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Two face manslaughter charge for death of Dane's Thai wife in Uthai Thani


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Thailand, hub of murder. I wonder why the policeman didn't want to be named? Scared about repercussions?

Murder does not have a hub as there is no murder network.

Sure their is, the Russian mafia has an extensive network of murder, mafias in other countries too.

Oh, so you meant to say that there are murder hubs operating within Thailand? I am sure that is true but, that doesn't make Thailand a hub and also it is not relevant to this case as this was not an assassination by hit-men, it was a family dispute and sounds more like manslaughter to me anyway, who goes out to murder with a piece of bamboo?

Thailand news sources are focused more in crime and violence than in any other kind of news, probably because most common Thai people like that. Just watching Channel 3 every morning, 80% of the content is Police news, from a serious crime to a motorbike crash, or dog abuse. If Western countries news channels were designed in the same way, will be not enough airtime to report EVERY crime in town. Specially domestic violence, crimes of passion, gangs related crimes, child abuse and kidnapping, rapes, police brutality, etc, etc....

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Must have quite some assault with a stick to cause her death. Sounds like a very rough family. Feel sorry for the innocents.

Rape victims aren't supposed to run their mouth and tell on the man who raped them causing him to 'lose face'. In the rapist's mind, she deserved to be struck in the head and if she died, so much the better as she wouldn't be making him look bad anymore. Never mind the truth or true morality. Evil is still prevalent in the many backwards residents of this country. I wish they would lock him up for life but I won't hold my breath for justice in this case. Women aren't worth much and a Thai woman who marries a farang is lower than a dog in some people's minds.

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Thailand, hub of murder. I wonder why the policeman didn't want to be named? Scared about repercussions?

Not even close to a hub, maybe a spoke



Yes, but I am sure on the Asian chart Thailand will be in the top list with the Philippines.

Not quite. Thailand has 5 murders per 100,000 but Philippines has 8.8 murders rate per 100,000. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate#By_region

Numbers 124 and 126 on the list by region. Philippines do worse on this site: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/VC.IHR.PSRC.P5

Thailand 5/100,000 Philippines 10/100,000

Maybe they don't report murders in the English newspapers so much in Philippines.

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Thailand, hub of murder. I wonder why the policeman didn't want to be named? Scared about repercussions?

Not even close to a hub, maybe a spoke



Yes, but I am sure on the Asian chart Thailand will be in the top list with the Philippines.


Philippinen 8,8 per 100.000 inhabitants, Cambodia 6.5 p. 100.000, Laos 6, Thailand 5 .......

So it's still Top 4 in Asia for Thailand. For me it's ok as I try to stay away at night from any problems and stay at home.

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So it's still Top 4 in Asia for Thailand. For me it's ok as I try to stay away at night from any problems and stay at home.

NO, I only listed Thailand neighbor countries and the Tourism competing Philippines,

but overlooked Myanmar, sorry.

Thailand, is behind on the ASIAN chart, behind

Myanmar 15,2 homicide p. 100.000 inhabitants,

Turkmenistan 12,8 Mongolia 9,7 Russia 9,2 Kyrgyzstan 9,1 Philippines 8,8 Iraq 8 Kazakhstan 7,8 Pakistan 7,7 Palestine 7,4 Cambodia 6,5 Moldavia 6,5 Afghanistan 6,5 Lao 6 Thailand 5


Edited by ALFREDO
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The original report does not say she was hit in the head with the stick.

“While I was telling him to back off and watching the bamboo stick, his father walked behind me. Out of a sudden I heard a loud smack and my wife fell unconscious to the floor. The old man had hit my wife,” Palle says.


She could have been hit in the neck - back, side or front. But to my mind the immediate cause of death is irrelevant. She was assaulted and that assault lead to her eventual death.The father and the son are culpable and must pay (to the maximum extent allowable under law) for their premeditated, felonious assault and homicide. My heart goes out to this Danish fellow. Having your wife murdered right in front of your eyes has got to be a devastating experience. Hope he can slowly pick up the pieces of his life and rebuild emotionally.

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I guess what outrages me about this story is the multiple assaults on the wife. The Thai male first rapes her while the husband is overseas. Next he expects/demands she take it quietly. Then, when she dares to expose him, he shows up armed with a club to give her a beatdown. Typically he brings along another male - in this case his father - who administers the fatal blow. Where do these MFers get their sense of entitlement? I know, I know... it's some kind of clannish, tribal, village-society bullshit. But you know something? People like these 2 swine need to be dragged by the hair, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century. Respecting the local culture is all well and good but we're talking rape and murder here. I say no. I say zero tolerance. Examples need to be made. Many of them. This is as good a place as any to start.

And I say no blaming the victim with such speculations as her possibly having an affair with the perp. Afford the dead woman a modicum of respect and zip it up until some evidence is shown.

In a perfect world...

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Thailand, hub of murder. I wonder why the policeman didn't want to be named? Scared about repercussions?

Not even close to a hub, maybe a spoke



Assuming of course, that Thailand actually reports all the homicides that happen here.....

You nailed it. Bet Thailand "lead" the list of murders covered up

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