains, it is called "illegal immigration" for a reason. Because it is "illegal".

That is reality, not rocket science. There should never be a demand for an illegal activity.

The US currently has somewhere between 11 and 15 million (give or take a million here and there) illegal immigrants in the US. They are a huge drain on our government resources and welfare programs.

IMHO, the only way to solve this problem is to get the illegal immigrants sent home where they can apply for visas, just as the current laws call for, and just as citizens of Thailand and most other countries are required to do.

Viola...problem solved.

Agree, but even Thailand has recognised that if they arrrive here illegally there has to be a mechanism. And there is. If Thailand can do it, so can the US....of all places.

Edited by samran
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What Obama is doing is akin to cutting his nose to spite his face, he knows very well that this shenanigans

will not go quietly and that the GOP will everything in their power to stop this from happening and stop

funding to carry out the order... now, let the show begin....

We sure live in an interesting times...

20-30 million illegals made immediately eligible for Obamacare subsidies will sink the system all by itself.

They're actually talking about 11-15 millions illegals... but who's counting???

The 12 million figure has been used since GW Bush first became president. Hard to believe that we have had virtually no increase to that number in 14 years.

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As much as some like to complain about Thailand, at least one thing is certain, they control the borders a helluva lot tighter than the US ever thought about doing... This immigration mess in the US has been a political football since the 1980's and nothing has been done about it... In the mean time, the population has become more diverse and the culture that built the country is changing... Some see this as a positive, others not so much... The question is, at what point does a nation lose it sovereignty and identity? When the borders are no longer secure or when the people of the country no longer sustain the founding principles? Both are under attack by this administration and they are doing a damn fine job of it...

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What Obama is doing is akin to cutting his nose to spite his face, he knows very well that this shenanigans

will not go quietly and that the GOP will everything in their power to stop this from happening and stop

funding to carry out the order... now, let the show begin....

We sure live in an interesting times...

20-30 million illegals made immediately eligible for Obamacare subsidies will sink the system all by itself.

They're actually talking about 11-15 millions illegals... but who's counting???

The 12 million figure has been used since GW Bush first became president. Hard to believe that we have had virtually no increase to that number in 14 years.

Whatever the number, it is sizable.

Obamacare very likely has already begun the death spiral, particularly when the following information is factored into the conversation. When immigrants (both legal and illegal) make up 42% of new enrollments for free medical care, there is a serious problem.


Report: 42 percent of new Medicaid signups are immigrants, their children
Immigrants and their U.S.-born children make up more than 40 percent of new Medicaid recipients at a cost of $4.6 billion, according to an analysis of government data.
The Center for Immigration Studies, a low-immigration advocacy group, released a report early Thursday that found both legal and illegal immigrants and their minor children made up 42 percent of Medicaid growth from 2011 to last year.
Part of the increased enrollment came as a result of the new healthcare law’s expansion of Medicaid to impoverished and low-income adults.
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I am going through the process of getting my wife a visa. Why? Because I obey the law.

She has to take vaccinations, get a medical, get police clearance/background check, be interviewed, and provide proof of our relationship. I must provide proof of my income/assets.

It will be quite a few thousand dollars to follow the law.

But these folks, many of them felons, can just walk across without any of that.

Yes, your wife and mine must jump through hoops, we must pay gobs of money, and we could easily still be denied. Yet illegals are not only to be given legal rights to live in America but also receive work permits. And their basis for receiving this? The illegal gets these benefits because they are the father and mother of a child who is also illegal but under 18 years old. It is indeed true that illegal aliens are receiving rights and privileges over and beyond those given to US citizens. Obama really is setting the conditions for public unrest if not outright civil war.

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I think you are right as sinister as it sounds. Its all about votes. There is no other logical explanation of why anyone would want to flood a country with illegal, uneducated aliens, while educated people with real work skills stand in line to enter the U.S. legally.

Might have something to do with the fact that many sectors of the U.S. economy are reliant of low cost migrant labour.

As much as you want to make this a conspiracy theory, more than a few republicans would love to see sort of migrant labor scheme.

If there were votes in this, the democrats would have done this years ago.

How many more millions of illegal aliens do you think it takes to pick fruit?

Some people have difficulty in distinguishing between legal and illegal migration.

Who's having difficulty distinguishing between legal and illegal migration?

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It seems liberals are having problems distinguishing between the two words.

On another subject, Oregon, an Obama supporting state, defeated a resolution to provide driver's license to illegal immigrants by a large majority in the last election.

Another nail in the coffin.


Oregon voters reject licenses for illegals; immigration a losing issue for Dems in 2014 elections
Exclusive Washington Times Daily Briefing
Washington Times
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Immigration was a losing issue in the 2014 election, with Republicans who announced their opposition to President Obama’s legalization plans earning victories across the country and voters in Oregon swatting down a referendum that would have granted driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.
Republicans said the results should serve as a warning to President Obama, who has said he plans to take unilateral action to grant legal status to illegal immigrants some time this year.
Hispanic leaders had been counting on Oregon voters to embrace driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants, arguing it would be a signal that states were stepping in to act on immigration reform where the federal government wouldn’t.
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I think you are right as sinister as it sounds. Its all about votes. There is no other logical explanation of why anyone would want to flood a country with illegal, uneducated aliens, while educated people with real work skills stand in line to enter the U.S. legally.

Might have something to do with the fact that many sectors of the U.S. economy are reliant of low cost migrant labour.

As much as you want to make this a conspiracy theory, more than a few republicans would love to see sort of migrant labor scheme.

If there were votes in this, the democrats would have done this years ago.

How many more millions of illegal aliens do you think it takes to pick fruit?

Some people have difficulty in distinguishing between legal and illegal migration.

Who's having difficulty distinguishing between legal and illegal migration?

I actually think he was having a slight at me. But my stalker also thinks I am a Muslim terrorist. So go figure.

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For immigration reform, the proper solution is to legitimize those undocumented immigrants who are contributing to the economy or society, and deport the criminals. Give payroll tax breaks to companies employing US citizens, with smaller payroll tax breaks for employing foreign workers. That way, employers have an incentive for hiring US citizens first, documented foreign workers second, and reduced incentive for hiring undocumented workers.

The proper solution is to kick them out as the Illegals that they are.

Why should Governments give Companies tax breaks ? Why not prosecute companies for hiring Illegals ?

Surely that will reduce the incentive to be an Illegal.

Not a dig at america, UK take note also.

And apply the same rules to the many overstayers/dodgy visa runners in Thailand too.

I agree.

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I see that with the exception of some posts that address the issue presented in the thread, the extreme right wing marginals are out in full ranting mode.

When you mentioned "full ranting mode," I couldn't help think about the countless nonsensical postings you made regarding the gang member that was shot by the police. Since this news article is in regard to Obama's idiotic idea to grant amnesty to illegals flowing across America's southern border, what is your opinion of this idea? Please refrain from posting any Mother Jones, MSNBC, or other radical news regarding this issue. It would be much more interesting if you were to share your thoughts on this subject.

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