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Obama 'close to acting alone on immigration'

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You have no real idea of actual conditions in America ... we do not NEED any sort of foreign labor - manual labor or professional labor or anything in between ... CAN YOU READ?.. We have 16 million - closer to 20 million American Citizens without a job -- Why on Earth do we need 20 million illegal aliens to do jobs in America?

The answer is No - we do not need any ... We need to put Americans to work. .Can you do the Math?

Also - there is NO U.S. Constitutional RIGHT to enter America ... There is no Universal Right to be allowed to live in America .. So - what are you talking about? Can you - Samran -- just pack up and go live in any country you want ? The answer is NO - you cannot... So Why is America different?- can you tell me?

People like you live in a Fantasy Land... where nothing is real .. .just a video game - where all conditions are changed by the players...

Okay, I'm trying to have a rational discussion on immigration, you aren't.

A couple of points:

- I know there is no constitutional right to enter the U.S. But your constitution does grant automatic citizenship to those born on US soil. So this is clearly an incentive which needs to be take away, otherwise people will keep coming. This is what I was referring to when mentioning the constitution.

- secondly, people pack up and come to live on Thailand all the time. Thailand has a similar issue with workers from Laos, Myanamar and Cambodia. They come over illegally and there is a system to make them legal for work proposes. Not green cards or citizenship, just to work. So there are places which do it, and the US could learn from.

I don't agree that the U.S. has no need for this type of labour. Just like water running down hill, If people didn't need them they wouldn't be hiring them. It is the type of free market capitalism that has made the US great.

Having a great big government in the sky telling people what they need and what they don't need... Well dang, that sounds like socialism to me. Sounds like you want to tell business who to hire and not to hire...are you a socialist too?

And....you could try to take people off all sorts of welfare. Equity issues aside (and there are plenty), even if you stripped all welfare away from people in attempt to force them to work, that wouldn't make them work. As I said, labour markets are 'sticky'. People just dont up and leave if they don't need to. So people are still going to be unemployed.

So again, just trying to have a rational policy debate here. Maybe we can step back from the capitalised spellings?


For your information:


Report: 71 Percent of New Jobs Go to Foreign Born Legal, Illegal Immigrants in NH
October 30, 2014 - 10:27 AM
By Penny Starr
(CNSNews.com) – A new report by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) shows that the state with senators who both voted for the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill, which cleared the Senate in June, has 71 percent of its job growth going to foreign-born workers, including legal and illegal immigrants.
Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) both voted for Senate Bill 744, which CIS calculated would have roughly doubled the number of new foreign workers allowed into the country and would have given legal status to millions of illegal aliens already in the country had the legislation been passed by the House and become law.
A CIS analysis using data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey showed that since 2000, 71 percent of the net increase in the number of working-age (16 to 65) people holding a job in New Hampshire has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal), even though the native-born accounted for 65 percent of population growth among the working-age.
All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants
Number of U.S.-born not working grew by 17 million
By Karen Zeigler, Steven A. Camarota June 2014
Steven A. Camarota is the Director of Research and Karen Zeigler is a demographer at the Center for Immigration Studies.
Government data show that since 2000 all of the net gain in the number of working-age (16 to 65) people holding a job has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal). This is remarkable given that native-born Americans accounted for two-thirds of the growth in the total working-age population. Though there has been some recovery from the Great Recession, there were still fewer working-age natives holding a job in the first quarter of 2014 than in 2000, while the number of immigrants with a job was 5.7 million above the 2000 level.
There is already an enormous problem. Legalizing an additional 5-20 million new individuals will hardly ease the problem for our citizens.
It will certainly help the cash flow of Central and South American countries but will hardly help the average worker in the US.

The first link provided to the first source of the posted article includes the following (the boldface originates at the website)....

CNSNews.com relies on individuals like you to help us report the news the liberal media distort and ignore. Please make a tax-deductible gift to CNSNews.com today. Your continued support will ensure that CNSNews.com is here reporting THE TRUTH, for a long time to come.

Citizen volunteerism is a generally good thing but on visiting the website I see a strong bias towards things on the right far margin of US politics, government, economics, public policy and policy making, society. neus.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptR4K2not3.gif

The articles are well written and it is evident the writers are agile and clever in their use of argument and data, to include their unusual and liberal application of USGovernment data especially and in particular, and in ways that are the same or similar to a certain bunch of fringe fantastics around here.. neus.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptR4K2not3.gif

The second link to the second article cites the Center for Immigration Studies. neus.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptR4K2not3.gif I link below to another article published by the Center that focuses on the Democratic party leaning Hispanic electoral vote in the US and the direct impact Hispanic voters were expected to have on the presidential election. USG data show that 70% of undocumented immigrants originate from Mexico and Central America.,


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Here's the problem. barry is fixing to jump off a cliff. Problem is he wants to take the rest of us with him. To paraphrase Shakespeare, who will rid me of this lawless renegade?


Petulant little barry is seething because his party took a historic beating in the recent elections. It seems a few of the acolytes and sycophants are becoming tired of barry using the constitution as toilet paper.


Here's the problem. barry is fixing to jump off a cliff. Problem is he wants to take the rest of us with him. To paraphrase Shakespeare, who will rid me of this lawless renegade?

Shakespeare eh...

...license please....biggrin.png

It's John Boehner and his band of merry men in the Republican gerrymandered House that have screwed things up more than George III himself did or ever could do

They're talking again now of shutting down the government if POTUS acts in his CEO capacity to implement comprehensive immigration reform.

75% of Americans across the board of the political spectrum want the comprehensive reform, but the Republican party guys in Washington are reactionary resistant in the absolute against it.

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75 percent of the people want the border sealed now, as a first step, show of good faith. Not going to happen. But really what barry is setting up for is to not get one more thing done in his final two years.


I didn't ask you what Obama wants or thinks. I merely asked your opinion of granting amnesty to several million, mostly uneducated people who have crossed America's southern border illegally. Why would you think I would "weep" about any of your postings?

Then you should be more careful of what you ask for laugh.png

Does this mean you have no thoughts of your own regarding granting amnesty to several million people who entered America illegally?

You have my views stated in my post -- I support comprehensive immigration reform and I support immigration in general for the reasons I articulated. So whatever you're on about, get off of it.

Most specifically, I support the comprehensive immigration reform proposals 75% of other Americans support and which Congress has failed to enact even after two years of negotiations over comprehensive immigration reform itself, exclusive of other legislative items or issues.

There will be no amnesty.

Prez Obama will not issue any amnesty.

To say the comprehensive immigration reform 75% of Americans support from across the political spectrum is an amnesty is a fiction. It is false. It is bogus. It is a trumped up concocted claim. The comprehensive immigration reform proposal that's been kicked about the past two years does not include an amnesty.

Prez Obama will not try to do the job of the Congress. Prez Obama will do what he can as CEO of the Executive Branch under the authority of the Constitution and the laws of the land. He will do comprehensive immigration reform. There is no single issue involved or included.

My thoughts and views are exactly the opposite of yours, but you knew that already, and you knew it very well besides.

You keep saying over and over again, "there is no amnesty." Unfortunately for America, Obama with the aid of smoke and mirrors, along with very naive people who actually believe his repeated lies, will attempt to provide amnesty to several million illegal aliens, many of which will end up on some sort of welfare or government assistance. This is not rocket science.

It is mind boggling how someone like Obama, with no proven skills as a leader, along with a checkered past could have ever become a leader of the most powerful country in the world. What is even more disturbing, is the people who voted this guy into office are still running loose with no adult supervision.

Your repeated nonsensical post regarding Obama's immigration plan, along with the cartoon icons you tend to use, remind me of all the silly comments you made about the gang member that was shot by the police. I imagine by now, you know this police officer will be returning to duty soon.

God help us if Obama can pull off this sinister plot to give amnesty to people who have entered America illegally. What happened to the rule of law? Why on earth would anyone of sound mind support a person (Obama) who believes he is above the law.

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When libs use the term "comprehensive" that means you will give up all your important benchmarks today in exchange for some pie in the sky nebulous promises to do something decades in the future. Unfortunately the liars have no intention of keeping their word. The means justifies the ends.

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^^ I'm not convinced that shutting off the tap of foreign workers will do squat for the native labour market. I really don't.

I don't disagree that the first point of call should always be citizens and permanent residents. Call it a labour market test if you want to..., but if you ban all options for labour, you are condemning business to second rate workers, even if they can get them. That is an unfair handicap in this day and age.

Following is the position that Obama took in his 2006 book, "The Audacity of Hope".

I must presume this was his real position at that time, even though there is speculation that his terrorist friend, William Ayres, actually wrote the book.

If it was in fact his position, I must further presume he has now "devolved" in his thinking and has come to the conclusion that his position now is an exact 180 from what it was then.

Sort of like his stance on same sex marriages. You know...for, against, for, against, for.

Here is a video and it certainly sounds like his voice.


SHOCK FLASHBACK: Obama Says Illegal Immigration HURTS ‘Blue-Collar Americans,’ STRAINS Welfare [VIDEO]
11:17 PM 11/16/2014
White House Correspondent
President Obama once declared that an influx of illegal immigrants will harm “the wages of blue-collar Americans” and “put strains on an already overburdened safety net.”
“[T]here’s no denying that many blacks share the same anxieties as many whites about the wave of illegal immigration flooding our Southern border—a sense that what’s happening now is fundamentally different from what has gone on before,” then-Senator Obama wrote in his 2006 autobiography, “The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream.”
”Not all these fears are irrational,” he wrote.

I read that book, well got half way, then put it down as it was too much of a political document. It remains in the reading basket next to my toilet. Don't read it that much....only when I've litterally got nothing else to read, including the instructoins on the back of the sanitary products in the bathroom.

The one about his childhood and father was a much better book - not written with the spotlight of a potential presidency on it.

I don't disagree, you can't run a country without a well functioning immigration programme. If a government loses control over immigration, then public faith in legitimate immigration also falls away.

My point remains the same though, just closing the door doesn't work helping the locally unemployed. They might just as well be without the right qualifiactions for the jobs which are needed, and as a business owner myself, the last thing I want is to be saddled with a second rate pool of workers. How to get them working? That is whole other debate. And it will be an expensive solution in my opinion.

Repatriation will be a logistical and financial nightmare.

And while we may argue about the impact welfare has on all of this, I also think the right to US citizenship if born on US soil is one thing you are going to have to think long and hard about.

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