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Flooding doesn't work. They may all be great images but when posted in rapid succession each image detracts from the next almost eliminating the WOW factor.

Spot on critique of this forum & long overdue (from the Mod team). lets hope everyone agrees and adopts.
The Flickr group pools work very well precisely because of this type of (auto in their case) Moderation.
A similar principle here to consider would be something like 1 post (photo) in any seperate thread and a maximum of 3 posts (photos) across the entire board per day by any member.
Food for thought . .
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" The coin flips but it does not land face down , it lands on it's edge , you can only view one side at one time "

I am not a great typist , and I am slow at it , I see both sides but not at the same time also , I think this is a fascinating topic as it has given many of the community a purchase to deliver their thoughts , not one have I not admired as we are not all the same in our personalities , our thinking .

Maybe I am a fence-sitter but I can see the purpose in both arguments , yes , but I cannot say which camp I live in.

You just have to realise and remember I am as odd as the rest of you as well , go and try to tell your workmates what you do in your free-time ! smile.png


Please delete if not constructive to the topic

  • Like 1

" The coin flips but it does not land face down , it lands on it's edge , you can only view one side at one time "

I am not a great typist , and I am slow at it , I see both sides but not at the same time also , I think this is a fascinating topic as it has given many of the community a purchase to deliver their thoughts , not one have I not admired as we are not all the same in our personalities , our thinking .

Maybe I am a fence-sitter but I can see the purpose in both arguments , yes , but I cannot say which camp I live in.

You just have to realise and remember I am as odd as the rest of you as well , go and try to tell your workmates what you do in your free-time ! smile.png


Please delete if not constructive to the topic

Oh I don't do any actual work Goomps, I just organise other poor sods to go out there and do it. I stand on the shoulders of giants.

I'm just good with design, pricing, strategy and sometimes site management when I can be bothered.

It's just a new way for the regulars here to organise the thread pages. Instead of 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 . . . 2,2,2,2,2,2,2 . . . 3,3,3,3,3,3,3 we get 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3 if you see what I mean?


My post was not a personal post to you MJP , rather a general consideration to whomever viewed and posed upon it , it in no way reflected any angst to the OP , I hope not misconstrued

I just am not obliged to say what camp I live in , maybe contrary to what I said about a fence - sitter , I have a passion for photography but I am obliged to give others space to complete their personal endeavours as well .

Congratulations on becoming a Global Moderator , I am so pleased that you are on board the Photography Threads , we all love you M.


Few overall points of this discussion.

1) I'm glad to see how much people actually care about this photo forum. That's a very good thing.

2) We don't have to look all the photos. I often skip pages of the photos when I wish to post something to the thread. It's not that I would not care of those photos, but it's more similar to the fact that I have not read all the great books in the world.

3) Use private messages to notify the users if they are flooding. Not stingy way, but as an good excuse to open maybe short or longer discussion about photography or other things in the life. I think simply to get to know a bit of each others, would help to understand why others post to the forum in different ways. And please note: If a Finnish person tells you to talk to each other, you should listen carefully. We avoid talking to the extend that people rather stand on the bus than go to sit next to each others. We also believe that eyes have lasers and therefore never ever have eye contact with strangers ;)

4) Should we have a "Let me introduce myself" thread, where our members could tell each others little bit who they are, where they live and where they are from. What they are interested in photography and what they wish to learn to do. Hobbies, professional work life, family pets etc. Nothing mandatory, only the things a person wishes to share. The post could included person's favourite photo.

5) How about a general thread "Life as we see it". This would include small moments of our daily life, which might or might not fit to the other threads. A wonderful smile at the market, New favourite spot to eat lunch, The darn motorbike is broken again or a new idea. These photos are not even supposed to be technically perfect, those simply would reflect the daily life. Kind of a Facebook feed for this forum.


^^ Life as we see it thread.

Golden idea, touched with genius!

As far as I would love that label, this time I can not simply steal the idea and treat it as my own. The evidence is too close by to be found ;)

The idea actually originated from @harry's powerful post "I enjoy seing the wide variety of photos. Some of the best are terible photos technicaly but in some little corner have caputured a memory of when I was able to go and see them myself. I enjoy this forum and I love to see the many photos of people documenting their days in Thailand."

Along with combination of other ideas on this thread.



All it's about is not posting all your pics at once. Space it out a bit.

That's all.

Nothing more than that.


RW...Good point to have raised. The only thread so far seems to be the "Wide World" thread and

I reckon it needs expanding in a manner what you have suggested. I raise me right hand in a resounding

YES. Mind you...amount of pix per poster per day needs to be controlled somehow.

An Idea of mine is to do a world photo thread divided up into the Americas (N,C & S), Europe (all

of it to include Russia which is huge), Oceana (Aussie, Kiwi, Pacific Islands etc), Asia (Oriental,

Central & Southeast) and lastly both Polar regions. Perhaps even a sub thread for the folks who

work off shore on the rigs, or are in the merchant marine, yachties etc.

Just a thought...while we're discussing the future of our favourite part of TVF. And I do understand

the logistics of implementing this may be prohibitive to accomplishment. If so...then perhaps a few

new threads opened up in the Photog Forum instead of a complete new "thing"?


(As a brief thought) I think there should maybe a subforum called "Non Thailand Related Photos" I understand the purpose of this forum as a whole is related to Thailand but it would enable us poor people outside of Thailand to contribute photos to the "Photography and the arts" forum.

After all, people who use this subforum like photography of all kinds and compared to any other photographic website its friendly and non elitist, which is a breath of fresh air.

I think if you weigh up all the topics in the general photography section maybe some ideas for sub forums within the photography section could be created, this will enable a broader spectrum of photography topics, easily managed by the relevant subforum heading.

Don't worry about it affecting SEO matters this forum as a whole and its many posts holds strong in terms of SEO ratings.

Just an idea, might be worth it might not, not trying to complicate things.

I honestly think an expansion of Wide World is critical.

Just so long as you're all happy is all I care about.

  • Like 2

(As a brief thought) I think there should maybe a subforum called "Non Thailand Related Photos" I understand the purpose of this forum as a whole is related to Thailand but it would enable us poor people outside of Thailand to contribute photos to the "Photography and the arts" forum.

After all, people who use this subforum like photography of all kinds and compared to any other photographic website its friendly and non elitist, which is a breath of fresh air.

I think if you weigh up all the topics in the general photography section maybe some ideas for sub forums within the photography section could be created, this will enable a broader spectrum of photography topics, easily managed by the relevant subforum heading.

Don't worry about it affecting SEO matters this forum as a whole and its many posts holds strong in terms of SEO ratings.

Just an idea, might be worth it might not, not trying to complicate things.

I honestly think an expansion of Wide World is critical.

Just so long as you're all happy is all I care about.

As a measure of happiness (popular word at this time smile.png ) you could get a count from the admins of page clicks on the general street photo topic and the photographic purists one that they made after they claimed that the photos in the general one were not true Street Photography. I am sure the results will tell you which is preferred.

The last thing I want this place to become is all stuffy, rigid and miserable.


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i come form a film background and have worked professionally an now just enjoy shooting for myself an selling via my site an thru agents.

Back than i would get 5-7 shots out of a roll of 36 that i would like and possible print

out of those i would get 2-3 keepers

Now with digital, i get 25% of that as i tend now to overshoot as why not?? it doesn't cost me anything more but some time in Bridge.

As to limiting, I say NO<

Many here are just learning and enjoy sharing, ( its like submitting to contests where they keep all rights) but they just want see there photos up there

if i come to a poster that the first few photos aren't what i like i pass them by very fast.

Many of the threads here i have never even looked at once as they hold no interest

so my vote

No limit

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But everything to do with thread space,

Then as I asked before, take out the missing photos, with the posters which are not shown, just as posts that says "Photo not..............

Win coffee1.gif


But everything to do with thread space,

Then as I asked before, take out the missing photos, with the posters which are not shown, just as posts that says "Photo not..............

Win coffee1.gif

I've been doing it Kan, last couple of days, but there's a lot of thread to trawl through and I'm trying to run a construction site at the same time.

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He doesn't play with it...he lets others do that..just like good parents do not play with the kids lego or train sets (until they go to sleep)


I have 25 tonne dump trucks!

And diggers!

  • Like 2

He doesn't play with it...he lets others do that..just like good parents do not play with the kids lego or train sets (until they go to sleep)


I have 25 tonne dump trucks!

And diggers!

I want a digger.


He doesn't play with it...he lets others do that..just like good parents do not play with the kids lego or train sets (until they go to sleep)


I have 25 tonne dump trucks!

And diggers!

I want a digger.

He will probably say go dig in your own sandpit.


Oh God! Doesn't anyone take photos any more?? biggrin.png I took some today, but I said I wasn't going to post, so you ain't seeing them one of them! tongue.png

yes I'm having a hard time getting back into this, a pile of nonsense just to please two or three members....blink.pngsad.png

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