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'Defrauded' Briton Found Dead In Chiang Mai Guesthouse

Lite Beer

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I'll give a little insight shall I? I was duped out of 14m in my first years here. No matter how bright one is, there's always a way.

I got married... bought 2 large houses (in her name of course), a new Audi, (in her name of course), and this was AFTER she had had our BABY... yes baby. Married with baby, together 2 years. I thought I had a great life. I was working in China, earning well as a consultant. I was flying back and forth every 8 weeks. Into year 3, I flew back to Thailand, went home........ and... somebody I didn't know answered my door. She had sold both houses, emptied our JOINT bank account, and done a runner with my kid.

All my hard work and savings..... yes, I too went into a depression, but I never for once thought of suicide. I decided to make a comeback and get off my ass and fight on.

I did, and eventually met a fine woman, highly educated, as I waited and chose very carefully. Married 7 years now.... nice new home and new car, wife's a lecturer at Uni.

It is easy to be duped; my ex had it planned for 3 whole goddarned years..... including baby... to entice me to depart with my savings.

However, suicide was not an option for me. It's a shame for some, who just can't face such a loss. Don't, please, take the proverbial out of this young man; it can happen to anybody, especially if well planned! sad.png

and it can happen b y anyone those university educated thai girls those bank workers school teachers i fact they are worst in my experience of 30+ years here because mugs think they are safer with that ape of girl they are not so doth be so patronising and boastful that its got much to do with your wife's job or education it does not Ive known many many over years scammed as bad or worse by well educated good job girls and woman here even in one case by a bank manager In my experience its about equal between bar girls and their higher in society competitors or if anything in my experience more from well educated ones number of times I've heard i thought shed be ok she was not a bar girl and really was not or i thought ok since she was a little older. Just more experienced and al title cleverer in doing con thats all and easier for them (the non bar girls) to catch bigger fish

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I'll give a little insight shall I? I was duped out of 14m in my first years here. No matter how bright one is, there's always a way.

I got married... bought 2 large houses (in her name of course), a new Audi, (in her name of course), and this was AFTER she had had our BABY... yes baby. Married with baby, together 2 years. I thought I had a great life. I was working in China, earning well as a consultant. I was flying back and forth every 8 weeks. Into year 3, I flew back to Thailand, went home........ and... somebody I didn't know answered my door. She had sold both houses, emptied our JOINT bank account, and done a runner with my kid.

All my hard work and savings..... yes, I too went into a depression, but I never for once thought of suicide. I decided to make a comeback and get off my ass and fight on.

I did, and eventually met a fine woman, highly educated, as I waited and chose very carefully. Married 7 years now.... nice new home and new car, wife's a lecturer at Uni.

It is easy to be duped; my ex had it planned for 3 whole goddarned years..... including baby... to entice me to depart with my savings.

However, suicide was not an option for me. It's a shame for some, who just can't face such a loss. Don't, please, take the proverbial out of this young man; it can happen to anybody, especially if well planned! sad.png

I am sorry to contradict you on this - but no. Well planned or not, it really cannot happen to anybody. For starters, the day I buy a property here I would make damn certain that it requires both signatures on the sale document. If that is not possible, I simply wouldn't do it. I have been married and divorced here, a joint account was, is and always will be totally out of the question.

As for my divorce and settlement, it cost me the grand total of 45 baht. We had a child too, but I obtained full custody.

All of this while living here permanently, 12 months a year. If I was working abroad? Absolutely zero chance of me trusting any Thai girl, no matter how plausible, no matter how apparently genuine her feelings for me.

There is a reason why it does not happen to everybody.

you poor sick man living in fear all time unable to love anyone for fear they will scam you unable to buy and share a home sure you may never get scammed but you'll also never know true love of a genuine thai lady as i have for over 30 years. And yes after a few years since I'm much much older than her and we have 2 wonderful children everything here went into her name then later everything in UK and all in USA. She came from the slums. Lost her father and had to work from age 6 to help support her mother and brother. Worked to pay her education costs and her immediate family have never asked for a baht. Her uncles and aunts tried for years but she just told them no way she's now married and when they said so your family is not important she replied yes my new family. It was particularly difficult for her mother who was taunted daily by poor neighbours telling her her daughter was no good and why was she still living in a semi slum while her daughter had a rich forang and lived n a posh house. Her iuncles and extended family tried same for years but never received anything. After 10 years i felt guilty and told my wife to go and buy a simple town house where her mother could sell her noodles and things in a better neighbourhood. I also relented when my wives mother needed a life saving operation and we paid for it. As told my wife 30 odd years ago if her mother was starving or needed urgent medical care wed pay but as she herself says i still have 10 fingers. Her mother now for last 20 years still makes noodles and supports herself totally and no other member of family have ever received a satang. MY wife always feels sorry for poor forang surrounded by their GF wife or family and he simply footing the bill and says why doesn't he tell them all to #@@#$ off except them other of course.

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Jungle Jim Bob, can you make a post without the words drunk, hookers, bar girls, scum etc, etc

Every post I've seen you write so far is an attack on other foreigners. Not really sure were your bitnerness comes from? Bullied at school, social reject, Farang wife took you, had your wallet stolen on beach road, but not all foreigners living or visiting here are "scum", or deserving of your disdain. You also seem to have "the only Farang in the village syndrome", good luck with that.

Thankfully, there are plenty of decent, educated , hard working foreigners here living in Thailand; not that I am suggesting there are a fair share of undesirables.

As it is, a bloke has taken his life, and a family have lost a son . Have a bit of compassion, not everyone always makes the right choices in life even some from "good stock".

There is a glut of recently signed up people, whose sole intent is to attack foreigners, they are easy to pick out.

Most of these are people forced back to their own countries, due to border hopping being clamped down and they have no other way to stay here. They are jealous and bitter towards those who can live here with ease and they have probably been 'taken' for a good amount and I suppose this is their outlet to spew their venom.

This death of a 38 year old who thought he'd found Shangri La and was willing to pay for it, is a terrible thing.

The corporatocracy we all live under in the west is the greatest example of corruption I can think of.

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As a bit of an extra on this, from what my wife read in the Thai news sources, apparently his gf tricked him into spending 10M THB to buy the elephant sanctuary, then got him to work there.

However, they didn't actually buy it, and they just let him work there because they allow volunteers to work at the sanctuary. He apparently dding realize this, so worked there thinking it was his own business. Although by the time he found out the truth, his gf had done a runner.

If that is the case, then I know of this gentleman. Very sad story and I hope his girlfriend rots in hell. Horrible horrible con.
RIP but hardly newsworthy since it happens every day many times to one mug or another most however in time move n and lesson learnt he was young had a degree from Oxford so while maybe his whole fortune plenty of oppertunity to put Hz life back on track.

Apart from money it hurts like hell when someone you loved and trusted lies to you and money does not really come into it. Sadder is impression given all thai girls are scammers they are not and nor are bar girls. In 30+ years I've seem university graduates here cheap and scam worse than any bar girl and gills from hiso family's even worse and bar girls who never conned their partners

worst is well educated thai Chinese who con some poor old geezer out of everything and simply dumped them after bleeding them dry on rubbish at an age they are to old to start again. Ive also seen ex bar girls give all they could for their forang husband even down to selling all they had to help him.

So please none of this bar girl bad crap its men who are crap by being so stupid and ones who gloat about cheating Thai girls especially poor ones are far worse scum than any girl scammer here

I have to admit even though my lovely wife is and has always been a well raised , moral and well educated girl, (We both met when young) there are a couple of ex bar girls on the fringes of our social group and they seem very dedicated to their husbands and children.

Life isn't black and white.

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There should be a warning sign put up in arrivals at the airport warning of the dangers

of bar girls..... Seems to be an endless stream of sad stories like this one.... :-(

On a side note, with lots of Brits dying here, I wonder at what point their government

will step in.


Too many of us turn to 'Government' for everything, like a helpless babe in arms, this is a dangerous mindset

All western governments have travel advisories, these are of course, ignored by many, or forgotten in the flush of being high on exotic Thailand.

The 'government' cannot, nor should it, protect people from themselves.

All crime requires not only a victim, but an 'opportunity' if one removes the opportunity, you don't become a victim.

Governments do a crap job of 'governing' everywhere, never mind anything else. I personally, would not trust or encourage them to 'step in' on my behalf.

Someones has not only drunk the Kool Aid but is serving it up a bit - me thinks.

Government *good government* must function to protect its citizens. Unless you're Thomas Hobbes or a wingnut libertarian and are deluded that in some "Law of the Jungle" dream world you would thrive. Governements are there to protect and defend citizenry as job 1.

As to the sentiment that if you remove the opportunity, you remove the victim-hood... again; a dream world. We both minimize risk, I'm sure. But in reality, neither of us are immune to being victims.

Sorry to take that post to task but I'd hate to see Thaivisa devolve into a Fox News fertilizer factory.

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Why would some guy give 300,000 dollars to a hooker? Blows my mind.

I loaned several thousand $ to a "friend" of over 20 years in my own country, and will never see him or my money again. Bad people are everywhere.

Yup, happened to me a couple of times. Never again.

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Some people think its ok to trust prostitutes and woman looking for money .

Some base this on their success and it working out fine.

Years of happiness etc.

Sadly , the flip side is seldom as often seen because these men go away and don't talk.

However, in this day and age it's more connected on social media and very clearly brought to light.

Would you go parachuting if fifty percent won't open?

In Thailand it's about it.

A flip of the coin .

If men feel the Thais are trustworthy it's their right.

And many have valid reasons .

I am pretty sure this mans family might have wished otherwise.

I think giving woman money is disgusting myself .

Against my ethics .

Certainly in Asia

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An Oxford graduate conned by a Thai bar girl.

Another Quality Tourist!

Bear in mind it' the press saying he was an Oxford graduate. I've seen press reports in Australia of 'top barristers, even a 'top nail artist', etc., and nobody knows of them.

It's possible he just visited Oxfoed once?

Whatever the reality, it seems he was scammed, and there is a lesson there for all. It still beats me that men, some intelligent, some less so, give/ invest money through bar girls, or even through what may appear reputable people in a foreign country, knowing little of the 'lie of the land'.

Sad story though, whichever way you look at it.

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There only reason those lowlives are here is because women in their own country (including the prostitutes) wouldnt touch them with a bargepole...

It's amazing that you can write that sentence without your mind immediately progressing to the next logical step.

Prostitutes are hated by Society's women for being "too cheap" and "too easy" -- take a moment to consider the insanity of that reality -- women who force men to pay to pleasure them are "too cheap" and "too easy". It's madness. When even prostitutes turn up their noses at men who've worked their entire lives, always paid their taxes, always obeyed the law, fought for their country (rightly or wrongly), protected children, respected women; when men who've been violently compelled to suffer to please women from the age of toddlers are told their lives of contribution / money are not good enough for common whores (exclusive courtesans are as far out of their reach as the moon) -- the problem is partly solved by choosing to live a life of peace. They're not sex tourists, they're sex refugees.

I can tell you what the alternative looks like: Rape of Nanking.

If you knew what women did to secure their illegitimate power (to force men to pay to pleasure them), you would not call many men "lowlives". They may be lowlife men but there are much -- much -- lower lives.

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Some people think its ok to trust prostitutes and woman looking for money .

Some base this on their success and it working out fine.

Years of happiness etc.

Sadly , the flip side is seldom as often seen because these men go away and don't talk.

However, in this day and age it's more connected on social media and very clearly brought to light.

Would you go parachuting if fifty percent won't open?

In Thailand it's about it.

A flip of the coin .

If men feel the Thais are trustworthy it's their right.

And many have valid reasons .

I am pretty sure this mans family might have wished otherwise.

I think giving woman money is disgusting myself .

Against my ethics .

Certainly in Asia

I like the last 2 sentences . "I think giving...... against my ethics.
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There only reason those lowlives are here is because women in their own country (including the prostitutes) wouldnt touch them with a bargepole...

It's amazing that you can write that sentence without your mind immediately progressing to the next logical step.

Prostitutes are hated by Society's women for being "too cheap" and "too easy" -- take a moment to consider the insanity of that reality -- women who force men to pay to pleasure them are "too cheap" and "too easy". It's madness. When even prostitutes turn up their noses at men who've worked their entire lives, always paid their taxes, always obeyed the law, fought for their country (rightly or wrongly), protected children, respected women; when men who've been violently compelled to suffer to please women from the age of toddlers are told their lives of contribution / money are not good enough for common whores (exclusive courtesans are as far out of their reach as the moon) -- the problem is partly solved by choosing to live a life of peace. They're not sex tourists, they're sex refugees.

I can tell you what the alternative looks like: Rape of Nanking.

If you knew what women did to secure their illegitimate power (to force men to pay to pleasure them), you would not call many men "lowlives". They may be lowlife men but there are much -- much -- lower lives.

Ok, let me fill you in on a prime example.

I lived up in north Isaan where I was working.

Met this 72 year old chap from England who had 2 kids (both in their 30s who lived in England) and grand kids too...

Got chatting to him and he was mentioning his wife and kid... Turns out, the wife and kid he was talking about was his wife and kid in Thailand... Wife being 30 (younger than both of his kids back home) and kid being 2....

Yes... 2... a 72 year old man has a 2 year old child with a woman of 30... and he has kids and grand kids back home...

His grand children are older than their uncle/aunt...

Some people have said to me 'I hope you grow old'... And so do I... So I can watch my family grow up and I can hand something down to them and spend time with them... Not so I can die 1000's of miles away from them with some new wife who I have signed over my life savings to and be forever thought of by my flesh and blood as a desperate old pervert...

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There only reason those lowlives are here is because women in their own country (including the prostitutes) wouldnt touch them with a bargepole...

It's amazing that you can write that sentence without your mind immediately progressing to the next logical step.

Prostitutes are hated by Society's women for being "too cheap" and "too easy" -- take a moment to consider the insanity of that reality -- women who force men to pay to pleasure them are "too cheap" and "too easy". It's madness. When even prostitutes turn up their noses at men who've worked their entire lives, always paid their taxes, always obeyed the law, fought for their country (rightly or wrongly), protected children, respected women; when men who've been violently compelled to suffer to please women from the age of toddlers are told their lives of contribution / money are not good enough for common whores (exclusive courtesans are as far out of their reach as the moon) -- the problem is partly solved by choosing to live a life of peace. They're not sex tourists, they're sex refugees.

I can tell you what the alternative looks like: Rape of Nanking.

If you knew what women did to secure their illegitimate power (to force men to pay to pleasure them), you would not call many men "lowlives". They may be lowlife men but there are much -- much -- lower lives.

Ok, let me fill you in on a prime example.

I lived up in north Isaan where I was working.

Met this 72 year old chap from England who had 2 kids (both in their 30s who lived in England) and grand kids too...

Got chatting to him and he was mentioning his wife and kid... Turns out, the wife and kid he was talking about was his wife and kid in Thailand... Wife being 30 (younger than both of his kids back home) and kid being 2....

Yes... 2... a 72 year old man has a 2 year old child with a woman of 30... and he has kids and grand kids back home...

His grand children are older than their uncle/aunt...

Some people have said to me 'I hope you grow old'... And so do I... So I can watch my family grow up and I can hand something down to them and spend time with them... Not so I can die 1000's of miles away from them with some new wife who I have signed over my life savings to and be forever thought of by my flesh and blood as a desperate old pervert...

so he lives in a relationship has a two year old child whom he looks after and he is in your eyes a pervert, can't quite follow your reasoning here, ooh the age difference, now i get it, can't have that can we.

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i agree they are very easy to spot as are bar girls in general.

This is a thread about a 38 year old guy who probably lost everything and is now dead.

It has deteriorated beyond belief and I hope any relative is not unfortunate enough to read it.

The parents of an Oxford graduate are hardly likely to read TV, that's for us plebs. Actually i do feel sad for his situation but you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at the Elephant breeding station story, the audacity! That is one dangerously clever girl.

Clever? I'd have seen her coming a mile off! These girls almost have 'grifter' written in neon on their foreheads, not just bargirls, any of the type. They are the IRL equivalent of the Nigerian email for gods sake! How hard can it be? Sophisticated cons they are not.

If anyone apart from a known philanthropist type with a track record approached me about a heffalump sanctuary I'd laugh in their face.

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There only reason those lowlives are here is because women in their own country (including the prostitutes) wouldnt touch them with a bargepole...

It's amazing that you can write that sentence without your mind immediately progressing to the next logical step.

Prostitutes are hated by Society's women for being "too cheap" and "too easy" -- take a moment to consider the insanity of that reality -- women who force men to pay to pleasure them are "too cheap" and "too easy". It's madness. When even prostitutes turn up their noses at men who've worked their entire lives, always paid their taxes, always obeyed the law, fought for their country (rightly or wrongly), protected children, respected women; when men who've been violently compelled to suffer to please women from the age of toddlers are told their lives of contribution / money are not good enough for common whores (exclusive courtesans are as far out of their reach as the moon) -- the problem is partly solved by choosing to live a life of peace. They're not sex tourists, they're sex refugees.

I can tell you what the alternative looks like: Rape of Nanking.

If you knew what women did to secure their illegitimate power (to force men to pay to pleasure them), you would not call many men "lowlives". They may be lowlife men but there are much -- much -- lower lives.

Ok, let me fill you in on a prime example.

I lived up in north Isaan where I was working.

Met this 72 year old chap from England who had 2 kids (both in their 30s who lived in England) and grand kids too...

Got chatting to him and he was mentioning his wife and kid... Turns out, the wife and kid he was talking about was his wife and kid in Thailand... Wife being 30 (younger than both of his kids back home) and kid being 2....

Yes... 2... a 72 year old man has a 2 year old child with a woman of 30... and he has kids and grand kids back home...

His grand children are older than their uncle/aunt...

Some people have said to me 'I hope you grow old'... And so do I... So I can watch my family grow up and I can hand something down to them and spend time with them... Not so I can die 1000's of miles away from them with some new wife who I have signed over my life savings to and be forever thought of by my flesh and blood as a desperate old pervert...

so he lives in a relationship has a two year old child whom he looks after and he is in your eyes a pervert, can't quite follow your reasoning here, ooh the age difference, now i get it, can't have that can we.

Yeah, I do think he is a pervert... He has already got kids, and now grand kids who he should be cherishing spending his life with and seeing grow up, graduating university, getting married etc etc instead of concentrating on getting his end away and making more children who will have an 80 year old father when they are 10... That'll make for interesting days out to the funfair, down the park etc won't it?

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Another dead foreigner was found today in Chiang Mai. Likely another taken to the cleaners. Reports like this are posted daily in many sites and newspapers. Thousands more likely go unreported, yet the suckers keep arriving by the millions. Numerous videos, documentaries, books, articles, warnings, websites. Could a serious lack of common sense and alcoholism likely have something to do with it ? If you too damn lazy to do a little research or have mush for brains after years of drinking perhaps you should stay in the safety of your own locked room. Curious how many bodies get shipped home yearly.

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Some people think its ok to trust prostitutes and woman looking for money .

Some base this on their success and it working out fine.

Years of happiness etc.

Sadly , the flip side is seldom as often seen because these men go away and don't talk.

However, in this day and age it's more connected on social media and very clearly brought to light.

Would you go parachuting if fifty percent won't open?

In Thailand it's about it.

A flip of the coin .

If men feel the Thais are trustworthy it's their right.

And many have valid reasons .

I am pretty sure this mans family might have wished otherwise.

I think giving woman money is disgusting myself .

Against my ethics .

Certainly in Asia

I like the last 2 sentences . "I think giving...... against my ethics.
I make no apology for saying what I do.

This guy ( and the hundreds of thousands of others) thought they had a winner.

They create realities that are not based in fact.

If my comment doesn't sit well with your personal tastes - I wish you luck , but they are not getting a Zack out of me.

I feel woman in general are being parasite like when in south east Asia they feed off men and in many instances devour them .

This guy died heartbroken .

We're men to follow a basic rule of saying no to fuelling theses grubs it won't end so badly

Edited by Plutojames88
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You mean that simple little common word NO! . No proves you have a spine. Thai women do not respect weakness. No Thai man would EVER tolerate the crap foreign man have to deal with. Think it might have something to do with booze ? Hint ! Hint! Hint!

Some people think its ok to trust prostitutes and woman looking for money .
Some base this on their success and it working out fine.
Years of happiness etc.

Sadly , the flip side is seldom as often seen because these men go away and don't talk.

However, in this day and age it's more connected on social media and very clearly brought to light.

Would you go parachuting if fifty percent won't open?

In Thailand it's about it.
A flip of the coin .

If men feel the Thais are trustworthy it's their right.
And many have valid reasons .

I am pretty sure this mans family might have wished otherwise.

I think giving woman money is disgusting myself .
Against my ethics .
Certainly in Asia

I like the last 2 sentences . "I think giving...... against my ethics.
I make no apology for saying what I do.

This guy ( and the hundreds of thousands of others) thought they had a winner.
They create realities that are not based in fact.

If my comment doesn't sit well with your personal tastes - I wish you luck , but they are not getting a Zack out of me.

I feel woman in general are being parasite like when in south east Asia they feed off men and in many instances devour them .

This guy died heartbroken .

We're men to follow a basic rule of saying no to fuelling theses grubs it won't end so badly
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There only reason those lowlives are here is because women in their own country (including the prostitutes) wouldnt touch them with a bargepole...

even prostitutes turn up their noses at men who've worked their entire lives, always paid their taxes, always obeyed the law, fought for their country, protected children, respected women

Some people have said to me 'I hope you grow old'... And so do I... So I can watch my family grow up and I can hand something down to them and spend time with them... Not so I can die 1000's of miles away from them with some new wife who I have signed over my life savings to and be forever thought of by my flesh and blood as a desperate old pervert...

Are the opinions of those who want you to suffer to please them worth considering?

If his children aren't supportive of his desire to be happy after a life of wage slavery, he should detach himself from their wretched need for misery and curse their mother for filling their minds with lies that tell children they're entitled to the suffering of others.

If you suffer to please those who are pleased by your suffering, you become part of the Problem.

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That is one dangerously clever girl.

Clever? I'd have seen her coming a mile off!

There's a reason they say love blinds. As you're so clever, you can probably guess the reason.

If you're claiming to be incapable of love, that would be impressive. If you're claiming to be too clever to love women with ignoble intent, if I were you I'd ask myself how wanting someone to be blind can ever be noble? I would also ask myself why the desired blindness is needed. Romantic love is not a Natural emotion. All love in Nature is selfish, even the mammal mother's love for her defenceless young (who are part of her Self until they're unattached / independent).

If you're capable of love, you're not clever enough to see malice coming a mile off. The last girl who blinded me refused all my attempts to pay -- she was loaded --- while surreptitiously eroding my sense of Self-worth in contrived isolation to make me imagine I needed her. I'd be lying if I claimed she couldn't have bankrupted me by leaving me once I needed her. In the end, I discovered the only reason she didn't need my money that she had multiple men trying to throw their worthless bank balances at her in desperate misery, having been made to imagine they needed her, only to be abruptly cut off without explanation. I was no different from them.

This is a world of malicious illusions. There is much difference between what is real and what appears to be. Every girl is dangerously clever. Men are bred for exploitation.

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You mean that simple little common word NO! . No proves you have a spine. Thai women do not respect weakness. No Thai man would EVER tolerate the crap foreign man have to deal with. Think it might have something to do with booze ? Hint ! Hint! Hint!

Some people think its ok to trust prostitutes and woman looking for money .

Some base this on their success and it working out fine.

Years of happiness etc.

Sadly , the flip side is seldom as often seen because these men go away and don't talk.

However, in this day and age it's more connected on social media and very clearly brought to light.

Would you go parachuting if fifty percent won't open?

In Thailand it's about it.

A flip of the coin .

If men feel the Thais are trustworthy it's their right.

And many have valid reasons .

I am pretty sure this mans family might have wished otherwise.

I think giving woman money is disgusting myself .

Against my ethics .

Certainly in Asia

I like the last 2 sentences . "I think giving...... against my ethics.
I make no apology for saying what I do.

This guy ( and the hundreds of thousands of others) thought they had a winner.

They create realities that are not based in fact.

If my comment doesn't sit well with your personal tastes - I wish you luck , but they are not getting a Zack out of me.

I feel woman in general are being parasite like when in south east Asia they feed off men and in many instances devour them .

This guy died heartbroken .

We're men to follow a basic rule of saying no to fuelling theses grubs it won't end so badly

Yes but from the story he thought he was buying something not giving his money to the girl. It is fraud and it is tacitly accepted by authorities and certainly by the populace who see it as something heroic to scam a foreigner. That is what makes it disgusting. He was a youngish guy so not quite the ancient sexpat type your answer seems to infer
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I just think it's so easy to criticise. So many people are scammed in many devious and clever ways. Sure he probably should of seen it coming but like so many before him he didn't.

I was walking around some bars in Koh Samui last night. There are so many very pretty and sexy girls around and I guess it's so easy to fall for them. They have what you want and vice a versa. I am too battle hardened to fall for them now but more often than not still end up with a bar bill far in excess of what I was expecting.

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No proves you have a spine. Thai women do not respect weakness. No Thai man would EVER tolerate the crap foreign man have to deal with.

It is true that Thai men are much sharper in this regard but in a world where truth offends, that could mean they just learn the hard way at a younger age. We live in a world where rape is often rewarded and occasionally penalised (increasingly, with the death penalty).

The nature of women's rape fantasies: an analysis of prevalence, frequency, and contents.

62% of women have had a rape fantasy...somewhat higher than previous estimates...14% reporting that they had rape fantasies at least once a week.

Girls know I'm spineless and weak. It's true but not for the reasons they imagine. They don't respect my refusal to play their twisted game. Many men play. Some are in prison for that mistake, some for the mistake of not playing. Every Catch-22 is intended in a world of hijack that begins at birth (an easy mistake to make). They go to obsessive lengths to make the mistake of leaving increasingly difficult.

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