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Palestinian boy shot by Israeli troops at Gaza border


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Very sad, but that is what happens when dealing with terrorism. It would not be the first time Hamas strapped a suicide bomb on a child.

The victim is being blamed yet again...heartless.

With a ceasefire and reconstruction in place, is it likely that Hamas would try to break the ceasefire with such a ridiculous stunt using a 10 year old child with a near zero chance of success and 100% chance of negative PR, when they could far more easily tunnel under a military outpost, attack IDF and take hostages...no lack of volunteers I'm sure after the atrocities perpetrated by Israel this year.

It was just trigger happy IDF ...not for the first time.

Correct me if I m wrong , but was it IDF who tried to break the border or the boy ?

So who is to blame the IDF or the boy?

If one had common sense, blame would lie solely on the parents , but that would not suit anti Israel crew and propaganda

Have you not considered that the boy may have been orphaned, like so many Palestinian children, by the recent Israeli aggression? It's Gaza, not US suburbia. Blame the parents indeed!

Blame the parents for the IDF shooting a child. I have heard many deflections of IDF behaviour but that is the most vile.

Have you considered that you are speculating?

Most of the kids in Gaza are not orphans, and extended families often take care of those who are. Same goes for your previous

speculation regarding him being disoriented, traumatized and whatnot. Not a shred of indication or hint about it, but don't let it

stop you from "considering".

He could have been deaf (and hence non-responsive to warning shots), he could have been mentally deficient which would

account for wandering where he was obviously not suppose to and ignoring the soldiers. One does not preclude the other, and

both make for better "consideration" than your emotive (again) verbal imagery. Still, someone was surely supposed to mind him

even in this case.

The blame of the IDF does not make the caretaker's responsibility go away, and vice versa.

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Being shot for approaching the fence. If that happened to a Jewish boy 70 years ago they would be screaming about war-crimes and now be hounding the soldier.

There it is again. The antisemitic and obviously false implication of equivalency between modern Israel and Nazi Germany. Do the math, 70 years ago is 1944.

Calling this statement antisemitic is a joke and totally disqualifies any statement made by you.

Your opinion. It is actually well established that Israel - Nazi equivalency rhetoric is indeed a form of antisemitism. If you don't value my comments may I suggest the ignore feature.

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Is it possible that the murdered boy was Semitic, and that his family (what's probably left of it) is also Semitic? So what do you call a Semite who murders a Semite child? Or can you call him anything without running the risk of being called an antisemitic, unless of course one is of Semitic origins and on the correct side of that barbed wire fence with sniper towers? It seems that most of the killing and antisemitism being done with frequency is coming from one side of the fence... and what I mean by that is simple maths.... as in numbers... as in body count. That does not include fear of all the bodies that could be counted up on your side of the fence if a ten year old boy accidentally got through the fence with that Doomsday Bomb strapped to his little torso. Where is that tinfoil hat? Anyone?


I wondered how long it would take to denigrate the memory of a murdered child into an antisemitic (meaning one side of that fence only) melodrama. It did not take long.

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A military spokeswoman, speaking on the condition of anonymity under army rules, said the troops spotted "a suspicious figure" approaching the fence, called on him to stop, and when he ignored the warnings they fired in the air and then at his lower body.

Going back to the OP, why would anyone believe what an IDF spokesman has to say? I certainly don't. If anything, experience has taught that the opposite of what they say is what actually happened. They're deceitful and self-serving to the core.

What we do know is that that the IDF gunned down an unarmed 10 year old child. I wonder if he'll get a medal.

Can you point out to a case where an IDF soldier got a medal for shooting a child? Thought so.

On the other hand, you may want to check how Palestinians who murdered Israeli kids are perceived by their side.

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Just another day with the usual atrocities of the Israeli jews continuing their genocide.

They probably defend this in saying that it is preventive self defense because as we all know Palestinians are all terrorists and will inevitably attack Israel at one time in their lives.

And they have not?rolleyes.gif

And the others have not?coffee1.gif

My sympathies go out to the murdered child and his loved ones. The murdered child: shot at long range by a trained coward, behind a tall fence with barbs in it, and out in the middle of plain sight in broad daylight, nowhere near any of these cowardly, paranoid narcissists, but you never know, do you. He may have been packing the Doomsday Machine in his underwear. Cowards and sick animals who make this out to be anything other than what it is: murdering an innocent child from long range with zero risk when the bullet slammed into his little body.

A child! An innocent child, who was born into captivity by the very ones who murdered him! This is the focus of the OP.

Sure helps to read before posting rubbish.

He is NOT murdered, he was taken into ISRAELI hospital IN Israel and IS recovering.

My small mistake. It's not rubbish, but if you want to call it that, go ahead. It still does not diminish the cowardly act, nor the cowards who defend shooting a child.

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Just another day with the usual atrocities of the Israeli jews continuing their genocide.

They probably defend this in saying that it is preventive self defense because as we all know Palestinians are all terrorists and will inevitably attack Israel at one time in their lives.

Regretful and unjustified as the shooting is, it does not a genocide make. I know its a fun word to throw around, but do try to stick to the facts.

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Is it possible that the murdered boy was Semitic, and that his family (what's probably left of it) is also Semitic?


Stop it. Respect DEFINITIONS. Words have meanings. They are set unless they change and this one has not changed. You don't get to change them to further your bizarre agenda. Antisemitic refers to hatred of Jews only. You know that. The world knows that.

Also, the boy still lives the last I heard.

Edited by Jingthing
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Just another day with the usual atrocities of the Israeli jews continuing their genocide.

They probably defend this in saying that it is preventive self defense because as we all know Palestinians are all terrorists and will inevitably attack Israel at one time in their lives.

Regretful and unjustified as the shooting is, it does not a genocide make.

I know its a fun word to throw around, but do try to stick to the facts.

Fun it may be for some, but it's also obviously an orchestrated attempt to irrationally demonize Israel and Jews in general. The latter a very old story ...

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It (the video) is indeed, hence why Israel has over 2 million arabs living in Israel with Israeli citizenship, where arab hate speech is against the law.

Now, how many Jews live in Arab countries?whistling.gif

I do not know how many Jews live in Arab countries; but I doubt that it's zero.

What I do know, and has been proven many times, is that a form of apartheid exists in Israel which means that Israeli Arabs have fewer rights than Jewish Israelis.

Near enough zero -


But you were deflecting with the apartheid nonsense, which was "proven", no less....

So these Israeli Arabs are basically not getting their political representation, social security, judges, etc.... Go figure.

There's a certain range between being a less-than-perfect democracy, and an apartheid state. I do wish some posters would evolve their black-white view of the world.

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According to the report the soldier was following policy to shoot but had not intended on shooting that high. So I think it's worth questioning the details of their policies they have for dealing with these incidents. Of course that's an internal IDF matter but be clear Israel has no interest in incidents like this happening for the obvious humanitarian reasons and also it is well understood they will be used for anti-Israel propaganda purposes.

The Palestinian leadership on the other hand is not worried about applauding intentional murderous terrorists of innocent civilians going about their business ... they think the world is mostly on their side now, and they're right.

Yes, the world IS mostly on the Palestinian side now.

Not anyone that counts. wink.png

Quite a blanket statement there. Care to elaborate?

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According to the report the soldier was following policy to shoot but had not intended on shooting that high. So I think it's worth questioning the details of their policies they have for dealing with these incidents. Of course that's an internal IDF matter but be clear Israel has no interest in incidents like this happening for the obvious humanitarian reasons and also it is well understood they will be used for anti-Israel propaganda purposes.

The Palestinian leadership on the other hand is not worried about applauding intentional murderous terrorists of innocent civilians going about their business ... they think the world is mostly on their side now, and they're right.

Yes, the world IS mostly on the Palestinian side now.

Not anyone that counts. wink.png

Quite a blanket statement there. Care to elaborate?

Plenty of the world that "counts" has turned against Israel. Yes Israelis, global Jews, and anyone else who cares about the future of Israel should care about this. There are wars with weapons and wars with PR. The Palestinians are winning the war of PR.

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Is it possible that the murdered boy was Semitic, and that his family (what's probably left of it) is also Semitic?


Stop it. Respect DEFINITIONS. Words have meanings. They are set unless they change and this one has not changed. You don't get to change them to further your bizarre agenda. Antisemitic refers to hatred of Jews only. You know that. The world knows that.

Also, the boy still lives the last I heard.

Ah. That's right. The word needs to be exclusive to Jews because other Semitic peoples aren't being targeted: only the Jews. I had to actually look that up in the dictionary. It's another one of those "special" words. It's a shame that Jews are being targeted, though. I can't imagine why... such friendly people over there. Just don't piss them off or walk too close the the fence they built, as that child learned. Gosh! I bet he never does that again, if he doesn't get hit in front of his house by a rocket fired from an IDF fighter.

So... uh... Jingthing... I apologize. I really don't want to piss you off. Sorry. wai2.gifbiggrin.png

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Is it possible that the murdered boy was Semitic, and that his family (what's probably left of it) is also Semitic?


Stop it. Respect DEFINITIONS. Words have meanings. They are set unless they change and this one has not changed. You don't get to change them to further your bizarre agenda. Antisemitic refers to hatred of Jews only. You know that. The world knows that.

Also, the boy still lives the last I heard.

Ah. That's right. The word needs to be exclusive to Jews because other Semitic peoples aren't being targeted: only the Jews. I had to actually look that up in the dictionary. It's another one of those "special" words. It's a shame that Jews are being targeted, though. I can't imagine why... such friendly people over there. Just don't piss them off or walk too close the the fence they built, as that child learned. Gosh! I bet he never does that again, if he doesn't get hit in front of his house by a rocket fired from an IDF fighter.

So... uh... Jingthing... I apologize. I really don't want to piss you off. Sorry. wai2.gifbiggrin.png

No, you're not. bah.gif

It's not a "special" word.

It's just a word with a meaning or meanings like all other words.

There are other specific words for hatred of Arabs and hated of Muslims if you want a word for that.

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My small mistake. It's not rubbish, but if you want to call it that, go ahead. It still does not diminish the cowardly act, nor the cowards who defend shooting a child.

small mistake? dead or alive is small mistake?blink.png

Speaking about diminished capacityrolleyes.gif

But you are right, real men kidnap kids from their homes and kill kids and then even more real men celebrate it

But the truly real men see no problems with the above

Edited by konying
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This was a mistake, an error in judgement perhaps. I have no problem with a young soldier making a mistake, they happen. I do have a serious problem with anybody trying to justify the mistake. The responsible government acknowledges the mistake and makes a solatium payment to the NOK. Happens all the time. The difference here is a lame attempt to justify which turns a mistake into a sinister act.

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It's hard to not be very skeptical about how justified the IDF was in this case. With images of the laughing IDF soldiers sniping children in the last offensive, and the IDF T-shirts with the pregnant Arab woman in crosshairs with the caption "One shot, two kills", I tend to want to have proof that the soldiers were disciplined and following legitimate orders, rather than take the IDF line.

Aren't you the one who always talks about not judging all Muslims by what you allege are the few insane, bad Muslims? I guess it is just convenient for you to do the opposite when it comes to judging the IDF or the other side.

I'll take your point into consideration. You may have a point. Or it may be that the IDF in general is in fact intent on ethnic cleansing.

Perhaps I'd be less inclined to generalise if there weren't so many Muslim haters (such as yourself) here.

Oh, It's them nasty Muslim haters made you do it. Alrighty then.

You can do better than that.

"Less inclined to...." does not equate to "made me do it".

Funny those people that "liked" your post. Their reading comprehension skills are just as bad.

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Get a grip, so what about this video?

The video just shows how desperate you lot are to demonize Israel. rolleyes.gif

The kids are at a military museum, they want to join the army and fight Arabs. No one is "teaching them" anything. Jews have been fighting Arabs for over 100 years there and the Arabs are the ones who started the violence. The kids want to join the army and defend their country. That means killing Arabs.

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Get a grip, so what about this video? I guess your going to say that it's ok for the Israelis to teach there kids to hate Arabs is it? " I pictured a dead Arab, and that makes me happy"

Imagine this was your 10 year old boy, would you not be wanting to take revenge on these brutes? The IDF provoke and incite the suppressed people of Palestine on a daily basis, they do it on purpose to make them react, then they scream bloody murder to the west when it happens.

They have been playing these games for years, demonising arabs and muslims so that the rest of the world feel the same way about them, causing them to support Israel, and up until now for the most part this tactic has worked well for them.

Thing is ,as i've previously mentioned, the rest of the world is beginning to realise how under handed Israel has been and continues to be, and they are losing support from countries that have previously been sympathetic to "Israels Plight".

People should listen to both sides of the argument before they wade in with there Pro Israeli, muslim demonising posts, look at the facts first please, thats all i ask.

The ignorance displayed by some of the posters on here is truly astounding, heads buried deep in the sand only believing what the western media tells you to believe,

More propaganda and lies released to make the west think this shooting of a 10 year old was justified.

This kid was being used as target practice by the IDF, same as the kids playing on the beach not to long ago. It isnt the first time and wont be the last, i hope the kid makes a speedy recovery.

You are 100% correct, get a grip.

Where in this video you see anyone being taught ?

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No they didn't just wake up and know they wanted to kill Arabs. They saw members of their families fighting in the army, they saw terrorist attacks and they read some history.

They have been fighting Arabs for over 100 years, since the Arabs started attacking them initially - nothing to do with "self-defense" on the Arab's part. That is why these kids want to join the IDF when they grow up and defend their country from those who seek to "push it into the sea."

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Get a grip, so what about this video?

The video just shows how desperate you lot are to demonize Israel. rolleyes.gif

The kids are at a military museum, they want to join the army and fight Arabs. No one is "teaching them" anything. Jews have been fighting Arabs for over 100 years there and the Arabs are the ones who started the violence. The kids want to join the army and defend their country. That means killing Arabs.

Pretty standard reply, well they did'nt just wake up and knew they wanted to kill Arabs, someone must have taught them.

Rather than defiantly denouncing Israels barbaric crimes against humanity, some of the worlds decent people find it far more convenient (with the added bonus of not being branded an anti-Semite) to resort to the cop-out mantra of Israel has a right to defend itself which presumably means that Palestinians have no such right.

Well there are no national channels of a Micky mouse teaching and preaching to kids to kill

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No they didn't just wake up and know they wanted to kill Arabs. They saw members of their families fighting in the army, they saw terrorist attacks and they read some history.

They have been fighting Arabs for over 100 years, since the Arabs started attacking them initially - nothing to do with "self-defense" on the Arab's part. That is why these kids want to join the IDF when they grow up and defend their country from those who seek to "push it into the sea."

Terrorist attacks, according to who?

Palestinian terrorist attacks according to Wikipedia and the great majority directed at civilians starting in an organized manner in about 1920. This conflict did not start in 2014. rolleyes.gif


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No they didn't just wake up and know they wanted to kill Arabs. They saw members of their families fighting in the army, they saw terrorist attacks and they read some history.

They have been fighting Arabs for over 100 years, since the Arabs started attacking them initially - nothing to do with "self-defense" on the Arab's part. That is why these kids want to join the IDF when they grow up and defend their country from those who seek to "push it into the sea."

Terrorist attacks, according to who?

Terrorist attacks according to Wikipedia and the great majority directed at civilians starting in an organized manner in about 1920. This conflict did not start in 2014. rolleyes.gif


Well, you got me there, if it's in Wikipedia then it must be true!


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No they didn't just wake up and know they wanted to kill Arabs. They saw members of their families fighting in the army, they saw terrorist attacks and they read some history.

They have been fighting Arabs for over 100 years, since the Arabs started attacking them initially - nothing to do with "self-defense" on the Arab's part. That is why these kids want to join the IDF when they grow up and defend their country from those who seek to "push it into the sea."

Terrorist attacks, according to who?

Terrorist attacks according to Wikipedia and the great majority directed at civilians starting in an organized manner in about 1920. This conflict did not start in 2014. rolleyes.gif


Well, you got me there

Indeed. Palestinian terrorism is common knowledge, but a list with 1000s of documented attacks is pretty hard to - honestly - ignore.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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